J A N S E N / J ~ N S Z E N / J .\ N S E R 0 E L 0 F S / R 0 E L 0 F S Z E N I ( ROELOF JANSEN (Anneke Jans) 2 SARA ROELOFS (HANS KIERSIBD) JANSEN/JANSZENa Order of birth of children indefinite; there may have been other s . (I) Cornelius b 1593, probably Ma r s trand/Maes t erland which was then in Norway a nd later ceded to Sweden ; m Elbertje Va n Alen/Van Loon soon aft er their arrival in American in the s pring of 163 1. Th ey went to Kingston, NY, Mayl631; fi nally settled in what became Ma rble town, Ulster Co ., NY; had 5 sons ; 3 daughters ; t hree sons we re kill ed i n the India n uprisings be tween 1659 and 1663; (2) ROE LOF b c 1595 ; (3) Tyman b c 1597 ; m Maritje (will proved 22 July l678) d/o J ohan and Tryntje (Roelofs) J onas/Jans and sis­ ter of Ann eke Jans; s he m/2 Dirck Co r neliszen ( d c 1648); m/3 Gove rt Looker­ mans (d 1671). Tyma n received a good education; became cl e rk in a provision ma rket ; later went i nto his own business ; was listed on the log of the ''Prin­ cess" which sunk off the coast of Wales 14 Se p l647 with no surv ivors. 1 ROELOF J ANSEN b c 1595, Marstrand/Maesterl and, a village on an island of t he same nam e which is now in Got e burg Och Bohus (Gothe nburg), Sweden, an hist­ oric section of Norway which was ceded to Sweden in 1658 ; d 1636/7 when he " got wet in a cold rain , cat ching a cold from which he quic kly died" at Ha r ­ lem, NY ; m intentions 1Aprl623, Amsterdam, Holland , t o ANNEKE (b c 1605, Flekkoroy, Norway; d 19Marl663; buried Middl e Du tch Church Ya rd, Beaver St ., New York City) d /o Tryntje J ANS/JONAS of Maeste rla nd, a midwife in New Amster­ dam; she m/2 Mar1638 Oominie Everardus Bogardus by wh om she had four child­ ( r en . At the time of the marriage of Roelof and Anneke , they lived at the St. Tunis Gate i n Amste rdam, Holland, where he was a seaman. He sailed from the Texel on 2 1Ma rl630 in "de Eendracht"; arrived in America 24May 1630 with his wife a nd three daughters . He assumed the name of Roelof Jansen Van Maester­ landt. Th ey lived for a short time in New Amsterdam ; then went to what is now the city of Re nssalear , NY , wh e re he wo rked on the deLae ts far m on the east bank of the Hudson River, near Mill Creek (Norman ' s Kill) for $72 a year . He also carried on trade with the Indians. There is a stream in what is now Columbia Co ., NY, call ed Roelof J a nsen' s Kill . On 1July1632 he was a ppointed schepens and go t a "black hat with s i lver bands " to wear t o denote the office . In April 1634 he was r e placed as farme r und e r uncer tain cir cum­ s t ances. Some sources say he "deserted"; othe r s that he had served most , if not a ll, of his r egular pe r iod of empl oyment . Reco rds show that Van Renssel­ aer compl ained about Roelof' s ma nageme nt of th e farm. On 20July l632 he com­ plained hat Jansen had " grossly run up accounts i n drawing provisions" and said that he thought J ansen' s wife, he r mothe r, a nd her sister "must have g ive n things away." I n any event, it seems that Roelof was not a successful farme r and was in debt to the Patroon Van Re nsselaer wh en r e placed . The de bts were later cancelled . Ro elof , his fam i ly, and his mo ther-in-law moved to New Amsterdam about 1634 whe r e he was an em ployee of the West India Co . In 1636 he received 62 acres of land lying a l ong the East River which formed a sort of pe nins ula be t ween the rive r and the swamps which the n cove red what is now Canal St . and West Broadw ay in New York City . He erected a farm house on his land a nd died soon after . With her second marriage , Ann eke became the firs t Norw egian "predikantsvrouw" ( pas t or ' s wife) in New York. She is des­ c ribed by J an Evj e n as a " sma ll we ll-formed woman with del i cate feat ures , tra ns parent com plexion , a nd b r ight , beautiful dark eyes .'' He a lso says thaL s he had a "wel 1 balanced mind , sunny disposi tion, winning 111.::innc r s , a nd a vu~.. , ., ,., .., Mrs. Fred A. Tuthill a 11!.Z 1 Elmira, NY 14905 -""' JANSEN/JANSAEN/ D~nated by ~· tt:t°t3 