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[email protected] Eilidh to www.sign-print.co.uk @signprintsty Church House, James St. Stornoway !7ryyShq premier &"%#% Gaelic song $ ! " # $ at HebCelt %&'& $ ())' 2 " See Section Four Page D9 "' "' ' +4 BANGLA SPICE Eilidh Mackenzie &'("' )* , ! - $' '+ $" !"# ./)#! ,-.0$1 0)12)30+454 6 7 8 8 8hyy # # # # # # # ! \ !" GhCyvr " $"$ % #$!% '$ & '%$ S G !"#$"%& %'$ #$% % &\ ' Zany's Ury) '$ &$( (Ah) '$ &#&#" !)*+ Summer Zone ! Section Four EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 2 www.hebevents.com 05/07/18 - 01/08/18 Providing a lifeline of Mile of Pennies challenge for befrienders welfare and support to efriending Lewis, a local organisation Befriending Lewis currently support about Bworking to tackle loneliness and sixty one-to-one befriending relationships and fishermen and their social isolation in our community, will be have another dozen matches currently being attempting to build a MILE OF PENNIES this established. Over 100 people are supported families month! through the group befriending programme which offers monthly activities such as Fish’n The group invites you to come along to Chips lunches, activity/games/craft sessions, Tesco in Stornoway on Saturday 14th July to minibus trips around the island, music and help them achieve this.