Much has been written about the assassination of Pyotr Stolypin, who headed the Russian government at the time of his death on . Now original source documents from the State Archive of the Kiev Oblast are available in this one of a kind collection.

As head of the Russian government amid massive protests of workers and peasants against the autocracy, Stolypin was firm in suppressing the protests, but he also started programs to reform, first and foremost, ’s extensive farming community, the government infrastructure, and economy. The reform he launched in the countryside was aimed at increasing the population of prosperous farmers, the mainstay of the existing system. Addressing members of the State Duma, he once said: “You are after great upheavals, we are after a great Russia.” This became his battle cry.

Most authors have based their narratives on reminiscences and historical press accounts while only a few researchers used archive sources. This unique collection of the archive-based information presented by East View includes documents little known to both the broad public and the scholarly community.

The collection contains such materials from the State Archive of the Kiev Oblast as the correspondence of the investigator of the Kiev circuit court concerning the killer Dmitri Bogrov and other revolutionaries implicated in Stolypin’s assassination as well as the report to the prosecutor of the Kiev circuit court about the murder, the record of Bogrov’s questioning, the report on the site and time of Bogrov’s execution.

Also found in the collection are protocols from an apartment search of a secret police officer who may have helped Bogrov, medical reports on Stolypin’s condition, details on the funeral arrangements, examination annotations and autopsy of his body, and much more.

The assassination of Stolypin was a very important episode in Russian political developments preceding the turmoil of and the revolution, which changed the course of Russian history. This outstanding collection is a must- have for those who research this critical historical period.

Terms Language: Russian 3020 Harbor Lane North Size: 4 reels; 1,708 pages Minneapolis, MN 55447 USA Format: Silver halide 35 mm microfilm TEL: 763.550.0961 US TOLL-FREE: 800.477.1005 Price: $560 US FAX: 763.559.2931 US TOLL-FREE: 800.800.3839 E-MAIL: [email protected] For other collections, go to