

Count Vladimir Kokovtsov1 -- was a Russian politician who served as the Prime Minister of ​ from 1911. Staunch and conservative, he is one of the most powerful figures in Russia

and deals with matters with a trusted iron hand. He is extremely intolerant of the left or any of

his opponents--political or otherwise, and often deals with them fatally. As prime minister, he

has significant influence over the , the lawmaking body in the . He also has

significant influence over Tsar Nicholas II, serving as one of his closest advisors.

Prince Georgy Lvov2-- a Russian statesman and a supporter of reform, Lvov joined the liberal ​ Constitutional Democratic Party. In 1906 he won election to the Duma. A serial playboy, Georgy touts liberal values loud and proud much to the annoyance of powerful conservatives who see him as an enemy to the future of Russia. He organized work relief efforts during the

Russo-Japanese war in 1893, thus he has a fair amount of influence over veterans from this war.

He believes in progressive ideals, and thinks that Russia needs to move forward. He believes that

Tsar Nicholas might be incompetent and may need replacement.

Vasily Shulgin3-- a Russian conservative monarchist, in 1907 Shulgin became a member of the

Duma. He advocated right-wing views, supported the government of , including introduction of courts-martial, and other controversial changes. A strict, powerful political presence in Russia, he is a staunch believer in Machiavellian ethics and is willing to do whatever it takes to bring a highly conservative future to Russia. He has significant influence of his fellow

1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Kokovtsov 2 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSlvov.htm 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily_Shulgin conservatives throughout Russia, and is seen as a leader in the Duma for the right-wing members.

Alexander Guchkov4 -- a major industrialist and in 1907 was elected to the Duma where he ​ later served as its third Chairman. Guchkov advocated political reform and became leader of the

Octobrist Party. A bit of a wild-card, Alexander plays the field with both liberal and conservative politics and is thus friendly with almost all the major political presences in Russia. He sees

Russia being the best it possibly can through whatever means necessary. He has a lot of support from industrial workers throughout Russia, having favor with a lot of the trade unions throughout the Russian Empire.

Nikolai Ruzsky5 -- a Russian general, member of the state and military councils. He most recently served as a commander in the Russo-Japanese War. A very shrewd thinker and analyst,

Nikolai is always three steps ahead of his opponents and plans things very far in advance, often to his personal favor rather than for Russia. He controls a large portion of the Russian military, serving as First General of the Imperial Russian Infantry. He is seen as a war hero throughout the country, and has a lot of public support. Apart from his military influence, he is also a major player for pushing for reform in Russia.

Mikhail Frunze6 -- the son of a peasant, as a student Frunze joined the Social Democratic Party where he supported the Bolshevik faction and eventually became a Bolshevik leader. A true rags-to-riches story, Frunze utilizes his newfound political power to the extremes, letting it

4 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSguchkov.htm 5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Ruzsky 6 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSfrunze.htm oftentimes get the best of him. Frunze believes in radical reforms throughout the Russian

Empire, appealing to a lot of the peasants and farmers throughout the country. Growing up as a farm worker’s son, he has the heart of the people.

Alexander Kerensky7 -- a Russian and . In 1905 Kerensky joined the ​ Socialist Revolutionary Party (SR) and became editor of the radical newspaper, Burevestik. He was soon arrested and sent into exile. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1906 and found work as a lawyer. Kerensky joined the Russian Labour Party and in 1912 was elected to the State Duma. A polarizing figure, he has many enemies and thus now enshrouds himself in secrecy and heavy protection.

Grigori Rasputin8-- a Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man who befriended the family of Tsar Nicholas II and gained considerable influence in late imperial Russia. Rasputin has incredible influence within the imperial family and many believe he is the Queen’s lover. It’s even safe to say he is kept in the Tsar’s inner-most council of advisors. He has significant influence over the Tsar’s policy for the Russian empire.

