March/April1993 Volume 20, Number 1


I I Peter Fongel Iceland Friendly VR Bending Colon , Final Selections in "Close-Up" Assignment

e two views shown here are the final selections from the ?"Mclose-upn entries that arrived shortly ahead of the deadline. Many readers have probably seen some of Susan Pinsky's by now famous Realist Macro cat stereos in addition to the one featured in The Sodety column and on the back cover of Vo1.19 No.1. For most sub- jects and most , the subject would be presumed "cov- ered" by now. But Susan has con- tinued to come up with a delight- ful series of new and imaginative "in your face" cat stereos that even those with only an academic inter- est in feline anatomy find fascinat- "Cat Cot Your Tongue" by Susan Pinsky of Culver City, CA reveals exactly why a cat3 tongue ing. Cat fanciers, of course, can feels the way it does. Custom 120 stereo macro camem, flash. never see enough of them. We found this particular action with a custom made 120 rollfilm place, so I got to run some test film close-up simply too good not to camera made by David Burder, through it first. Since cats are my share, and Susan's notes explain its England, for the Stanford School of passion I started with my cats significance to her series of cat Anatomy in Palo Alto, California. drinking water from the kitchen stereos: "Cat Got Your 'Ibngue. Taken He delivered it to California via our faucet, and this is where the whole sequence of this type of shot start- ed." The 3-D potential of smoke, steam and fog has long intrigued stereographers, and Otto Willau combined that interest with the Close-up assignment to produce the view selected here. His entry demonstrates that exotic and expensive equipment isn't neces- sary for all close action stereos. Smoking Candle was made with a +1 lens over the center lenses of a Nimslo. Next Assignment: Children This may sound like an easy one, 1 but we hope to see some imagina- r." 4 tive stereos of kids from age 30 sec- onds to 12 years that have both good stereo impact and that very subjective quality of "human inter- "Smoking Candk" by Otto w~~muof Wen, Austria freezes the unpredictable jwmrns or est." Any number of kids can be smoke offer Mowing out a burning candle. Made with a TECO-Nimslo with +I auxiliary lens included, but one or two generally over middk lens pair fw an 18mm sepamtion on Konicachrome 100. Daylight was com- get more than many. bined with remote flash for backlighting. (Continued on page 2) Volume 20, Number 1 MarchIApril 1993

THE MAGAZINE OF STEREO IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT The Memories of Peter Fangel ...... 4 Prepared by Erik Fersling with additional editing by 7: K. Treadwell Remembering Larry Wolfe ...... 10 by John Dennis A Board of Directc lndy Criscom, Chairman NSA 93-D ...... 11 Paula R. Fleming by Owen C. Western David Hutchison Dieter Lorenz Shooting Iceland's Surprises with a Stereo Spice Rack .... 12 Susan Pinsky by R. F. Hozisholder T.K. Treadwell Lookin for 3-D in Virtual Reality ...... 20 NSA Officers by Ken C Bark Cordon D. Hoffman, Presiaenr Then & Now: La Bajada ...... 23 JohnWaldsmith, Vice President, I Larry Hess, Secretary Fuser Friendly Computer Stereo ...... 26 David Wheeler, Treasure, by John E. Williamson Stereo World Stafr r JohnDennis, Editor Back to Basics ...... 28 Mark Willke, Art Director A Review by John Dennis bob Waldsmith, Subscription Manager UFO Captured in Stereo? ...... 29 A Stereoscopic Chronology of New York City ...... 32 NSA Mernbership --,.".,,..".*""A ...-,. c. . 3-D 34 ""UtCJ, Bendin Colors into Manes ,,KW ,,f~,,,"c,,~rr~,, ,rr,rwu,> a L ...... P.O. Box 14801, Columbus, OH by David !$ urder &John Dennis Stereo World Editorial C (Letten to the edltor, artrcles &calendar 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR - Stereo World Regular Fe,atures Editor's View comments and Observat~ons,bylo\lr~ DCIIIII( ...... 2 3-DmTreasures non 1 Letters Reader's Comments and Questions ...... 3 15 Anson St., Ba The Society News from the Stereoscopic Society of America, by Norman B. Patterson ...... 24 NewlViews David_ S! larkman NewViews Current Informat~onon Stereo Today, by David Starkman & Iohn Dennis ...... 30 . " -9," -. -.nm- i aox L~U,culver c~ry,cn ruL31 - Library Report News from the Oliver Wendell Holmes Library, by Talbot Crane ...... 30 The Society Norman B Patterson Calendar A Listing of Coming Events ...... 37 2922 Woodlawn Ave , Wesleyv~lle,PA - TI- 1 1- Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here ...... 38 I rle un knowns Neal Bu lllngton London Dr , Tre tverse CIW, MI 49684 -+ . " " View-1Master 1_' . wolraana cr Mary Ann Sell %.L.- ;, ~roadvr~wbr, IClnclnnatl, OH 4 - - Ste reo Worlcj Advertis ing Peter Fongel and his fornlly ~nthew garden display (Clarsrfied & d~splayads) -- - .-A. - the made In the busy home workshop r.u. box I48U I, columbus, OH ca. 1884. Fangel later became the leadlng Dan~sh (Insert llyers & ouctron ads) of hrs time, document~nghls country Jeffrey Kraus, 1 Lauren Dr., Card~ner, - m over 7,000 wews, many of which were marketed in the U.S. Thanks to the efforts of Errk Ferslfng and Stereo World Back Issue !Service J.K. Treadwell, the section of Fangel's unpublished (Wrrte for ovorlabrhty & pncer ) P.O. Box 398, Sycamore, OH 44882 autobiography cover~nghis stereo work has been translated for publ~cat~onas our feature rn this issue. Oliver Wendell Holrnes Stereoscopic Research Lihrarv (Affrl~atedwrth the Natronal A Eastern College, St. Dav~ds,PA -- - --. - Stereo World(lSSN 0191-4030)is published bimonthly b the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc., P.O. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214. Stereoscopic Society of A rnerica Entire contents 61993,all rights reserved. Materlal In tiis publication may not be reproduced without wrltten permission of the NSA, Inc. ~ Pr~ntedin USA. A subxr~ptionto Srerea World IS part of NSA membership. Annual membership dues: $22 thlrd class US, $32 first class US, (Affrboted wlth chr Notronal Stereorcoprc A isocrorronl.. $34 Canada and fore~gnsurface, $48 lnternatlonal a~rmail.All membersh~psare based on th,e pbbl~rh~ngyear of Ster~oWorld, tuh~ch begins In E. Jack Swarthout, Membersh~pSt ecretary March and ends with the lanuaryIFebrua~yissue of the next year. All new membersh~prrece ived will commel3ce w~ththe Man:hiApril issue of 12 Woodmere Dr., Par~s,IL 61 944 the current calendar yeal. When applying for membership, please advise us if you do not des Ire the back Issue olume. Member, lntemotional Stereoscopic UnicIn In His Own Words full use of the cover space. Con- inside pages, which you may eter Fangel's autobiographical trary to what some traditionalists notice as you read this issue. notes about his self-taught may fear, it's not a signal of any Stereo World's covers and content Pcareer in stereography (this coup by VR-crazed, 3-D techno-mil- will continue the effort to reflect issue's feature article) are enough to itants intent on eradicating syrn- the wide interests of NSA members, make me tired just reading about all bols of 19th century stereography. as generally represented by that work - toiling all day in his Many of the oldest views lack any researchers and writers who con- workshop and then spending most arched tops or have arches of vary- tribute articles, information, or of his evenings working on stereo ing curvatures and styles, and these ideas. If you sense a lack of atten- (somehow this all starts to sound will no longer have a generic arch tion to any particular area of stereo familiar). The sheer number of imposed on them. Art Director history or imaging technology, work hours put in by people like Mark Willke has introduced some start writing - or at least talk to Fangel to maintain a successful additional improvements on the people of similar interests who may business must have been consider- give it a try. m able. As illustrated in our cover view, Fangel's was a family operation in Denmark which benefited greatly from having a distributor in the Assignment- 3-D &ontin& ,. Inside ,,., ,:OVW) United States. This expanded mar- ket both increased his view produc- Relatively close shots taken from your work. Anyone and any image in any tion and spread his images interna- the level of a child's world are print or slide format is eligible. (Keep in mind that images will be reproduced in tionally, assuring that a good per- often the effective. Send any- black and white.) Include all relevant cap- centage of his work would survive thing from action views to por- tion material and technical data as well as to be sought after by today's stu- traits, but do get parents' permis- your name and address. Each entrant may dents and collectors of stereograph- sion for publication if the subjects submit up to 6 images Per assignment. Any stereographer, amateur or profession- are Other than Own ica. Few other small European al, is eligible. Stereos which have won stereographers or publishers had Deadline for the "Children" assign- stereoscopic Society or PSA competitions are such an advantage, and much of ment is October 25, 1993. equally eligible, but please try to send views their work is forever lost. Our cov- The Rules: made within the past eight years. All views erage of European photographers will be returned within 6 to 12 weeks, but As space allows (and depending on the Stereo World and the NSA assume no respon- and publishers in general has been response) judges will select for publication sibility for the safety of photographs. Please limited, and we thank T.K. Tread- in each issue at least two of the best views include return postage with entries. Submis- well for helping bring Fangel's sto- submitted by press time. Rather than tag sion of an image constitutes permission for ry to SW readers. images as first, second or third place win- its one-use reproduction in Stereo World. All ners, the idea will be to present as many other rights are retained by the photograph- Twenty! good stereographs as possible from among er. those submitted. Send all entries directly to: ASSIGNMENT Last issue's editorial mentioned Prizes are limited to the worldwide fame 3-D, 5610 SE 71st, Portland, OR 97206. m that changes were coming in Stereo and glory resulting from the publication of World's cover design, and you now have before you the "New Look" that will soon take us into our 20th year of publication. Gone is the arched top format that has framed cover images since our third year. Explore the World In 1980, Editor John Waldsmith of 3-D Photography Then & Now, in made an exception on the cover of Vol. 7 No. 3 for my Tru-Vue article, but everything since then has gone under an arch regardless of the shape of the original image. Although it may resemble a Real- ist slide window, the new design isn't intended to imitate any partic- Still only NATIONAL P.0. BOX 14801 ular stereo format, but to allow STEREOSCOPIC more enlargement of images from $22 ASSOCIATION Columbus a variety of formats and to make a year from: OH 43214

