Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

Design Expectations and Association in Multi- Utility Vehicle Segment in India.

Agawane Rajendra Jagannath1, Dr. Bhola Sarang Shankar2.

1Assistant Professor, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research, Satara, Maharashtra.

2Associate Professor, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research, Satara, Maharashtra.


The research is an attempt to identify the design expectations from the owners’ of Multi- Utility (MUV/MPV-Multi Utility/ Multi-purpose vehicle) vehicle segment and to check association of design expectations with (, , Mini-, and Mid-size) vehicle segments. Designing the product to the consumer expectation is tedious and continuous process. Identification of expectations is must to fulfill them. Designers’ and manufacturers strive for methods and tools to identify, design, plan and implement the expectations into products and services. In buying and using the vehicle by consumers’, which design variable is consider most. Do they differ from (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment or, are associated? Considering this question as hypothesis, data is collected from the segment owners’ and owners’ from (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment to gauge the association in expectations. Four design variables are considered as design expectation variables. The data is collected from the sample owners’ in Multi-Utility (MUV/MPV) vehicle category and sample owners’ form (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size). Result indicate significant association in design expectations for vehicle attributes expected from Multi Utility vehicle and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. Findings are useful for designers ‘and manufacturers’ to better design the product and serve according to consumer expectations.

Keywords: Design expectations; Design Association; Multi-Utility vehicle; MUV/MPV vehicle; Design variables.

1 Agawane Rajendra Jagannath* e-mail:- [email protected]

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:1 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

1. Introduction: Overall vehicle dependability in India is average 189 problems per 100 vehicles in 2017, down from 185 per 100 in 2016. A lower number of occurrences of problems reflect higher longer-term vehicle quality. Owner reported problems have risen sharply after vehicle being driven above 40000 kms. The owners also reported the average of 73 more problems per 100 vehicles than those driven less than 40000 kms. Vehicle exterior and driving experience account for more problems than other categories including uneven tire wear, noise form doors, bumper and exterior corrosion, which are more prevalent that are driven more than 40000 kms. In addition to this after about three years ownership, problems related to squeaks and rattles are reported, which affects the build quality perceptions from the manufacturers point of view. Auto makers that are able to identify such problems are likely to be able to provide a more positive ownership experience for their customers’. (httpwww.jdpower.com/about-us/press-release-info, 2017). Automakers, for example, Maruti , Tata Motors, , and Ford intend to dispatch new models in MPV and Mini MPV segment in India. The challenge for deals volumes and estimating referred to motivations to step – up interest in this section, which is unexplored and prone to fuel the activity in coming days. Scaled down MPVs are individual transporters taking after smaller with better inside room. Makers would like to give them like feeling, making it 7-8 seaters and estimating it aggressively to build the volume of offers. Families expect better fuel efficiency with better-featured vehicle. Concerning the MPV, SUV segment, market was dependably there, yet with constrained alternatives, which automakers are currently investigating through market considers. (Philip L. , 2010). This data and information put forth the questions that are investigated; 1. Which are the design expectations in the segment; that would be with respect to the vehicle dependability in terms of build quality, then looks; in particular weather it should look like a car or a jeep, like that of Toyota’s Innova or like that of the Mahindra’s Scorpio, without compromising on the setting capacity of at least seven people, also not compromising on the initial ownership costs and long distance running costs. 2. Is there any association between design expectations for this segment with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment? The rest of the paper is organized in the following manner. The next section provides a brief description of the automotive sector in India. Underpinned by the growth of sector and government initiatives, the hypotheses are developed thereafter. This is followed by the discussion of the research methods and conclusion. The implications are examined in the concluding section. The conclusion section answers’ the questions after investigation.

