For presentation to Members at the Annual General Meeting to be Held at the Eastlink Stadium 30 Old Farm Rd, Hamilton East

10 DECEMBER 2017 At 7.00pm


PATRON Pat Dallinger, MBE †

PRESIDENT Philip Paterson


CEO: Tjitte (TJ) Weistra



SCHOOLS & EVENTS MAMAGER: Felicity Leydon-Davis

ACCOUNTANT Brian Bartels, Hemi Edwards Bartels

BOARD Rupinder Virk, Paul Hanton, Stu Morgan, Jair mandriaza, Carol Leydon-Davis, Alison Storey (independent) & Susannah Leydon-Davis (independent)


HON LIFE MEMBERS Maureen Sherborne, Jocelyn Silvester, Doreen Wood, Maurice Smith, Malcolm Brown, Bill Bartels, Alicia Urlich,

(Pat Dallinger MBE †, Peter Icke †, Joyce Musk †)

Remembering our Patron, Pat Dallinger MBE †

President’s Report

Another Waikato badminton year has come and gone. Before I get into the nuts and bolts of this report, I think it’s important to define the Who, What, What, Where, How and most importantly Why. Who are we? Waikato Badminton Association exists of 26 Affiliated Member clubs and all their individual affiliates (player members) as well as the 7-person Board of Director, our Life Members, a President, Vice President, Patron, our 4-paid staff lead by our Chief Executive Officer. What are we? Well, we are many things to our many different partners but first and foremost we are a Regional Sporting Organisation (RSO) What do we do? This is laid out in the WBA Constitution. 3.1 The Objects (Aims, Goals, Objectives) of Waikato Badminton are: (a) To foster, encourage and promote the sport of badminton within the Area;

(b) To promote public health and wellbeing by developing badminton as a preferred means of recreational fitness;

(c) To make badminton accessible to the public community within the Area, for all ages and abilities;

(d) To provide a central public recreational facility within the Area to allow community involvement in badminton, from grassroots to an elite level;

(e) To promote friendly relationships and foster goodwill among Members;

(f) To control, administer and regulate the sport of badminton in the Area and to improve the standard of play of badminton in the Area;

(g) To promote, control, administer and regulate badminton tournaments, ties and competitions

Where are we? Our area is the greater Waikato region and extends from Turangi and Taumarunui in the South to Te Kauwhata, Whitianga and Coromandel in the North and from Raglan in the West to Waihi in the East. Badminton NZ sees our area as slightly smaller. And Sport NZ see us in both.

How do we do it? Well we have a Vision being Badminton for ALL ages, ALL abilities, ALL year round and we have developed a new Strategic plan with Key strategic themes:

1. More Players, More Often 2. Financial Sustainability 3. Coaching & Training 4. Stakeholder engagement 5. Facilities 6. Events

We are working hard to achieve the goals and objectives in that plan. In 2017 we were successful in achieving the targets set in all strategic themes of the plan. In some themes we have already achieved the 2020 outcomes.

Why do we do it? Why do we, the members and staff and volunteers, jointly spend 10’s of thousands of hours playing badminton and watching badminton and doing all the things that make it possible for everyone to play. Why do we, the WBA, have a Badminton Specific Multi-million-dollar Stadium (debt free). Why do we raise and spend 400,000 every year? Well, I guess we all have slightly different reasons but the best reason I heard this year was conveyed to me by one of the Waikato Junior Reps at the Under15 Team Nationals in Palmy. I was coaching him, and he was playing well against a good opponent. He was up 10-9 in the second set and he had an epic rally of 20 shots. He was playing wonderful fast attacking mistake free badminton to all the corners moving well and defending and attacking with great shots and quick footwork. It was a “WOW moment” for his Mum, Grandparents, me and his team who were also watching. He won the point, 11-9 Interval, and as I walked up to him he was puffing but smiling and had a sparkle in his eyes and Todd said, “That was cool fun”. That’s my “why we do it” in 3 words “Badminton is fun.”

It’s fast, fun, competitive and easy to play and understand but the more you put in the more you get out. It’s great to watch and rewarding to play. It’s serious fun. From the first time you put a racquet in a child’s hand and give them a shuttle to hit, to top players like Oliver Leydon-Davis you see that same look of enjoyment. ALL ages ALL abilities ALL year round. This vision is shared and supported by two of our most important partners and we have partnership agreements signed in 2017 with both Badminton New Zealand and Sport Waikato.

I’m proud to be part of the Waikato Badminton Assn because we all seem to have the same passion for the Sport of Badminton and the people who play it. We take having fun on a Badminton court seriously and off the court we do what we can to make people feel welcome and valued. Thank you to all the Players, Coaches, Managers, Team Captains, Parents, Families, Court Officials, Court Sweepers, Club Volunteers, Supporters, Staff, Life Members, Sponsors, Patron, Junior Convenor, Funders, Business Partners and Board Members because it’s your efforts that made 2017 another great year for WBA.

In case you were wondering what my coaching advice to Todd was, “have a drink, take a few deep breaths and go back out and have fun.”

The Nuts and Bolts of 2017 are mostly covered in other Reports but as I have said, 2017 was a good and successful year for WBA in many ways. The WBA Board of Directors are in my completely biased opinion the best and hardest working and nicest group of people. I know they all share a passion for Badminton and sport. Their guidance and inspirational governance has kept WBA going and growing. Thanks Fiona, Paul, Rupinder, Stu, Alison, Carol, Jair and Susannah, keep up the good work.

Our CEO TJ is the best and WBA is very lucky he has chosen to lead our team because with his skill set, work ethic and contacts he could be leading much higher-level teams. He shares, inspires, encourages and coaches the WBA team (Clubs, Staff Board, Officials, Volunteers and Players) in the serious business of delivering a fun Badminton experience. He is also our Stadium Manager, Eastlink Sporting Hub Chairman, and can find ways to make big piles of smelly poo disappear in a cloud of rose scented mist. Thanks TJ.

