Issue 337 19th August 62 AH

In this Contact:

Words of our Beloved Prophet

The Beauty of Prayer An Extraordinary Love About Pedophilia The European Seminar

News from the Planet

Bague Onnonhio was sent by the Elohim Kama: Seminars & Celebration America: Vancouver & Philadelphia Middle East: Turkish Whirlwind & Love Note from Israel

August 6th sees 127 new Raelians baptized:

Kama 42 Asia 38

North America 16 South America 14

Oceania 4 Middle East 1

South Korea had the highest number of transmissions this time with 17 people being baptized.

Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

Words of our Beloved Prophet The Beauty of Prayer

On August 5th, while the participants of the European seminar were gathered for their telepathic contact at 11:00 am, our Beloved Prophet joined them and shared his wisdom with them; it was a very intense moment with the Guide of the Guides. Here is what he said, reported as close as possible to the original speech. Enjoy ☺

Our philosophy has three treasures:

The Truth Without it, life wouldn’t be life.

Meditation To train, to practice, to develop, to grow - without it our consciousness wouldn’t be able to develop and happiness wouldn’t grow either.

The third one is Prayer.

When we meditate, we feel connected to the cells of our body, to the Elohim, to the Universe. We can feel huge, especially if we have read the “Book that Tells the Truth” ☺ But while praying, we feel real small compared to our Creators and we speak directly to them.

Yesterday, our African friend was saying on stage “I surrender to you Rael”, in other words, I abandon myself. Of course, not like one would surrender to a military officer who abuses you. I reminded you this week that our brain is an illusion factory. Our reason, as well as our emotions and hormones, can deceive our consciousness. The only way to not be under an illusion, is to surrender to the Elohim and ask: “What do they teach us?” and then tell them: “I abandon myself, I surrender to you. What is your wisdom?” You then take our scriptures, our holy scriptures, and you look at what they tell us to do. These are the premises of a prayer.

At every moment, not only on Sunday at 11:00am, you can abandon yourself, surrender to the Elohim, tell them and repeat them that you accept to be guided by them, by their light, that you surrender to their wisdom. They gave us the possibility to be equal to them. We are not there yet and as long as we’re not there, it is good to say: “I am not capable, I am just a little human being” and in this extraordinary act of humility, to admit: “I am not able to reach your level of consciousness”. It is as if you wanted to run 100m in 9s while you do it in 15s usually. If you are with someone Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH who runs it in 9s, you will of course tell him that you cannot run in 9s. It is the same with the Elohim, I don’t know how to use my consciousness as well as they do. Therefore I abandon myself and I pray. This is what prayer is about.

Thank you Elohim to put your consciousness, your wisdom and your love at our service to guide us, small human beings who are only dust and who mistakenly think that they can do without guides, that they don’t need light, that they don’t need the Messages and who make the mistake to decide by themselves without spiritual guidance.

Even when we will be equal to them, even when we will be, (why not?), superior to them, we should still pray to the Elohim as they are the ones who created us and brought us to this superiority. So we will pray to them eternally, even if one day we are equal to them. Even if one day I am eternal and I have access to their science while being close to them, I will keep on surrendering, abandoning myself and thanking them, even if I find myself intelligent, as they are the ones who created me, not only physically but they also created my brain, my consciousness. For this reason I can only be eternally grateful. Even if I become equal to them, I will be so, thanks to them. They would have brought me to their level and I can only thank them and keep on praying to them. Thank you Elohim for letting me become who I am and for helping me keep my balance.

I’d like to do something with you all.

At the beginning of this seminar, one of you, an ex-Buddhist, made the salute to the Maitreya in front of me. It was beautiful, a respectful gesture. The Buddhist tradition says two salutes in front of Guides, three in front of the Maitreya. These are signs of humility.

What is humility? It is to say: “Elohim, I am only dust. Without you I would still be the dust covering the soil here, I would be only that.” We have to remember that we are only that. Without the messages and the opportunity to develop our consciousness, when we die, we would go back to dust and our life would have been wasted. We should always remember when we loose our humility: “you made me out of dust in your image; thank you Elohim.”

How to recall that humility? By turning back to the ground and this is what we are going to do together.

Thank you Elohim for creating me in your image, in your likeness and thus capable of consciousness and humility. I kneel in front of you because you told me: “Son of man, stand up”. I kneel in front of you to better stand up straight after. It isn’t an act of submission to an almighty god, it is an act of respect and humility towards those who tell us that we are equal to them. I will also touch the ground with my forehead to remind myself, to feel that I am only dust and that 5’, 6’, 7’ only separate my consciousness from the dust where it comes from.

