A Bibliography of Materials Related to Daoism/Taoism in Japan Compiled by Jeffrey L. Richey
[email protected] Last updated 18 August 2015 Akutagawa, Ryunosuke. Futari Komachi. Trans. T. E. Swann. Monumenta Nipponica 23/3-4 (1968): 485-495. Allan, Sarah. “On the Identity of Shang Di 上帝 and the Origin of the Concept of a Celestial Mandate (Tian ming 天命).” Early China 31 (2007): 1-46. ___. “The Great One, Water, and the Laozi: New Light from Guodian.” T'oung Pao (2nd series) 89/4-5 (2003): 237- 285. Azuma, Hiroki. “The Era of Disasters and the Words of Critical Thought.” Trans. John Person. Genron: Portal on Critical Discourse in Japan. Last modified April 18, 2012. http://global.genron.co.jp/2012/04/15/osaka-symposium- the-era-of-disasters-and-the-words-of-critical-thought/. Barrett, Timothy H. “Shinto and Taoism in Early Japan.” In Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami, eds. John Breen and Mark Teeuwen (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2000), 13-31. ___. “The Emergence of the Taoist Papacy in the T’ang Dynasty.” Asia Major 3rd series 7/1 (1994): 89-106. ___. Taoism under the T'ang: religion & empire during the golden age of Chinese history. London: Wellsweep, 1996. ___. “The Taoist Canon in Japan: Some Implications of the Research of Ho Peng Yoke.” Taoist Resources 5/2 (1994): 71-77. Bender, Ross. “Changing the Calendar: Royal Political Theology and the Suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro Conspiracy of 757.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 37/2 (2010): 223-245. Benn, Charles D.