MarchIApril I993 STEREO WRIB R - Auctions Awkward I must say that auctions do not tion, it sounds like you (and I) would be better off financially and emotionally to his letter is in response to Tim seem to me to be very equitable, especially telephone auctions. How keep looking - with the cash for a reason- McIntyrels article [Vo1.19 NOS] able, setprice in hand. Tregarding auctions. can a long distance caller expect to I am one of those people who do compete on an even footing with a - Ed. not participate (bid) in auctions. local caller? For that matter,how can a mail bidder expect to com- U-Views? Ewe Views? The reason is simple. I feel that it is Yew Views? a waste of time and effort to bid on pete with a phone bidder when the I've noticed that most of the something when I know that I phone bidder has the advantage of stereo photo pairs in Stereo World have only a very slight chance of constant bid-checking? illustrate formal written articles. being the successful bidder. Even if If someday in the future auctions I were to succeed in being the were to become more advanta- There doesn't seem to be any way that a stereo photographer may get highest bidder for an item, you can geous to the buyer then I would their images into print if they don't be sure that I would be paying a consider participating in one. Until price many times higher than had I then I will continue to pass them have an accompanying written article. purchased that item at a regular by. Harry Komar So, may I suggest a page in Stereo fixed price sale. St. Louis, MO World in which an NSA member There are instances in which a single may submit a stereo photo pair that they took, or have in their col- editor concerning any stereo-related matter mail bid will get you a particular view for appearing (or missing) in the pages of Stereo a price less than you would find in any lection, and have the images pub- World, please write to / ohn Dennis, Stereo catalog or on any dealer's table, but this is lished? These images could range Wodd Editorial Office, 5 610 SE 71st Ave., often a matter of luck. For those special from Keystone to Realist, to Nims- Portland, OR 97206. views vital to complete or enhance a collec- lo, et al. The photos could be the favorite in their collec- tion. The page title could be "You Views" or some- thing indicating a page directed to the individual, Plan Now for Sun & Stereo at to get their stereo images displayed to NSA sub- scribers (one set per per- son permitted). NSA 93-D Au~.6-8 Ron Paul Smith Sharon, MA A few years back, there was a feature much like the one you describe, called "Member's Choice" in SW. We've wanted to reinstate that feature (with a mix of vintage and modem images) for some time now, but a lack of both space and time have delayed setting up a sys- tem for choosing images. We'll try to get it sorted out by shortly after the San Diego convention. - Ed. m Convention Hotel Reservation Notice! Some of the forms sent to our mailing service by the hotel for insertion Insert Correction: in Vol. 19 No. 6 were wrong. For the special NSA rate of $77 per day, The closing date for the call directly and get confirmed reservations by July 20, 1993. John Saddy (Jefferson Stereoptics) Auction #93-7 Town & Country Hotel is Tues. July 6, 1993. 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108. (The date was omitted (800) 77-ATLAS from the U.S. or (800) 854-6742 from Canada. from his 4-page gray insert mailed with Vol. 19 No. 6.)

STEREO VWD MarchlApri1 1993 IE ter Lorents Fangel was born at PHarrendrup, Denmark in 1837, and died in 1922 at age 85. In his last year he wrote down his memories in 93 closely-writtenpages, covering his family, his youth, his work in Europe, and most important to us, his relation to . A Prolific Danish Stereos He served an apprenticeship as a joiner in his father's workshop, in spite of the fact that he didn't like it. Prepared by Erik Fersling with additional editing by T.K. Treadwell At 20, he finished his education and, as many young workmen at that time did, left Denmark to work and earn more elsewhere in Europe. He went fi rst to Berlin where he got a job, but efore continuing I'll reflect on In a photographic magazine he'd after a year he left and walked, in how unforeseen circumstances seen a picture of an American stere- winter, to Vienna. He worked in Aus- Bcan influence a man's destiny oscope, oval of course. Chr. Brons tria a couple of years, then in Switzer- in later life. I read in the Swiss made one of mahogany with land and various towns in Germany. magazine "Bund" about a special round corners. He had Stegman The last was Frankfurt, and there he train that was going to Paris. Dur- make some, and the without ask- got a message Fom his father asking ing the trip I bought a stereoscope ing, sent me a sample stereoscope him to come home. At this time he and 12 views, as well as single pic- and 11 pairs of lenses and asked had been away for 10 years, working tures from places I visited. After me to make 11 of them, offering 2 as a joiner. coming home, my father and I vis- kroner each. The part of his memories relative to ited our family in Skamby, and I Though my power saw helped a stereoscopy begins shortly after his took the stereoscope with me. They lot, and I worked 12 hours a day, I return to Denmark in about 1867. It were very interested, and the pho- couldn't earn more than 1 kroner describes the dificulties a self-taught tographer Hoeg asked if he might 33 ore a day. I sent the stereoscopes stereogapher had to go through, make copies of the pictures, which to them and said that if they want- before success was achieved. Because I let him do. ed more, they would cost 2 kroner about 47,000 of his stereos were sold in the U.S., there are many in collec- tions now, and the story behind them Peter Fangel and his family in their garden display the stereoscopes made in the busy A home workshop ca. 7884. The view was made by H. Hansen of Odense, who's failure may be interesting. translation of to deliver stereographs of Danish scenery later prompted Fangel to start shooting his that part of his memories follows. own views to sell with the stereoscopes. ies of Peter FangelC Ipe Maker? Stereographer?and Publisherv

65 6re without lenses. They accept- and later in Jutland where they not by accident read the article in ed, saying that mine were much made stereos and larger photo- "Bund", all this wouldn't have hap- nicer than those from Stegman. graphs too, if ordered. pened, and who could have pre- They'd also seen a magazine article Later I received more lenses from dicted what my destiny would on how to make stereograms. them and also bought some have been. They'd had a closed carriage built myself, but I didn't make any more My making stereoscopes with a hole behind, just big stereoscopes like the first one. Its wouldn't have been practical if I'd enough to admit the upper part of slide could not be dismantled; the not built a circular power saw from a man's body, and otherwise - whole instrument was screwed memory, similar to one we had at tight, for use as a field darkroom. together and too complicated to be the telegraph factory (where I had Dry plates hadn't yet been invent- sent in one piece. My new type was my forefinger cut to the bone the ed; each wet plate had to be pre- in more pieces, much as they are first week; for many years this fin- pared just before use and devel- now. By this time the two men had gertip was numb whenever it was oped immediately, and this was begun to make stereograms, and I cold). Making stereoscopes was an what the carriage was for. They provided the stereoscopes, which evening job in the beginning, drove to the manors, first at Funen was my financial salvation. If I had because I had other work in the daytime. At seven o'clock in the evening I said "Knocking-off time"; Peter Fangel No. 1979, ca. 1890, shows the ruins of Christiansborg Castle - the Dan- ish parliament building which burned in 1884. In the canal in the foreground is a ship I had a joiner and one or two loaded with pottery from Bornholm to be sold from the ship. Note the double-deck apprentices. I took the stereoscope horse-drawn street car. pieces into the dining room and Peter Fangel No. 782, ca. 1888, "The ballon-swing at Tivoli, Copenhagen. " worked there all evening. In Midd1efal-t I took Part in start- other ordered continuously until est, and even now, when wages are ing an industrial association. An three years ago when he closed his three times higher, the price is still exhibition was held in Copen- shop. the same. hagen in 1872, and the association At the exhibition in Copen- Gradually the stereoscopes came agreed to contribute to traveling hagen, I left a sample stereoscope into the shops; soon I had about expenses for those members who with the secretary, Jensen, and he 80 customers, but it required con- applied. I got a grant, but instead sold some. In Berlin I sold them for stant selling. Between 1870 and of going to Copenhagen directly, 4 kroner each but as the lenses 1880 stereoscopes were probably went to Hamburg with samples of were cheaper here, I reduced the not imported to Denmark. For my new stereoscope. I got a few price, hoping to sell more. Maybe I many years I sold 300 to 400 each orders and went to Berlin, where I could have avoided this price year, seldom more, but as the found two customers. One of them reduction; I had no competitors. I greater part of the manufacturing bought 13 dozen that autumn; the made 10,000; I had been too mod- was dome in my spare time, it helped us through the hard times. The children learned to help with Peter Fangel No. 2923, ca. 1892, "Kullingade Street, Svendborg. " ,- wrTr.,r.N,,,"-m- -".-." " 6 y; kG m rC Peter Fangel No. 4767, ca. 7897, shows Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen, built by too small to have his own import King Christian IV in 7 6 1 7. business. The only Danish pictures I was selling were the few from filing, grinding and polishing at a output was sold to other cabinet- H6eg and brons. I got Swiss stereos moderate work rate, and con- makers. The entire profit from this from Gabler in Interlaken, and tributed much to speeding up the seraph-making operation went to German ones from a firm in Berlin, production. They weren't allowed the children, and they could use and sold them to the shopkeepers to spend their earnings from this this money as they pleased. They at a small profit. or from running errands; they had were almost able to buy their own In 1877 I read in "Frankfurter to deposit the money in the saving clothes, and they learned to save Zeitung" that lots of glass stereos bank. At confirmation, one of and take care of themselves start- were for sale in Hamburg. I went them had 120 kroner. ing at 8 to 9 years of age. there and chose 250 at 1 mark 50 In my shop, I also made coffins. When I delivered stereoscopes to pfennigs each; later on 1 purchased At that time plaster seraphs were the shopkeepers, they wanted 100 more and also a revolving used for black coffins. The children stereoviews too, but each shop was stereoscope. I made 24 of this mod- made the seraphs and blackened and lacquered them; some of our