Then I will come back up with my hands joined to thank them again. This prayer to the Elohim is really deep for your happiness.

“Thank you Elohim for creating me in your image”

And I stand back up slowly, reminding myself of this sentence: ‘Son of man, stand up straight.’ This sentence cannot generate pride in us if we touch the dust with our forehead before, being fully impregnated with dust -some religious people in India put ash on their forehead for that reason - to show that we are nothing if we don’t use our consciousness. The ash or the dust on my forehead, I keep it, I don’t wipe it off, to fully remind myself that I am only that if I don’t use my consciousness and that I will go back there soon. Tick, tock, tick, tock, the countdown is on: 5, 4… we don’t know when zero will be. Zero will be the time to go back to dust. I put my forehead on the ground and then I stand up: ‘Yes, son of man, stand up!’

Thank you Elohim for making me equal to you, and therefore, capable of humility. The most beautiful part of the message of the Elohim: ‘Son of man, stand up straight’ means: “You are equal to us. Look at the universe - it is yours, just like the animals are”, while still reminding us that we are only dust. Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

Do not forget this part. I know that Raelians from Judeo-Christian origins have had problems with stupid prayers imposed on them by stupid Priests without consciousness, a submission to an almighty god. We have to go back to the essence of prayer which is simply a declaration of love.

“I love you as you must have loved human beings…”

This is what prayer is about. You can do it at any time. Maybe not now as it is more suitable to do it in your home. But you can, several times a day, in your office, at a red light, join your hands and pray to the Elohim, with respect and also because it makes you grow.

It is the ground wire of our consciousness.

In a power line, there is the negative and the positive. The negative is the Truth. Very important - think about the Ying and the Yang. If you don’t have the Ying, you won’t have the Yang. If you don’t have negative, you won’t have positive either, so we shouldn’t look down at the negative. It is very useful, otherwise we wouldn’t have our free will. Without the bad, the good would have no value.

The Truth alone turns people into idiots. ‘I know - I have the truth, the others are imbeciles; I am superior to everybody’. The Truth is extraordinary for consciousness if it is completed by the second wire of the power line which is the meditation. Meditation harmonizes and relaxes our brain.

Finally there is the ground wire which is the prayer. It is very important because it prevents the truth from making us proud and prevents our consciousness, developed through meditation, to make us full of pride as well. We can have a fabulous truth, a consciousness developed towards the infinite thanks to meditation, but if we lose our humility, we are just a buffoon in the eyes of the universe.

Therefore, we need all three.

It is the Messages: Truth, Meditation and Prayer.

Pray to the Elohim, not only because it is necessary, but also because it does good for you. In all the accidents of our lives, we have chosen to be happy; we have decided to be extraordinary. But there are still moments that are more difficult than others in our lives, people whom we love who die, problems; In these moments, meditation can help, to read our scriptures can help, but what can help the most is prayer, to thank the Elohim for giving these ‘accidents’ that make us grow, as it is in the accident that we grow. Children learn to walk by falling.

Whatever hits us makes us grow, if we have the humility to recognize it. The imbecile-individual who carries only truth and harmony, will feel diminished if he loses. The human-being who has all three, thanks those who made him/her grow. The one who loses while playing chess and has this consciousness, isn’t angry to loose. He has no anger and thanks sincerely the other player for showing him things he didn’t know.

It’s only this humility that allows you to live moments like these.

Thank you Elohim one more time for giving us this ground wire of humility that is indispensable to be what we are, that is - extraordinary.”

Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

An extraordinary love

On August 6th, right after the transmission ceremony, our Beloved Prophet made a unique love speech….

Thank you Elohim to have recognized us, thank you Elohim to give us our love, thank you Elohim to allow us to have the honor to serve you and to know each other, to be this extraordinary team of individuals who have decided to be extraordinary and to be lights on this small planet. Thank you Elohim, thank you, thank you, thank you. We, small grains of dust animated by your spirit, your science and your genius to be as conscious as you, we - future Elohim who will create life elsewhere one day, we have taken the baton you gave us and we will pass it on one day. Thank you Elohim for your trust, thanks for loving us and trying to save us. Thank you.

I imagine that you are all waiting for the new numbers… I was expecting them to be rather bad. Last year we had 80% chance of destruction, this year we are up to 90%, which means that it isn’t improving and I was expecting this. But the good thing about it is that we still have ten percent chances to save humanity. It is still fantastic. It could have been 0.1% or even 0.01%. 10% instead, this is pretty good.