2. Government Initiatives and Indian Automotive Sector: The increase in income tax exemption upto Rs. 5,00,000 will positively affect consumer sentiment and consumption expenditure, which will give impetus to insist for two- wheelers and small commuter vehicles, while overall improvement in the road infrastructure will ease movement of people and goods on the road and have multiplier effect on the economy. It is encouraging to hear the Hon‟ble Finance Minister acknowledging the thriving Indian automotive industry and having faith on it becoming a global manufacturing hub for vehicles in the years to come. Note the emphasis laid on electric mobility in the 2030 vision of Government of India that aims at increasing energy

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security, reducing oil import dependence and reduce vehicular pollution. Government is creating an ecosystem that would enable auto manufacturers to achieve the target of becoming the world leader in electric mobility. Ministry of Finance has recently notified definition and customs duties for Completely Built Unit (CBU), Semi-knocked down unit (SKDs) and completely knocked down units (CKDs) of all categories of electric vehicles‟. The move is been welcomed, however the customs duty for lithium ion battery has been increased from Nil to 5% for manufacturing. Since cell manufacturing is at very nascent stage at present in India, the current practice of importing cells is expected to continue and hence the change will only lead to increase in cost of manufacturing Electric vehicles battery packs, which is expected to be dampener in generating demand for electric vehicles. India will be leading the world economy through high economy growth in the next few years and the announcement by Hon‟ble Finance Minister stating target of becoming USD 5 trillion economy in next 5 Years and USD 10 trillion economy in next 8 Years reassures automobile sector that the future is bright. (http://www.siamindia.compress, 2019) The vehicle industry in India is world's fourth most prominent, with the India a little while later being the world's fourth most prominent maker of and seventh most noteworthy creator of commercial cars in 2017. Indian vehicle industry (counting segment manufacturing) is relied on to achieve Rs 16.16-18.18 trillion (US$ 251.4- 282.8 billion) by 2026. Bikes ordered the trade and made up 81 percent thought in the family vehicle deals in FY18. Everything considered, Domestic vehicles deals improved at 7.01 percent CAGR between FY13-18 with 24.97 million cars being sold in FY18. Indian vehicle business has gained Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) well worth US$ 19.29 billion between April 2000 and June 2018. Nuclear family vehicle age enlivened at 7.08 percent CAGR between FY13-18 with 29.07 million vehicles made in the nation in FY18. Amidst April-November 2018, vehicle age expanded 12.53 percent year-on-year to achieve 21.95 million units. Amidst April-November 2018, most amazing year-on-year sway in private courses of action among the majority of the requests was record in commercial vehicles at 31.49 percent looked for after by 25.16 percent year-on-year sway in the thoughts of three-wheelers. The normal white collar class family is continually hoping to redesign their way of life all in all. The clear redesign for most families is that of their car. Lately, the portions that have seen the development that offer both reasonableness and space at a value point that doesn't beg to be spent for example the little SUV and MPV portions. A Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV) does precisely what it embarks to do: conveys a family in as much solace as a normal car has the space to equal an expansive SUV and is similarly as viable as the family hatchback. To put it plainly, the MPV has turned out to be well known basically because of the way that they are an incredible incentive to the normal value touchy Indian purchaser. (India Brand Equity Foundation, Automotive Market and Opportunities, Gurgaon, 2007.)

3. Theoretical background and hypothesis development: Consumers’ give importance to variety in buying and enjoy joining coaliation based loyalty programmes provided by companies. Which means longing for new aspects and innovation in product or service they use. This is complex from manufacturing perspective to retain consumer for your product or service. Which further results in design complecations for products like vehicles which are combination of sub-systems to work in coordination as expected by consumers. (Pratima Sheorey, 2014). New designed gearbox is developed for shifting gears automatically without use of external energy and providing for continuous transmission, which allows for reduction in driver fatigue and driving intensity, gearbox maintenance cost, enhancement of reliability, clutch operation costs and improvement in drivers driving attention. (Vladimir Rassokha, 2017). Improved

