For presentation to Members at the Annual General Meeting to be Held at the Eastlink Stadium 30 Old Farm Rd, Hamilton East

11 DECEMBER 2016

At 7.30 pm


PATRON Pat Dallinger, MBE

PRESIDENT Philip Paterson


CEO: Tjitte (TJ) Weistra




ACCOUNTANT Brian Bartels, Hemi, Edwards, Bartels

BOARD Rupinder Virk, Paul Hanton, Stu Morgan, Andrew Chan, Carol Leydon-Davis & Alison Storey (independent)

MASTERS SELECTORS TJ Weistra, Peter R. Jensen


HON LIFE MEMBERS Pat Dallinger MBE, Maureen Sherborne, Jocelyn Silvester, Doreen Wood, Maurice Smith, Malcolm Brown, Bill Bartels, Alicia Urlich, (Peter Icke †, Joyce Musk †)

President’s Report

As President, I am pleased and proud to report that 2016 was another great year for the Waikato Badminton Association, (Club) members, Stadium members and casual. As you hear and read the other reports in this AGM Report I am sure you will agree.

2016 was the first year of our new Constitution that changed the way Waikato Badminton delivered badminton to the Waikato from a Management Committee of 10 Volunteers to a smaller Board of Directors and a CEO to organise, plan, direct and lead our association. Thanks to the vision, hard work and input from previous Management Committees as well as the input and support from Badminton New Zealand, Sport Waikato, Sport NZ, Life Members and Clubs members. We now have a solid constitution that has set Waikato Badminton up to continue to perform its role as a Regional Sporting Association for many years to come and deliver Badminton to families, schools, clubs, community groups and individuals of the wider Waikato region and it seems to be working very well so far.

In a lot of ways, the WBA continues to operate as it has done for the past 3 years with the same objectives and paid staff including our CEO TJ Weistra, Financial Administer Loloma Foster, a Director of Coaching, Kiwi Sport / Shuttle Time and Pro Shop staff assisted by the many volunteers in schools, Clubs, and Community groups to deliver the great sport of Badminton to all in the Waikato. Thank you to the members of WBA’s first ever board. Alison Storey, Andrew Chan, Carol Leydon-Davis, Paul Hanton, Rupinder Virk, Stu Morgan, and Vice-President Fiona Purdue. They have been a great team planning, guiding and leading our Association in meeting its objectives. They have all contributed and our strength and success is due to their ideas, forward thinking, passion, skills, hard work and dedication.

The key position in our Organisation is our CEO, he is the link between the Board, our staff our clubs and their members and all people that want to enjoy playing Badminton. His vision, leadership, knowledge, determination and people skills have earned him respect, trust and support from the WBA, other associations, Badminton NZ, sponsors, Community Trusts, players and even some officials. As you all know his name is TJ and he is the one you all know and communicate with. There are so many things that he does so well that I would need to write a very long report but he has already written his so please read our CEO’s detailed report and believe there is plenty more he did as well. The only thing he doesn’t seem to be good at is getting me to do anything on time. Thank you so much TJ for what you do for Waikato Badminton.

As you all know Waikato Badminton Association relies on grants from Trusts and other Community Funders to help deliver our sport to Badminton in the Waikato. We are successful in a lot of our funding applications because Loloma has developed such a great relationship with many funders and has a long history of reliable, honest and trustworthy applications and good accountability reports. Thanks Loloma.

Director of Coaching Peter Jensen has been a part of Waikato Badminton for three seasons and has now gone back with his family to . WBA was so very fortunate to have had Peter as our Coach. He provided our players with World Class coaching and inspired them to strive, plan and compete to achieve the best they could. He was always trying to find ways to inspire and encourage and bring the best out in each player. Which meant he was listened to and respected by all from 8- year-old beginners to Top International players and even some slightly older ex-International players. His efforts meant that Waikato and NZ players and teams had some of the best results ever. Peter, Lene, Josefine and Julia, you will always be part of Waikato Badminton now, not only in the results but in the way you inspired us to play. Thank you.

Waikato Badminton has the best Patron and Life Members in NZ. Thank you Pat Dallinger MBE, Maureen Sherborne, Doreen Wood, Alicia Urlich, Maurice Smith for all your support and help you have given to WBA players and teams and help with hall and facilities and events. Thank you, Kirsten Rose, for taking on the huge role of Junior Convenor. It's a huge task doing budgets, finding managers, parent helpers, accommodation and liaising with everyone while also being a mother, manager, and councillor.