I would rather have had 90% chance to save the planet and 10% chances to have it destroyed, but we will not give up. Even if one day we will be at 99.99%, Raelians would still be here saying “we will save”, we will not save us as we are already saved. We are amongst those who will be saved if everything explodes, if everything is destroyed. So, in fact, what are we fighting for? We are fighting for those who hate us; this is the beauty of the love of the Elohim and of the Raelians. We want to save those who hate us; we want to save our enemies. There isn’t anything more beautiful than willing to save one’s enemy. Jesus said “Love your enemies,” I say “we have to save our enemies,” that is to say, we have to save the whole planet and if possible, all human beings so that not one of them disappears. One cannot be greater, more beautiful and fuller of love for humanity than we are. Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

Remember this when you face opponents, when people are very hostile, aggressive and unpleasant to you. Remember that and you may tell them, depending on the situation: “you hate me, you criticize me but I act to save you. Despite your hatred and even if you say like some French journalists said that ‘all Raelians should be killed’, I still want to save you.”

Those who hate you, you want to save them; one cannot be more loving and compassionate. To love your enemies isn’t enough. Me… I say “Save your enemy” and this sentence will be remembered for centuries: ‘Save your enemies’, it is what we are here for.

It is a fabulous mission. It would be ordinary to despise them, it would be ordinary to just love them, it is extraordinary to wish to save them and this is why we are extraordinary. We want to save those who hate us, being aware that, whatever we do, we will be saved anyway because we are amongst the Just. Is it possible to have more love for Humanity? We could say: “well, let’s not worry, we have the Truth, let them die, they don’t deserve anything else.” No, we have the Truth, we are amongst the Just and we fight to save those who hate us because we have to forgive them. “Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing”. So Jesus said. We have to forgive them. If they knew, they wouldn’t do it, if they weren’t submerged in paradigms and illusions. You have seen the videos prepared by Daniel that show that these people are honest. They honestly don’t see what we see. They are not trying to be as the people around, they are not being dishonest. Some are, but the majority really see something wrong, that is to say that we are a dangerous sect and all what you can imagine. They are sincere; this is why we have to forgive them because they don’t know what they do.

Since they don’t know what they are doing, we have to forgive them; since we forgive them, we have to save them and we have closed the loop. We are here to save those who hate us, not the other ones since the other ones are with us. Those who love us are with us, so we focus on the means to save those who hate us. In a few hours you will be back amongst the population of this planet, your heart full of love for those who hate you. This will change everything in your life. It is always good to be together with our brothers and sisters, to share our unconditional love and fraternity, to replenish our energy.

To go to the jungle, the zoo that is expecting us outside, while being full of hatred and distrust would be terrible, painful and hard to live, but to go in that jungle, that zoo, in the middle of tigers and crocodiles – the French tigers and crocodiles are much more dangerous than the African ones - being full of love for them and being aware that we are here not for the other Raelians but for them, to save them, that should give you wings, angel’s wings. Even if you are not a member of the Order of Angels, you are angels, from angelos, messengers of the messenger of the Elohim and hence messengers of the Elohim.

10% chance to save the planet, it is in your hands and we will succeed. I have no doubts that we will succeed thanks to this love. Only love can save the World and we are messengers of love. We have the Truth, we have the Justice, but the love of the Raelians must be larger than all the other loves and for that, you know what you have to do.

The Elohim entrusted us with looking after the planet, I entrust you with looking after the planet, what a fantastic mission. There won’t be tears while we leave each other today or tomorrow, but a great wave of enthusiasm as your eyes will remain eyes of the planet’s saviors, even when surrounded by people who will be ironical, aggressive and disrespectful. What strength, what bliss to do so!

I wish you all a nice trip back. Be careful, you are protected and loved by the Elohim, but not in the way you drive. Do not feel protected by the gods and think that you can drive in a careless manner. You are responsible for what happens to you. Drive very carefully, especially because you are precious to the Elohim. Protect your life, do not take risks while saying “they protect me”. No, they don’t protect you, they guide you, but they don’t protect you. You are responsible for what is happening to you and I don’t want to lose any of you. You are too precious to me and to the Elohim, so take great care of your food, you health and also of the way you drive back.

Thank you all and see you soon in the Embassy, or if not ready by then, at the next seminar.

Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

The European Seminar

The above speeches about love and humility given at the end of the seminar are a great illustration of the ‘61 aH European Vintage’, full of religiosity and purity. When on the first day, Mustafa who will later become the new Responsible for Norway, did the traditional salute to the Maitreya – he was Buddhist before - the whole room vibrated in unison. The Maitreya then lead us higher every day. The theme he chose for this special edition was double: ‘to culture our happiness’ in order to change the planet, and ‘metamorphosis’.