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design in vehicle handling, sustainable steering system development and better compliance for autonomous driving was initiated for SUV by simulating integrated steering system with Toyota’s Variable Gear Ratio Steering (VGRS) system with Electric Power Steering (EPS) on a single motor. Authors’ belive it will reduce fuel comsumption and reduce space as it will serve as instrument for safer, comfortable and energy-efficient future. (Mushiri, 2019). To help investigate the truth in case of vehicle accident, a model is proposed for calculating the motion trajectory of the vehicle in case of sudden braking and destruction caused due to front tire. This is done with respect to calculate the vehicle motion in such circumstance. Authors belive data so generated will help reduce the accidents and road safety. (Valery Kovalyov, 2017). The framework is presented to reduce the energy consumption during paint process of the automobile at the factory. Two aspects identified are the “level of innovation” and the “value added” to overall business due to this framework, considering the environmental regulations and lower energy consumption impact of plastic part paint shop. (Julio L. Rivera, 2014). A integrated model is presented for bus braking system spares maintenance combining Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) as the base with ABC classification to make operations management more efficient, targeting critical components in inventory and reduce administrative costs of enterprise. Authors were able to reduce the number of A and B parts with improved classification method by decreasing cost of inventory control and increasing system safety. (Jianqiang Gong, 2020). Study on non-renewable resource utilization and waste management practices in Indian automobile sector shows India is gradually moving towards zero waste management practices, but has due lot more. The legal framework will help attaining sustainability but organizations also should include it in their values and culture. (Shilpa Kulkarni, 2014). Ensuring the security of vehicle design in electronic active safety systems, the determined permissible value shows optimization of solutions and formation of the multicriteria quality scorecards of the vehicle performance properties. Authors’ maintain that possibility of controlling the technical readiness system of vehicle, taking into account and maintaining basic operating properties (stability, controllability, reliability, fuel efficiency, etc), including safety at the normative level. (Alexander Kapustin, 2017). Addressing the Boggie comfort for the fast rails (HSRs) in China, the designers’ recognized that comfortable seat, tangible space, and legitimate baggage stockpiling as the significant worries of travelers. Tending to these requirements is imperative to improve design quality and traveler fulfillment. The acquired outcomes should fill in as profitable reference for arranging and improving the structure of Boggie interiors (Kwai- Sang Chin, 2019). There is a requirement for basic imaginative work to guarantee that the control interfaces for future vehicles need immaterial visual asking. Beyond what many would consider possible and tendencies of drivers (unequivocally logically settled drivers) are certainly a major focus, as a fundamental bit of a customer concentrated game-plan approach. There are two essential conflicts. Clearly off the bat, that there is a requirement for an all-encompassing utilization of haptic signs with respect to the control interfaces for future vehicles. This fundamental has move out of three focus issues. (1) Although there is a broad level of manual controls in current vehicles, the estimation of touch is routinely under-used and had a poor feeling of. This is in spite of the watch that (a) haptic signs can invigorate the solace of in-vehicle controls, and (b) elective screen-based control interfaces have negative ramifications for driving security. (2) With the impact in the utilization of complete enlisting inside future vehicles, significantly more purposes of imprisonment will be accessible to drivers with their related controls and shows. There is an authentic requirement for usable, urged structures to guarantee that drivers' joint undertakings with different systems don't cause a growth in visual redirection and mental waiting work holding up be done, with prospective negative implications for wellbeing. (3) There is compelled express and remarkable bearing open to vehicle originators on the fit technique to design physical controls to limit the basic for vision. The second basic

