Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 424 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2019) Women’s Perspective on Love, Loyalty, and the Other Woman in Indonesian literature Yasnur Asri Yenni Hayati, Muhammad Adek Indonesia Language Education Study Program Indonesian Literature Universitas Negeri Padang Universitas Negeri Padang Padang, Indonesia Padang, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—This paper tries to see how women writers see only considered as lowly or petty works, which will never be topics of love, loyalty, and the other woman through literary aligned with the writings produced by male writers (Suryaman, works spread across the periods in Indonesian literature. The Wiyatmi, & Liliani, 2011). Therefore, one of the long-term data in this study were taken from short stories written by visions of feminist literary critics is to explore, study, and various female authors published in 1940-2000 which were select the potential and unique women works and writers to be assembled in a collection of Dunia Perempuan short stories. Data compiled into their own literary canon. were discussed by using the theory of Gynocritics and analyzed with the content analysis method. Based on the results of data At the beginning of the development of literature in analysis, it was found that female authors tend to assume that Indonesia, the authors were introduced to the public and love and loyalty are the most important thing in their lives, studied extensively is only limited to male authors. In fact, particularly in their marriage lives. Moreover, they do not literary works written by women have existed since the associate the other woman who is present in the midst of their beginning of the development of literature in Indonesia.