Here are a few excerpts of his teachings, taken from notes:

“A caterpillar doesn’t know that one day it will fly. It looks at the butterfly as a stranger. In the same way, human beings don’t know they could fly higher. The higher you fly, the more you perceive the infinite range in which you can elevate yourself. Life on Earth is a filter. When we die, we will go back to dust, unless we have elevated ourselves so that we can be part of the universal consciousness. We will be back to dust unless if, for this short moment, we have developed our consciousness to enter the universal and cosmic love… otherwise, what would it be worth living for? The space between the feces and the place where we can elevate ourselves is infinite ☺

“You are caterpillars… caterpillars and butterflies have the same DNA. You can perceive what you can become while increasing your level of consciousness, after witnessing where you are after all these seminars and years of meditation. You have in your genes what can make you eternal!” Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

“You are the sculptors, the gardeners of your brain. When I see you, I don’t see your shitty past, but I see what you can become. The shyest amongst you, the worst amongst you, if only you knew how beautiful what I see is. You are able to be extraordinary. You have the duty to be extraordinary. Do not listen to what I say, but make it yours! Become the Gandhis of tomorrow. The only one to put limits on you is yourself. Live every moment as someone extraordinary.”

“The Elohim see you and love you because you have decided to be extraordinary, especially in your love. All what is ordinary is sad and dull. You can be desperate in an ordinary way. All throughout your life, be animated by an extraordinary love! The love of Gandhi was extraordinary. Play with the ‘extraodinarity’ ☺ ”

“If you lose friends because you become more refined, no problem, you don’t lose anything. Try to be more refined in everything you do. Be extraordinary in everything. An ordinary consciousness cannot be extraordinary unless it is associated with extraordinary thoughts, words and actions.”

“The filter begins with an observation. An accident on the freeway? Look at the sky rather than looking at the brain on the floor. Do not put your eyes on the big ordinary show. The best way to be revolutionary is to be extraordinary as ordinary people are easy to manipulate.” Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

The room was full of more than 500 extraordinary people, amongst which more than 50 were with us for the first time, most of them quite young. The enthusiasm in the room was contagious. When Morena Nkau Nkuebe, in the picture in the right, the actual Councilor to the King of Lesotho, who attended the whole seminar, went on stage to express his admiration to RAEL and to tell him ‘I surrender to You Rael’, all the participants stood up to welcome him.

Mr. Nkuebe was also the messenger of the King of Lesotho and delivered a message from the King to our Beloved Prophet. He also said that he doesn’t want to die before witnessing the official union of the Kingdoms of Kama. In the previous contact, I was telling you that the United Kingdoms of Kama wasn’t a dream anymore but a project. Looking at the determination of Morena Nkuebe, I think that it will happen sooner than even Tai, Lamane and Uriel have dared dream of. His nomination as Assistant-Guide can allow us to think that lots of transmissions will happen in his area soon ☺

The ongoing discrimination in the French-speaking parts of Europe was also mentioned during the seminar by our Beloved Prophet who announced the official creation of the ‘Movement of resistance against the conditioning by the media and the political powers’. He asked Daniel Chabot to lead this project. Daniel also has lots to do in his home country of Quebec regarding discrimination. This movement will be international… more info to come!

Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

At the end of the seminar, two new Guides were nominated - Daniel Mican, Responsible for Holland and the Flemish part of Belgium and Giuseppe Carruso, Regional Guide in Italy.

Mustafa Alyoussef was nominated Level 3 and is the new Responsible for Norway.

Lots of success to you all in your mission!!!

Switzerland Extraordinary Discrimination by the Ordinary

After this magnificent seminar, the Swiss participants didn’t have much rest as ordinary discrimination was waiting for them back home. This time it was a judgment that was stating, believe it or not, that pedophilia is part of our scriptures!!! This judgment happened in the case regarding ‘Café Femininity’.

To summarize the case, two Raelian girls who really like the teachings of our Beloved Prophet about femininity discussed the matter with a few non-Raelian girls and together decided to share their knowledge with a larger group. This is how they started the ‘Café Femininity’ where they would invite people to debate about femininity in restaurants who would agree to host them. They had a few successful editions until a newspaper, ‘La Liberte’ from Fribourg lead an enquiry and published a poor article basically saying that it is ‘an outrage, Raelians are recruiting through the femininity cafes, it is a horrible sect and the like…’ The article was pure defamation, especially for the Raelian girls as if they had no brain, no capacity to decide about their own lives and as if every Raelian was breathing only to recruit… pfff!!