Lastly and most importantly, the reason that Waikato Badminton is doing so well is due to you the members both clubs and individuals taking ownership of this Association. The Clubs elect the Board who do what our Constitution says, to deliver badminton to your region. That delivery relies on you all to help in a hundred different ways to make Badminton happen at your club, schools, events such as Inter Club, Inter Association, National and International events. Board Members don't “Do”, they make policy and govern which leaves staff to deliver it. It is impossible to succeed without all the volunteers at all levels, there are too many to name but you all do something to make Badminton thrive in our region. Keep up the good work and please keep trying to do more.

Congratulations to all the Waikato Badminton players, teams and officials who achieved outstanding results this year. I was privileged to see some of them and wished I had seen more. So many great achievements that I am sure this will be a historic year that may not be bettered for a century or more. My highlights, Chris Steeghs and Erena Calder-Hawkins being part of the NZ Junior team that finished 27th in the World, Erena winning the Pan-Pac Mixed Doubles title, Josefine Jensen winning U19 Singles and Mixed and coming 2nd in U19 doubles and she was only 15! Under 19 team Gold at the NZ Champs. Senior Division 3 and 5 Division, Vets Division 2 and our Wisden Team were Champions. Let's hope 2017 will be nearly as great.

Philip Paterson WBA President


 Service to Badminton in NZ (awarded by BNZ) Philip Paterson  Service to Sport (awarded by Sport Waikato) Philip Paterson  Administrator of the Year: Glennis Verhoeven  Volunteer of the Year: Tina Skinner  Coach of the Year: Vinny Harris  Official of the Year Bikash Mukherjee  Club Service Awards: Mary Bear  Senior Recognition: Linday Davey  Senior Player of the Year: Oliver Leydon-Davis  Masters Recognition: Murray Orr  Masters Player of the Year: TJ Weistra & Alistair Gatt  Junior Player of the Year (2015) Chris Steeghs & Erena Calder-Hawkins  Junior Recognition Trophy (2015) Bianca Yunus  Most Improved Player Overall (2015) Josefine R. Jensen  Most Improved Elite Squad Player (2015) Jack Boyle  Most Improved Junior Rep Players (2015) Julie R. Jensen & Devael Wijaya  Most Improved Development Squad Players (2015) Victoria Guo & Andy Zhou

2015 / 2016 Annual Report Chief Executive Officer

Brief overview

It is my pleasure to hereby present the CEO report based on the 2015 / 2016 financial year and the 2016 season which has once again been successful in many ways. Another surplus has been achieved despite some uncertainties in the finance arena especially because of increased staff expenditure but thanks to an increase in stadium court hire and ongoing support from funders / sponsors throughout the year we have ensured that our books are looking good. A big thank you once again to Loloma for her work in the finance and accounts department to ensure we stay on track.

Peter R. Jensen, our Director of Coaching, and his family unfortunately have had to make the difficult decision to return to Denmark but we can only be extremely grateful for their enormous contribution to Waikato Badminton in the 2,5 years that they have been with us. Peter has raised the bar and the results achieved on court this year are a direct evidence of that. For the first time in Waikato’s and New Zealand’s history the NZ Under 19 title was won by Waikato and the Wisden Cup was brought back as well. The Division 3 team promoted to Slazenger Cup and the Division 5 team promoted to Division 4. These results combined with several national junior titles and two Waikato players representing NZ at the World Junior Championships in Spain this year all add to the huge list of achievements under Peter’s guidance. And although we are sad to see Peter go, we are at the same time very pleased with having appointed Tracey Hallam to take over the Director of Coaching role. Tracey will start on the 3rd of January and no doubt will work very hard to keep the momentum going.

To Philip Paterson, WBA President, thanks again for supporting my role as CEO. It has again been a pleasure working with you, sharing our passion for not only Badminton but also the WBA as an organisation. To the WBA Board, thanks for your trust and support, you have done a great job in ensuring we keep moving forward as an organisation which is necessary in the always changing landscape of sport and recreation. A new Strategic Plan was developed and adopted by the WBA Board. Although there are no major new strategies we have set ourselves some new targets and challenges. Below a short overview of the six strategic themes I will be measuring our performance against as well as my reporting to the Board.

More Players - More Often

During the 2016 season we have again seen an increase in the number of people coming through the stadium doors and using our facility. The main increase is in the casual court hire area with club numbers overall being stable. Some clubs have reported some big increases in their numbers where others have reported less players. It is important for all clubs to understand the changes that have taken place in the sport and recreation sector to how people want to participate in sport. There has been a huge shift away from the traditional club membership model and clubs need to ensure they are set up to cater for people who want greater flexibility and do not want to be tied into fixed memberships.