Our staff all have important roles in our business of delivering badminton fun. Tracey Hallam is our new Director of Coaching leading a team of coaches and creating new coaches for all ages and abilities of players in the Waikato. Coaching and training programmes were and are a key theme in WBA success. Tracey has a long relationship with WBA and is doing a great job in her new role with us. Welcome home Tracey.

Felicity Leydon-Davis is our newest staff member and has the role of Schools & Events Manager. She coordinates and runs competitions, Tournaments and is our Shuttle Time Coordinator. She organises and delivers all WBA Tournaments including Junior Non-Rep, Primary School, Intermediate Schools, Secondary Schools, Interclub, District and Community, Inter Association, National and International as well as Coordinating and delivering a Fun Badminton experience to over 3000 Waikato School children. It’s Huge and she is Great.

Loloma Foster is our longest employed and for many years our only staff member. She took over the Secretary/Treasurer/ Office and Stadium Manager role for the WBA Management Committee 19 years ago when it became too much for volunteers to do properly. Her hard work, attention to detail, knowledge, integrity, reputation and track record are important reasons why she has a good and trusted relationship with many of our funders. Successful Grant applications are vital for us to deliver badminton at the levels we do. Thank you Loloma for your contribution to a financially successful and on Budget 2017. Sadly 2017 will be remembered as the year our Patron Pat Dallinger MBE passed away. Pat was our Patron not only in title but in her actions and the way she contributed and participated in almost all our tournaments. functions and events. She was our biggest fan and supporter, but she was so much more. She shaped and guided and formed the WBA. She contributed so much in so many ways, encouraged, gave good advice and her support and friendship to everyone involved from junior players to CEO’s and Presidents was enormous. We all felt like part of her family and hopefully she felt like part of ours. She respected and valued the code of conduct that reinforces and enhances the enjoyment of playing Badminton. She attended most of our Management Committee Meetings over the 8 years I was involved in them. I’m sure she did this long before that. Her opinion was listened to and valued, her thoughts and ideas helped shape Waikato Badminton into what we are today. On a personal note, she was the reason I stood for the Management Committee 12 years ago. Pat encouraged me too. I will miss Pat and her advice, encouragement and friendship and I know everyone at WBA feels the same.

The biggest and most important Junior Tournament in the WBA Calendar was the NZ Junior U19, U17, U15, U13 National Teams Competition in Palmerston North in July. It’s a Huge and ultimately a very rewarding undertaking and if you haven’t attended then words don’t really explain how big and complicated it all is. IT’S HUGE. Thanks to all those involved for making it such a success but special thanks to Wendy Perkinson our Junior Convenor, for all she did and organised and coordinated to make it a wonderful Badminton experience for everyone involved.

I won’t bore you with a repeat of all the many outstanding results that you can read about in this report. Highlight for me that may or may not be covered elsewhere, in no set order; Oliver Leydon- Davis is truly a World Class Player in both Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. He is performing consistently at a higher level than any other NZ player. Erik and Alex, the Dutch guy and the German guy who came and played for WBA in our Wisden Team and played in the NZ Open and the Waikato International and who shared and showed how wonderful and fun Badminton is when you take it seriously. Todd’s 11th point in the 2nd set at Palmy. So, to all the members of WBA my advice is the same, “Have a drink (water), take a few deep breaths, and get back on the court and have fun” and I hope you all play every point like Todd’s 11th. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018

Philip Paterson WBA President

Chief Executive Officer Report

Brief overview

It is my pleasure to hereby present the CEO report based on the 2016 / 2017 financial year and the 2017 season which has been successful in various ways however, I would first like to take a moment to acknowledge the huge contribution from Pat Dallinger MBE to Badminton in the Waikato as she sadly passed away earlier this year. Both on behalf of Waikato and personally I cannot thank Pat enough for her vision and the positive impact she has had on staff, volunteers and players from all walks of life. Her presents will be hugely missed by all of us.

Another surplus has been achieved this year despite a decrease in the amount of external funding received however thanks to a still increasing amount of stadium hire that has been coming through as well as a major sponsor agreement and donations we have performed well and above expectations. Since the newly introduced club affiliations scheme two years ago, the WBA has managed to cover the shortfall of the reduced income through affiliations by lifting other operational income and this means that the new scheme was the right decision a few years ago as it has taken financial pressure off our affiliated clubs.

Badminton is bucking the trend in terms of numbers participating as many sports in New Zealand are struggling. We still have well over 1000 club members across all affiliated clubs and the number of people playing casually and especially at Secondary School level is growing so much that we are struggling to cope with it. The latest research in sport trends is showing that Badminton is the fastest growing sport at Secondary School level and the second largest in NZ from a participation perspective in schools. The future is bright for Badminton and we are working hard to ensure we can cater for this growth.

Our Strategic Plan is ticking along very nicely thanks to a very positive and supportive Board and as CEO I’m extremely thankful for the support that I receive in my role. There are some big challenges ahead from a facility perspective as we are now heading into a situation where we seriously need to look at extending our stadium here at Eastlink. Conversations will be held with the council soon and from there we will follow the right process to evaluate all options before presenting a report to the AGM in 2019.

The nomination as finalist for the Westpac Business Awards has been a huge achievement and although I don’t know the outcome of the finals evening as I’m writing this report, the WBA should be really proud of this recognition amongst so many other not-for-profit organisations.

More Players - More Often

During the 2017 season we have again seen an increase in the number of people coming through the stadium doors and using our facility as well as in overall event entries. The main increase is in the casual court hire area with club numbers overall being very stable and we have yet again experienced a major increase in school teams participating in the various school competitions. The development of growth in rural areas is ongoing and we are continuing to support some non-affiliated clubs in Taupo, Taumarunui, Tokoroa and Te Aroha as growth in rural areas is important for our sport.

Financial Sustainability

The 2016/2017 financial year was a challenging one as it was the first year with two full-time and two part-time staff members on the pay-roll. With a reduced income from grant funding things looked tight however thanks to a major sponsorship deal with Tui Medical and a much higher than anticipated income from tournament entries we have done very well and performed above expectations. Our stadium hire income is still increasing however I do expect this to plateau a bit in the 2017/2018 financial year as we are reaching saturation point as we can only hire out so many courts and hours especially during peak time. To continue growing our operational income we need to start looking at ways to expand our facility as mentioned earlier in this report.