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inquiry concerns the opportunity to get from non-customers in the arrangement theory. In this particular condition, it is understood that much can be gotten from people who are apparently impeded or who have low vision to animate a valuation for the features of in- vehicle controls that enable non-visual use, and feasibly to help in the improvement of original structures. Research must pass on how much such focal centers can be seen inside and out that truly matters. (Gary E. Burnett, 2001). T.V advertisements are the greatest effect on buying of four wheelers. There is pretty much equivalent portrayal from the different occupations in the investigation with most astounding portrayal from the understudies. Incentive for cash and fulfillment are the two imperative variables as per the respondents. Brand name pursued by prominence is the most incessant premise of choice of brand. Ads pursued by TV are the fundamental basis of learning about most recent brands and patterns. Individuals pick big name as the imperative component. Value is by all accounts a vital factor in picking the brand. Individuals see for offers and limits while acquiring a four wheeler. Individuals are unsure about the significance of scope of hues to pick the item. Individuals turn upward to other for signs and style. They go for second sentiment while taking buying choice. Half of the respondents are value delicate. Affected by the quality in buying choice. (Adithya, Jan-2013). Clients concur on fundamental sound attributes (cadence) identified with the capacity of turn flag, some acknowledge real solid quality (timbre) while the others anticipate progressively imaginative sounds. At that point, rule is to configuration sounds that function admirably with various vehicle conditions (materials,). Modalys, a sound union apparatus created at IRCAM, fit needs. In this way, IRCAM/Sound Design group to detail the issue as far as strategy and to make sounds. The sound quality investigation on turn signals gave data about clients' desires and the acoustic highlights expected to satisfy these desires. Cooperating with dashboard providers, it is found that has made poor sounds contrasted with the conceivable outcomes presented by the electronic parts: just two parameters were utilized while four are accessible! The sound structure approach, that comprises here of making sounds as indicated by their goals and afterward transposing these objective suggest to the innovation of Renault vehicles, changes their propensities: rather than planning sounds with regularly utilized parameters, they pushed the known furthest reaches of the innovation so as to all the more likely use it, yet without evolving it, so without cost impact. (Langlois Sabine, 2005). Vehicles now – a – days doesn't suggest similarly as a strategy for transport yet likewise the comfort, execution and durability add to its esteem. Into the twentieth century, three-wheelers grabbed in universality as negligible exertion, lightweight vehicles. A three-wheel vehicle is, by structure, basically a triangle shape. Dependent upon where the explorers sit, the zone of the engine, and the situation of other essential mechanical parts, this infers the vehicle either has two wheels ahead of time and one in the back – Tadpole Design or two wheels in the back and one early – Delta Design. Having one wheel in front and two in the back for power diminishes the expense of the controlling system, at any rate unfathomably reduces quality. In any case, a setup of two wheels in the front and one wheel at the back has different solid advertisers among vehicle originators and fans. For the most diminished breeze obstruction (which develops eco-kind aura), a tear form is engaging. A tear drop is wide and round at the front, decreasing to a point at the back. The three wheel plan enables the two front wheels to make the broad round exterior of the vehicle. The single back wheel enables the vehicle to reduce at the back. Having one less wheel in addition fabricates eco-pleasantness as a result of diminished moving resistance. To improve security some spot in the extent of three wheelers are sorted out as tilting three wheelers with the target that they tilt while cornering like a motorcyclist would do. The tilt might be controlled physically or by PC. Electric three-wheelers routinely chopped down the purpose of union of gravity by putting the amazing battery pack at the bottom of the vehicle. This end is satisfactorily reasonable if a 3-Wheeler with two front wheels is considered. If the purpose of intermingling of gravity of the vehicle-occupants gathering is sufficient low to be under

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the pyramid, the vehicle won't roll sideways in a bend and won't tip in reverse when exciting or tip forward while braking. So if the zone of the purpose of intermingling of gravity is elegant, a 3-Wheeler may then have a security edge against rollover like for any 4-wheeler. All things considered, any 3-Wheeler 'can' be persevering everywhere given it's all around sorted out. (Palash Patodi V. S., 2014). A framework among therapeutic research on the physical incapacities of the old and vehicle design and driving prosperity. Revelations on the driving-related physical and mental shortcomings looked by the old by then proposes two important sorts of vehicle structure and system changes: (1) adjustments for private vehicles, and (2) smart development and support organizations for personal vehicles, which can constrain the driving linked effects of these handicaps. For example, paper shows an extent of subtle vehicle plan changes for sections, for instance, seats and doors, handles, handles, and controlling wheels, and seat straps. Gigantic quantities of these improvements can be made to regular voyager vehicles with insignificant extra structure effort, and that the modifications should in like manner grow by and large vehicle appeal. Finally, while most, if not all, of proposed changes would be made, as it were, advantage the more seasoned, they will everything thought about help and improve rolling over all age social occasions. (Susan A. Shaheen a, 2001). A contextual investigation of the Quality capacity organization connected on a vehicle motor square, so as to enable the originators to see better the client needs. Quality capacity arrangement device helps in basic leadership at hierarchical dimension so as to improve the deals and turn into a substantially more focused association in an always showing signs of change showcase. There will be restored and product structured with altered qualities that worry the client necessities. If there should arise an occurrence of the motor square, the client prerequisites are: 1. To have little resistances of the measurements; 2. Try not to have deviations from the smoothness of the plane machined surfaces; 3. To have diminished weight and measurements; 4. To withstand to the mechanical and specialized worries amid the relative development toward different segments of the motor; 5. Try not to deliver high clamor, amid the time the motor is working; 6. To work at typical parameters, even at high temperatures; 7. To be furnished with a cooling framework that would consequently trigger when fundamental and don't enable the water to solidify in the cooling circuit; 8. To be structured with a reusing gadget of the water from the cooling framework; 9. To be planned so as to lessen at the base esteem the vibrations amid the motor is working. (Buruiana Florin, 2009). Two imperative advancements, in the vehicle dashboard, the constrained fumes framework and the multipurpose glass holder are made by the client's desires. For the product improvement, the client needs are recognized by market overview. 'Voice of the Customer' is changed over from market overview into client prerequisites (WHATs). Product attributes are created to accomplish the client needs in specialized depictions (HOWs). Place of value is worked by building up the connection among WHATS and HOWS. The consequence of place of value is utilized in idea age. Pugh outline is utilized for idea choice. Computer aided design models of the chose ideas are displayed. (Hamidullah R. A., 2010). This implies that qualitative improvements in vehicle design enhance the consumer orientation towards overall usage experience, thus, resulting in enhanced firm performance. Can this be said with all vehicle segments or to particular segment of vehicles? Thus, it can be hypothesized that; H0: There is no association in design expectations from customers for MUV/MPV segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segments.

