A Novel Walk-Through 3D Display
A Novel Walk-through 3D Display Stephen DiVerdia, Ismo Rakkolainena & b, Tobias Höllerera, Alex Olwala & c a University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA b FogScreen Inc., Tekniikantie 12, 02150 Espoo, Finland c Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden ABSTRACT We present a novel walk-through 3D display based on the patented FogScreen, an “immaterial” indoor 2D projection screen, which enables high-quality projected images in free space. We extend the basic 2D FogScreen setup in three ma- jor ways. First, we use head tracking to provide correct perspective rendering for a single user. Second, we add support for multiple types of stereoscopic imagery. Third, we present the front and back views of the graphics content on the two sides of the FogScreen, so that the viewer can cross the screen to see the content from the back. The result is a wall- sized, immaterial display that creates an engaging 3D visual. Keywords: Fog screen, display technology, walk-through, two-sided, 3D, stereoscopic, volumetric, tracking 1. INTRODUCTION Stereoscopic images have captivated a wide scientific, media and public interest for well over 100 years. The principle of stereoscopic images was invented by Wheatstone in 1838 [1]. The general public has been excited about 3D imagery since the 19th century – 3D movies and View-Master images in the 1950's, holograms in the 1960's, and 3D computer graphics and virtual reality today. Science fiction movies and books have also featured many 3D displays, including the popular Star Wars and Star Trek series. In addition to entertainment opportunities, 3D displays also have numerous ap- plications in scientific visualization, medical imaging, and telepresence.
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