An interesting and positive development is the growth of Badminton in rural areas especially in the Secondary School area but also in areas with access to a reasonable size town nearby. We are currently trying to put together support for new clubs in Taupo, Taumaranui, Tokoroa and Te Aroha which is a great development and there has been a huge demand for the delivery of Shuttle Time sessions as part of our 2016 KiwiSport agreement with Sport Waikato. At least 5,000 students enjoyed the delivery of Badminton in their school.

Financial Sustainability

The 2015/2016 financial year was the first year with two full-time and two part-time staff members on the pay-roll which had been carefully budgeted for. The other area which caused some degree of anxiety was the move to change our affiliation scheme at last year’s AGM towards a “flat fee” affiliation structure which reduced WBA’s income from affiliation fees with approximately $6,000 with WBA’s commitment to Badminton New Zealand’s affiliation remaining the same at $14,500. I’m pleased to say that despite the increased admin expenses and the reduced income from club affiliation fees that we have performed well and managed to deliver a reasonable surplus thanks to an increase in revenue from stadium hire as well as event entry fees.

Coaching & Training

The Director of Coaching report has more details with regards to the 2016 coaching programme and as mentioned in my introduction, Peter R. Jensen has unfortunately left us in the end of October but we are pleased with the fact that Tracey Hallam is coming back to Waikato starting early January.

Three coaches attended the Badminton World Federation Level 1 Coaching Course this year with two successfully gaining their accreditation being Vinny Harris and Susannah Leydon-Davis. 22 coaches successfully attended the Oceania Badminton Shuttle Time Course.

The WBA Board received training in how to use the new AED Defibrillator which was kindly donated by Dr. Cherian Sebastian.

Stakeholder engagement

A new strategic plan was written and our main stakeholders being our affiliated clubs were asked to provide their input. Although the response was very limited, the replies that we did receive were very encouraging and commanding us for the new plan. We fully understand that club delegates are busy and most of the time just want to get on with running their club and play Badminton. It is however important that we identify regular opportunities for the WBA and Clubs to communicate with each other with the aim to keep improving the services we try to provide as well as ensuring that clubs meet their responsibilities towards the WBA which come with being an affiliated club.

It is equally important that clubs communicate with us about their needs, their concerns if any and with ideas on how we can improve for example the use of our facility which is shared by so many different clubs, groups and individuals. It is a unique concept which many sports envy because Badminton has a culture of sharing their facilities and resources.

WBA’s relationship with external stakeholders such as Badminton New Zealand and Sport Waikato are very strong and I would like to thank both Badminton NZ and Sport Waikato for the tremendous support they provide to Waikato Badminton. Without them we would certainly struggle in delivering some of our key programmes and activities. A special thanks to Joe Hitchcock, Donna Trow and Julie Carrell from Badminton NZ and Roseanne Murray and Michelle Hollands from Sport Waikato.

To all our wonderful sponsors as listed in this report, your contribution is hugely appreciated and we can’t thank you enough for your support.


Our stadium is being looked after as good as we possibly can with some updates to be completed very soon. The stadium floors have been scheduled in for resurfacing which means that the stadium will be closed for the week leading into Xmas.

This is a major exercise which takes 3-4 days to complete with an additional 3-4 days where the floors need to “settle” before play can resume on it. Hopefully the disruption will be limited and we do apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause.

For those who have ready our new strategic plan, you would have seen some notes about evaluating the potential need for expansion of our facility. We are getting close to “saturation point” meaning that at some stage in the near future, we require more courts in order to accommodate the demand especially during peak times. We will be considering this further within the next couple of years to see whether we can expand (we are on council leased reserve land) and if yes, how this could best be achieved from a financial and building structure perspective.


There have been some great successes in the events department while some new challenges have also been presented. Our was a huge success and I can’t thank all the volunteers enough for their contribution and of course to our 2016 Waikato International sponsor, Maurices Pools & Spas. Without their generous support the event would not have been possible. Revenue from events was significantly up thanks to an increased number of players participating in our events across all the events that were held in 2016. There was a reasonable drop in the number of players that entered in our annual Waikato ABCD Championships as well as the interclub competitions. We have evaluated the potential reasons for that and are working on the necessary improvements to lift those numbers back up. We experienced huge growth in the Secondary School competitions which are held annually in Hamilton (term 2 & 3), South Waikato (Tokoroa, one day event) and King Country (Te Awamutu, one day event). This is very encouraging and preparations have already started to add a 4th competition in 2017 for the Thames Valley, Matamata-Piako and Hauraki Plains combined areas to be held in the new Silver Fern farms Event Centre in Te Aroha.