Coaching & Training

Tracey Hallam was contracted to replace Peter Jensen who returned to with his family last year in October. More details can be found in Tracey’s report however after last year’s incredible season it was always going to be hard to beat that. Nevertheless, some great results were achieved with a bronze medal for Our U19 team at nationals and a silver medal for the Wisden Cup team and some fantastic individual results across the season. Jack Boyle was selected to represent NZ at the World Junior Championships and both Chris Steeghs and Jack Boyle were accepted into Holbaek’s Training Centre in Denmark where they are currently training and playing very hard with players from all over the world.

In the coach development space, we welcomed yet another internationally qualified coach in Paul Hanton who successfully completed his Badminton World Federation Level 1 course and over 10 coaches/teachers successfully completed their Shuttle Time Teacher course in March. The first ever Shuttle Time Youth Leadership Award is scheduled for October and November which is a first in New Zealand and we have 10 students registered at the time of writing this report.

Stakeholder engagement

The WBA deals with a very wide range of stakeholders and it is my responsibility to ensure all stakeholders are kept well informed of our organisation’s progress, our programmes and activities and any plans we have for the future. I’m confident that our relationship with external stakeholders such as Badminton New Zealand, Sport Waikato and sponsors etc. is very healthy and positive. WBA is seen as a pro-active organisation which works hard for the development of Badminton in the greater Waikato region. At the same time, it is our job to provide a good service to our affiliated clubs and we do our very best to ensure we provide the necessary support where identified and requested. From time to time we require our affiliated clubs to provide important information to us as part of the agreement clubs enter with the WBA when a club affiliates. Your ongoing support to providing us with the necessary data is much appreciated.

This year we have achieved some outstanding results when it comes to stakeholder engagement such as being the first Association in NZ to sign a Service Level agreement with Badminton New Zealand as well as signing a partnership agreement with Sport Waikato. Being the first association in NZ to start a Para Badminton programme and a major sponsorship agreement with Tui Medical.


Our stadium floors were resurfaced in December, the roof over courts 1-5 has just been rustproofed and repainted, new umpire chairs for courts 6-10 are being purchased and we have purchased our own floor scrubber so we can clean the courts more often and keep it in a better condition for the enjoyment of all users.

A stadium extension is still very much on the cards and we are in discussions with the council with the support of Sport Waikato. Our strategic plan states that we want to have all discussions, feasibility study and plans completed by the end of 2019 so we can then take a recommendation to the AGM.

We have also played a big part in the design and development of the new Multi-Sport Indoor facility called The Peak in Rototuna. The new facility has 16 Badminton courts available and we are currently working with the Horsham Downs Badminton Club to see whether a move to that new venue would be a good decision for them.


We host a very wide range of events each year from local to international and 2017 has been of one of the most successful years from an event organisation perspective. Our international event had the largest entry from within NZ and overseas ever recorded and the event itself was a huge success. The Waikato Championships was very well supported again with well over 100 participants. Increased participation across many of our events has also resulted in WBA receiving more revenue from entry fees.

I would like to acknowledge the fantastic job Felicity Leydon-Davis has done in her first season as Schools & Events Manager. This role was introduced as a part-time pilot project for a limited and it is fair to say that Felicity has done an amazing job. So good that we are now able to convert the pilot project to a permanent part-time role which is a great development which is adding a lot of value to the services we provide as an organisation.

To conclude

Overall, we can be very proud of our achievements this year both on and off the court. The additional admin expense, the constitutional and affiliation structure change have had no negative impact on our books thanks to continuous growth across all programmes, events and activities. Waikato Badminton is fast becoming a preferred venue for many Badminton NZ activities especially events and training camps which is another reason for us to seriously look at expansion of the stadium. Thanks to all the wonderful people that make Badminton happen in the Waikato. Whether your contribution is large or small, you are making a difference!!!

TJ Weistra – Chief Executive Officer

Director of Coaching Annual Report

It has been great coming back to the Waikato seeing familiar faces again and getting to know new ones. Even though I am reasonably familiar with Waikato Badminton Association, I have felt a significant amount of pressure to continue and develop what Peter set up and got going. It is also positive being around players who are beginning to see the Badminton pathway open up and are a little bit more serious around their badminton, however this is going to be an on-going challenge.

When I started working with the squads, I went straight into technical training, so the physical training has been lacking for some squads particularly the junior squad as I was conscious that some players were going away to the Oceania Championships early in the season and the Noumea International. With this in mind, doing plenty of physical training over the summer and in the lead up to the new season will be a priority.


On many occasions, I stepped in to help Felicity in the Schools space. Schools attended include Te Kowhai where the challenge was huge classes (50-60). Matamata Primary, various Schools in and around Taupo. The Taupo schools always enjoy badminton. We ran a couple of days for Berkley Intermediate at the Eastlink Stadium and I also went in to Berkley Intermediate to deliver shuttle time. As you will probably be aware that this school has a history of producing Waikato Rep players and it is not difficult to see why. They have the gym available most lunchtimes for the students to come in and play.


I have attended a couple of club session especially in rural communities to assist the strategic objective of Waikato Badminton to increase participation. It is always nice to get out in the region as there are some very passionate people who are doing a great job in promoting Badminton. From what I have gathered the data collated is showing a huge increase in participation in some rural towns.

Junior Reps

In the junior rep squad for 2017, we had two new entrants because of the Talent ID Day which is a great result as many others were placed in the Development Squad programme.

Obviously, having been in Waikato before I am quite familiar with the older players in the High- Performance Squad. They are more serious about their Badminton however I am really impressed with the current group of U13 players. Various U13/15 players have been invited to the Badminton New Zealand U15 Selection Camp in November. The Camp is a selection for the main National Junior Camp for 2018 which is ten days long and is held in Napier in January.