Grand Duke Alexander of Russia9 -- a dynast of the Russian Empire, a naval officer, an author, explorer, the brother-in-law of Emperor Nicholas II and advisor to him. Grand Duke Alexander has close familial ties to the imperial family although he is on lukewarm terms with his brother-in-law, the Emperor. He is a large landowner, owning farms throughout the country. He

7 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSkerensky.htm 8 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSrasputin.htm

9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duke_Alexander_Mikhailovich_of_Russia is one of the richest men in Russia, and has great influence over all those involved in agriculture,

including the peasants.

Grand Duke Nikolai Romanov10-- the second cousin of Tsar Nicholas II, he worked his way up

through all the military ranks until he was appointed commander of the Guard Hussar Regiment

in 1884. He remains on good terms with Emperor Nicholas II although they have not talked for

many years. Grand Duke Nikolai is known to abuse his royal blood by coercing others into doing

his personal bidding while claiming that it is for the imperial family. He has significant influence

over the military and has a lot of power within the military itself. He is seen as one of the most

highest-ranking military advisors in all of imperial Russia.

Aleksandr Krymov11 --a Russian Imperial Lieutenant General, most recently serving as a

military commander in the Russo-Japanese War. An expert in torture, Krymov is a bloodthirsty

war-hawk and will do whatever he can to get back on the battlefield. Some say he kills civilians

for sport, although it has never been proven. He serves as the General of the Cavalry, having a

great deal of military power in imperial Russia.

Sergius Witte12 -- a highly influential econometrician, minister, and prime minister in Imperial ​ Russia. He has been one of the key figures in the political arena in Russia since the late nineteenth century. He is extremely, as his suggests, witty and often pulls extremely complex pranks on his fellow politicians, much to their chagrin. He is seen as one of the most

10 http://spartacus-educational.com/FWWnikolai.htm

11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Krymov 12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Witte influential economists in the Russian empire, and the Tsar seeks his advice on economics quite


13 Pavel Nikolayevich Miliukov --a Russian historian and liberal politician. Milyukov was the

founder, leader, and the most prominent member of the Constitutional Democratic party (known

as the Kadets). An incredibly knowledgeable and effective debater, Pavel always seeks to turn ​ ​ conservative politicians to his side and campaigns tirelessly for human rights and the liberal cause. He is a huge pacifist and detests the mere mention of war. He is a large leader in the anti-war effort, and has a wide support of the public who is against war. He was a big critic of the Balkan Wars, seeing as they cost Russia both money and human life. He would detest war above all else.

Khabib Nurmagomedov-- a retired Russian war general turned underground fighter, he has ​ become incredibly wealthy from placing large bets on himself and remaining undefeated

throughout all of his brutal bouts. Although he was born to a poor family, his social status has

skyrocketed with each victory and he is now among the Russian elites. Although he does not

have much, or any political experience, prominent Russian politicians greatly enjoy his presence

and consider his political advice very seriously.

Mikhail Rodzianko14 -- the son of a wealthy landowner and a senior army officer. Rodzianko ​ was elected to the third Duma and in March, 1911, became its leader. He was a loyal supporter of Nicholas II but was willing to criticize failings in his administration. A brutally honest character, Mikhail has made many enemies by pointing out their shortcomings, quite rudely, to

13 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSmiliukov.htm

14 http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSrodzianko.htm their face. He is one of the richest men in Russia and remains popular among the aristocracy in

the Russian empire.

Ivan Goremykin15 -- a conservative Russian politician who served as Prime Minister in 1906. A

self-described "man of the old school" who views the Tsar as the rightful sovereign, Goremykin

is a loyal supporter of Nicholas II as autocrat and accordingly pursued conservative policy. Ivan

is one of the Emperor’s biggest fans and constantly strives to get close to the Emperor,

prompting many to believe that he is secretly in love with Tsar Nicholas II.