To conclude

Overall we can be very proud of our achievements this year both on and off the court. The additional admin expense, the constitutional and affiliation structure change have had no negative impact on our books thanks to continuous growth across all programmes, events and activities. Waikato Badminton is fast becoming a preferred venue for many Badminton NZ activities especially events and training camps which is another reason for us to seriously look at expansion of the stadium. Thanks to all the wonderful people that make Badminton happen in the Waikato. Whether your contribution is large or small, you are making a difference!!!

TJ Weistra Chief Executive officer


2016 has been a year with a lot of mixed feelings for me, starting the year well knowing that 2016 could be a year were Waikato Badminton could do really well, but at the same time quite early in the season/year I had to ask TJ and Phil to meet me at the office to let them know that I unfortunately had decide to leave Waikato Badminton by the end of the season/year.

2016 has in many ways been a very interesting year. Firstly, having a lot of new players trialing for the Waikato squads and seeing a big group of development squad players moving into Junior Reps. Secondly seeing all these new Junior Rep players represent Waikato in the U15 team event at Palmerston North (Team National Championships) and doing really well.

And again this year our junior and senior players have achieved some outstanding results and won a lot of medals at several events (see junior report and the Inter Association Teams & Results for more detailed results). A couple of these wins will always have a special spot in my heart – Our first ever U19 National Team title, winning Wisden Cup and lastly winning Division 3 again (this time with a lot of our junior players being the main factor). Also this year a special congratulations to the two Waikato players, Erena Calder-Hawkins and Chris Steeghs who both were selected to represent New Zealand at the World Junior Championships in Bilbao in Spain in November – this is an incredible achievement – hope to see (I will keep an eye on you) more Waikato players representing New Zealand in the future – WORK HARD GUYS !!!!

Besides the many medals/results for Waikato Badminton, 2016 has also been a year where I have seen so many players improving individually – in areas like – training quality, training focus/intensity, implementing new shot’s to their game, realizing/knowing what it takes to go “All the way” which for me as Director of Coaching have made me very proud.

Thanks also this year to Philip Paterson and our Development Squad trainer Vincent Harris for your hard work and effort on Mondays/Thursdays with all our “Stars of tomorrow” – The Development Squad. I also would like to thank Waikato Badminton and especially TJ for your support in my role as Director of Coaching – you are a fantastic “Boss” – Thanks.

All the best to the new Waikato Director of Coaching – Tracey Hallam – PLEASE work them hard!!! Finally, I just want to let everyone know how much we (Lene, Josefine, Julie & I) appreciate everything that every single one of you have done for us, to make us part of the Tron/Home of the cowbells, “The Waikato family”. From the bottom of our hearts – THANK YOU SO MUCH.

So my quote of the year:

“It is NOT goodbye It is see you all later”

Peter R. Jensen Director of Coaching


Congratulations to all our junior players for their successful season. Below is a summary of the major achievements made by Waikato Representative players in the 2016 season.

WBA hosted the following events:

 Under 15 Waikato Open;  Under 19 Waikato Open / North Island Championships;  New Zealand Secondary School Championships;

On behalf of WBA, I would like to extend a special thank you to all the volunteers for their assistance during the 2016 season.

Thank you also to all the parents and helpers who travelled with our teams this year, many taking leave from work, and being the same people who supported the teams during inter-associations and many other local (and not so local) tournaments. These people assisted by being cooks, helpers, drivers, motivators and most importantly supporters.

Under 15: Phil Paterson (Coach), Chris Steeghs (Manager/Coach), Mandeep Virk and Wendy Dong. Under 17: Vinny Harris (Coach), Kirsten Rose (Manager), Mike Perkinson and Wendy Perkinson. Under 19: Peter Jensen (Coach) and Wendy Calder (Manager).

Thanks also to the following people/sponsors:

 TJ Weistra for managing the preparation of tournaments and liaison with BNZ;  Phil Paterson for his liaison with Northern Region arranging the local derby competition for the players as well as his coaching of the Under 15 team;  Peter Jensen for his enthusiastic coaching of the Under 17 and Under 19 team this year, they have all learnt so much. It was a sad day for all when Peter resigned as Coach. We have all appreciated Peter (and Lene’s) input to the Association and them along with their family will be greatly missed.  Our junior sponsor Davies Foods with their Loaded Sports Drinks brand.  The support of our patron Pat Dallinger MBE. Pat, along with other life members, Doreen, Alicia and Maureen continue to enthusiastically support our juniors at events.  Thanks also to TJ and Loma for all their assistance with the set-up and running on the non-rep tournaments. The increased numbers show the players benefit from these tournaments.