Peter Fangel No. 746, ca. 7 888, "The fishmarket at Cammel Strand, Copenhagen." el viewer; I used them to show Peter Fangel No. 850, ca. 7888, shows the Machine Hall in the Nordic Industry, Agri- stereos around the country, but culture, and Art Exhibition in Copenhagen. that involved too much traveling, and I had other work to do at However, by this time I had afterwards to Slagelse, Sorb and home. In Bogensee and on Lange- begun to make other instruments, Ringsted. Then I went to Berlin, land I did very well. However, the pantoscopes and similar. I wanted where I made other plates which I profit wasn't big enough to pay to try to make my own photo- used for many years. well; as usual, I wasn't sufficiently graphic plates, but didn't know the In Nakskov photographer Chris- brash. I think I could've earned procedure. I put a pair of achro- tensen developed about 40 plates, much more by advertising, because matic lenses in a camera which I but just one was usable; all the oth- everybody praised the views. got from photographer Sick, and ers were no good. He told me they From time to time I took a two- let him take one plate in his studio were overexposed, even though all week train trip to sell stereoscopes, and one in the garden. When they were taken instantaneously. The and now more and more people were developed and printed I said: real reason was that he tried to were asking where they could get "Well, I'll make my own camera." I develop 6-8 plates at a time in a big Danish views. H. Hansen in got a book, "progress in Photogra- bowl, and it was impossible for Odense had started to take them; phy after 1879", but it was no help. him to handle so many. Also, he he promised to make a few in every Then I ordered volumes 7,8 and 9 used the same developer as for his town in Denmark, but for three of "Handbuch der Photographie" studio plates. At that point I gave years I waited in vain. In i887 by Professor Eder in Vienna. These up taking plates until I had time to while on a trip to Jutland, I made described the fabrication and han- experiment with developing. notes of the beautiful places I saw. dling of plates, the whole negative Of course I didn't expect good When I came home, I was annoyed process. results at the beginning, but they by Hansen's delay, and started It took a long time to complete were better than I'd hoped. I took thinking that maybe I could start the camera, with 12 double plate plate no. 159, "The institution seen making some plates myself and holders, working from the book. I from the moor" to develop myself have a photographer do the devel- also learned from the book how to at Sick's. When pouring the ferro- oping and printing. handle the plates, and became in sulphate into the fluid, I only took In 1879, 8 years earlier, I found some ways better than many pho- half as much as he used. Sick said that we could get by and have tographers, who were used to wet "YOU need more", but I said "No, more peace and quiet if I just plates and didn't have as thorough let me try this first", and got a worked with stereoscopes and a knowledge of dry plates as Eder's good plate. The next day I took skipped the ordinary work as a book gave me. I bought some dry some other plates of the guinea joiner. Supervising the employees plates; as soon as the camera was pigs at Teglgaard and they were and providing them with materials finished I went out and made some excellent. took a lot of my time. But mother tests, and let Sick develop the From then on I developed my grumbled each time I would refuse plates. The first plate was taken in own with good results. Only once, a job, so it took several years before Grimmehus Garden, Louise was in when snowbound in Ringe, did I it became a reality. it, but Sick accidentally destroyed let a photographer do my develop- it. I then turned to Kolding and ing. He was a brother of Hansen in Odense, and spoiled the first plate From America, Lange wrote to other people, using my catalog. He completely. Of course I spoiled hotels where he had stayed all over marked the orders sequentially, some myself, but if the damage was Denmark, asking about stereopho- such as la, lb, etc., so each had its done during development I knew tographers. Three hotels gave him own identification for later deliv- how to correct it, so the number of my name, and we got in contact. ery. What a huge job it would have lost plates was very small. In 1891 I He was lucky to be able to get been for him, if he'd had to order was in Aalborg and developed everything he needed in one place, the views from many different some plates at photographer Hoeg's from me. If he had to collect orders photographers and sort them out studio, and he said "It must be rare over there, and then deal with himself. when you ruin a plate." many different photographers In October, he suddenly disap- Professional photographers were here, he would soon get stuck, peared; I think he probably died. still making prints for me, but because not everybody was too pre- 800 stereos were left packed and though my plates were clear, I cise in delivering exactly what had ready for delivery and payment, always received gray prints. How- been ordered. and he wouldn't have done that if ever, if I started making prints In Kolding, a photographer he had been alive. Unfortunately myself, I'd have to give up making who'd got a letter from Lange, for me, autumn was the best time pantoscopes. Then I ordered vol- asked me about export prices. I told for business, and I had about 1,800 ume 12 of Eder's book, which him that if it was for Lange it of the best pictures ready in order described the positive process. I would be of no use, because I had not to have any shortage, but I got studied it, and immediately started already made him an offer. So he stuck with them. When Lange dis- making my own prints. My daugh- offered Lange other types of pho- appeared my business nearly ter Laura, who was working in Rys- tographs; he mailed some, but nev- stopped, because when I was deal- linge, came home and was a great er got the money. I offered my ing with him I didn't seek any oth- help to me. stereos to Lange for 30 6re each er outlets. And now, when other I crossed the country several including postage. Assuming one things like amateurs and cinemas times, making negatives in Chris- month credit he ordered 2 gross, have come along, it hardly pays to tiania, Slesvig, and other spots, and because of the large number I do anything. finally reaching more than 7100 lowered the price to 40 kroner per Somewhere I have a portrait of negatives. Many of them I could've gross, a reduction of 2 6re each. I Lange. If I can find it, I'll make done without, but not all were tak- risked sending him 2% gross for copies for each of my children, so en for business. If I liked the scene, 100 kroner. After half a year I got that they can have a portrait in I'd take it for pleasure, as an ama- some money, but only in exchange memory of him they have to thank teur. In fact, many of these have for some more stereograms. for half of what they will get from sold better than those I took aimed By this time I thought that the their parents. at commercial sale. Also, if I took 100 kroner owed me was lost. Next 10 plates of a manor house where 5 spring I mailed him a few, but by would've been sufficient, it often April 1901 business speeded up, In December, 1922, Peter Lorents happened that the customer want- and I increased the price to the 30 Fangel died. He was an excellent join- ed all 10. I always thought "Better 6re as first offered. I didn't care er, to which his stereoscopes in solid, one plate too many than one too whether he bought or not; I knew polished mahogany bear witness. He few", when I was at a remote place that nobody could compete with was also a fine and productive stereog- and something could go wrong, me. By this increase, I'd cover the rapher; at that time the biggest in although that seldom happened. loss I expected. I kept records, and Denmark. With all his photographic The number of plates wouldn't when I thought the balance was equipment in an old baby cam'age, he have grown so much if I hadn't got running too high I gave him sam- traveled around most of Denmark, a customer in the U.S. C.C. Lange ples of new views without charge. and took over 7,100 views from 1887 was a son from the manor One year I promised him a to 1901. He was very methodical. 1 "Flintholm" near Stenstrup. He'd bonus of 10 kroner when he Each Stereo had a number refem'ng to traveled in Denmark as an agent reached 4,000 views, and 10 kroner his still-existing records. He even first for a wholesaler in Odense and for each 1,000 additional. He made notes of how many prints he 1 later for two insurance companies. reached 9,600 and received 66 kro- made of each number. Also, a printed He should have been an excellent ner as bonus. Later I lowered the catalog exists, which was probably businessman; his noble appearance price 5 6re for those views, and he used to promote sales in the U.S. 1 and charming behavior could be ordered more than 20 times. The While there were other stereographers almost irresistible. But he had one first price increase netted me 400 in Denmark, we owe most of our visu- fault: He was a gambler, and not to 500 kroner beyond the free al record of the country to his dedicat- for small change. His debts reached copies and bonus, and covered his ed efforts. m 80,000 kroner which his father outstanding debt. Overall he paid in part; he then disinherited received about 46,000 to 47,000 ' him, and forced him to go to views, and paid over 13 thousand 1 America. His wife and children kroner. stayed home and were supported The first stereos Lange ordered by the family. were sold to Danish immigrants. Soon he began taking orders from

STEREO VWW) MarchIAprll 1993 A Remembering Larry Wolfe

requent Stereo World contributor Laurance Wolfe died March 30, F1993 at the age of 77. He had been in declining health for the past year, suffering from a stroke and congestive heart failure. To say that Larry Wolfe was enthusiastic or energetic in his devotion to the history and future of stereo photography is like saying Ben Kilburn dabbled in the Stereo- view business. Words like driven, fanatic, and runaway train come to mind when I recall Larry's nearly constant stream of promotional ideas for the NSA, Stereo World, and the two NSA conventions he was so deeply involved with in Manches- ter, New Hampshire. But unlike those annoying types who spout grand schemes in the hope that Larry Wolfe and his nearly trademark, eagerly questioning gaze over his at the Trade someone else will implement Fair, 1997 NSA convention, San Antonio, Texas. Stereo by ]ohn Dennis. them, Larry was always ready to jump into even the most complex Larry did extensive research and articles were displayed and his project with both feet running and sought out stereos for his articles Realist hung at the front. both hands busy at his typewriter, with the same energy and busy A former NSA vice president for creating press releases and promo- typewriter that he applied to NSA membership, Larry was an NSA Fel- tional material to pry any possible promotional projects. His "Stereo low, chairman of the 1984 conven- publicity out of the media. Gold" feature on Alaskan Gold tion, committee member for the One of his projects involved the Rush views, "Post Crypt" illustrat- 1990 convention, a member of the stereographic media, as represented ing several famous cemeteries with Photographic Historical Society of by Stereo World, and the need to views by SCAN members, and New England and the New Hamp- encourage and facilitate stereojour- "Stereoclues" linking Kilburn views shire Historical Society. nalism. He singlehandedly orga- to General MacArthur's return to Born in Brooklyn, he graduated nized SCAN (Stereophotographer the Philippines were all the prod- from the University of Wisconsin Correspondent's Action Network) ucts of multiple re-writes, carefully with a degree in Journalism and as a group of stereographers ready annotated replacement pages worked as an editor for Dell Pub- to cover events, places, or people of mailed in envelopes stuffed with lishing in New York. He served in potential stereographic interest in extra maps and graphics, and the infantry in WWII, earning the or near their various local areas. stamped self-addressed postcards Silver star, the Bronze Star, and the Not only did over two dozen peo- inviting editorial comments. Lar- Purple Heart. Following the war he ple sign on as standby volunteers ry's research efforts went into over- worked in public relations in Pitts- for assignments from SW, but Larry time for "Stereographer Ike" which burgh, PA. went on to design and produce tackled the question of just how He was a member of the Ameri- photo ID press cards for each one many views President Eisenhower can Legion and Amnesty Interna- of them! (I still keep mine in my actually made with his famous tional. He was in the Disabled wallet, and even though it's long Realist, while reproducing several American Veterans as well as being outdated and may never get me of the stereo slides from the Eisen- an active liberal Democrat, a paci- into anything more exclusive than hower Library. fist, and a strong advocate of Extra Fries Day at McDonald's, it's Larry never claimed to be a human rights. In other words, he generally the one I show when skilled photographer, but in order was exactly the sort of dynamic, asked for any photo ID beyond my to document New Hampshire's helpful, and multi-dimensional driver's license.) While SCAN is no presidential primaries in stereo individual you seem to come across longer functioning, it did produce (since no one else was attempting a bit more often in the NSA than in several good views for SW articles it in any sort of comprehensive the flat world. But even in the NSA, and helped inspire some of the way) he learned on the job, chas- you won't find many people with continuing submissions of timely ing candidates around in the snow Laurance Wolfe's energy, rapid-fire stereographs from readers around and getting better with every cam- literacy, and promotional skills. the globe. paign. At his funeral, copies of his -John Dennis m 19th Arvzucrl NSA Convention & Trade Fair Aug. 6-8, 1993, San Diego, Cmornia by Owen C. Western