This was happening two years ago and of course the Raelian girls asked for justice. The judgment was made public this week… unbelievable! According to the judge, all our scriptures confirm what the journalists are saying. They even said that we preach pedophilia!! Some articles in Switzerland this week also quoted politicians saying that free sex is an open door to Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH pedophilia. Wait a minute! Everybody knows that it is the lack of a fulfilled sexual life that transforms people into sick pedophiles, not the other way around. One has to be blind not to see it as such, as it is demonstrated by the thousands of pedophile cases in the . To allow these Priests to have sex would save so many innocent children from being abused!!!

But, ooops, I forgot, we cannot say anything about the Catholic Church in Switzerland… after all, the Pope is still guarded by the Swiss, right?? ☺ However it is ok in Switzerland to cover those who denounce the real pedophilia with garbage, under the pretence of saving the population. So hypocritical!


Here is what our beloved Prophet said following this judgment:

Recently in Switzerland, in a judgment which constitutes an undeniable travesty of justice, and which we will take right up to the European Court if necessary, a judge dared to write that pedophilia is part of our scriptures while some politicians in Valais were also saying a few weeks ago that “sexual freedom by its very nature provokes sexual misconduct towards minors”.

These statements are baseless extrapolations totally devoid of sense. Sexual freedom between consenting adults in no way implies any acts of pedophilia. Only such conservative minds as those of the Christian fundamentalists could ever attempt to defile such a basic human right by associating it with the mental illness of pedophilia.

It isn’t the first time that the media, pushed by fundamentalist powers, have attempted to sully the honor, dignity and minority of the Raelians. Some unscrupulous journalists have even dared write that the Sensual Meditation that Raelians practice is an incitation towards pedophilia. What would these journalists see if they carried out their jobs properly? You just need to open the book “Intelligent Design” which is the foundation of our religion to see what is textually written. On page 185 under the heading of “Sensual Education” it is written: “You will awaken the mind of your child, but you will also awaken his or her body, for the awakening of the body is linked to the awakening of the mind.” So to see in these lines an incitation to pedophilia, this monstrous mental illness that society must protect itself from, is a total aberration.

What these lines and the rest of the paragraph very clearly indicate is that sexual education needs to be reformed. As well as making it more available in schools, and as well as the usual outdated explanation given to children on what reproduction is, it should also introduce the concept of pleasure. That is to say, not only should it describe, as it already does, how reproduction functions, but also it should explain that the reason their parents have sexual lives and reproduce, is because they enjoy it and that one day they will discover this pleasure too, and that this is natural and good for their psychological development. That is what the most eminent sexologists of today all teach.

This teaching, or new sexual education, set up by the world’s most eminent sexologists and psychologists should be obligatory in all schools, right from the classes receiving prepubescent children so that they are neither shocked, nor surprised, nor feel guilty, when they discover their own sexuality kicking in. In fact these classes should also include basic elements to safeguard them against pedophilia by warning the children about the dangers and teach them how to protect themselves from such possibilities. They should be warned that certain unbalanced adults could try to abuse them and that sometimes, and all too often, it is adults in whom they might have the most trust such as Catholic Priests, among whom the latest court cases around the world have demonstrated include the highest percentage of pedophiles. On this subject, see the internet site whose organization NOPEDO I founded many years ago to fight against pedophilia.

It would also be advisable to provide parents with sexual education courses so they can become capable of answering their children’s questions. Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

As we can see, there is a world of difference between what is truly inscribed in the Raelian Movement’s writings and the false rumors spread by the intolerant members of Christian fundamentalist groups. And it is these groups who wish to force all of society, including atheists who now count as the majority, as evidenced by the empty churches and dearth of priests, to submit to their conservative morals and regress back to their medieval values.

Let us not forget that the Raelian Movement is an atheist religious movement just as Buddhism is, and so defends the right for people to live as they wish while respecting the law. The right to sexual freedom between consenting adults is one of the basic human rights and as a philosopher once wrote, no government has the right to stick their noses into anyone’s bedroom. These fundamentalists wish to pull us back to their blessed times where they could publicly burn anyone at the stake for what they used to call the crime of adultery. Thankfully this is no longer considered a crime but we have to remain vigilant to prevent any return.

Not so far away in Islamic countries controlled by fundamentalists, these laws still exist and Islamic women found “guilty” of adultery are publicly stoned to death even today! That is what those, who accuse sexual freedom as being an incitement to pedophilia, wish to bring back.