Victoria Guo and Sannidhi Kumar, two of our U13 girls made the Semi Finals in both the singles and Doubles at the Waikato/North Islands U13’s and a couple of other North Island tournaments. I’m disappointed that I wasn’t able coach them personally during U13 Nationals this year however I know that they were in great hands with Vinny Harris as their coach. Another mention should go to Andy Zhou, Kevin Li and Aveer Virk who I think have great potential these 3 have occasionally reached last 16 of singles in some Northern region tournaments.

In the U15’s, a special mention should go to Amreen Virk who performed above expectations during the Waikato U17’s winning many rounds while still being U15. Recently she has won the Whanganui U15 Singles and Doubles. In the U17’s Ben Perkinson has performed well during the Senior Division 4 league and the Waikato International as well as the U17 NZ National Championships and as a result has been invited to the U19 NZ Junior selection camp. Adam Jeffrey and Lily Rose performed very well at the U19 Nationals and reached the quarter finals and the semi-finals at the U17 Nationals. Adam also reached the final of the Boys Doubles which was a great achievement. Junior Team Nationals

• U13 Team came 6th and as mentioned, a lot of potential in this young group of players. • U15 Team won Gold in Division 2 with 2 U13’s in the team, and many not having had the experience of playing a single tournament before. • U19 Team won Bronze in division 1, surpassing seeding expectations this team also comprised of three U17 players, good experience for next year.

Senior Division

In Division 4, the 3rd team came 2nd and the 4th team finished 5th (mid table). Before going into summer, I think we should encourage more player of a good level to join in with summer training, so we may have a bigger pool of players come trials next year. We are also evaluating the best approach to training sessions for the senior division players as there seems to be a bit of a split between those that are motivated to train and improve and those that prefer just to come and play games.

Wisden Cup

The team finished 2nd just defeated on count back against North Harbour. Waikato was a bit vulnerable in the Women’s Singles and with quite a few injured players leading into the event we did very well to come so close again to retaining the title. With some big changes on the cards for the format in 2018 and 2019 it will be interesting to see how this competition is going to develop.

Slazenger Cup

Finished 6th with a relatively inexperienced team at senior level but I think it was a good experience for the majority.

I think the potential change in Wisden and Slazenger will be exciting and players shall be in better shape going through the event, so we can really lift the level of not only Waikato Badminton but also Badminton in New Zealand and it would be great to kick of the new competition with a win.

Goals for 2018

For 2018, I hope that we can keep improving the juniors. If possible at the Junior Nationals Team Event keep the strong players together and to keep them in their own age group rather than moving players up. Although I do understand that this may not always be possible.

I would really like to step it up in the Elite and High-Performance groups and see how we can develop a stronger culture for the best possible improvements for each individual player. Players need to be more accountable for their own improvement and input into training sessions including communication back to the coach about not being able to come to training and how they will ensure that they can meet the commitments that come with being a high-performance athlete.

Some discussion also needs to take place with the senior division player group on how we can balance the interest from some players in doing quite a bit of training against others that prefer just to play matches at training and don’t show much interest in improving their game. Lots to work on over summer and let’s get ready for 2018!!!

Tracey Hallam – Director of Coaching

Schools & Events Manager Annual Report

It has been a great year for me in this newly established role, Schools and Events Manager. The role has been really fulfilling and exceptionally busy. The flexibility to book in school visits around the events calendar has worked really well. I have now got a good grasp of how events are run, and have seen and been a part of these being run to the highest of standards.


There have been so many schools keen to be involved in the Shuttle Time Programme. So much so that to accommodate all the interested schools, we have had to restrict the six-session programme to two or three sessions per child at each school. When I first started this role, my initial email drive to schools was far more successful than I had anticipated, this left me nearly fully booked for Term 2. Prior to this, in Term 1, it was a challenge to get into schools.

In Term 2, I spent six weeks delivering sessions at Rototuna Junior High School. RJHS have now introduced badminton as a subject into their ‘Flight Time’ programme for both Term 3 and Term 4 of 2017. Matamata Intermediate was another success story. I delivered two sessions to every class and they sent six kids to participate in the AIMS games in Tauranga. I also delivered to all classes at Matamata Primary School. Both schools feed into the Matamata Junior Club run by Sheree Hart. Sheree had to get more hands-on deck to help with coaching this year, due to the increase in player numbers.

Berkley Normal Middle School also engaged really well in the Shuttle Time Programme. I assisted in the delivery of their Badminton Programmes to the PE classes. I was also able to upskill their teachers on simple ways to teach the skills required in badminton, this will hopefully create sustainability in the coaching at this school. Earlier in the year Berkley held their New Horizons programme here at the Eastlink Badminton Stadium. Tracey Hallam delivered this programme over the three days.

The Thames Valley Secondary School Teams Event was held for the first time this year at the Silver Fern Farms Events Centre in Te Aroha. This is a great venue, and has room for the competitions expansion in the coming years. The South Waikato Secondary School Teams event had 14 teams enter. Phil Paterson also delivered sessions into the Tokoroa Schools. The King Country Secondary School Teams Event was a huge success with 7 more teams than last year, at a total of 25 teams entered. Our number of entries into the Waikato Secondary School competition continues to increase, and is now sitting at 59 teams.

Looking back on the year, a huge emphasis was put into the primary school space. This was mainly due to the huge response that I got from primary schools from my initial email drive. The feedback I received was that our programme was great for simple hand eye coordination skills, and was really good how it is so adaptable to kids of any age and ability. Many schools have said that they often struggle to get programmes that cater for their 5 and 6-year olds, and that badminton (especially with the use of balloons) is great!

Summary of Numbers reached in schools

Total number of Shuttle Time sessions delivered: 410 Primary School students reached: 6718 Secondary School students reached: 598 Total Individual students reached: 3137

Our latest success in the school’s space has been the Badminton World Federation Shuttle Time Youth Leadership Award. Waikato Badminton is the first association in the world to deliver this programme. The programme targets students Year 11 to Year 13, and is based around five modules. We currently have 10 participants on the course, and intend to have them deliver coaching sessions in local clubs and schools to help with the sustainability of our school badminton. I have worked closely with Chris McIvor from Badminton New Zealand to kick start this programme. Events

Our 2017 ABCD Championships was the biggest the event has ever been, with 115 players entered. It was a day played in a competitive spirit and enjoyed by all, despite games still being played after 10pm.