ome enjoy the southern Cali- Salon "C" for individual entries. the viewer's . Stereos of ani- fornia sunshine, beaches, pine- There will also be a non-competi- mals you can pet, buildings you can Ccovered mountains, deserts, tive exhibition at no charge on a hang out of, pseudostereo experiments, and 400 year old buildings of the "space-available" basis. time lapse animations, and light draw- Of course, the convention isn't ings are all combined with digitally California Missions. Capture it all recorded stereo sound and music to for yourself in stereo images from complete without the trade fair, make this a high impact visual treat. the 19th century of from your own which will be set up with ample A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EXPERIENCE camera.when you attend the 1993 space in one of the Town & Coun- by Standish Lawder and UCSD. 1950s NSA Convention in San Diego this try's larger rooms. This will be your and 60s music sets the tempo to a sum- August. opportunity to "take home" the mer on the beach and on the road in The convention, located in Mis- convention in a tangible way with Southern California. sion Valley's Town & Country some collectible images or equip- THE EYES HAVE IT by Ron Labbe. A Hotel, will offer a "photo opportu- ment, new or old. short and fast moving 4-projector show. SUSAN'S 3-D POTPOURRI by Susan nity" tour featuring some of the A old locales of stereoview cards from Preview Pinsky. Everything from computer gen- Some of the Shows Scheduled for erated images vintage historical views Keystone, Underwood & Under- in 14 short sequences including hyper- wood and others. Included will be the 1993 NSA Stereo Theater: CHINA AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY stereos by Paul Wing, flowers by Stergis the San Diego Mission de Alcala, by Paul Wing. 170 stereographs by an M. Stergis, scanning electron micro- Balboa Park, the Hotel Del Corona- unknown photographer showing scen- scope stereos by David Burder, 1950s do, and a trip aboard the ferry to ic~,villages, country and farm life, fam- nostalgia by Tommy Thomas, volcanic Broadway Pier. For details, contact ilies, occupations, boats, etc. all expert- eruptions, Hollywood celebrities, and tour coordinator Lillian Harris at ly copied to stereo slides. more. 619-296-2255. HIGH SPEED STEREO by Franklin 3-D X-RAYS OF FLOWERS by Albert The exhibits will accent the past, Flocks. A selection of images similar to Richards. The astounding translucent present and future of 3-D, as new those in the JulyIAug. '92 Stereo World images produced by invisible radiation article by Mr. Flocks. Water balloons have been re-edited for a faster tempo, technology opens new doors with so even those who saw the show in a potpourri of stereographica sure bursting, glass breaking, bees in flight, etc. all frozen in full color stereo to Fort Wayne will enjoy it again. Present- to please any interest. Also on tap reveal a world invisible to unaided ed by Paul Wing. will be workshops to help you human senses. THE BIG BANG as illustrated in 3-D hone your craft and help generate WINDOWS IN TIME by Susan Pinsky via computer animation is the subject new ideas. An unusual feature this and David Starkman is a lighthearted of a dual 70mm film created for a Kore- year will be the aspect of motion, visual step into the past through 80 an corporation. These images illustrat- as three dimensional movies in sev- vintage stereoviews projected in six ing the first few days of everything will eral formats will be presented by sequences, each individually choreo- be presented as a series of still slides members of the 3-D Movie Divi- graphed with its own music. from frames of the film. sion of the Stereo Club of Southern STEREOGRAPHIC METAMORPHOSES For more on the 1993 NSA Stereo California. by Jonathan Golden. Hang onto your Theater, contact Bob Mannle, 653 vertigo and witness this three dimen- With this year's convention - Hutchison St., Vista, CA 92084, sional dissolving of images. (619) 941-5500. m marking the 100th anniversary of Each image is chosen to interact with the Stereoscopic Society, competi- its adjacent counterparts, disarming tive exhibits have been planned to involve more modern stereo print photographers than previously. Stereo by Bob Mannle John Waldsmith and Quentin Burke, both SSA circuit members and co-chairs of the competitive exhibits, have announced three "salons" within the 1993 exhibit. Salon "A" will provide a showcase for the collector of vintage views as well as categories appealing to the modern print stereographer. Today's stereographers will also find five categories available in Salon "B" for multiple entries, and

STEREO WORLD MarchIAprll 1993 Irn ou want to go where?" These My desire to go back to Iceland cameras were a pair of Minolta AF- were the words I heard most came as a result of a trip my wife Zs with 35mm wide angle lenses, 'Y often when I gave my intend- and I made there in 1987. We and were mounted in a custom ed vacation destination early in spent about a week in and around frame made of white pine and 5- 1992. Unless one has studied the the capital of Reykjavik, which minute epoxy. The lenses turned history of the north Atlantic means "Smoky Bay," a modem city out to be separated by about 6% region, it might come as a surprise of over 150,000 inhabitants. We inches. This separation, however, that a small country near the Arctic took some day trips around the tended to produce stereo pairs of Circle has had a parliamentary Reykjanes area, as the peninsula landscapes that were phenomenal- form of government since the 900s containing Reykjavik is known. At ly vivid. Even close up pictures of or over four times as long as the our bed and breakfast hotel, we flowers were acceptable. An exter- age of the United States. It might spoke with a couple from England nal set of switches was wired up also come as a surprise to find that who had just finished a 12-day bus and, armed with my new camera one of the inhabitants of this same tour around the island. They told and about 48 rolls of 36-exposure, country possibly discovered the us that it was the most wonderful 35mm Kodacolor Gold 11, I was North American continent before trip they had ever taken. I vowed ready for my trip. My daughter said Columbus. The name of this tiny then to check out their story. it looked as if I was taking pictures country, about the size of Ohio, is Such a trip promised to be spe- with a spice rack! also a surprise because it doesn't cial and for this reason, I decided Through the Iceland Tourist really depict what that I needed a Bureau, several sets of faxes went one finds there. new stereoscopic back and forth until I was con- These three sur- camera, one that firmed on a 12-day Grand Tour of rises were but "...I decided that would take full- Iceland, scheduled to begin on July ;he first three of frame 35mm pic- 9, 1992. Not wanting to be rushed many that I ' needed a new tures. Because of upon my arrival and also wishing would experience S~~~~OSCOP~CCQmeTa, my location (Sau- to cancel the effects of any residual during a i2-day di Arabia) and jet lag, I booked a hotel in Reyk- tour of the island. one that would take difficulty Of javik for July 8th. The flight from The name of the full-frame 35mm "shopping JFK arrived at Keflavik airport country, of around," I decid- about 50 km from Reykjavik course, is Iceland, pictures. " ed that I would around 6:00 A.M. on a somewhat created from the attempt to build cold, drizzly morning. After clear- mid-Atlantic rift: my own stereo- ing customs, I arrived at my hotel land of friendly, confident people, scopic setup out of two auto-focus, around 8:00 and after a short of cliffs and sea birds, volcanoes, self-winding cameras. I first bought snooze to help me settle in, I went geothermal springs, clear air, sun- one camera and after experimental- for a walk to check out the capital shine, rain, snow, fjords, rivers, ly modifying it to allow external city of Iceland. deserts, waterfalls, sheep, lakes, focus activation and shutter The dominant landmark in fish, and yes, some ice. release, a second camera was pur- Reykjavik has to be Halgrimskirkja, chased and likewise modified. The a large cathedral that reminds me Figure 1

of a hooded Viking helmet. In the front stands a mag- nificent statue of Liefur Eriksson, the man credited with the discovery of North America Figure 2 sometime around the year 1001. Even with the little bit of mist, the weather certainly wasn't all that unpleasant. The plastic sleeve that I had made to keep mist and rain off my cameras worked perfectly. I continued down the main street leading from the front of Halgrim- First stop was Thingvellir, a Figure 3 skirkja and headed for the down- town section. 1 national park about 22 miles (35 ~ km) northeast of Reykjavik that is a Walking around Lake Tjorn, I the foot of a long basalt cliff that most sacred place for all Icelanders. came across the striking picture of forms a natural amphitheater. In Over 1,000 years ago, the Viking Halgrimskirkja between the birch fact, the acoustics are such that settlers of Iceland began to hold branches seen in Figure 1. speakers actually faced the cliff their annual Althing or parliament July 9th began as a carbon copy when they spoke, the echo of their meetings here. Thousands of peo- of the previous day: drizzle and a voices reaching many more people ple would come from all over Ice- coolness in the air. I checked out of than would have been possible land to take part in debates and to otherwise. Figure 2 shows a view of the hotel just as the bus came to pass laws. The site has been pre- pick me up. Our contingent num- the cliff with the river running served over the centuries and bered 37: thirty French-speaking, under a small bridge. except for some earthquake activity half of them from the island of That afternoon, we traveled up that changed the landscape some- through the Kaldidalur, between Guadeloupe, and seven English- what, it is nearly as it was at that speaking. By about 9:00 A.M., we two glaciers, difficult to see because were off! time. A small, crystal clear river of the low overcast, and on to runs through the site which lies at sent day river HvitB. Figure 3 shows a view of Hraunfossar just as the sun began to shine through the overcast. Our second Figure 4 day,we headed west, out the Snae- fells peninsula, stopping once to look at a large columnar basalt cliff. Then it was on to our lunchtime stop at Budir. After lunch, we drove a short distance, then walked along the cliffs by the sea where we saw numerous seagulls and their nests. Figure 5 was formed when an ancient lava Figure 4 shows one of several holes flow covered a former river. The through the cliff with the sea in Hraunfossar, a most beautiful river eventually found its way the background and the birds waterfall that actually runs out of under the lava and produced these along the edge. the middle of a cliff. Hraunfossar lacy falls, which flow into the pre-

ike stereo pairs with that would have to be on printed circuit (pc) boards. Cone o camera:s, it was nlecessary to synchronized.) There are two but- are the days of all-mechanical release ...... !,. , , ,adity them slightly to allow s*,ny, 1- tons on the top of the camera: one systems. After studying the oper-+;-- chronization of the shutters. No.t changes the mode (Normal, Self- button and its two switches and knowing how the cameras operiated, Timer, Fill-flash, and Sequential), determining that there were no but feeling confident that I coulc d fig- while the other is the operating but- mechanical considerations, I dec . .-- ure Iit out, I fir .st bought one caniera ton. The 3 button Iias two to d uplicate t he focus 23nd the sk and,, after tak ing off thc e covers, Igot function! down, ttie auto- ter release wil:h separat e externa dohIn to the I~usiness c)f making the matic.. . foc dated; fully down, swit~ches. mnris. the shutter IS relea,,,. 1c.4 The switch mechanism operat=> aJ ie Minolta At-L that I purchased As anyone who has recently follows: There is a common con1 I auto-focus camera with a opened up one of these cameras tion in the form of a small, pillov:"- 1 I .rm lens and built-in flash. (I 1did knows, they contain a small, sophisti- shaped metal pyramid that is tightly not want a zc ,om came?ra becau! cated colmputer s) {stem, wil:h most fixed to the pc board. \Nhen the I that would introduce a nother of the elf ?ctricalco lmponent:s located operating button is par tially p :' I The third dav, July 11, found us visiting a turf church in Ska-

was b< in 1834 and Dresents a beaitiful site, espe- Figure 6 cially with all the yellow flowers and grass growing on the roof. We moved on, July 12th, to one of the highlights of the trip, a visit to the Capital of the North, Akureyri. This city of about 14,000 is located near the closed end of the Eyjafjordur and proved to be another of the sur- prises I alluded to at the beginning. with a large building crane on the Figure 7 Just about 60 miles (100 km) south skyline. Our visit to the botanical of the Arctic Circle, Akureyri has gardens allowed us to see a com- shows members of our group tak- something for everyone. The city plete collection of arctic plants, ing pictures or making videos of and harbor are clean and modern along with some of the most gor- the spectacle. geous flowers anywhere. Figure 5

iepressed, a small s,trip of metal ipring is plressed do~wn from its nor- nally-open poslrlon... until it connects with the top of the metal pyr hereby, activating the auton ocus. More pressure on the I ng buttor r &forms the meta11 pyra- nid slightly and it Flops inwa rd, naking cc mtact wit1h the shu.tter-acti- ,. r rar~onconnecrlon. 50 Tar, prc itraight forward, you say? Wc :hought I had figured out thf The "spice rack" stere so rig used,for the fir11 frame vim4s of lcelnn d in this is ...... - -- 'unctions and it was now iust cle. Holes In Nle top allow vrewlng of the camera LCu panels ns well as access to me camera mc ~deselector s. Telepho? s sockets n the left sic 3le matter of findini9 aPProP'riate ,laces whl ere I coulcj solder o n leads catnera all ow extenla 1 focus an6 lease. bleak Icelandic landscape. Proba- bly the most scenic area in all of Iceland is Myvatn or "Midge Lake." Here, one finds extremes Figure 8 ranging from placid lake vistas with abundant birds, through geothermal steam vents, hot water pools inside of caves, ancient vol- cano craters, some with lakes in them, and an area of grotesque lava shapes culminat- ing with a lava cathedral! All this within an area the size of a typical mid-sized city and Figure 9 cloud in the sky. Our first stop was its suburbs. Our first point of inter- Godafoss or the Falls of the Gods. est was the geothermal area at The following morning, July 13, In a bowl-like setting, the falls are a Hverarend, where vile-smelling broke completely clear, without a striking contrast to the otherwise mud pools combine with steam

anc i run ther n outside of the camera So, I now had three contacts: one cor inections, and butt the i toi3 set of e>cternal switches. common, one for the focus, and car nera case . I then bc upli- i 1 -. . . . I .. . h~sIS Where the hard part c,ame another for the shutter. It was time e camera and, ~nabout an hour, I couldn't locate access to tkie to test my theory about the opera- de similar modifications to it. inection that was underneat:h the tion of the switches. I carefully sol- xt, I mounted one of those tele- !LL. cL- all metal pvramid. Finallv. W~LIILIIC dered leads made from com~uter me- -- connector sockets to the right , ,, I - ~- aid of a smalI magnifyling glass and a wire-wrap wire tc1 the pad!; nearest sidc of each camera, L sing the 'two strc )ng light, I was abl e to look under the thre!e contact:s and, wi th the baiC- car nera strap) fastener!; as anchc)r

the5 pyramid on the 01 ther side (3f the teries inserted an d the ena bling points. Finally, I mounted a set of ., ...... -. . . . . PC board. There, a small plated swltch closed on the front ot the ext ernal mlCrOSWltCheS in two 11 indicated that a connection pa! camera, I touched the common wir~e tior 1s on the external frame, the thrlough the board from direct1 to the focus; the green LED near tht3 set was connected to the focus