Leyla Urushanova -- an ultra-famous opera singer dubbed ‘The Russian Nightingale’, her ​ ​ immense wealth and popularity allow her to preach to the masses at her concerts with whatever

political messages she wants to get out. She leans heavily liberal and is suspected of having ties

with some very underhanded groups of people in Russia. She is widely popular in the public,

thus has a great deal of influence in the political sphere.

Baron Boris Stürmer16 -- a Russian lawyer, a Master of Ceremonies at the Russian Court, and a

district governor. He became a member of the Russian Assembly, and was a master of political

compromise. Always seeking to reach a middle ground, Baron Boris’s true intentions are hard to

read but he is liked by conservatives and liberals alike. He has a great deal of clout, dubbed as

the great compromiser. He is always consulted before any major political decisions are made, to

ensure that he takes into account all parties who would be affected.

15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Goremykin 16 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_St%C3%BCrmer​ Alexander Trepov17 -- a conservative, a monarchist, a member of the Russian Assembly, an ​ advocate of moderate and sane reforms, and opposed to the influence of . He hated the rampant corruption within Russia and did everything possible to promote a transparent government. He publishes a secretive monthly newsletter with gossip on the many sketchy dealings within the Russian elite. The aristocracy detests this man’s existence, however he is widely popular among the people.

Prince Nikolai Golitsyn18 -- of , a former senator, and a member of the state

council. His advanced years led him to regularly fall asleep during State Council meetings. He is

one of the richest men in all of Russia, having a great deal of influence over the aristocracy. Even

though seen as uninvolved and always asleep, he is one of the smartest men in Russia and his

advice is followed almost unanimously.

Moisey Ostrogorsky19 -- a politician, political scientist, historian, jurist and sociologist, he is considered one of the founders of political sociology, especially in the field of theories on Party

Systems and political parties. He​ was a member of the First State Duma of the Russian Empire. ​ An incredibly intelligent and well-renowned figure, he is extremely respected. Some believe he

plans to create his own political faction in an effort to take over liberals and conservatives alike.

If there were to be a power struggle, one could bet on Moisey being a contestant to vie for

power. Nonetheless, he is widely respected throughout imperial Russia.

17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Trepov 18 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Golitsyn 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moisey_Ostrogorsky​ Pyotr Durnovo20 -- an Imperial Russian lawyer and politician, Durnovo was noted for his outspoken opposition to closer ties with the United Kingdom at the expense of relations with

Germany. Although only his grandfather was German amongst the rest of his pure Russian family true, he is a true Germanophile at heart. Durnovo strongly dislikes the UK and wishes war against them.

Peter Struve21 -- a Russian political economist, philosopher and editor. He started out as a ​ ​ Marxist, and later became a liberal. A wild, eccentric man, Struve is often concocting

hare-brained schemes that often lead to nowhere. He is friends with many of Russia’s homeless,

and is a big advocate of public housing projects to provide homes for these people who are

impoverished. He is very popular among the poor, and is a supporter of beliefs that align with

reform for Russia. Although he has recently become a liberal, many believe he still has Marxist


Maxim Vinawer22 -- a Russian lawyer, politician and patron. A Jewish man in a viciously anti-semitic country, he is used to being ganged up on and thus is extremely tough and defensive.

He has wide support from the Jewish population throughout the country, as they see him as a man in the aristocracy who represents Jewish interests. He always will represent the interests of the people who supports him.

20 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyotr_Durnovo 21 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Berngardovich_Struve 22 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxim_Vinaver Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov23 -- a Russian military intelligence officer, explorer, and general in the Imperial . A hardcore survivalist, Lavr survived a yearlong solo expedition in only eating food that he hunted himself. Lavr is, therefore, an expert tracker and a very effective killer-- not only limited to animals. Apart from his personal skills, he is widely respected throughout the military. He is seen as the go-to person for strategy and intelligence in the military. He is also widely feared, due to his hardcore survivalism, as aforementioned. For these reasons, he possesses a great deal of influence over Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian military for military policy.

23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavr_Kornilov