U15 Team: Arjun Duggal Joanna Li Micah Whitten Amreen Virk Andy Zhou Joy Guo Aveer Virk Victoria Guo Tebijan Kalarathan Mounika Teppala

U17 Team: Adam Jeffrey Josefine Jensen Hongzhe Zhang Lily Rose Devael Wijaya Julie Jensen Ben Perkinson Cherie Deng Priya Duggal

U19 Team: Jasmanjot Virk Erena Calder-Hawkins Matthew Graham Jahvaya Wheki Douglas Shephard Neisha Bouma

Development Squad: Nithin Perumal Ellen Liu Toby Smith Ashwini Rohan Aaron Wan Emily Zhou Daniel Lee Danika Marais Isaac Li Brittany Marais Isaac Pyne Mounika Teppala Hamish Laurie Emma Horsfall Poen Hsieh Katie Li Kevin Li Kelly Cho Eden Wilson

Junior Rep Squad: Arjun Duggal Jara Loeliger Micah Whitten Priya Duggal Andy Zhou Amreen Virk Aveer Virk Joy Gou Tebijan Kalarathan Victoria Gou Liam Walton Joanna Li Todd Higgins Cherie Deng

Elite Squad: Matthew Graham Josefine Jensen Jack Boyle Lily Rose Adam Jeffrey Jahvaya Wheki Hongzhe Zhang Bianca Yunua Ben Rose Neisha Bouma Jasmanjot Virk Julie Jensen Douglas Shephard Deveal Wijaya Ben Perkinson


NZ National Junior Teams Championsips Age Group Placing Under 15 Team Second (Division 2) Under 17 Team Third (Division 1) Under 19 Team First (Division 1)

Selection for New Zealand High Performance Squads

Congratulations to the following players for making the New Zealand Squads: Under 17 Squad Adam Jeffrey Under 19 Squad Erena Calder-Hawkins Chris Steeghs Jasmanjot Virk Jahvaya Wheki Mathew Graham Jack Boyle

2016 Tournament Results

Throughout the year, Waikato has had a large number of junior players who have achieved amazing results in tournaments entered. These results can be directly attributed to all their hard work and the amount of effort put into their trainings sessions on a weekly basis. Some of the results are as follows:

Waikato Under 15 Open Event Result Players Girls Doubles Runner Up Julie Jensen (partner - Roanne Apalisok)

Bay of Plenty – North Island Championships / Under 17 Open Event Result Players Girls Singles Winner Josefine Jensen Girls Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene) Mixed Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Dacmen Vong)

Counties Under 17 Open Event Result Players Girls Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene)

Waitakere Under 17 Open Event Result Players Girls Singles Winner Josefine Jensen Girls Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene)

Auckland Open Event Result Players Girls Singles Runner Up Josefine Jensen

Auckland Under 19 Open Event Result Players Boys Doubles Runner Up Jack Boyle (partner - Ben Hillier) Mixed Doubles Winner Erena Calder-Hawkins (partner - Ben Hillier)

North Harbour Under 19 Open Event Result Players Girls Singles Runner Up Josefine Jensen Girls Doubles Runner Up Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene) Mixed Doubles Winner Erena Calder-Hawkins (partner Oscar Guo) Mixed Doubles Runner Up Josefine Jensen (partner – Dacmen Vong)

Waikato Under 19 Open Event Result Players Girls Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene) Boys Doubles Runner Up Jack Boyle and Mathew Graham Mixed Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Dacmen Vong)

New Zealand Championships Event Result Players Under 17 Girls Singles Winner Josefine Jensen Under 17 Girls Doubles Runner Up Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene) Under 17 Mixed Doubles Runner Up Josefine Jensen (partner – Dacmen Vong) Under 19 Girls Singles Winner Josefine Jensen Under 19 Girls Doubles Runner Up Josefine Jensen (partner – Tamara Otene) Under 19 Mixed Doubles Winner Josefine Jensen (partner – Dacmen Vong)


The current format for team nationals has been much easier to manage. With the tournament being so much shorter in days (previously seven days of competition – now four days). It has been much easier to accommodate the teams and it has also been easier for the parent helpers. It was a much better environment all-round as it was also easier on the players not having to cope with the individual event that had previously followed the team’s event.