-- . unc jer the I~vramid. / I followed t viewfinder came on. So far, so good.I. fro1n each camera and the righ,. :e on the undersidee of the board, I next tc le shutter wire to was similarly wired to the shuttc the left sic le of the ILCD pane!I, to the corrimon anc I focus wi res; the wires. Telepb lone conrlector plu Ither plat1ed hole a1nd back LIp to flash an d shutter fired and auto the ends of t.he wires 1'rom . the . * .. . -...... , . . .., the: top ot the pc board. Ihere, the \~lln*~r..,a m"Lm cycled. volia! I had done it. SWI'tches completed the wlrlng con- hole was labeled "S2," which had to The r8est of the modification procc- nec :tions. stalnd for "Switch 2." A small free sol- dure co nsisted of drilling a small holle 1The frame for the t\NO camer as :- *LA - -- -I..-J der pad was conveniently connected In Lrie plastic cover, leading the thre'e wats made of white pirie ylueu the platecIl hole. wires oi~t througlI the holc! after lether with 5-minulte epoxy. Th.. devisinc1 some st1.sin relief for the car neras wer :d side-by - I vents in an area that straddles the mid-Atlantic rift. Figure 6 shows one of the smaller steam vents. The afternoon began with a short stop at geothermal Figure 7 0 pools at Grj6tagjL, again located on v- the mid-Atlantic rift. What makes they are located inside of caves. When one descends through any of several

the water ishot. which is a bit warm! Figure 7 Figure 7 7 Several years ago, bathers used to shows the steam rising off of the be able to use these pools, but in surface of the hot water in one of the most unusual places in all of recent years, due to changes in the the caves. Iceland. As any Icelander will tell heating from below, the water has Traveling south along the eastern you, trolls (mischievous elves) reached a temperature of 136" F, edge of Myvatn, we came to one of come out at night. If a troll has the

rith small pieces of wood glu made a plastic sleeve tor the cameras slon iJress, narvard, MA, tnat was ~chthat the camer,as could r and, on occasion, it proved to be recently reviewed in Stereo World. I l r love side to side or DacK ro T well worth the effort, as it kept the '-aditional, side-by-side stererJ --'pno-- wo rubber-faced wooden shi mist and rain off of the cameras, y~ )graphs can be obtained by cutting eld each camera tightly in pl allowed me to take pictures throu5 be full frame prints at approp)riate nd prevented up and down I two holes cut in the front of the cations. All in all, I have bee n lent. The back of ttie frame iS sleeve. Since tht2 sleeve LI/as made eased wit:h the camera systc !m and, esigned to allow the film doc Dr to be clear ~lasticma1 terial, the viewfindc ; you can see by the Iceland pho- pened without rerrloving tht2 cam- could still be us1ed and the switche )graphs, iit works. Some of ttie more .. ..& --.-.. .l.ll 1. . _ .. L.. .-A- ., A,. .. .I. AIL .,. . - --t-Lr ras. Battery replacemenr reqlulres could st111Re acrlvarea rnrougn rne aavenrurous Society member: ie cameras to be removed, blowev- plastic wish to duplicate my efforts a r. A rubber pad glued to the bot- l enc ith a rugs make their own full-frame stel )m of the frame completed t:he pro- light, fully-functional, stereoscopic scopic camera system. I woulc !Ct. camera system, one who se worth 541lad to provide more details and I found t.hat, since! the cam1eras was proved quil:e decisivt2ly by takiing ariswer any questions regarding my ad relative:ly wide-z~ngle lens es, I over 600 stereo pairs dur In9 my Ciamera modification experiences.

.-I ,. - - - I .- -- -- ~ .~ - - . >. Ian r neea ro cornpensare In any recent "circumnav~ganonal"bus tc Ross F. Housholder, c/o Sau -" lay for parallax. The camera lenses of Iceland. The advantage of full- ox 10077', Dhahra re separated by about 6.5 ins ches. frame stereo photography is best rdi Arabia his exaclaerates the stereoscc3pic demonstrated bv rnountina the pi1 ffect, whic ch actuall; ?s land- o they ca ;I be view :ape scen es quite d ly. I ?wMagic viewer frc this far away. This distant view was only a hint of what was in store for us at our next stop, however. Known as Detti- foss, it is not the Figure 12 highest, but the most powerful waterfall in Europe and the only way to see it is "up close". Leaving the parking area on the canyon rim, we walked down to the lower level of the canyon, through a boulder- strewn area right up to the top of the falls. The roar was deafening. Figure 13 called Asbyrgi. The bus let us off at There was no way a trail head where, after a short to capture the spectacle on a single misfortune to be outside when the walk of about 15 minutes, we came picture though, and Figure 11 was sun comes up, it is turned to stone. to a small lake at the end of the taken back about a quarter of a Legend has it that the grotesque horseshoe. The entire canyon is mile (500m) from the falls. Some lava formations at Dimmuborgir filled with small birch trees. small figures of people can just be are just that: trolls turned to stone. There followed the two types of made out on the rock outcrop at See for yourself in Figure 8. Perhaps waterfall experiences: "impressive" the left side of the falls, which are that small shape to the left of the and "incredible," or falls seen from 143 feet (44 m) high. larger one is, indeed a troll frozen a distance as opposed to UP close. Our next major day of traveling in stone amid dwarf birch trees and A distant view of Hafragilsfoss is began the morning of July 16th an occasional conifer. Well-marked shown in Fig- and was along trails lead to all parts of Dim- ure 10 and is the eastern muborgir, but our group headed for Seen from a fjords. As we the lava cave church. After seeing viewpoint "We had traveled over started down several magnificent cathedrals and located high 7650 miles (2700 km) churches in Iceland cities and up on the side thedur, we came 1 towns, the lava cave known as of the canyon and it was true that I upon some I Kirkjan certainly ranks right up through which had, indeed, seen some sod-covered there with its man-made cousins. the Jokuls5 5 buildings that Figure 9 shows a view from the Fjollum, the ice, but I went away had been con- south in mid-afternoon light. longest river in structed for a Inside is a huge vaulted ceiling, Iceland, flows with much more of an movie set another of the Iceland surprises. (127 miles or appreciation for the some years Day six, we traveled to a point 206 km long). before. We only 25 miles (40 km) from the The river is other aspects of this stopped and, Arctic Circle at the tip of the formed from unique place, a land since they Tjornes Peninsula where we glacier melt were typical of stopped by some cliffs and looked water and as called Iceland." early Icelandic again at some more nesting sea such is muddy. farm construc- birds. Then on to another national The treeless tion, took sev- park, this one called J6kulsLrgljfil- canyon with its rugged rock forma- eral pictures of them. Figure 12 fur, where we drove into a huge tions allows the sound of the falls shows the front view of the build- sunken horseshoe-shaped canyon to be heard quite clearly even from ings and part of the magnificent

MarchiApril ,993 STEREO WRLD setting where they depict an early Ice- landic farm. The evening was spent near the town of Hofn. As we approached the vicinity of Vat- najdkull, the Figure 14

largest- glacier- in Europe, the next day, the weather turned extremely cloudy with inter- mittent rain. Upon consulting a small chart on my Ice- landic map, I was surprised to note that the area had the heaviest rain- fall of any area in Iceland, over 4000 mm per year. That's over 13 feet Figure IS of precipitation annually! With The morning of July 18th was a that kind of water falling out of the leisure morning. In the afternoon, sky, most of it in the form of snow the rain returned and prevented us of the remains of this Viking long on the upper slopes of Vatnajokull, from a planned trip to the cliffs at house underneath the covering. one could see why it might be rain- Dryh6laey; however, after a night July 20th, our tour ended with a ing on any given day. spent nearby at Sk6gar near anoth- visit to another water-filled caldera We rounded the southeastern er fabulous waterfall, we returned at the crater Kerid. After a short "corner" of Iceland and experi- the following morning, July 19th, stop at the town of Selfoss, where enced another of Iceland's surpris- to the tops of the cliffs of Dyrh6- we saw another surprise consisting es: clear weather within just a few laey that the rain of the previous of geothermally heated greenhous- kilometers of such intense drizzle. day prevented us from seeing, and es where bananas are grown, we We were treated next to a close-up enjoyed wonderful views of black headed across the final lava field examination of a glacier. It is a sandy beaches with glaciers on the back to Reykjavik. humbling experience to see one of horizon and sea birds nesting on The following morning, on my these monsters at close range. From the cliffs. Figure 14 is an over-the- flight to Amsterdam, we flew a distance, they look like soft snow, edge view at some nesting puffins southeast from Keflavik, out over but in reality, they are made of with the north Atlantic washing up the Westman Islands and I was able crystal clear ice that is covered with on the black beach 130 meters (400 to look back over the landscape dirt and dust in some places. I was feet) below. that I had lived in and been a part surprised to see huge boulders up After lunch, we drove for several of during the past 12 days. We had on the top of the ice but I under- minutes to a dirt track tum-off, traveled over 1650 miles (2700 km) stand that it is quite common for where we continued to an interest- and it was true that I had, indeed, such stones to be picked up by the ing archaeological site known as seen some ice, but I went away movement of the glacier and Stong. There, an authentic Viking with much more of an apprecia- deposited many miles away. Figure long house, part of a farm, has tion for the other aspects of this 13 shows a view of our close been uncovered from the after- unique place, a land called Iceland. approach. From the dark cave to math of an eruption of the volcano Would I ever want to return? Quite the left of the two individuals in Hekla in 1104. A modem covering simply, yes. the picture, a torrent of glacier has been erected over the site to melt water roared out, took a turn preserve it from the elements, but and immediately dove back under inside, one can see parts of the rock the glacier. foundation, locations of fire pits and walls. Figure 15 shows a view