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:6 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

4. Methodology: The research is diagnostic- inferential undertaken to test the aforementioned hypothesis, the data was collected from primary sources. The objective of the study was to find the vehicle design expectations by the owners’ of MPV/MUV vehicle segment and owners who own and use vehicles other than this segment, viz. (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, Mid-size etc.). Study was conducted in Satara district, State of Maharashtra, India. The focus of the study was to identify vehicle design expectations, in particular MUV/MPV segment vehicles. The customers who have purchased the vehicles in this segment category comprised of the samples. The data was collected from 400 vehicle owners’ in the MUV/MPV category of 42099 taken from Motor Transport Statistics of Maharashtra (RTO) and 60 owners of (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. Sample selection is using convenient sampling method. The sample size was calculated using ‘Yamane and Taro’s’ formula for finite population. The data collection was done through structured schedule. Same schedule was executed on two different vehicle category segment owners. Schedule was pretested on 50 samples within MUV/MPV category for content measurement to ensure valid, clear and appropriate measurements. ‘Statistical Package for Social Sciences’ was used to analyze and test the hypothesis of the study. Percentage analysis and ‘Chi-square test of association’, was utilized to analyze the data. Variables utilized and arrived at based on literature survey done for the study. Basic variables for design consideration irrespective of vehicle segment in broad category considered are; Comfort/convenience, Safety/security, Exteriors, and Other aspects which off let have become a must for a reliable vehicle. Data collected on nominal scale; mentioning the name of design attributes to be different, specifically questioning to name the design aspect for four design variable questions on; 1. Comfort/convenience: - i.e. (automatic climate control AC and AV controls on steering, electronic outside mirrors, and all four power windows, comfortable interior space for more than five persons to seat, reclining, sliding, folding middle and front seats, height adjustable seats with lumber support, and overall vehicle is comfortable and convenient.) 2. Safety/security: - i.e. (side impact beams and collapsible steering column, braking and control systems like ABS/BA/EBD/TCS/Disk brakes, tubeless, radial and wider tires, larger wheelbase, larger front and rear track, airbags, seat belts, clear lights, reverse sensor, child proof doors and windows, overall vehicle is safe and secure.) 3. Exteriors: - i.e. (aerodynamic body and character lines to bonnet, body coloured ORVM, door handles and more colour choices, overall design and exteriors are good.) 4. Other important aspects in vehicle design expected: - i.e. (brand is well established with proven engine technology, lower running cost and better after sales support, information is easy to get on TV, radio, newspaper, internet, auto show, recommendation by friends, relatives, mechanic, dealer, salesperson.)