The interclub competitions each had a respectable number of teams involved. Interclub Round 1 had a total of 15 teams entered across the three divisions (B grade, C grade, Russ Proctor). Interclub Round 2 had 11 team entries across the Presidents Grade and Dallinger Cup competitions. This year we had five different clubs winning the five competitions. The feedback that was received throughout the competition was that there was often a struggle to get teams together, and there were many teams requesting for new players to play in the play offs. The option of having interclub on a fixed night next year has been discussed, and well received so far.

This year the Summer League is being reintroduced for the first time in many years. We reached our maximum of 12 entries in the competitive league, with a few more having to be turned away. We also tried to initiate a social league competition, however this struggled to get off the ground due to the lack of entries. We targeted businesses, families, and university students, and will try again in February 2018.

Glow in the Dark Badminton was a fun event and all the teams involved really got into the spirit. We had 14 teams from the University of Waikato halls of residence take part in an interhall competition. A community and club event was also held involving 16 teams of club members, family, junior rep players, many dressed up in bright colours and had a great time.

The Waikato Badminton Shuttle Time Junior Non-Rep tournaments were a great success this year. The Shuttle Time name was introduced part way through the year and will link in well to our school’s programme. The Shuttle Time branding will be recognized by the kids in schools, and hopefully result in an increase in player numbers for our tournaments. The number of players per tournament, in order of tournaments, were; 32 players, 46 players, 41 players, 42 players, 38 players. We finished the year with an hour of fun competitions and prizes at the end of the day. Many of the kids thoroughly enjoyed trying to win a point off TJ, as well as serving a shuttle through the holes in the Shuttle Time banner.

In Term 4, we have started the WBA Junior Summer Club again. It has been great to see students attending from schools which have had delivery of the Shuttle Time programme. We also held the U17 Local Derby here at Waikato for two days over Queens Birthday weekend.

Our Tui Medical Waikato International had a total of 133 entries from 10 different countries. It was great to have so many volunteers from the community, clubs and university to assist with line judging and other duties.

Next year I plan to continue to build on the work that we have done this year. A few key areas of focus will be to expand the number of schools reached, particularly the Intermediate Schools and High Schools. Also, with the continual drive from Badminton New Zealand, we will look to introduce the Shuttle Time branding more and more into our schools, clubs and junior programmes.

Felicity Leydon-Davis Schools & Events Manager

Junior Convenor Report - NZ Junior Nationals 2017

U13 Team Girls: Victoria Guo, Brittany Marais, Sannidhi S. Kumar Boys: Andy Zhou, Aveer Virk, Kevin Li.

U15 Team Girls: Joy Guo, Mounika Teppala, Danika Marais, Amreen Virk & Joanna Li. Boys: Nithin Perumal, Toby Smith, Todd Higgins, Isaac Pyne, Tebijan Kalarathan.

U19 Team Girls: Lily Rose, Neisha Bouma, Jahvaya Wheki. Boys: Adam Jeffrey, Ben Perkinson, Jack Boyle, Jasmanjot Virk.

In July this year, we made the annual pilgrimage to Palmerston North for the NZ Junior Nationals, held at the ideal Arena Manawatu venue.

We had three teams travelling this year. The 6 players in the Under 13 team in particular, showing their excitement – that was always going to be a noisy trip! We had 10 players in the Under 15’s team, some having travelled last year, but others looking forward to a new experience. Sadly, we had insufficient players for an Under 17 year age group team and our 7 players in the Under 19 team, as a result, had three players still being just 16 years old but they were all quietly experienced in such matters, having done this many times before.

We were lucky to have Wendy Dong, and Dr’s Satish and Pushpa Kumar and Vinnie Harris as coach supporting the Under 13’s. Lisa Fox, Morag Stroud and Kathryn Pyne, along with Phil Patterson travelling with the Under 15’s, and Mike and I with Tracey Hallam with the Under 19’s.

We met at our Badminton Stadium on Saturday morning, and loaded our three rental vans and the trusty Pop ’n ’Good trailer. As has become tradition, we stopped in Tirau for coffees (for the adults) and Waioru for Subway at lunch time.

We quickly settled into the Pavilion Motel, and players went off for a quick look and practice at the venue. Parent helpers made the first of many trips to Pak ’n Save, prepared the first meal, and organised meals for the following day around our playing schedules.

Over the next three days our teams did us proud, representing Waikato with great sportsmanship and playing hard. Our Under 13’s had a final placing of 6th, with a loss to Li Ning Northland Tigers in the first round. A good effort with 7 games played and winning 6. A special mention to Victoria Guo for playing 17 games, and winning all 17!

Our Under 15’s were winners of Division 2, winning 5 of their 7 ties, losing to Auckland 2 and Manawatu in the first round, then winning all four games in the next round.

Our Under 19’s left the tournament with Bronze medals, coming 3rd. They played 24 games in the first round without loss, but struck tougher competition in the second round, being defeated by Auckland 1, and RJ Physio North Harbour. For four of our players, Jack, Jasmanjot, Neisha and Jahvaya, it was the last year playing in Junior Nationals in Palmerston. I think they had mixed feelings, but all agreed they had good memories.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we started watching the weather forecasts and road closure notifications with concern. A longer trip home was looking likely due to snow and slips meaning we may have to change our route.

Thursday morning, we packed up and tidied our units and conference room and made the decision to make for home via New Plymouth. The drizzly weather and gusts of wind were noticeable but at least we were headed in the right direction. As bad luck would have it, one of those gusts of wind was enough to flip a truck onto its side, blocking the only open road. If we’d been 15 minutes earlier, that would have happening behind us! After waiting in a queue for about an hour, we headed back to nearest civilization (food and toilets!) to Patea. The bad weather had taken out the power, but the local Superette had generator power to work the till and eftpos machine if not lights and fridges! We stocked up on lunch food and returned to wait in line for the road to be cleared.