STEREO WORLD MarchIApril 1993 IN by Ken Clark

he Virtual Reality Systems '93 match the visual quality of the but the 3-D intentions of the show in New York City March stereoscopes that exerted such a biggest firms are not public infor- T15 to 17 demonstrated that vir- powerful pull on the imagination mation. tual reality remains virtually all 100 years ago. hype. Performance has not But Virtual Reality Systems '93 Interactivity vs. Immersion matched the promise of the tech- did show that despite slow Leaves 3-D in Background nology. For enthusiasts transfixed progress, the promise of interactive The VR industry's fascination by the visual power of an image in 3-D is alive, and that the eventual with interactivity requires a high three , the wait for melding of computer and imaging price in computing power. When a good 3-D in virtual reality may be a technology will realize the creation VR player turns his head, or zooms long one. of exciting reconstructions of off in a certain direction, the com- Designers of lavish interactive three-dimensional reality. puter has to scramble to create a immersive systems with head Exhibitors unveiled a number of rapidly changing view. This "track- mounted displays, gloves and com- systems available this year that ing lag" is a good way to simulate plete environmental simulations offer here-and-now virtual reality drunkenness, but not so good at have sacrificed 3-D for faster com- and 3-D stereo image generation creating other virtual effects. To puter processing time. Since the and manipulation capabilities. interact in virtual worlds (looking, display resolution of full immer- Big players in the entertainment pointing and moving around) sion systems is as good as being industry, such as Hughs, with its requires that the world must blind (20/200 or greater) a stereo- Mirage system, (an arcade version remain very simple to prevent scopic view offers little benefit in of a military aircraft simulator) and overloading the computer with exchange for the computer process- Virtual World Entertainment's Bat- complex graphic information. The ing required. While new high-reso- tletech arcade game were not repre- lack of information in a virtual lution displays are promised this sented at the show. The big con- reality image makes stereo viewing summer (promises, promises) and sumer electronics firms interested a real drag, literally, as processing rumors of hot new items abound, in 3-Dl such as 3D0,Sony, Sega and compromises pile up. And since the virtual reality industry has a Nintendo were absent. Rumors and most of us are not comfortable distance to travel before it can product announcements abound, watching a TV screen held two inches from our eyeballs, the prob- lem is compounded by poor ciose- up screen resolution. immersion is sacrificed to interaction. That's the necessary tradeoff that has left 3-D vision out of virtual reality. During a three-hour presentation on stereoscopic displays, learned young pony-tailed men talked for hourson the various merits of dif- ferent display arrays and screen refresh rates. At the end of all this talk, Eric M. Howlett of Leep Tech- nologies, designer of the remark- able and ill-fated Leep stereo cam- era, stood up and asked, "Why isn't anyone talking about stereoscopic depth vision." This launched a A micro-polarized image on the VRex VR1000 projection panel (on the overhead projector te~hnologicaldiscussion that basi- at left) is projected on the screen to be viewed (and in this case photographed) through cally concluded that with current polarized glasses. display technologies, it just wasn't lity

worth the trouble. Howlett, like others, has retreated from stereo virtual reality, because of the high cost of true stereo for most applica- tions. Motion depth cues and other techniques "are almost as effective Some of the graphics from Straylight Corporation's "Cybertron" virtual world, seen in as stereo disparity. Few users even the head-mounted display at VRS '93 as a flat, 2-0scene to save computer capacity notice that stereo is missing, and for interactivity and wide angle "immersion" viewing. none, it appears, would trade the extra resolution to get it back." At VRS193, Michael Stark intro- will allow any budding 3-D videog- That's too bad because some of duced a new line of 3DTV glasses rapher to take a page from Ted the software for these virtual and hardware for use with , Turner and "stereoize" old movies worlds would look great in 3-D. At and PC computers. or 2-D images. Images can also be the show, Straylight introduced a These low-cost systems, which start created from scratch. A computer- beautiful virtual world, Cybertron, at $195, include cables, glasses and assisted system simulates depth, which features rich 3-D graphics of a rendering device for converting permitting regular films, videos Spanish galleons and splashing 3-D images. Some systems will also and other images to be displayed dolphins. But the head-mounted drive a power glove for that hands- stereoscopically on video, comput- display provided only a two- on virtual reality feel. Four differ- er and motion picture screens. dimensional view. ent models of interfaces operate via Plans are in the works for the 3-D for Home Computers parallel or serial ports, or via mag- construction of a large-scale facility Virtual reality is not limited to netic pickups to synchronize any which will provide low-cost digital complex, immersive systems. Soft- of five different models of electron- film production services. In the ware designers are bringing simpler ic LCD glasses with stereoscopic meantime, small-scale projects can versions to home computer 3-D images on the computer be produced at the lab facility or screens. The smaller field of view screen. Two of the interfaces and on a PC equipped with a Truevision allows PCs to run virtual worlds at all of the glasses will also work ATVista Card and the 223 Stereo video game speeds, because less with consumer VCRs and TVs for Paint System. This product, still in processing time is required. In this viewing of videotapes, discs or CD beta testing, will allow painters, kind of virtual environment, Rom. Sometime this year, 3DTV illustrators and other 2-D artists to designers have recognized how 3-D plans to introduce a VR computer create true 3-D images from scratch helps create the virtual experience. mouse that will work in three in a 3-D environment. Existing 2-D Because the computer is a window dimensions for around $1500. paintings, illustrations, pho- on the virtual world rather than Software designers are creating tographs and image files can be the world itself, stereoscopic vision new products for the computer 3-D brought into the system, and all adds an extra dimension. niche, and several were introduced can be mixed and matched. Sequential field glasses, that at the show. Certainly VistaPro is The figures and images generated shutter in synch with rapidly alter- one of the most beautiful, and the on the system are than just card- nating right and left screen images, new version released in April sup- board cutouts, and can be modeled were the tool of choice for 3-D ports 3-D viewing. (See "Fuser- in the round. A practiced eye is computer system designers at VRS Friendly Computer Stereo" in this required to get the right push and '93. Two kinds of glasses are used, issue.) pull on a particular point, say the CrystalEyes,which flicker at a rate 2-D to 3-D tip of a nose, but once identified, of 120 frames per second, and Stereoization Looms the computer can adjust the dis- tance automaticallv as the image" glasses such as 3DTV1s, which flick- Playing in someone else's reality er at 60 frames per second and sup- grows larger and smaller in the is fine, but what about creating frame. The finished product can be port the NTSC broadcasting stan- your own? Latent Image Technolo- dard. output to film, video or high reso- gy's Stereosynthesis technology lution computer display, and may

STEREO WWRLD MarchIApril 1993 A lists for around $6200. A converter is available to input NTSC video from VCRs and camcorders. Other displays include a 3-D video wall, not displayed at the show, that creates a 10-foot diago- nal image with a back projector. A smaller unit, the RV1000, provides a 67 inch screen, also back projected. VRex has also assembled a new 3-D out of a pair of miniature industrial CCD cameras. The CAM3000 3-D Stereo Camera provides electronically adjustable convergence and interocular dis- tance for absolute control over the creation of a three dimensional image. Lenses are interchangeable, and optional adapters allow the CAM3000 to be used with a wide range of optical instruments. The camera is now discounted at $5941. For camcorder capability, the same system is available with a David Swift and Dr. Sadeg Faris of VRex arrange the 3-0 video camera for a close-up. recorder and LCD monitor for At the left, the VR 7 000 Micropol projection panel is positioned on an overhead projec- around $6,800. tor to display the images. By the end of this year VRex has promised 3-D flat screen displays be viewed on any kind of stereo- ference is that stereo image pairs and a hard copy printer. Current scopic display. are combined into a single image systems work at a resolution of 300 Now stereo photographers who through a microscopic checker- microns per square, which is all have always wished that they had a board of polarized squares that that's required for use in current particular snapshot in 3-D can alternate by 90 degrees. The single video systems. In the lab, the dump it into a computer file and image source reduces or eliminates checkerboard squares have been redo it. But that will be one expen- problems of cost and alignment shrunk down to as little as 15 sive dupe. The ATVista Card costs associated with most polarization microns, offering the potential for around $5000 and the 223 software systems. photographic-like resolution some- package will be priced at over The potential for the system time in the future. $5000. 1 seems vast. It can be used with Another visionary, Ron Logsdon almost any display device or sys- of Shebute, demonstrated an alter- Checkerboard Polarization tem, including video and film. nate future for stereo viewing with Jumps Ahead Commercialization will bring the his Vortex device. With a little tri- For those more interested in real technology to overhead, rear and angle-shaped box held between the reality than the virtual version, front projection systems and to the hands, he has taken the properties Sadeg Faris of VRex has continued screens of personal computers. of stereo viewing beyond images improvements on his micropolar- Right now, products are limited to and directly into the realm of the ization system. For years, various video and computer imaging. On mind. The device shoots little twin- 3-D technologies have swum in display at the show was a 3-D over- klings of different colored at and out of popular fashion like the head projection panel. Called the each eye to train the mind. The images on a pair of bad mounts. VR1000, it's a full-color active device is designed to first develop Enthusiasts have held out hope for matrix panel, with a Micropol awareness of stereoscopic vision 3-D viewing as comfortable and screen positioned on top to pro- and the right and left halves of the convenient as 2-D. Faris' checker- vide a 3-D effect. The whole device brain that back it up. As one con- board polarization technique, is then placed on top of an over- tinues to practice and play with the Micropol, is a lot closer to that ide- head projector and focused on a lights, other lights, existing only in al than anyone else working on vir- silver screen to preserve polariza- the mind's eye, come into view. For tual reality display systems today. tion. Viewed through glasses, the experienced users, strange patterns The technology, first described 3-D effect is very impressive. Reso- emerge. The device can induce an by Zone in the Jan./Feb. '92 lution matches the 480 lines of the altered mental state, as an aid to Stereo World, builds on the strong VGA video display standard, mak- meditation or relaxation. foundation of binocular polariza- ing it very suitable for computer- Sounds a lot like the feeling you tion techniques, familiar to anyone generated images. The system is get looking through a Holmes who's ever worn a pair of 3-D glass- compatible with Apple Macintosh viewer at an old scene of a far-away es at the movies. The Micropol dif- and PC-compatible computers, and place. m

W MarchIApril 1993 STEREO WORLD La Bajada

mong some amateur stereo- steep La Rajada hill south of Santa tion and stunning view were graphs of the Southwest taken Fe. Widened from a stage road to spread far beyond the local region A round 1910-1915, James King accommodate automobiles around on post cards, turning an obstacle of Albuquerque, NM found this 1911, this was for many years the into a tourist attraction by the view of the famous hairpin turns only road between Santa Fe and 1920s. where Highway 85 climbed the Albuquerque. Its tortuous reputa- (Continued on page 25)