What is very revealing in their strategy, is that while these Christian fundamentalists do all they can to circulate defamatory rumors accusing Raelians of promoting pedophilia, in no way do they criticize whose prophet Mohammed at age 50 married a young 9 year old girl called Aicha. It is textually written that their marriage was “consummated”, but if I Rael were to marry a 9 year old girl and “consummate” the marriage, imagine the articles in the newspapers and the judges decisions. But these same media and judges prefer to insinuate that a modern sexual education and a liberated sexuality between consenting adults can encourage pedophilia rather than take on those representing a real danger to society, who not only turn a blind eye to pedophilia but also incite the killing of atheists. And they see no problem when teaching this are built near them. No doubt, that is why their sympathies lie with christian fundamentalists. Fanatical Jewish, Islamic and Christian deists all united by their hate of atheism, where their hate of atheists is stronger than their own differences. In other words, “kill or sully any unbelievers first, then settle our differences later”.

This campaign of hateful lies and defamation against Raelians is no different from the big hate campaigns of the past. The Nazis convinced the German people that the Jews sacrificed children, the Chinese government claims the same thing for the Dalai Lama, accusing him of “lining his walls with the skin of children”. Always the same horror story, of inciting hate against minorities who think differently from the norm, by propagating terrible lies.

But the Truth always triumphs. If journalists were to carry out their jobs properly, they would verify their sources and would never support such a denial of justice. In the past, there were judges who applied unfair laws or condemned citizens because they were Gay, Jewish or Black. But as in the Dreyfuss Affair, the great journalists of the day stood up and demanded the Truth, however unpalatable it was to others. They dared transcend social prejudice and pierce the paradigm to re-establish the victims’ dignity.

Are there any such journalists today? Has anyone bothered talking to the thousands of Raelians attending the Movement’s meetings in the last 33 years, who could all testify as to the high moral and spiritual value of their content? Has anyone bothered to talk to the numerous Raelian academics, or even the non-Raelians academics who have carried out serious studies of our Movement, such as the lecturers in theology and sociology Alain Bouchard and Susan Palmer? If there are any who have, then it is their moral duty to stand up and re-establish the Truth. But are there any with sufficient back-bone among the judges and journalists of today’s society to swim against the flow of social prejudices? Are there any Emile Zola’s remaining today? Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

If there aren’t, then it is up to the citizens who cannot accept hate and discrimination to go and seek out the correct information themselves by visiting our internet site of and if they so wish, to visit a Raelian meeting just to see to what extent the Truth is far from the rumours propagated by the media. In this way, the media will have to give up their lies or lose their credibility.

In fact just a few days ago I founded a movement to resist the media’s and politician’s social conditioning whose site I invite you to visit:

Stories From Kama Bagué Onnonhio was a Messenger of the Elohim

Uriel recently described for us the life of an exceptional woman, Bagué Onnonhio, who started the Dehima religion in and our Beloved Prophet confirmed to him that she was indeed a messenger of the Elohim in Kama… A woman to represent the Elohim in Kama, this news will certainly bring enthusiasm and inspiration to our Kamaan sisters.

Here is what Uriel said:

At the origin of the Dehima religion was a woman called Bague Onoyo (onnonhio), born in 1892. Her original name was Guigba Dagnonnon. She was preaching between the two world wars.

In her time, she was considered as a Prophet. She brought the teachings of Apa Lago (which means in her Dida language ‘my father in the sky’) She fought against colonization and taught people to return to their traditions and to Kama’s values, whether it is for their clothes, their culture in general or their . She also preached so that they abandon their inferiority complex and also their mystical beliefs in the supernatural. She wasn’t using the Bible to preach. She was only wearing a white African style outfit. She was able to cure and to give fertility back to women.

She was the target of the colonizers of course and of the Catholic Church which had all the Dehima churches destroyed in the villages. Because of that, the members had to live semi-clandestinely. She cursed the Catholic Church. She had never been to school, she never learned to read or to speak other languages. However when the French Governor asked her questions as he realized that she knew how to speak French so well, she answered that her father in the sky, Apa Lago, knew all the languages of the planet. She predicted that no one would ever take a picture of her face. The governor and the colonizers several times tried to do so but when they develop the actual pictures, the face was never visible. She also predicted that at her death, her body will not be found. On the day she died, a bright light shone in her hut, people ran there to see what was going on and her body was gone. All throughout her ministry, Governor Pechau had been harassing her; many of her disciples had been arrested while people were leaving the Christian churches to join her.

