R 0 E L 0 F S / R 0 E L 0 F S Z E N
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J A N S E N / J ~ N S Z E N / J .\ N S E R 0 E L 0 F S / R 0 E L 0 F S Z E N I ( ROELOF JANSEN (Anneke Jans) 2 SARA ROELOFS (HANS KIERSIBD) JANSEN/JANSZENa Order of birth of children indefinite; there may have been other s . (I) Cornelius b 1593, probably Ma r s trand/Maes t erland which was then in Norway a nd later ceded to Sweden ; m Elbertje Va n Alen/Van Loon soon aft er their arrival in American in the s pring of 163 1. Th ey went to Kingston, NY, Mayl631; fi nally settled in what became Ma rble town, Ulster Co ., NY; had 5 sons ; 3 daughters ; t hree sons we re kill ed i n the India n uprisings be tween 1659 and 1663; (2) ROE LOF b c 1595 ; (3) Tyman b c 1597 ; m Maritje (will proved 22 July l678) d/o J ohan and Tryntje (Roelofs) J onas/Jans and sis ter of Ann eke Jans; s he m/2 Dirck Co r neliszen ( d c 1648); m/3 Gove rt Looker mans (d 1671). Tyma n received a good education; became cl e rk in a provision ma rket ; later went i nto his own business ; was listed on the log of the ''Prin cess" which sunk off the coast of Wales 14 Se p l647 with no surv ivors. 1 ROELOF J ANSEN b c 1595, Marstrand/Maesterl and, a village on an island of t he same nam e which is now in Got e burg Och Bohus (Gothe nburg), Sweden, an hist oric section of Norway which was ceded to Sweden in 1658 ; d 1636/7 when he " got wet in a cold rain , cat ching a cold from which he quic kly died" at Ha r lem, NY ; m intentions 1Aprl623, Amsterdam, Holland , t o ANNEKE (b c 1605, Flekkoroy, Norway; d 19Marl663; buried Middl e Du tch Church Ya rd, Beaver St ., New York City) d /o Tryntje J ANS/JONAS of Maeste rla nd, a midwife in New Amster dam; she m/2 Mar1638 Oominie Everardus Bogardus by wh om she had four child ( r en . At the time of the marriage of Roelof and Anneke , they lived at the St. Tunis Gate i n Amste rdam, Holland, where he was a seaman. He sailed from the Texel on 2 1Ma rl630 in "de Eendracht"; arrived in America 24May 1630 with his wife a nd three daughters . He assumed the name of Roelof Jansen Van Maester landt. Th ey lived for a short time in New Amsterdam ; then went to what is now the city of Re nssalear , NY , wh e re he wo rked on the deLae ts far m on the east bank of the Hudson River, near Mill Creek (Norman ' s Kill) for $72 a year . He also carried on trade with the Indians. There is a stream in what is now Columbia Co ., NY, call ed Roelof J a nsen' s Kill . On 1July1632 he was a ppointed schepens and go t a "black hat with s i lver bands " to wear t o denote the office . In April 1634 he was r e placed as farme r und e r uncer tain cir cum s t ances. Some sources say he "deserted"; othe r s that he had served most , if not a ll, of his r egular pe r iod of empl oyment . Reco rds show that Van Renssel aer compl ained about Roelof' s ma nageme nt of th e farm. On 20July l632 he com plained hat Jansen had " grossly run up accounts i n drawing provisions" and said that he thought J ansen' s wife, he r mothe r, a nd her sister "must have g ive n things away." I n any event, it seems that Roelof was not a successful farme r and was in debt to the Patroon Van Re nsselaer wh en r e placed . The de bts were later cancelled . Ro elof , his fam i ly, and his mo ther-in-law moved to New Amsterdam about 1634 whe r e he was an em ployee of the West India Co . In 1636 he received 62 acres of land lying a l ong the East River which formed a sort of pe nins ula be t ween the rive r and the swamps which the n cove red what is now Canal St . and West Broadw ay in New York City . He erected a farm house on his land a nd died soon after . With her second marriage , Ann eke became the firs t Norw egian "predikantsvrouw" ( pas t or ' s wife) in New York. She is des c ribed by J an Evj e n as a " sma ll we ll-formed woman with del i cate feat ures , tra ns parent com plexion , a nd b r ight , beautiful dark eyes .'' He a lso says thaL s he had a "wel 1 balanced mind , sunny disposi tion, winning 111.::innc r s , a nd a vu~.. , ., ,., .., Mrs. Fred A. Tuthill a 