
Week 2

Since COVID-19 began, sales are up 44-60% according to Tindale Publishing. Alabaster Publishing experienced sales up to 143%. This is just like after 9/11 when sales went up 57%.

What Does Teach About Pestilence, Plagues and Global Pandemics?

“While not every use of the words pestilence and plagues, in the Bible refers to a terrible infectious disease, there are about 127 examples in the Bible. Throughout the Bible we see repeated examples of using diseases and plagues to accomplish His divine and sovereign purposes. There are also biblical prophesies that warn us that God intends to use terrible, infectious diseases to accomplish His divine and sovereign purposes in the future.” – C. Rosenberg, founder and chairman of the Fund.

Example: God wanted to free the children of after 430 years of slavery. God gave an opportunity to let the children go, but he did not because he did not believe in God ( 5:1-3).

You would think that Pharaoh would have listened to because the Bible teaches that Moses is recorded to have been involved in 42 in Exodus and Numbers. Pharaoh’s disobedience caused him and his army to end up as fish food in the . There are recorded 54 acts of God in the story of Plagues and the Red Sea experience (Exodus 3-14).

God is always the God of the second chance. God cannot stomach sin and disobedience, but He responds always to confession and

1 obedience. Here are four examples of how man’s obedience can change the mind of God:

Example 1. The Story of

Man was so sinful that God was sorry He had made mankind. However, in His mercy He gave the Noah generation 120 years to repent, but only eight people obeyed (Genesis 6-7). Noah found grace, but we are given grace (:3).

Example 2. Moses and the Tablets

When Moses descended from with the Tablets of the Law, he found the people worshipping a . Moses was so angry he smashed the tablets. God was so angry that He wanted to destroy the people and uses the words “wax hot” which means /incensed/ to blaze up. But Moses pleaded for His people, and God changed His mind (Exodus 32:14).

Example 3: The Story of

God called Jonah to go to the sinful city of Nineveh (modern day Mosul and Iraq) which, at the time, was one of the most prosperous cities in the then-known world and the people were known for their terrible wickedness. God wanted Jonah to go and preach to the city, but Jonah refused (Jonah 1:1-3). You all know the story.

After Jonah finally obeyed, and Nineveh repented, including the King, God changed His mind and did not destroy the city (Jonah 3: 1-10).

Example 4: Moses and His Red Sea Experience

2 How Did Moses Handle His Red Sea Experience? Full Story: Exodus 3: 3-14

7 Key Points

1. After the 10 plagues, Moses was free to lead about 1.5 to 2 million people, after 430 years of slavery, to freedom. APPLICATION: Has the COVID-19 virus freed you up in any way?

2. Moses followed God’s preparation for the 7-day journey to the Red Sea by preparing unleavened bread (Exodus 12:15-16). APPLICATION: What new preparations are you going to make after COVID-19 is over?

3. After his freedom, where did Moses lead the people before ? Best research – near the modern-day Suez Canal, and God led them by night and day on their new journey (Exodus 15:17-22). APPLICATION: Are you letting God lead you on a new journey?

4. Before Moses crossed the Red Sea, he faced four new challenges:

1. The Red Sea was in front of him. 2. The Mountains were beside him. 3. Pharaoh’s army of 600 chariots were coming after him. 4. His people were complaining and were afraid (Exodus 14:13- 15).

5. What was Moses’ response to the fear of all his people (Exodus 14:13-15)? Moses’ response:

1. Fear not.

3 2. Stand still and wait. 3. The Lord will fight for you. 4. You should hold your peace.

APPLICATION: Like number 4, how will you react to the next crisis in your life after COVID-19?

6. How big was the problem that Moses faced?

1. It has been calculated that at the point of crossing, the Red Sea was approximately 10-12 miles across.

2. Approximately 300 feet deep.

3. The path would have to be at least 3-5 miles wide.

4. The walls of water were probably iced up (Exodus 15:8). Do you consider your problems to be too big for God? Answer: “Lift up your rod and I will take care of your enemies.” A rod in the means support for life (There are 15 miracles in the Old Testament where God did a when man held up the rod).

APPLICATION: What is your rod today? May I suggest it is 4:12. Be sure to read this verse.

7 Facts About the Word of God

1. It is alive.

2. It is powerful.

4 3. It is sharp.

4. It is piercing.

5. It divides, joins and narrows.

6. It discerns thoughts.

7. It discerns the intent of the heart.

Summary of an Article in the Wall Street Journal

Subject: Could COVID-19 Be the Beginning of the Third Great Awakening

“Sometimes the most important ingredient for spiritual renewal is a cataclysmic event like WWII 75 years ago.”

Historical Context

The first Great Awakening (that was not in the article) took place in 1730-1740 AD. It started with John Edwards’ famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and John Wesley and George Whitfield, plus the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The second Great Awakening (1790-1820 AD) included a great move of God particularly with the Methodists that came to an end when new denominations began to appear. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are anywhere from 20-30,000 denominations.

5 Back to the Wall Street Journal article: Herbert Butterfield of Cambridge University, in choosing to make sense of WWII, decided to turn to the Bible for answers. He discovered that people turn to faith in a crisis with 75% of the population turning to faith. In 1954, the words “Under God” were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the United States.

The COVID-19 virus has wrecked the global economy in a way that feels apocalyptic. Life has been deceptively easy until now. We float through a world of A/C, 9-11 calls, and pocket-sized computers. Conrad said, “we took control of our fate and God became irrelevant.”

Who Will Save Us Now That the Monster COVID-19 Has Broken Free?

The pandemic has humbled the country and opened up millions of eyes to this risky universe once more.

For societies founded on biblical traditions, pandemics need not make for the end. This is a call for repentance and revival. Great struggles can produce great clarity.

In the Old Testament, it would seem that men of spiritual resources may not only redeem catastrophe but turn the moment into a great creative opportunity.

Not in the Wall Street Journal, but here are 6 Examples:

1. Moses 2. Noah 3. 4.

6 5. 6. Paul who wrote about 50% of the

Challenge from the Wall Street Journal

Will man, shaken by the reality of a risky universe, rediscover the GOD of the Universe who proclaimed Himself to be sovereign over every catastrophe?

God is saying to us today. “My Child, you are worrying too much. Remember who I am. There is nothing too hard for me. You may not see it, but I have everything planned out for you. Trust me, Amen.”

Nothing is impossible when God is on your side. Just ask Moses.