JANSE Fam.1 ly · Col. H Doud ' --m>-u~...._ · ·Al easier and more affluent 1 ife in her second marriage, but her second husband, Bogardus, was "a fearless outspoken person" and their years together were filled with controversy and lawsuits. He was re­ turning to Holland to answer charges against him when his vessel, "The Princess," entered the Bristol Channel by mistake, struck a rock, and sunk with 60 persons aboard. After his death, Anneke was burdened with debts and had several small children. They lived withher daughter Fytje and her husband Pieter Hartgers for a time. On 23Aprl652 Pieter Hartgers agreed to pay ground rent of four beav­ ers for a lot in Albany, the patent for which was given to Anneke Bogardus. She built a house and remained there the rest of her life. In 1654 she obtained from ,r Gov. Stuyvesant a patent in her own name on the land on Manhattan Island that she _J had inherited from her first husband. Years after her death she became famous when her descendants initiated litigation claiming ownership of real estate on z Manhattan Island that had belonged to her. They claimed that Trinity Church had 0 illegally acquired title and that the property belonged to her descendants. The LtJ land in question was rated in 1972 at a value of some three million dollars. The u courts ruled that Trinity Church had legal title. Roelof Jansen's daughters took z the surname Roelofs; his sons, Roelofszen; none were called Jansen. w Issue: I Lyntje bp 21Julyl624, Lutheran Church, Amsterdam, Holland; d bef Mayl630. 0:: 2 SARA bp 4Aprl627, Lutheran Church, Amsterdam, Holland; d c 1693; m in­ w tentions 29Junl642, Dutch Reformed Church, New Amsterdam, to Dr. HANS L1.. KIERSTED, a surgeon (b c 1612, Magdeburg, Germany; d 1666); m/2 ISep w 1669, New York City, Cornelis Van Borsum, owner of the Long Island Ferry; a:: m/3 18Jul61683 Elbert Elbertsen Stouthoof as his 2nd wife 1../) 3 Tryntje/Kathrina bp 1629, Lutheran Church, Amsterdam, Holland; m inten­ 0 tions 24FEbl647, New Amsterdam, Willen de Kay; no children; m/2 after u 16Sepl652 Lucas Rodenburgh (d 1657), vice director for the West India u Co. at Curacao from 1644 to 1655; 2 daughters; m/3 24Aprl658, New Amster­ C) dam, Johannes Pieterszen Verbrugge/Van Burgh/VerBrugge (b 1623; d 1697, New York City), a magistrate, merchant; member of the first board of al­ ( dermen in NY City; Capt. in NY militia; burgomaster of NY City; 2 sons; 5 daughters. A wedding present for the third marriage from Curacoa in- cluded "I Keg salt, 1 Keg preserved lemons, I Keg lemon joice, a parrot, and 12 paroquets." 4 Sytje/Fytje b c 1631, probably on the deLaets farm in what is now the city of Rensselaer, NY; d before her mother, probably 1659; m Pieter Hartgers who came to New Amsterdam in 1643 in the service of the West India Co.; settled in Fort Orange; engaged in trade with Indians; assis- ted de Hooges in the management of the colony of Rensselaerswyck; in ~ 0 1646 had a brewery; magistrate 1658 in Albany; acquired a reputation of ;2· ' being a expert on the value of Indian money (shells); appointed a com- Li"?:1?':: missioner in 1659 to estimate Indian Wampum. In 1664 his property was 0 L~."'i confiscated perhaps because of his refusal to take the oath of allegi- ~ ~-;~'"1 ance to the English government. Had 2 children. ::;JES 5 J~n b c 1633/4, de Laets farm, Rensselaerswyck; unmar~ied.at time of 25c/~ his father'~ death; some ~ources say he later m AnnatJe P1ete:s and that · =~J both were kl lled in 16~0 in Schenectady by ~he French ~nd Ind1a~s; had ~ .::r no children. He is said to be the one who in 1665 acc1dently killed ... ~.. c.:i Gerritt Verbeeck in Albany, for which he was exonerated by the Gov. On :;:"'3 (,~J 25Novl654 he took the oath as surveyor of Beverqyck (Albany). He was interested hunting and trapping and was said to have had a very inde­ pendent nature. 4 Annatje/Ann b c 1636, New Amsterdam; died young Evjen. SCANDINAVIAN IMMIGRANTS IN NEW YORK. p. 91-101, 336 NEW YORK rnNE.\I..O:;IC..\L AND Blcx;R.\PHIC..\L REC.QRD.
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