We finally made it home late evening, unlike some teams that stayed away another night. We were conscious that three of our players had international flights to catch.

In all, another rewarding year, with a fabulous bunch of kids and parents. I’d personally like to thank the parents and coaches that travelled with us. This is a demanding trip with a lot of responsibility, and I appreciate that many had to use annual leave holidays, essentially to support other people’s children, to enable them to experience travelling and competing in a team environment. Thanks too, to Tracey and TJ, and the wider Waikato Badminton community for their support.

Wendy Perkinson Junior Convenor


Development Squad

Eddie Bi Ellen Liu Samuel Ma Katie Li Isaac Li Eden Wilson Poen Hsieh Anabella Furnage Abishek Dey Elizabeth Chen Johan Aradakavil Anmol Virk Nicholas Evison Isabella Weistra Rivera Lucas Qin Martina Zhang Ezekiel Teves Shion Hwang Beau Zhang Ella Cho

Junior Rep Squad

Arjun Duggal Cherie Deng Micah Whitten Priya Duggal Andy Zhou Victoria Guo Aveer Virk Joy Guo Tebijan Kalarathan Sannidhi Kumar Todd Higgins Brittany Marais Aaron Wan Danika Marais Andrew Chang Emma Horsfall Alan Rong Mounika Teppala Kevin Li Nithin Perumal Tony Smith Isaac Pyne

Elite Squad

Jack Boyle Lily Rose Adam Jeffrey Joanna Li Hongzhe Zhang Neisha Bouma Jasmanjot Virk Amreen Virk Deveal Wijaya Ben Perkinson

High Performance

Oliver Leydon-Davis Susannah Leydon-Davis Matthew Graham Jahvaya Wheki Vinny Harris Kelly Stern Chris Steeghs Erena Calder-Hawkins

Senior Division 4 Team 1

Craig Post Pam Bouma Clive Einkamerer Rebecca Verran Tom Chang Sarah Verran Ben Perkinson Xiaocui Zhou Nallapan Soomu Jennifer Qi June Jiang

Senior Division 4 Team 2

Dwayne Irwin Carla Young Michael Downs Helena Walsh Corrie Robinson Jackie Downs Saud Irfan Mily Timergazi Brad Small Natalie Trow Ray Downs Amanda Bennenbroek Kenneth Yew Scott Laurie

(Wisden Cup Team 2017)


(World Masters Games Medal Winners)

World Masters Games – Auckland Waikato players won a combined total of 22 medals at the 2017 World Masters Games held in Auckland from 21-30 April. The biggest sporting event in the world with over 28,000 participants saw 1200 players competing in Badminton split over a team event and individual event which were split into three grades being A, B and C Grade. A fantastic festival played in great spirit saw some very sore bodies at the end of the 10 days competition keeping physio’s busy throughout the competition. Waikato is very proud of all the players that participated and extend a sincere congratulations to all those players that won medals (see below).

Team Event: A Grade: Tracey Hallam, Doriana Rivera, Alastair Gatt and TJ Weistra as part of the “Mixed Bag” 40+ Team – SILVER MEDAL Bruce Darby part of the “Shuttle Blacks” 55+ Team – GOLD MEDAL Jackie & Ray Downs as part of the 55+ “Dynamic” Team – SILVER MEDAL Warren Robinson part of the 60+ “Smash Blacks” Team – SILVER MEDAL Murray Orr part of the 65+ “Kiwis & Kilts” Team – BRONZE MEDAL B Grade: Amanda Stewart part of the 40+ “Wiley Wetas” Team – GOLD MEDAL

Individual Events: A Grade: Tracey Hallam – 40+ – GOLD (WS), GOLD (WD) & SILVER (MXD) Doriana Rivera – 40+ – GOLD (WD), GOLD (MXD) Alastair Gatt – 40+ – SILVER (MXD) Jackie Downs – 55+ – SILVER (WS), SILVER (WD) & BRONZE (MXD) Ray Downs – 55+ – BRONZE (MXD) B Grade: Scott Laurie – 35+ – GOLD (MS) Amanda Stewart – 45+ – BRONZE (MXD)

Age Group / Event Placing Under 19 Team - Nationals Bronze Medal NZ Tertiary National Championships - Teams Silver Medal (Waikato University) Wisden Cup Silver Medal

WKO University Team: Erena Calder-Hawkins, Matthew Graham, Natalie Trow, Chris Steeghs & Vincent Harris

Selection for New Zealand High Performance Squads

Under 19 Squad Jack Boyle Jahvaya Wheki Jasmanjot Virk Senior Squad Erena Calder-Hawkins Chris Steeghs Oliver Leydon-Davis Susannah Leydon-Davis

(Jack Boyle)

Badminton New Zealand Awards (based on 2016 season)

• BNZ Team of the Year: Waikato U19 Team • BNZ Coach of the Year: Peter R. Jensen • BNZ Player of the Year: Oliver Leydon-Davis


BWF Oliver & Susannah Leydon-Davis

World Junior Championships Jack Boyle Indonesia June Bevan / Australasian U17 Champs Lily Rose & Adam Jeffrey

Jack Boyle (middle bottom row) and Coach Tracey Hallam (2nd from right top row) at the BWF World Junior Championships in Indonesia

Oliver Leydon-Davis and Susannah Leydon-Davis in action at the BWF Sudirman Cup

Lily Rose (front centre) and Adam Jeffrey (back left) with the JB Trophy won with Northern New Zealand.