STEREO WORID MarchIApril 1993 IH of the Society since 1986 and e note with deep regret the e Stereoscopic Socfety of Amenco IS o passing of Frederick S. Light- Audrey Kruse took over the essen- rgroup of currently actlve stereo photogra- foot. He had a long associa- tial task of Supplies Secretary in phers who c~rculotethelr work by meons of w postal folios. Both print and trcinsporency for- tion with the Stereoscopic Society 1990. Bob and Audrey Kruse live in mats t7re used, ant 9 several gro ups ore operot- and was our General Secretary from lng foi fio circuits to met the nee ds rn eoch for- ...... 1974 to 1977. He was instrumental Minneapolis, MN, where the sum- mot When a to110 arrlves, a member wews in initiating our affiliation with the mers are beautiful and the winter and makes comments on eoch of the entrres National Stereoscopic Association nights are cold and long - con- of the other part~crpants Ha or her own vrew, and was awarded life membership ducive to catching up on one's wh~chhas traveled the orcult ond has been stereo projects (although they have examlned and commented upon by the other in the society. members, 1s removed and replaced wlth a been known to skip off on a new entry The follo then contfnues rts endless Super Couples Caribbean cruise when the Febru- travels around the crrcurt Many long dlstonce Beginning with the creation of ary winds cut particularly cold). frlendshlps have formed among the portlo- the American Branch of the Society They have three children and three pants In th~smanner aver the years in 1919 when Walter and Rose Cot- grandchildren. ton led the way, we have on occa- Bob Kruse was born in 1919 and supervising color separation tech- sion been blessed with "stereo cou- married Audrey in September of niques. Bob has worked with every ples" who have made outstanding 1943 in San Jose, CA while he was photographic process, from wet contributions to our organization. stationed in Sunnyvale during plate to color scanners. He retired Currently we have a bumper crop WWII. He served as a photographer in 1985. of such dynamic duos ["stereo for four years in an Army Engineer Bob started in Stereo in 1954 pairs"?] whose shared interest in Mapping unit. After the war, he through 1971 and picked it up stereo viewmaking has been a ben- served four years as a weekend war- again in 1983. He is a member of efit to us all. rior, aviation photographer's mate both print and transparency cir- I would especially like to single in the Naval Reserve. He worked cuits where he often illustrates his out Robert and Audrey Kruse, for 47 years in the photographic hobbies in full color stereo. The whose service to the Society is sec- area of the lithographic printing other hobbies include visiting and ond to none in a group which industry, mostly researching and studying pre-Columbian ruins in could not function without the dedicated contributions of time and effort of a number of volun- Bob and Audrey Kruse were prepared for the beginning of the 1989 holiday season teers. Bob Kruse has been treasurer when they made this view to send to their stereo colleagues. Bob is the Treasurer and Audrey is the Supplies Secretary for the Stereoscopic Society of America. Mexico, travel to Europe (especially Golden Wedding anniversary in Favorite Views England), Mississippi River lore, September. They hope to re-trace "Marsh Marigolds" by Steve Trynoski (34 pts) and operating restored trolleys. He their 1943 steps in California to "Two Leaves" by Steve Trynoski (20 pts) has had a home darkroom since mark the occasion. The Stereoscop- "Mending the Nets" by Paul Milligan (20 pts) 1939 and his start in stereo was ic Society joins in offering our best "Country Church, France" by Paul Wing with a Kodak stereo camera. wishes and our special thanks for (20 pts). Audrey Kruse was born in Fres- all that they have done to make no, CA in 1924 but moved to Min- the Society thrive. Beta Folio Voting Leaders Total neapolis in 1925 where she went Member 1st 2nd 3rdpoints through school and graduated in Voting Reports Dave Hutchison ..... 20 ...... 20 ...... 12 ...... 112- 1943. After her marriage to Bob 1992 voting leaders for the Russ Young ...... 18 ...... 6 ...... 12 ...... 78 Mark Willke ...... 11 14 ...... 12 73 and his WWII departure for the Alpha and Beta transparency cir- ...... cuits are reported as follows. Larry Moor ...... 7 ...... 11 ...... 16 ...... 59 South Pacific, she returned to Min- Joel Glenn ...... 5 ...... 9 ...... 10 ...... 43 neapolis, attended business college, Richard Twichell .....9 ...... 5 ...... 3 ...... 40 Alpha- Folio Voting- Leaders and waited out the war until Bob's Total Richard Vallon ...... 7 ...... 5 ...... 5 ...... 36 return late in 1945. Member 1st 2nd 3rd Po~nts Paul Milligan ...... 24 ...... 14 ...... 13 ...... 113 Favorite Views They built their house in 1948, Paul Wing ...... 21 ...... 13 ...... 16 ...... 105 "Velvet Moose" by Russ Young (32 pts) and it's been enlarged and periodi- Steve Trynoski ...... 20 ...... 16 ...... 11 ...... 103 "Sunset Crater" by Richard Vallon (21 pts) cally remodeled since then. She has John Dukes ...... 8 ...... 10 ...... 12 ...... 56 "Arrival of the Rose Fleet" by Mark Willke been a busy homemaker with more Miles Markley ...... 10 ...... 4 ...... 8 ...... 46 (20 PtS) David Starkman ...... 8 ...... 7 ...... 6 ...... 44 "Aphids for Dinner" by Mark Willke hobbies than she could keep up R.E. Markley ...... 5 ...... 8 ...... 9 ...... 40 (20 pts) m with in addition to raising two daughters and a son. Over the years she has regularly taken art classes as well as other craft classes over a wide spectrum. She joined the Stereoscopic Society officially Kaiser-Panorama Croup Formed in 1989 as a member of the C Print n organization dedicated to the Circuit. She and Bob love to travel Astudy, preservation and publiciz- and take every opportunity to do ing of the room-size Kaiser-Panora- so, with stereo camera always in ma stereo viewers and images has easy reach. Audrey has a special been established in Celle, Ger- knack of showing that different many. From 1883 to the 1930s, angle in travel views and in captur- these circular viewers presented a ing the mood in different interior sequence of tinted glass views to 25 views. people at a time in several German 1993 is a special year for the and other European cities. The Kruses as they mark Audrey's 50th views were changed weekly and high school reunion as well as their included educational, scenic and current event topics, making the "Panoramas" a stereo forerunner of newsreels and weekly TV news magazine shows. One of the last 1 Then & NOW (Continuedf?ompge ,, remaining Kaiser Panoramas in now in the Munich Photo Muse- Cut into the side of the almost the position from which the Then um. sheer lava escarpment, the road view was made and took the Now Erhard Senf, president of the and its 23 hairpin turns chal- view seen here. Mr. King explains: new organization, owns one of the lenged equally the motors of "Keep in mind that this location is largest remaining collections of vehicles and the nerves of their extremely isolated - miles from any Kaiser-Panorama transparencies drivers. A gas station, tourist cab- human habitation. Thus it's not and will present a reproduction ins and tow truck service thrived surprising that both Bob O'Nan Panorama to the Bomann Museum at the bottom of the hill until and I experienced a strange yet in Celle. The association is open to 1932 when a more readily tra- exhilarating feeling as we looked anyone interested in the viewers or versed highway was constructed through our camera's viewfinder their images. The annual twenty about three miles east of the orig- and saw almost exactly the panora- Deutschmarks dues include the inal road. The hairpin turns of ma that presented itself to our near publication Panorama-Post, avail- the old roadway remain today turn-of-the-century antecedent. able through Karsten Halbig, largely undisturbed and unim- With the cooperation of Bob's Fridagsweg 9, D-W-3100 Celle, Ger- proved, and can be reached using daughter Molly, in appropriate cos- many. m a four-wheel drive vehicle from tume, we positioned her in approx- nearby 1-25. imately the same place next to the In 1989, Mr. King and fellow roadway as the dark figure in the NSA member Bob O'Nan located original ph~tograph."~

STEREO WRDMarch/Apr11 1993 Im Fuser FriendIy Using VistcrPr-0 fo, by John E. Williamson he people of the Victorian age Cyberspace (a computer generated, tions and universities. Less power- used the stereoscope to escape fully interactive 3-D world). If you ful home systems (under $500) are Tto lands they could only imag- chose, the world you explore could under development for a 1994 ine prior to the invention of pho- be a re-creation of Mount St. release. For the impatient, it is pos- tography. They placed the bulky Helens before, during or after the sible to explore the first tentative viewer in front of their eyes and volcanic eruption. Or you could steps taken in virtual reality today. saw stereoscopic images that trans- visit Victorian England, complete One can either visit the upscale planted them to another world. In with computer generated, animat- arcades and play one of several low some respects they may have been ed people who would interact with resolution virtual reality games among the first to use the group of you. such as Dractyl Nightmare or Bat- technologies that are now being This scenario will be affordable tletech (reviewed in Stereo World), or loosely called "virtual reality." for home use sometime within the one can stay at home and visit Mt. Someday, very soon, you will be next decade. It is currently feasible, St. Helens, Yosemite, or even Mars able to wear a pair of virtual reality though the $200,000 price tag using VistaPro from Virtual Reality glasses and explore the wonder of restricts its use to research institu- Software Laboratories. The advantages of using VistaPro are: The crater of Mt. St. Helens as generated on a computer using VistaPro. A shift of "camera" The resolution of the images is a great positions produces a stereo pair, each image then being photographed separately as it deal better. appears on the screen. Here the lava dome has been replaced with fanciful trees and a The images can be saved as souvenirs waterfall playfully flows from the crater rim. Stereo by the author. of the worlds you have visit- ed. Odds are you can use your current computer. Unlike Dractyl NiCqhfmare,it doesn't cost $1.OO a minute. This $129.95 software package runs on the Ami- gal IBM PC, and Macintosh plat- forms. VistaPro uses Digital Ele- vation Models (DEM) obtained A lake, fractal/randomly generated with VistaPro Trees, water and waves were added. Note from U.S. Geological Survey data. the subtle light and shadows on the trees on the near right and left sides. Stereo by the These DEMs are 3-D databases of author. -geographic - strut- tures (hills, val- leys, ravines, etc.) and are accurate to within 50 feet. While that may not seem very accurate, keep in mind the scale of the database can be hundreds of square miles. VistaPro uses these coordi- nates, a degree of artificial intelli- Computer Stereo -omputer- Generated Stereos

gence (AI) programming, and frac- allow you to alter the intensity, dif- any location (by using the coordi- tals to generate realistic views of fusion and direction of the sun- nate system). Currently you can the data set. light. This combination allows you only choose between pine or oak The A1 is used to place trees, to add, remove or exaggerate shad- trees (though this may change with water and snow in realistic loca- ows. You can manipulate lens size, the next release). You can even vis- tions on the slopes and crevices of from fish-eye to telephoto with the it Yosemite in the future to see the landscape. Trees will not grow click of a button. You can add haze what effect erosion (that you add) on a vertical cliff nor will they to make more distant objects will have on the landmarks, as well appear above the user definable appear hazy or slightly blurred. as add bodies of water. The water tree line, nor will they grow under Using VistaPro, you can visit Mt. can take the form of oceans, lakes, water. Fractals are used to impart St. Helens during any season of the rivers or waterfalls. Waves can also some "randomness" in these com- year (by adding snow or changing be added if desired. puter generated worlds, making the colors of the leaves), and from (Continued on page 40) them appear more realistic and less systematic. As a result, trees will not grow in even rows like an For printouts of VistaPro generated pairs, NSA member Richard Ross uses CorelDraw on a orchard, but rather in random fast 386 IBM. After importing both right and left PCX file VistaPro images to the screen, he clumps. Furthermore, just as in real crops and aligns the pair, then prints it as a black & white halftone on a 600 dpi laser life, the tree line is not a rigid bor- printer. Seen here is one wall of the crater of Olympus Mons from the DEM data set for der with no Mars. A -9 w b(; r** . \ '. ^c -r r. mr Org * ..a " ". ,. exceptions. A few -* -.------, - , - trees will be drawn above the tree line. Through a flex- ible set of target and camera para- meters, users can quickly change their locations in 3 dimensions as well as the target they want to pho- tograph. The user's position and camera target- can be readily selected from a topographical map. A VistaPro landscape randomly generated with fractals by Richard Ross, who shifts both Using this 3-D coordinate system, camera and target positions between images to minimize distortion in the resulting 3-D it is very easy to view. He warns that it takes his system about an hour to print out each stereo pair. manipulate the camera to create stereo pairs. The distance between each image will require some trial and error, and is

