The Butte Rouge Housing Estate DOCOMOMO File
The Butte R o uge housing estate DOCOMOMO fil e Ill. 1 . Rue Alber t Thomas with the S ignal Tower ( first phase 1931 – 33 ) . Photo by Barbara Gutglas , May 2014 DoCoMoMo international file __________ ______________________________________________________ 1. IDENTIT Y OF THE BUILDING OR GROUP OF BUILDINGS Common name of the buildings : The Butte Rouge Current name : The Butte Rouge Garden City Street name and number : 287 – 355 avenue de la Division Leclerc (D986) , as well as the following streets: Eugène Varlin , Général Duval, Jean Allemane, Edouard Vaillant, Charles Longuet, Paul Lafargue, Benoît Malon, Eugene Pottier ( all leaders and fighters in the Paris C ommune) , Francis de Pressensé, Marie Bonnevial, Albert Thomas, Pierre Renaudel, Emile Durkheim, François Si miand, Lucien Herr, Robert Hertz, place Leon Blum, avenue des frères Montgolfier , avenue Saint Exupéry , etc. Municipality : Châtenay - Malabry P ost code : 92290 Country : France CURRENT OWNER N ame : Hauts - de - Bièvre Habitat , a cooperative social - housing company founded in 2018 that own s properties in Antony and Châtenay - Malabry. Previously, the Butte Rouge belonged to Hauts - de - Seine Habitat. Ad d ress : 8 avenue Léon Harmel , 92160 Antony T e l e phone : +33 ( 0 ) 805 02 54 28 1 LEGAL PROTECTION, IF ANY Type : Listed as “ Patrimoine du XXe ” (Heritage of the 20th century), which has since become “Notable Architecture” under legislation passed on 7 July 2016 . Date : 2008 ORGANI ZATION RESPONS I BLE FOR PROTECTION N a m e : D irection Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Ile - de - France (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affai r s in the Île - de - France) ; Unité départementale de l’architecture et du patrimoine des Hauts - de - Seine (Departmental Unit of Architecture and Heritage of the H auts - de - Seine , aka UDAP 92 ) A d dress : 45 – 49 r ue Le Peletier , 75009 Paris; Domaine National de Saint Cloud , 92210 Saint Cloud T e l e phone : +33 1 56 06 50 00; +33 1 46 02 03 96 2.
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