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:7 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

5. Research Findings: 5.1 Vehicle design attributes expectations: Table 1. Vehicle statistics for ‘vehicle attribute’ must be different in segment. (n=460) (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and MUV/MPV Comfort and Mid-size) Sr. (n=400) Convenience (n=60) Frequency Percent Frequency Percent 1 Comfortable Seats 78 19.50 21 35

2 Cabin Height 59 14.75 24 40 3 Seat Row Distance 63 15.75 15 25 4 One feature different in 200 50 0 0 category Sr. Safety and Security

1 Airbags 94 23.5 23 38.33 2 Child Proof 54 13.5 17 28.33 Windows/Doors 3 Ground Clearance 52 13 18 30 4 One feature different in 200 50 1 1.66 category Sr. Exterior Features

1 Aerodynamic Look 53 13.25 13 21.66

2 Character Lines 61 15.25 19 31.66

3 Exterior Looks 1 0.25 0 0

4 Styling 85 21.25 24 40 5 One feature different in 200 50 3 5 category Sr. Other Aspects

1 Brand of Vehicle 102 25.5 29 48.33

2 Engine Technology 46 11.5 13 21.66 3 Information 52 13 17 28.33 4 One feature different in 200 50 1 1.66 category Source :(Compiled by Researcher)

Table 1 provides the frequency of responses with percent by the 400 samples of MUV/MPV vehicle owners’ and 60 samples by (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid- size) vehicle segment owners’ for vehicle design attributes, that is expected.

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:8 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

The percent attribute for comfort features show highest difference for comfortable seats with 19.50, followed by seat row distance with percent of 15.75 and cabin height with percent of 14.75 for the MUV/MPV vehicle segment. (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle percent show the first difference for cabin height with 40, followed by 35 for comfortable seats and 25 for seat row distance. Therefore, percentage itself shows the difference in design expectations for MUV/MPV segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. However, the percent range for ‘safety and security’, ‘exterior features’ and ‘other aspects’ of vehicle attributes ranging from 38.33 to 13, 40 to 13.25, and 48.33 to 11.5 respectively do not show much of difference in opinion towards design expectations to be different in particular. Since four categories of design attributes have taken, the hypothesis testing was done independently for these four categories of design attributes. 5.2 Association of design expectations:

The table 2 gives cross-tabulation between comfort and convenience, safety and security, exteriors, and other features and brand of vehicle with MPV/MUV segment and other vehicle segment values. It shows the actual count for one feature being different in this segment is more compared to what is expected viz. (200 vs. 173.9) for MUV/MPV segment while for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment it is (0 vs. 26.1) than expected. For specific features for seat row distance, comfortable seats, height within the cabin is less than expected count for MUV/MPV segment. While for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment for each feature it is actual count is more than what is expected. Safety and Security features and brand of vehicle with MPV/MUV segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment values, which shows the actual count for one feature being different in this segment is more compared to what is expected i.e. (200 vs. 174.8), while for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment it is only (1 vs. 26.2) than expected. Features for airbag, childproof door, windows, ground clearance; it is almost zero than expected count. While for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment for each feature it is actual count what is expected except for feature of ground clearance. Exterior features and brand of vehicle with MPV/MUV segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment values, which shows the actual count for one feature being different in this segment is less compared to what is expected, i.e. (200 vs. 176.5) while for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment it is above than expected i.e. (3 vs. 26.5). Features for aerodynamic looks, character lines, styling, it is almost zero than expected count. While for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid- size) vehicle segment for each feature it is actual count what is expected. This indicates much more the consumers in the segment expect form look point of view. Other features and brand of vehicle with MPV/MUV segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment values, which shows the actual count for one feature being different in this segment is more compared to what is expected i.e. (200 vs. 174.8), while for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment it is (1 vs.26.2) than expected. Features for brand of vehicle, engine technology, information, it is less than expected count. While for (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment for each feature it is actual count more than what is expected. This indicates much more expectation form other aspects of brand, engine technology and information of the vehicle to get to in MPV/MUV segment to them for final decision to purchase.

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Table 2. ‘Cross-tabulation’ for vehicle design attributes in MPV/MUV vehicle and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicles. (n=460)

Crosstab Brand of Vehicle Sr. Comfort and Convenience Mahindra/ Bolero, (Hatch Back, Mid- features Scorpio, Zylo, XUV- Size, Mini-Van, Sedan. 500 Etc.) Total Count 200 0 200 One feature 1. Expected Different 173.9 26.1 200 Count Count 63 15 78 Seat Row 2. Expected Distance 67.8 10.2 78 Count Count 78 21 99 Comfortable 3. Expected Seats 86.1 12.9 99 Count Count 59 24 83 4. Height Expected 72.2 10.8 83 Count Count 400 60 460 Total Expected 400.0 60.0 460 Count