After her death, the Roman Church and the French government, helped by corrupted people from the Ivory Coast, did all they could to take over this religion, saying that it was a Christian Church, putting images of Jesus and crosses, even representing Bagué Onnonhio with a crucifix in her hand while she never wore any. The only instrument she has been using was a bell. After her death the political and religious power represented her as a messenger of Jesus!

Today has 8 of the most important Dehima Churches, in the Yopougon area, welcoming about 3,000 people. 80% of them are from the Baoule ethnic group, a group that has been largely anti-Christian and rather animist. Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH

Bagué Onnonhio said that the enslavement of the black people to the white people was temporary and that one day, someone will come to free them, someone will free the black men and women. More precisely, she said that Aba Lago (Jahweh-Elohim ) would send a new and last Prophet called "Timiliti Aka "

Dear Ivorian friends, Timiliti Aka will soon be amongst you ☺ (The Kamaan seminar is scheduled in December in Ivory Coast this year, go to for details and registration)


On the right, Bienvenue, Level 3, giving a letter of support and the booklet for a new Kama to the chief editor of the Gabonese Bi-monthly magazine who recently accused the French President Sarkozy of being a revisionist ☺

Burkina Faso

The latest National Seminar of Burkina Faso was held in the beginning of August in the magical surroundings of Elohika. It was exceptional!

Exceptional, first in beauty - since we had lots of water this year so the land was at its best. Only purity and beauty around - a perfect invitation for meditation, harmony and sensuality.

Exceptional for the number and quality of the participants. We were 103 amongst which 22 were joining us for the first time and 13 of them had their transmission done on August 6th.

Exceptional as well for the enthusiasm of our teachers and the quality and intensity of their teachings. From the qualified Badiara “Washo” to the new star Adriel, including the inalterable LAMANE, the daring BANEMANIE and of course our National Guide YAEL, all of them transmitted the words of the Elohim and of their messenger RAEL with the perfect dose of science and spirituality, of humor and love. These exceptional beings made us dream, laugh, vibrate with positive emotions and gave us the desire to grow, to be stronger, to fly higher, to pursue love without anything return and hopefully to deserve the love of the Elohim and that their messenger has for us. We practiced several exercises including the practice of nudity. It was the future Kama being born…

When one thinks about the humongous amount of money spent to organize useless meetings of politicians with empty speeches who at the end ask themselves if the creation of the United Kingdoms of Kama is possible and then we see here all Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH these individuals deciding to fight, with their love and trust in the future as their only weapons… we understand then why the Elohim have sent our Beloved Prophet RAEL.

Thank you Elohim and thank you Rael for giving us the courage and the strength to go forward!

Thanks for the love you show to Kama!


Belem Guide Assistant

Ivory Coast

The arrival of our Beloved Prophet in Kama is near, we need to prepare his welcome, but before we do so, we need to check all our philosophical, professional and emotional balances.

The previous seminars focused on our professional balance. This time, the theme of the seminar was ‘From Self-Discovery to Universal Love: a Scientific and Cultural Approach.’

The Raelians were in a sumptuous hotel for three days and Yves Boni enriched us with his teachings, including talks about sexuality as lived by Raelians.

More knowledge about our culture was brought by Nana N'guessan Begbin who is the President of the Chiefs of the Ivory Coast villages. He taught us how to proceed and the values of our traditions. He gave us a tour of our culture which was highlighted by an original sexuality class.

We had our New Year’s Eve party outside, in front of the hotel. The hotel’s night club was empty that night as people were coming out to see the Raelians having fun like children. The beauty of the seminar has attracted Raelians whom we haven’t seen for a while. On the last day we learned how to talk about the messages in our mother languages, we then had the transmissions in the afternoon.

We fly higher and higher, hoping to improve our flying abilities so much that finally the messages will be seen through us ‘being’.

Congratulations to the organization team, to Ya Boni, Responsible for Teachings, for his level of teaching, to the Raelians for their reactivity, to our National Guide Djos who was in the North of the country for another party in Katiola.

With love,


Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH


The conditions were not as comfortable in Lome for their mini-seminar (August 4th to 6th) as you can see in the attached photo, but, as Uriel says, the teachings are going through despite the comfort ☺.

Amet Symphonie, the National Guide was asked by Uriel to meet with the Prime Minister of his country to give him his book ‘White Poison’ and the booklet of the Words of our Beloved Prophet for Kama. Here is what happened:

‘The road to the Prime Minister was more complex than I thought. After several missed appointments, his head of staff offered me to follow him in the village he was born where he had to go to attend funerals. I did so on Saturday, July 28th. Our encounter was brief and he told me to meet him in Lome at his office the following Tuesday. I was there but before I could meet with him, he was asked to meet the President. Come back tomorrow at his residence I was told. I did so but it was finally in his office on Wednesday that I met him.