• Administrator of the Year: Sue Faxon • Volunteer of the Year: Marlene Thornton • Coach of the Year: Paul Hanton • Official of the Year: Andrew Chan • Club Service Awards: Georgia Lichtwark & Pearl Martin • Senior Recognition: Dwayne Irwin • Senior Player of the Year: Oliver Leydon-Davis • Masters Recognition: Carol Leydon-Davis • Masters Player of the Year: Tracey Hallam • Junior Player of the Year (2016) Erena Calder-Hawkins • Junior Recognition Trophy (2016) Jahvaya Wheki • Most Improved Player Overall (2016) Amreen Virk • Most Improved Elite Squad Player (2016) Jack Boyle • Most Improved Junior Rep Players (2016) Joanna Li & Andy Zhou Most Improved Development Squad Players (2016) Danika Marias & Nithin Perumal

2017 Outstanding Tournament Results - Waikato Players

Throughout the year, Waikato has had many players who have achieved amazing results in tournaments entered. These results can be directly attributed to all their hard work and the amount of effort put into their trainings sessions on a weekly basis. Some of the best results are as follows:

NZ National Championships (Open Age Group) Event Result Players Girls Doubles Runner Up Susannah Leydon-Davis (partner Danielle Tahuri – WTK)

Wanganui U15 Open Event Result Players Girls Singles Winner Amreen Virk Girls Doubles Runner Up Amreen Virk (partner Raphael Deloy - MAN)

NZ Nationals Under 17 Event Result Players Boys Doubles Runner Up Adam Jeffrey (partner – Evan Wong - NH) Tui Medical Waikato Under 17 Open Event Result Players Boys Doubles Runner Up Adam Jeffrey (partner – Evan Wong - NH) North Island & North Harbour U17 Open Event Result Players Boys Doubles Runner Up Adam Jeffrey (partner – Evan Wong - NH)

Auckland Under 17 Open Event Result Players Boys Doubles Runner Up Adam Jeffrey (partner – Evan Wong - NH)

North Island & Counties Manukau Open Event Result Players Boys Singles Winner Vincent Harris Boys Singles Runner Up Matthew Graham

Amreen Virk in action during the U17 NZ Nationals held at Waikato. Photo credit: Badminton NZ


DIVISION I: Wisden Cup: Jack Boyle Susannah Leydon-Davis Joe Wu Erena Calder-Hawkins Chris Steeghs Kelly Stern Vinny Harris Tracey Hallam Erik Meijs Jahvaya Wheki Alexander Roovers

Manager: Philip Paterson Coach: Tracey Hallam

v Canterbury won 15-1 v Wellington North won 13-3 v Auckland 1 won 8-8 (on countback) v Barfoot & Thompson WTK 1 won 14-2 v RJ Physio North Harbour lost 8-8 (on countback)


SLAZENGER CUP: Matthew Graham Neisha Bouma Adam Jeffrey Lily Rose John Jiang Lee Underdown Ben Perkinson Bianca Yunus Deveal Wijaya Zecily Fung

Managers: Wendy & Mike Perkinson Coach: Felicity Leydon-Davis

v Auckland 2 lost 4-12 v Shirley Rentals Waitakere 2 lost 4-12 v RJ Physio North Harbour 2 lost 2-14 v Southland lost 7-9 v NZBA Waitakere 3 lost 6-10



Div 4 : Waikato 3 : Craig Post Pam Bouma Clive Einkamerer Rebecca Verran Tom Chang Sarah Verran Ben Perkinson Xiaocui Zhou Nallapan Soomu Jennifer Qi June Jiang


v Waitakere 4 won 15-1 v Thames Valley won 14-2 v Taranaki won 12-4 v Counties Manukau 3 won 0-16 v Northland 1 lost 6-10 v Counties Manukau 2 won 10-6 v Tui Medical Waikato 4 lost 8-8 (on countback) v Hutt Valley won 9-7

FINAL PLACING: 2nd Div 4: Waikato 4 Dwayne Irwin Carla Young Michael Downs Helena Walsh Corrie Robinson Jackie Downs Saud Irfan Mily Timergazi Brad Small Natalie Trow Ray Downs Amanda Bennenbroek Kenneth Yew Scott Laurie


v Tui Medical Waikato 3 won 8-8 (on countback) v Northland 1 lost 7-9 v Waitakere 4 won 12-4 v Counties Manukau 3 won 15-1 v Thames Valley won 12-4 v Counties Manukau 2 lost 3-13 v Hutt Valley 1 lost 1-15 v Taranaki won 8-8 (on countback)



MASTERS 1: Division 1: K Niven Trophy

Ray Downs Pam Bouma Scott Laurie Amanda Stewart Dominic Buckell Tracey Hallam TJ Weistra Doriana Rivera Aliaga Alastair Gatt Linda Davey Corrie Robinson Jackie Downs


v Auckland 1 lost 3-9 v Wanganui 1 lost 6-6 (on countback) v North Harbour 1 lost 4-8 v Hawkes Bay 1 won 11-1 v Waitakere 1 lost 5-7 v Waitakere 2 won 9-3 v Wellington 1 won 11-1 v Counties Manukau 1 won 9-3


MASTERS 2: Division 2

Rupinder Virk Carol Leydon-Davis Soomu Nallapan Imelda Marnane Mike Henson Kate Whitten Tejinder Virk Chunyan (Jennifer) Qi Gene Fletcher Xiaocui Zhou Mike Perkinson Carolyn Goodin Gina Li RESULTS:

v Auckland 3 lost 5-7 v Waitakere 2 won 8-4 v Taranaki 1 won 12-0 v Bay of Plenty 2 won 9-3 v North Harbour 4 won 9-3 v Wellington North 1 won 11-1 v Horowhenua Kapiti 1 lost 5-7 v Eastland lost 3-9


MASTERS 3: Division 3

Dwayne Irwin Susan McGlade Maurice Greaney Pauletta Jones Irving Young Willy Mentzel Stu Morgan Monika Sullivan Glen Patterson Lyn Wheki Alan Neal Davina Pavlovich


v Counties Manukau 2 lost 1-11 v Horowhenua Kapiti 2 won 9-3 v Oroua won 7-5 v Waitakere 5 lost 3-9 v Hutt Valley 2 lost 5-7 v Hawkes Bay 2 lost 5-7 v Auckland 4 won 7-5 v Wellington 3 lost 3-9