Under 19 Pan Pacific Games Erena Calder-Hawkins Chris Steeghs Josefine Jensen Jack Boyle Mathew Graham

World Junior Championships Erena Calder-Hawkins Spain Chris Steeghs Jack Boyle (reserve)

A special mention must be made to Erena Calder-Hawkins. In September 2016, after competing at the Pan Pacific Games in Melbourne, Erena went on to win the Li-Ning Australian Junior International in Mixed Doubles with her partner Dacmen Vong. This was an outstanding achievement, one that Erena herself, but also the Association should be very proud of.

It has been an amazing year for the Association - some great results but a huge amount of experience gained. Let’s hope that there will be just as many amazing achievements next year!

Prepared by Kirsten Rose.


Badminton New Zealand National Squad Oliver Leydon-Davis Susannah Leydon-Davis

Oceania Mixed Team Championships – North Harbour Oliver Leydon-Davies Asher Richardson Susannah Leydon-Davies

Oceania Men’s & Women’s Team Championships – North Harbour Oliver Leydon-Davis – Men’s Team Asher Richardson – Men’s Team Michael Fowke – Men’s Team Susannah Leydon-Davis – Women’s Team

Thomas Cup Finals – Kunshan, China Oliver Leydon-Davis Asher Richardson


High Performance Squad: Oliver Leydon-Davis (Based overseas) Kelly Stern Asher Richardson (Based overseas) Susannah Leydon-Davis Chris Steeghs (Hillary Scholar) Erena Calder-Hawkins (Hillary Scholar) Vinny Harris (Hillary Scholar) Josephine Thomsen (Guest player)

Senior (Division) Squad: Dwayne Irwin Pam Bouma Manveer Bassan Natalie Trow Saud Irfan Coco Hsueh Bradley Small Linda Davey Jair Mandriaza Kate Whitten John Jiang Lucy Overmire Michael Wu Haley Overmire Reon McFarlane Craig Post


DIVISION I : Wisden Cup: Asher Richardson Olga Konon Michael Fowke Susannah Leydon-Davis Joe Wu Erena Calder-Hawkins Oliver Leydon-Davis Josefine R Jensen Zvonimir Durkinjak Kelly Stern

Manager: Philip Paterson Coach: Peter Jensen

v NZBA Waitakere 2 won 15-1 v Wellington North won 16-0 v Auckland 1 won 9-7 v Barfoot & Thompson WTK 1 won 10-6 v North Harbour won 10-6


DIVISION III - Team 1: Vinny Harris Josephine Thomsen Chris Steeghs Jahvaya Wheki Matthew Graham Neisha Bouma Jasmanjot Virk Lily Rose Jack Boyle Doriana Rivera John Jiang Julie Jensen

v Auckland 3 won 12-4 v Auckland 4 won 14-2 v Counties Manukau 1 won 9-7 v Hawkes Bay 1 won 8-8 v Manawatu 1 won 12-4 v North Harbour 3 won 13-3 v Waikato 3 won 13-3 v Wellington 3 won 14-2


DIVISION III - Team 2: Reon McFarlane Bianca Yunus Craig Post Pamela Bouma Manveer Bassan Natalie Trow Douglas Shephard Coco Hsueh June Jiang Linda Davey Max Desai

v Auckland 3 lost 4-12 v Auckland 4 lost 7-9 v Counties Manukau 1 lost 6-10 v Hawkes Bay 1 lost 7-9 v Manawatu 1 lost 3-13 v North Harbour 3 lost 7-9 v Waikato 2 lost 3-13 v Wellington 1 lost 5-11


DIVISION V : Dwayne Irwin Kate Whitten Saud Irfan Lucy Overmire Bradley Small Haley Overmire Ben Perkinson Amanda Lu Adam Jeffrey Jennifer Qi Mike Perkinson Cui Zhou

RESULTS: v Northland 2 won 15-1 v Northland 2 won 16-0 v Bay of Plenty 2 won 14-2 v Counties Manukau 3 won 14-2 v Bay of Plenty 2 won 14-2 v Counties Manukau 3 won 14-2



MASTERS 1 : Division 1: K Niven Trophy

Ray Downs Pam Bouma Peter Jensen Amanda Stewart Nalllappan Soomu Tracey Hallam TJ Weistra Doriana Rivera Aliaga Alastair Gatt Linda Davey

Travelling Reserve : Jackie Downs

RESULTS: v Auckland 1 won 8-4 v Wanganui 1 won 12-0 v North Harbour 1 lost 6-6 v Bay of Plenty 1 won 10-2 v Hawkes Bay 1 won 10-2 v Waitakere 1 won 9-3 v Waitakere 2 won 9-3 v Wellington 1 won 11-1


