The Kingdom of Iha was an Islamic kingdom located in Saparua island, Maluku. Around the Dutch colonial period, there are exist two well-known kingdoms in.

They live around Makassar, the capital city of the province of South Sulawesi, as well as the Konjo highlands, the coastal areas, and the Selayar and Spermonde islands. North Maluku is a province of Indonesia. It had outriggers of bamboo about five feet off each side, which supported a bamboo platform extending the whole length of the vessel. By built a dam on Brantas river, he provides irrigation to surrounding paddy fields and maintaining hydraulic system in the area. According to Pararaton, Haru kingdom was mentioned among polities that intended to unite under suzerainty in his oath. Airlangga was bethroted to his cousin, one of Dharmawangsa's daughter, thus arranged marriage was in place. The regional economy mostly comes from the people's economy which relies on the agricultural sector, fisheries and other types of marine products. According to the epic poem The , in praise of King Rajasanagara of Majapahit , it lists Makassar as one of the kingdom's tributaries in ; the first queen of Gowa was Tomanurung Baine. More it refers to Kota Gede area, the capital of the Sultanate in the outskirt of southern Yogyakarta. Francisco Colin, S. The place is most a religious-complex for warrior-monks of and had a key role, being located mid-way in the Strait of Malacca in policing the trade within the area and repelling invading forces as well as providing spiritual guidance to any pilgrim from China , India or within the archipelago. The war broke in between the VOC and the sultanate of Gowa; the war continued until , after the VOC had strengthened its troops on a desperate and weakening Gowa. Artifacts found include Chinese ceramics, tin bullets and Aceh coins. Airlangga was born and grew up in , he spend his youth in Watugaluh Palace, under the patronage of his uncle, king Dharmawangsa. Details in Javanese sources about the early years of the kingdom are limited, the line is unclear between the historical record and myths since there are indications of the efforts of rulers Agung, to establish a long line of legitimate descent by inventing predecessors. The north coast of Java the port of Hujung Galuh and Kambang Putih, for the first time became important centres of trade. Airlangga was known for his religious tolerance, was a patron of both the Hindu and Buddhist religions. The total population of this province in in the census results amounted to 1,, people. The Battle of Passempe saw Bone defeated and governed by a regent , the head of an Islamic religious council. A week after June Speelman's armada set sail toward Sulawesi and Makassar from Butung ; when the fleet reached the Sulawesi coast, Speelman received news of the abortive Bugis uprising in Bone in May and of the disappearance of Arung Palakka during the crossing from the island of Kambaena. The shape of the boat itself is similar to a Chinese Dragon Boat. Senapati assumed royal status by wearing the title "Panembahan", he revealed the expansive nature of his reign and began the fateful campaign to the East along the course of Solo River that would bring endless conflicts. Since the area around Fort Rotterdam grew into a city known as Makassar. Thus Singhasari could be translated as "essence of lion" or "sleeping lion". Airlangga himself abdicated the throne in Mataram Sultanate The Sultanate of Mataram was the last major independent Javanese kingdom on Java before the island was colonised by the Dutch. Battles broke out again in various places. The decline of due to the Chola invasion gave Airlangga opportunity to consolidate his kingdom without foreign interference, he extended his kingdom to Central Java and Bali. The new kingdom was called the Kingdom of Kahuripan, stretched from Pasuruan in the east to Madiun in the west. It is approximately ten metres long and very narrow, quite open, very low, and weighs about four tons. According to tradition the calamity, dubbed as Pralaya of Medang, took place during Airlangga's wedding ceremony in Dharmawangsa palace.