11!.Z 1 Elmira, NY 14905 -""' JANSEN/JANSAEN/ D~nated by ~· tt:t°t3 JANSE Fam.1 ly · Col. H Doud ' --m>-u~...._ · ·Al easier and more affluent 1 ife in her second marriage, but her second husband, Bogardus, was "a fearless outspoken person" and their years together were filled with controversy and lawsuits. He was re turning to Holland to answer charges against him when his vessel, "The Princess," entered the Bristol Channel by mistake, struck a rock, and sunk with 60 persons aboard. After his death, Anneke was burdened with debts and had several small children. They lived withher daughter Fytje and her husband Pieter Hartgers for a time. On 23Aprl652 Pieter Hartgers agreed to pay ground rent of four beav ers for a lot in Albany, the patent for which was given to Anneke Bogardus. She built a house and remained there the rest of her life. In 1654 she obtained from ,r Gov. Stuyvesant a patent in her own name on the land on Manhattan Island that she _J had inherited from her first husband. Years after her death she became famous when her descendants initiated litigation claiming ownership of real estate on z Manhattan Island that had belonged to her. They claimed that Trinity Church had 0 illegally acquired title and that the property belonged to her descendants. The LtJ land in question was rated in 1972 at a value of some three million dollars. The u courts ruled that Trinity Church had legal title. Roelof Jansen's daughters took z the surname Roelofs; his sons, Roelofszen; none were called Jansen. w Issue: I Lyntje bp 21Julyl624, Lutheran Church, Amsterdam, Holland; d bef Mayl630. 0:: 2 SARA bp 4Aprl627, Lutheran Church, Amsterdam, Holland; d c 1693; m in w tentions 29Junl642, Dutch Reformed Church, New Amsterdam, to Dr. HANS L1.. KIERSTED, a surgeon (b c 1612, Magdeburg, Germany; d 1666); m/2 ISep w 1669, New York City, Cornelis Van Borsum, owner of the Long Island Ferry; a:: m/3 18Jul61683 Elbert Elbertsen Stouthoof as his 2nd wife 1../) 3 Tryntje/Kathrina bp 1629, Lutheran Church, Amsterdam, Holland; m inten 0 tions 24FEbl647, New Amsterdam, Willen de Kay; no children; m/2 after u 16Sepl652 Lucas Rodenburgh (d 1657), vice director for the West India u Co. at Curacao from 1644 to 1655; 2 daughters; m/3 24Aprl658, New Amster C) dam, Johannes Pieterszen Verbrugge/Van Burgh/VerBrugge (b 1623; d 1697, New York City), a magistrate, merchant; member of the first board of al ( dermen in NY City; Capt. in NY militia; burgomaster of NY City; 2 sons; 5 daughters. A wedding present for the third marriage from Curacoa in- cluded "I Keg salt, 1 Keg preserved lemons, I Keg lemon joice, a parrot, and 12 paroquets." 4 Sytje/Fytje b c 1631, probably on the deLaets farm in what is now the city of Rensselaer, NY; d before her mother, probably 1659; m Pieter Hartgers who came to New Amsterdam in 1643 in the service of the West India Co.; settled in Fort Orange; engaged in trade with Indians; assis- ted de Hooges in the management of the colony of Rensselaerswyck; in ~ 0 1646 had a brewery; magistrate 1658 in Albany; acquired a reputation of ;2· ' being a expert on the value of Indian money (shells); appointed a com- Li"?:1?':: missioner in 1659 to estimate Indian Wampum. In 1664 his property was 0 L~."'i confiscated perhaps because of his refusal to take the oath of allegi- ~ ~-;~'"1 ance to the English government. Had 2 children. ::;JES 5 J~n b c 1633/4, de Laets farm, Rensselaerswyck; unmar~ied.at time of 25c/~ his father'~ death; some ~ources say he later m AnnatJe P1ete:s and that · =~J both were kl lled in 16~0 in Schenectady by ~he French ~nd Ind1a~s; had ~ .::r no children. He is said to be the one who in 1665 acc1dently killed ... ~.. c.:i Gerritt Verbeeck in Albany, for which he was exonerated by the Gov. On :;:"'3 (,~J 25Novl654 he took the oath as surveyor of Beverqyck (Albany). He was interested hunting and trapping and was said to have had a very inde pendent nature. 4 Annatje/Ann b c 1636, New Amsterdam; died young Evjen. SCANDINAVIAN IMMIGRANTS IN NEW YORK. p. 91-101, 336 NEW YORK rnNE.\I..O:;IC..\L AND Blcx;R.\PHIC..\L REC.QRD.