MASTERS 2 : Division 3 Rupinder Virk Carol Leydon-Davis Irving Young Imelda Marnane Mike Henson Susan McGlade Stu Morgan Lyn Wheki Glen Patterson Kate Whitten

RESULTS: v Auckland IV won 11-1 v Waitakarei II won 11-1 v Taranaki I won 1-2 v Bay of Plenty II won 6-6 v North Harbour IV won 8-4 v Wellington North I lost 4-8 v Wellington II lost 3-9 v Eastland lost 4-8


MASTERS 3 : Division 4

Alan Neal Debbie Boyte Dwayne Irwin Carolyn Goodin Maurice Greaney Pauletta Jones Gordon McKay Jennifer Qi Tejinder Virk Cui Zhou

RESULTS: v Counties Manukau 2 lost 6-6 v Horowhenua Kapiti 1 lost 3-9 v Oroua lost 2-10 v Waitakere V won 7+5 v Hutt Valley 2 lost 3-9 v Hawkes Bay 2 lost 4-8 v Thames Valley I won 6-6 v Wellington 3 lost 5-7


VETERANS 1 : Division 2

Ray Downs Jackie Downs Warren Robinson Imelda Marnane Alastair Gatt Wilhelmina Mentzel Bruce Darby Carol Leydon-Davis

RESULTS: v Waikato 2 won 8-1 v Waitakere III won 7-2 v Thames Valley 1 won 5-4 v Auckland I won 8-1 v Wellington North II won 8-1 v Taranaki 1 won 5-4 v Northland 1 won 7-2 v Manawatu 1 won 5-4


VETERANS 2 : Division 2

Stu Morgan Susan McGlade Irving Young Susanne Paalvast Mike Perkinson Lyn Wheki Maurice Greaney Monika Sullivan

RESULTS: v Wellington North II won Walkover v Auckland II lost 3-6 v Waitakere III lost 2-7 v Manawatu 1 lost 1-8 v Taranaki 1 lost 4-5 v Northland 1 lost 1-8 v Thames Valley 1 won 5-4 v Waikato 1 lost 1-8


VETERANS 3 : DIVISION 4B : Steve Lawrence Debbie Boyte Murray Orr Yvonne Ennion John South Gayle Hobbs Andrew Chan Helen Courtney

RESULTS: v Bay of Plenty 2 won 5-4 v Horowhenua Kapiti 2 lost 4-5 v Manawatu 2 won 6-3 v Oroua won 5-4 v Taranaki 2 lost 0-9 v Wellington lost 4-5


SUPER VETS: Division 2

Paul Davies Wilhelmina Mentzel Paul Stobbs Gayle Hobbs Murray Orr Helen Courtney

RESULTS: v Auckland III lost 4-5 v Bay of Plenty won 6-3 v Eastland won 8-1 v Waitakere II lost 2-7 v Hawkes Bay won 9-0 v Manawatu lost 3-6 v North Harbour won 6-3 v Oroua won 8-1

FINAL PLACING: Division 2 : 3rd


Dallinger Cup Dallinger Cup Winner Hamilton Runner-Up Te Awamutu 2 Presidents Grade A & J Silvester Cup Winner Masters Gold Runner-Up Masters Diamonds Russ Proctor Cup Russ Proctor Cup Winner Hillcrest Runner Up Masters B Grade Craik Shield Winner Hillcrest Runner-Up Hamilton 1 C Grade Chas Hall Cup Winner Masters 1 Runner-Up Hillcrest



Men : Singles Winner Tien Minh Nguyen Runner Up Kuel Chun Shih

Women’s Singles Winner Thi Trang Runner Up Hsuan-Yu Wendy Chen

Men’s Doubles Winners Wei Chen Liu/Po Han Yang Runners Up Cheng Heng Su/Po-Hsan Yang

Women’s Doubles Winners /Jennifer Tam Runners Up Vicki Copeland/Anona Pak

Mixed Doubles Winners Kevin Dennerly-Minturn/Susannah Leydon-Davis Runners Up Abhinav Manota/Justine Villegas


A GRADE: Men’s Singles Winner Michael Fowke Runner Up Vincent Harris Men’s Doubles Winners Peter Jensen/Oliver Leydon-Davis Runners Up Alastair Gatt/Tjitte Weistra Mixed Doubles Winners Oliver and Susannah Leydon-Davis Runners Up Peter and Josefine R Jensen Women’s Singles Winner Josefine R Jensen Runner Up Susannah Leydon-Davis Women’s Doubles Winners Josefine R Jensen/Susannah Leydon-Davis Runners Up Erena Calder-Hawkins/Jahvaya Wheki