VETERANS 1: Division 1

Ray Downs Jackie Downs Irving Young Imelda Marnane Alastair Gatt Wilhelmina Mentzel Bruce Darby Gail Vining Gordon McKay Carolyn Goodin


v North Harbour 1 lost 0-9 v Waitakere 1 lost 2-7 v Waitakere 2 won 5-4 v Hawkes Bay 1 lost 1-8 v Auckland I lost 1-8 v Wellington North 1 won 6-3 v Wanganui won 6-3 v Bay of Plenty 1 lost 2-7


VETERANS 2: Division 2

Stu Morgan Susan McGlade Alan Neal Susanne Paalvast Maurice Greaney Lyn Wheki Gene Fletcher Monika Sullivan Murray Orr Willy Mentzel


v North Harbour 2 lost 3-6 v Hutt Valley lost 3-6 v Waitakere 3 lost 1-8 v Manawatu 1 lost 1-8 v Taranaki 1 lost 2-7 v Northland 1 lost 2-7 v Thames Valley 1 lost 3-6 v Auckland 2 lost 1-8



Paul Hanton Davina Pavlovich John Metcalf Yvonne Ennion Maurice Smith Gayle Hobbs Andrew Chan Paula Neale Paul Stobbs


v Bay of Plenty 2 lost 0-9 v Manawatu 2 lost 1-8 v Oroua lost 1-8 v Taranaki 2 lost 0-9 v Wellington lost 1-8


SUPER VETS: Division 2

Ivor Holland Wilhelmina Mentzel Paul Stobbs Gayle Hobbs Warran Robinson Carol Leydon-Davis Murray Orr Yvonne Ennion Paula Neale


v Auckland 3 won 8-1 v Bay of Plenty won 5-4 v Eastland won 6-3 v Wanganui lost 1-8 v Hawkes Bay won 7-2 v Manawatu lost 8-1 v North Harbour won 8-1 v Oroua won 7-2



Men: Singles Winner Erik Meijs Runner Up Alexander Roovers

Women’s Singles Winner Brittney Tam Runner Up Yin Hsuan Huang

Men’s Doubles Winners L Wei Su/H Wei Ye Runners Up T Jie Chen/W Yik Soh

Women’s Doubles Winners Z Qing Li/C Hsun Teng Runners Up Y Cheng/C Liang

Mixed Doubles Winners R Widianto/R Dili Runners Up H Ye/C Teng

(Photo Credit: LAMB Creative and Urban Print)



Men: Singles Winner Tjitte Weistra Runner Up John Jiang

Doubles Winners V Harris/T Weistra Runners Up J Jiang/K Yew

Mixed Winners V Harris/T Hallam Runners Up J Jiang/L Rose Women: Singles Winner Tracey Hallam Runner Up Jahvaya Wheki

Doubles Winner Tracey Hallam Runner Up Jahvaya Wheki


Men: Singles Winner Devael Wijaya Runner Up Ben Perkinson

Doubles Winners T Bhang/B Perkinson Runners Up D Wijaya/H Zhang

Mixed Winners C Post/S Verran Runners Up B Perkinson/B Yunus

Women: Singles Winner Not contested

Doubles Winners R Verran/S Verran Runners Up M Timergazi/L Underdown


Men: Singles Winner Jeeraj Rajkumar Runner Up Brendan Purdy

Doubles Winners K Meng Kwong/J Lu Runners Up A Chan/L Lenin

Women: Singles Winner Amreen Virk Runner Up Karen Yang

Doubles Winner S Ji/S Zheng Runners Up C Deng/A Virk

Mixed Doubles Winners J Rajkumar/K Yang Runners Up L Li/S Zheng


Men: Singles Winner Aveer Virk Runner Up Tebijan Kalarathan

Doubles Winner Toby Smith Runner Up Darren Holland

Mixed Winners N Perumal/S Kumar Runners Up M Skynner/K Gattung


Girls Singles Winner Shaunna Li Runner Up Roanne Apalisok

Boys Singles Winner Edward Lau Runner Up Joshua Feng

Girls Doubles Winners Shaunna Li/Tamara Otene Runners Up Janice Jiang/Ashley Tan

Boys Doubles Winners Edward Lau/Joshua Feng Runners Up Adam Jeffrey/Evan Wong

Mixed Doubles Winners Edward Lau/Tamara Otene Runners Up Joshua Feng/Roanne Apalisok


Boys Singles Winner Ethan Chuang Runner Up Daniel Hu

Girls Singles Winner Smile Li Runner Up Vivian Wang

Boys Doubles Winners Ethan Chuang/Daniel Hu Runners Up Jaden Mingoa/Samuel Navarra

Girls Doubles Winners Smile Li/Anna Ryu Runners Up Ana Dahiya/Trisha Moghe

Mixed Doubles Winners Daniel Hu/Smile Li Runners Up Dylan Naera/Vivian Wang

NZ U17 NATIONAL Championships: 30 Sept – 3 October 2017

Girls Singles Winner Shaunna Li Runner Up Roanne Apalisok

Boys Singles Winner Edward Lau Runner Up Joshua Feng

Girls Doubles Winners Shaunna Li/Tamara Otene Runners Up Janice Jiang/Ashley Tan

Boys Doubles Winners Edward Lau/Joshua Feng Runners Up Adam Jeffrey/Evan Wong

Mixed Doubles Winners Edward Lau/Tamara Otene Runners Up Joshua Feng/Roanne Apalisok


Division 1 Boys Won by Hamilton Boys High School Eagle Division 1 Girls Won by Hillcrest High School N1 Division 2 Boys Won by St. Johns College Division 2 Girls Won by Hillcrest High School N4 Division 3 Girls Won by Hamilton Girls High School Red Division 3 Boys Won by St. Johns College


Juniors Won by Putaruru Juniors 1 Seniors Won by Forest View 1


Juniors Won by Otorohanga 4 Seniors Won by Te Kuiti S1


Boys Division Won by Hamilton Chinese Learning School Girls Division Won by Berkley Middle School Werohia

St. John’s College Division 2 Team

Hamilton Girls High School Division 3 Team