Crosstab Brand of Vehicle Sr. Safety and Security features Mahindra/ Bolero, (Hatch Back, Mid-Size, Scorpio, Zylo, XUV-500 Mini-Van, Sedan. Etc.) Total One feature Count 200 1 201 1. which should be Expected 174.8 26.2 201 different Count Count 0 14 14 2. Airbag Expected 12.2 1.8 14 Count Count 94 9 103 3. Airbags Expected 89.6 13.4 103 Count Count 0 7 7 Child Proof 4. Expected Doors 6.1 .9 7 Count Count 0 2 2 Child Proof 5. Expected Window 1.7 .3 2 Count 6. Child Proof Count 54 8 62

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53.9 8.1 62

Expected Count Count 52 18 70 Ground 7. Expected Clearance 60.9 9.1 70 Count Count 0 1 1 8. Safe Expected .9 .1 1 Count Count 400 60 460 Total Expected 400.0 60.0 460 Count Crosstab Brand of Vehicle Sr. Exterior features Mahindra/ Bolero, (Hatch Back, Mid-Size, Scorpio, Zylo, XUV-500 Mini-Van, Sedan. Etc.) Total One feature Count 200 3 203 1. which should be Expected 176.5 26.5 203 different Count Count 53 13 66 Aerodynamic 2. Expected Look 57.4 8.6 66 Count Count 0 1 1 Aerodynamic 3. Expected Look .9 .1 1 Count Count 61 18 79 4. Character Lines Expected 68.7 10.3 79 Count Count 0 1 1 5. Character Lines Expected .9 .1 1 Count Count 1 0 1 6. Looks Expected .9 .1 1 Count Count 85 24 109 7. Styling Expected 94.8 14.2 109 Count Total Count 400 60 460

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Crosstab Brand of Vehicle Sr. Other aspects in vehicle Mahindra/ Bolero, (Hatch Back, Mid-Size, Scorpio, Zylo, XUV-500 Mini-Van, Sedan. Etc.) Total Other Count 200 1 201 thing/feature 1. Expected which should be Count 174.8 26.2 201 different Count 102 29 131 2. Brand Expected 113.9 17.1 131 Count Count 46 13 59 Engine 3. Expected Technology 51.3 7.7 59 Count Count 52 17 69 4. Information Expected 60.0 9.0 69 Count Count 400 60 460 Total Expected 400.0 60.0 460 Count Source :(Compiled by Researcher)

This signifies that comfort and convenience expectation for MPV segment of vehicle is much closer to expectation than (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. Safety and Security expectation for MPV segment of vehicle is much higher to expectation than (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. More the consumers in the segment expect from look point of view. Expectation forms other aspects of brand, engine technology and information of the vehicle to get, in MPV/MUV segment to them for final decision to purchase.

Table 3. ‘Chi-square’ test and ‘Fisher’s Exact’ test for vehicle design attributes in MPV/MUV vehicle and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicles. (n=460) Chi-Square Tests for Comfort and Convenience Sr. Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) 1. Pearson Chi-Square 56.892a 3 .000 .000 2. Likelihood Ratio 77.717 3 .000 .000 3. Fisher's Exact Test 74.079 .000 Chi-Square Tests for Safety and Security Sr. Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) 1. Pearson Chi-Square 199.487a 7 .000 .000 2. Likelihood Ratio 155.079 7 .000 .000 3. Fisher's Exact Test 148.393 .000 Chi-Square Tests for Exterior features Sr. Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided)

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:12 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

1. Pearson Chi-Square 54.451a 6 .000 .000 2. Likelihood Ratio 59.788 6 .000 .000 3. Fisher's Exact Test 60.021 .000 Chi-Square Tests for Other aspects Sr. Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) 1. Pearson Chi-Square 49.828a 3 .000 .000 2. Likelihood Ratio 65.856 3 .000 .000 3. Fisher's Exact Test 64.440 .000 Source :(Compiled by Researcher)