B GRADE: Men’s Singles Winner Reon Mcfarlane Runner Up Adam Jeffrey Men’s Doubles Winners Craig Post/Roop Virk Runners Up Ben Perkinson/Devael Wijaya Mixed Doubles Winners Craig Post/Linda Davey Runners Up Nallappan Soomu/Pam Bouma Women’s Singles Winner Not contested Women’s Doubles Winners Pam Bouma/Linda Davey Runners Up Amanda |Lu/Amanda Stewart

C GRADE: Men’s Singles Winner James Hwang Runner Up Agostos Calawan Men’s Doubles Winners Thank Alam/Arand Sharma Runners Up Noel Joseph/Vyas Kasturi Women’s Singles Winner Amreen Virk Runner Up Joanna Li Women’s Doubles Winner Jennifer Qi/Xiacui Zhou Runners Up Priya Duggal/Karen Yang Mixed Doubles Winners Irving Young/Susanne Paalvast Runners Up Stu Morgan/|Lyn Wheki


Waikato U15 Open Championships: 9-10 April 2016

Girls Singles Winner Roanne Apalisok Runner Up Shaunna Li Boys Singles Winner Nelson Zhang Runner Up Srijan Konchada Girls Doubles Winners Janice Jiang/Rachel Li Runners Up Roanne Apalisok/Julie R Jensen Boys Doubles Winners Srijan Konchada/Nelson Zhang Runners Up Carlos iv (Clive) Luna/Jack Wang Mixed Doubles Winners Nelson Zhang/Janice Jiang Runners Up Samuel Sun/Shaunna Li

Waikato U13, U15, U17, U19 Closed Championships: 2-3 April 2016

U13/U15: Boys Singles Winner Arjun Duggal Runner Up Andy Zhou Girls Singles Winner Julie Jensen Runner Up Amreen Virk Boys Doubles Winners Arjun Duggal/Micah Whitten Runners Up Nithin Perumal/Aaron Wan Girls Doubles Winners Julie Jensen//Amreen Virk Runners Up Joy Guo/Joanne Li Mixed Doubles Winners Micah Whitten/Julie Jensen Runners Up Arjun Duggal/Amreen Virk

U17: Girls Singles Winner Josefine Jensen Runner Up Lily Rose Boys Singles Winner Adam Jeffrey Runner Up Ben Perkinson Boys Doubles Winners Adam Jeffrey/Hongzhe Zhang Runners Up Ben Perkinson/Devael Wijaya Mixed Doubles Winners Adam Jeffrey/Lily Rose Runners Up Ben Perkinson/Josefine Jensen

U19: Girls Singles Winner Josefine Jensen Runner Up Jahvaya Wheki Boys Singles Winner Matthew Graham Runner Up Douglas Shephard Boys Doubles Winners Adam Jeffrey/Jasmanjot Virk Runners Up Matthew Graham/Douglas Shephard Girls Doubles Winners Erena Calder-Hawkins/Josefine Jensen Runners Up Neisha Bouma/Jahvaya Wheki Mixed Doubles Winners Matthew Graham/Josefine Jensen Runners Up Jamanjot Virk/Neisha Bouma

Waikato U19 Open: 20-21 August 2016

Girls Singles Winner Sally Fu Runner Up Christine Zhang Boys Singles Winner Oscar Guo Runner Up Edward Lau Girls Doubles Winners Josefine Jensen/Tamara Otene Runners Up Apisara Lertwisettheerakul/Selena Wu Boys Doubles Winners Oscar Guo Runners Up Dacmen Vong Mixed Doubles Winners Dacmen Vong/Josefine Jensen Runners Up Edward Lau/Tamara Otene


Results:  Division 1 Boys - Won by HBHS Team A  Division 2 Boys - Won by Hillcrest  Division 2 Girls - Won by Waikato Diocesan Team 1  Division 3 Girls - Won by Hillcrest (Round 1) and Melville (Round 2)  Division 3 Boys - Won by St. Johns College


Results:  Juniors: Winners Putaruru Juniors 1 Runners Up Tokoroa 2

 Seniors: Winners Forest View 1 Runners Up Putaruru Seniors 2


Results:  Juniors: Winners Otorohanga 4 Runners Up Otorohanga 5

 Seniors: Winners Te Kuiti S1 Runners Up Pio Pio


Results:  Boys Division Won by Hamilton Chinese Learning School  Girls Division Won by Berkley Werohia