November 2019 President Cecilie McIntyre
[email protected] Page 2-4 Report on match ICNZ v IC Australia Hon Sec. Angela Hart
[email protected] Page 5-6 Report on French IC Week team Vice President Russell Tills
[email protected] Page 7 –8 Obituaries. Heather Robson and Paul Thomson Link to IC Council website Page 8 New Life Member of Tennis Auckland. Have a look through this website and click the Page 9-10 News of members flags to see news of the other countries. Page 11-12 Dropshots, more on Frank & Ken. AGM date 2020. Greetings to our IC members in NZ and around the world. It is a couple of months since our last newsletter and we have a mixture of very good and sad news. We have lost two of our best known and long standing Members. Our Hon Treasurer for over 25 years Paul Thomson died after a sudden illness and Heather Robson MNZM, wife of our Patron Jeff Robson, but a member in her own right, died recently after being unwell for the past year. There will be more news about these two members in the newsletter. The better news is that although we have enjoyed visits to our country by teams from France, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic in the last few years, we have travelled ourselves with 2 teams representing ICNZ playing overseas in the last 2 months. It always takes many months to organise teams, especially when we entered a men’s team in the IC France Week to help celebrate their 90th anniversary.