Table 3. gives Pearson Chi-square value, Fishers Exact value with degree of freedom and ‘P’ value. The Chi-square value for ‘comfort and convenience’ is 56.892 with 3 degrees of freedom and Fisher’s Exact test is also taken for consideration with value 77.717 and 3 degrees of freedom with significant ‘P’ value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) for both tests reveals to reject null hypothesis and accept alternative hypothesis. So, it is interpreted that comfort and convenience expectation for MPV segment of vehicle is significantly associated to (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. The Chi-square value for ‘safety and security’ is 199.487 with 7 degrees of freedom. So, Fisher’s exact test value 148.393 with significant ‘P’ value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) is considered. It is concluded that safety and security expectation for MPV segment of vehicle is significantly associated with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. Thus, null hypothesis is rejected that there is no association for safety attributes compared to (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment and alternative is accepted that there is association for safety features for both segments. The Chi-square value for ‘exterior features’ is 54.451 with 6 degrees of freedom. So, Fisher’s exact test value 60.021 with significant ‘P’ value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) is considered. It indicates that exteriors of vehicle are expected to be associated for MPV segment with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment. So, null hypothesis is rejected for exteriors of the vehicle having no association for this segment of vehicles with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment and alternative is accepted that, there is significant association for exterior features. The Chi-square value for ‘other aspects’ is 49.828 with 3 degrees of freedom. Fisher’s exact test is also taken for consideration with value 64.440 with significant ‘P’ value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) for both tests. It is inferred that other aspects of vehicle are associated for MPV segment than (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment, which include brand, engine technology and information for the vehicle. Therefore, test reveals that there is significant association for other aspects of vehicle in MPV/MUV vehicle segment with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment, so null is rejected for other aspects of vehicle showing no association, and alternative is accepted that, they are associated. This hypothesis have been tested in four sections i.e., comfort and convenience, safety and security, exteriors, other features which are important before buying. The Chi-square test for all the four categories with sample MPV/MUV segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment is found to be associated.

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:13 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

6. Discussions and Conclusion: Practical Significance: Vehicle industry in India is been at the corner stone of economic development for many years now. As the per capita income of the Indian populous is growing, so will be the awareness towards specific requirements in the vehicle to buy by the users'. Competition to attain the market will make automakers’ a run for their investments. To make sure they have invested in such product development, which performs to the expectations of the buyers’, automakers’ will always have to look for, and gauge design requirements from the population. As the number of vehicle owners’ will grow, being different from the competition without sacrificing on basic design requirements will be the necessary strategy to be followed by the automakers’, which will make it absolutely necessary to have information about the buyer requirements from the vehicle and vehicle segments.

Conclusions: The paper describes and discusses the design variables for Multi-Utility vehicle segment taken in totality as a final product. It analyzes the association of considered variables with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment apart from multi-utility segment. Introduction raised two questions that are elaborated;

Which are the design expectations in the segment? The design expectations according to four design variables taken for study are; 1. Comfort and Convenience- Comfortable seats in MPV segment, and Cabin Height in Other segment vehicles. 2. Safety and Security- Airbags. 3. Exterior Features- Styling of the vehicle. 4. Other Aspects- Brand of the vehicle.

Is there any association between design expectations for this segment with (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segment? This study attempted to understand the design expectations association from the Multi- Utility (MUV/MPV) vehicle segment and (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) vehicle segments - apart MUV/MPV, under different vehicle attributes, which is found to be associated. This can be helpful information for auto designers’ and automakers to take design decisions while designing the vehicles’, irrespective of the vehicle segments defined in India to better serve the consumers’ with identified design requirements considered most while buying the vehicle.

7. Limitations and future research: The study was limited to design expectations identification and association for MUV/MPV vehicle segment and vehicles in (Hatchback, Sedan, Mini-van, and Mid-size) segment. The sample drawn for study is primarily from owners’ of vehicles from few vehicle segments. Therefore, caution should be practiced before generalizing the findings of study to other segments of vehicles. Additionally, what is lacking is the only consideration of design attributes of vehicle. Future research should study the economic, social and environmental perspectives for offering better vehicles to society. Further research can be on specific segments of vehicles, like SUV and MUVs. Also additional

Volume 6, Issue 8, 2020 Page No:14 Zeichen Journal ISSN No: 0932-4747

dimensions with respect to strategic resource identification and utilization from designing and manufacturing perspective to be cost and value oriented offering can be considered.

Funding: This study did not receive any funds from any commercial, not-for-profit sectors, and public agencies.


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