I must say he was quite surprised to see me run after him that way to give him this masterpiece. He asked me to thank you (Uriel) deeply. He was speaking ewe for the whole time we spent together – ewe is the ethnic group of Amet and of the Prime minister. He said he wants to see me in 8 days, the time for him to read the book and document, and to take a picture as I expressed the desire to have one. He asked his secretary to note that appointment so that I don’t face the same problems again.


PS: All these difficulties are due to the fact that we will have elections in the country next month…

Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH North America Vancouver, Canada

In Vancouver we had a fantastic celebration weekend starting on Friday night, I had the pleasure of meeting with Vladimir - a new person which I was in contact with for the last month via email who found the messages in a library, in Alberta, read the messages and sent a beautiful email to info Canada, after a few emails, phone calls he decided to take the 15 hour bus ride to meet the Raelians in Vancouver. He is Czechoslovakian - think I spelt that rite?...and has spent many years in Israel. We met Friday night for dinner, all I can say is - what a diamond! Then on Saturday we all went out for a dinner with Vladimir; he was very excited to meet us all and the same for all of us, a great night.

The next day we had the Gay Parade here in Vancouver, with the enthusiasm of the team we met at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast and a little meditation, we left to set-up our Clitoraid booth. Afterwards we rested and then watched the parade. Then the fun began at 1:30 p.m. thousands of people converged on us, as usual people were very touched by the Clitoraid action and were even more touched that we were mainly men, a great diffusion all around, for both Clitoraid and the Raelian philosophy.

Most touching was the fact that Vladimir, Stewart and Margaret, all new people were out in front helping, including Logan a person who has recently rejoined the structure, were all informing people about Clitoraid and asking them to donate if they wanted; in total we were nine Raelians there. We went until 6:00p.m. In the very hot sun, we were all pretty burnt out, but full of being in the action together, we had a lot of fun and raised $500.00 for clitoraid which we all felt was a big success especially since it was a gay parade which were mainly men. he he he ,get it....? After we enjoyed a well deserved dinner all together, with two ladies which were in the booth next to us, who also joined us for dinner.

August 6th was another fantastic day, welcoming two new diamonds to our family, Vladimir and Margaret.

I hope you all had a fantastic August 6th.

Love and kisses from the Vancouver team :-)


In Philly we did one transmission on August 6th. Walter Persky discovered the Messages from the cloning event and was an evolutionist at the time. It is after reading the English version of the French book written by Michel Houellebecq, that he remembered about Raelism and was more motivated to research the subject again, research which along these years brought him to agree with the message. Walter works as an analyst for a contracting company that disposes of chemical weapons for the government. Better disposing of them than building them... so he is on the good side of the equation here... ;)

We watched a video on Rael and did the TCP, all this after a good lunch. It was a great feeling to have Walter with us, reminding us of the joy of discovering the Messages and communicating to them our conviction through the TCP.

Thanks Elohim for the great love you have for your creation...

Love, Marc Contact 337 August 19th, 62aH The Middle East Turkey

Leon gave an interview recently to a newspaper called Sabah from Turkey. This was a follow-up of the media wave we had after Leon’s Seminar in Istanbul two years ago.

After the publication of the article, more than 300 people contacted us, more than 100 books were downloaded and about 30 people filled up a membership form… well done again Leon! ☺

Israel – A Love Note

Dear Beloved Prophet, I fell in love with the charm of your words. Reading your books fills me with optimism and joy and it is important to me to tell you so. Your unique vision of our world is so special and whole in my eyes, and your ideas are embroidered into it in perfect harmony, like a puzzle, creating a spectacular picture of love and happiness. Due to the fact that your ideas were revealed to me at an early age I can not say which of my opinions belongs to me and what came to me through your wonderful writings. Many times when I read again your books I see thoughts that have come to me only yesterday while watching the news, then I wonder how come that my mind never noticed them before. In my opinion as much as one can be cynical to your ideas so is the great wisdom concealed in them, and after reading/hearing your words a seed is planted inside the brain and it starts to grow until there isn't a way any more to resist the truth.

Even if a person needs to blossom and draw enthusiasm from himself in a complete separation from irrelevant opinion of people around him, to be Raelian is not always an easy ride and as the one who stands at the head of our movement and marches it forward, your difficulties are probably not easy at all, this is why it was so important to me to inform you about my love to you, to your words and to your action.

I would be glad if you can tell the Elohim that their messages have changed my life and brought me to see the future in every day, thank you.


Itay Kaufman isRael