" -

I vistapro will also

STEREO lW3RLD MarchlAprlI 1993 )w Back to Basics A Review by John Dennis

included, is being sold at the troop BACK TO BASICS PX in the Fort Benning training INFANTRY ONE STATION UNIT TRAINING IN 3-D area and has been sent to veterans groups of four infantry divisions that trained there during WWII. (In ollowing his retirement from 30 BASICS concentrates on the young the introductory notes, the author years of active duty in the U.S. recruits themselves as they climb maintains military tradition by FArmy, Bill C. Walton worked for ropes, clean equipment, fire rifles, including not only the model nine years in the Fort Benning, GA and polish boots during the course number of the Realist he shot the Public Affairs Office. The job of their training. Several of the stereographs with, but the serial involved photographing and publi- views, like "Slide for Life," showing number as well!) cizing activities at the fort, includ- a trainee suspended from a cable Whatever your thoughts may be ing the 13-week infantry training over a river, are remarkable 3-D concerning military matters, this is course for new recruits. This gave compositions. Others capture the a fine collection of skillfully done NSA and Stereoscopic Society mem- environment and training routine stereos documenting a complete ber Walton the nearly perfect powerfully enough to nearly make army training course through the opportunity to record every step of you feel the humid Georgia heat or eyes of a soldier following every modern "Basic Training" (now the point of a thrusting bayonet. exercise at close range. That alone known as One Station Unit Train- Those who have seen original makes it unique, and the skillful ing) with his Stereo Realist. stereo prints by Bill Walton will stereography of Bill Walton makes Members of the Stereoscopic find the same photographic quality it a significant addition to any col- Society Print Folios have seen sev- in much of the book, but some lection of stereo publications. eral examples of Bill's excellent images, especially the indoor flash BACK TO BASICS Infantry One Sta- black & white views from Fort Ben- views, suffer from an obvious con- tion Unit Training in 3-0, soft cover, ning over the years, and have fre- trast gain in reproduction. The 75 full size views with viewer quently voted them among the top visual message, perhaps made even included, $13.00 plus $1.50 stereos circulated. Now many of more starkly dramatic by the high postage (GA Res. include 5% tax) the best of these views have been contrast, is completely positive from: MUSCOGEE 3-Dl 3739 Mead- assembled into a book that docu- toward its subject matter, as is owlark Drive, Columbus, GA ments the training process from understandable from an army pub- 31906. m the recruits' arrival, shots and hair- licist. The book, with a viewer cuts to the final graduation exercis- es. BACK TO BASICS Infantry One Sta- tion Unit Training in 3-0 presents 75 full size 3.5 x 7 inch views, one to a page, with informative captions Explore the World under each one. The brief 7 page of 3-D Photography Then & Now, in introductory text covers the history of Fort Benning and the changes in the methods, equipment and ter- minology involved with the infantry training program over the years. This is not one of those military picture books that simply illustrate the latest high-tech hardware of Still only NATIONAL P.0. BOX 14801 STEREOSCOPIC war like some glossy mail-order cat- $22 ASSOCIATION Columbus alog. Nearly every view in BACK TO a year from: OH 43214 UFO Captured in Stereo?

One of the views that Rill C. Walton This one minute time exposure with its mysterious row of lights appears on page 25 of included in his new book Rack to Basics BACK TO BASICS. Would a formation of UFO spy craft hold still for a stereo portrait? Are (reviewed on previous page) is a time expo- M 16s with tracer bullets a threat to the civilized Galaxy? Could a small helicopter with sure made during an Auprst, 1991 night a strobe light be heard above the noise of a firing range? Do space alien pizza delivery exercise on a firing range at Fort Benning, craft violate the laws of physics? Can a Realist lie? Stereo by Bill C. Walton. GA. He doesn't claim to have a stereonra~h., . of a UFO, but he hasn't been able to identi- was a time exposure of slightly atives. My Realist is showing its age fi the row of lights at the upper left, and and it overlaps once in a while, provides the following account. over a minute and I was hoping to stereograph lines of tracer ammu- and the line of dots extends into printed this one because I like nition going down range. When I the overlapped area of the left neg- the waving light in the fore- mounted it and looked at through ative. Iground which was made by a a viewer I noticed the "formation There is no range south of Mal- Drill Sergeant moving among the of lights" in the sky near the left one 4 that would be firing over this soldiers who were firing their M16s edge of the view. range, so that negates other on Fort Benning's Malone 4 Range. I figured I had dirty negatives so weapons. If it were aircraft flying it He was carrying a flashlight and I checked them and they were should have caused streaks rather making corrections. As I recall, it clean, and the dots are in both neg- than individual points of light, since I made a time exposure. I am not ruling out reflections, but it Enlargement of the left negative reveals similar shapes to all the lights except the lower seems odd to me that both lenses one. Send your thoughts regarding their cause - whether bizarre tabloid speculation would catch the same reflections. I or cold analytic logic - to Bill Walton. checked mv night firing negatives

STEREO WORLD MarchIApril 1993 W Ultrasound Stereo Imaging

number of people have won- dered if 3-D pairs could as easi- Aly be made using ultrasound images as they have been from X- rays in the past. Some have even requested "pairs" of sonograms made from slightly different angles during prenatal exams. The problem is that ultrasound images represent generally cone- shaped slices usually showing a cross section of the area being imaged. (The technical term for these, as well as CAT-scan and MRI images, is tomographic imaging.) Stored in a computer, several of these slices can be electronically assembled in sequence and made transparent enough to look through - as if you were looking through a reassembled bread loaf An ultrasound image from the data set in a computer, rotated for a stereo pair and dis- end-on. In fact, the medical term played through surface rendering. Shown is a large atrial septa1 aneurysm protruding into for the process is "breadloafing." the left atrium. The aneurysm appears to bulge out toward the observer. By having the computer shift the slices slightly in relation to each Another New Volumetric Dis~lav VR Magazine I J Virtuoso, a new magazine aimed Over the past 20 or so years, the same shaft and extending out at individuals working or interested there have been nearly as many below and in front of the screen, in virtual reality systems and appli- systems devised for "volumetric" are mirrors which direct a HeNe cations, has begun publication 3-D displays as for 3-D video sys- laser beam containing the image with the MarchIApril 1993 issue. tems. All volumetric viewing sys- information to the screen. The With an annual subscription rate tems, whether mechanical or oth- laser scans cross sections of the vol- of $25.00, the new bimonthly will erwise, produce an image whose umetric image, always remaining be more affordable to a wider range depth is limited within a confined fixed in relationship to the screen of readers than its parent publica- area for direct viewing without the unlike other systems which project tion, VR News. Both magazines need of lenses or filters. images from a fixed point toward a share the same editorial staff and The latest of these systems uses a moving surface. This is said to also are published by Spectrum Dynam- rotating flat screen which is allow text or other 2-D graphics to ics, Inc., the mail-order supplier of claimed to provide more flexible be included with less distortion, both hardware and software for vir- image control and better definition and the screen itself can be strobed tual reality systems.(See NewViews, than earlier methods. Recently with UV light to illuminate phos- MayIJune '92.) patented by LAMDA Systems Cor- phors in a background reference For subscription information on poration of Highland Park, IL, the grid that can be made to appear at either magazine or the firm's cata- screen rotates on a vertical shaft (as various planes within the space. log, contact Spectrum Dynamics, if standing upright, centered on a 3336 Richmond Ave. Suite 226, very fast turntable). Attached to Houston, TX 77098. Phone: 713- 520-5020. Fax: 713-520-7395. IMarchIApril I993 STEREO WORLD other, a stereo pair of the bread- loafed images can be generated, each slice becoming a plane of A Tricky 3-D Spin depth in the view. Until recently, synthetic stereo- Doodletop 3-D is a 3-D drawing grams like this were more com- toy geared to the 6-12 year old monly made from CAT-scan or MRI market. As you spin the top, a geo- systems due to their more detailed metric spiral design is formed on images. Advances in computer the paper spinning surface by a imaging have made it possible to marker which serves as the point of use the data from multiple ultra- the top. The kit consists of two sound scans to produce what to tops (one with a blue marker and the computer are volumetric three- one with a red marker) and a pair dimensional images. These can of anaglyph glasses. then be displayed from any angle, The only problem is that you rotated, split open, solidified,tex- need to spin the second top so it tured, turned into wire-frame out- forms the same design as the first - lines, or divided into different col- a feat not easily accomplished - ors to identify separate features. and both designs have to be spaced Organs can be electronically "re- properly! moved" from the body and studied Theoretically, some interesting from every direction, inside and 3-D designs can be made - but you out. Most of these functions can be will need a lot of practice and a lot displayed as stereo pairs as well. of luck. In the prototype examined Ultrasound probes can be insert- at a Toy Expo in New York, the ed into the stomach, for instance, blue of the glasses did not properly and aimed at the heart for several extinguish the blue of the marker, For information on cost and remotely controlled scans to build but the company says this will will availability, contact Doodletop, PO up image data covering the entire be corrected. Box 5995, Carmel, CA 93921, (408) organ. Two articles on echocardiog- 393-9000. raphy in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings for March '93 cover sev- eral techniques involved with ultrasound imaging of the heart. Along with examples of other com- "3D Scope" puter-manipulated heart images HASSLE-FREE 3-D are two displayed as stereo pairs, Probes ~6ntly WITH THE TECO-NIMSLO positioned in the journal for con- While 3-D video systems haJe CAMERA AND 3-VIEWER vergence free viewing. The tech- become a widely available option nique illustrated here is called sur- Use the lightweight auto-exposure for both the teaching and practice camera to make: face rendering, in which an object of surgery, system refinements and is electronically extracted (seg- 36 Slide pairs new imaging devices continue to Close-ups at 3 distances mented) from the volume of image appear almost monthly. One of the Lenticular Prints data. The computer then creates latest is the 3D Scope, developed at surfaces at the boundaries of the Use the Universal viewer to display: Boston University Medical Center Realist and View-Master rollfilm object, which face the observer. for real-tine use during "Minimally Shadowing techniques are used to NimsloINishika rolls Invasive Surgery." Mounted slide pairs provide pgrspective, and the object This involves a variety of tech- is rotated for a second image to niques allowing smaller incisions, PRICES: provide a stereo pair. Without minimal pain and trauma, and New camera ...... $145 Your Nimslo modified ...... $63 involving the time or expense of shorter hospital stays. The number Close-up attachments other tomographic imaging sys- of such procedures done in the U.S. tems,this ultrasound technique 6", 12", 30" dist's (ea) ...... $29 grew from 50 in 1989 to 400,000 in Opti-Lite flash ...... $29 allows even small areas of the heart 1992, its most common use being to be studied in depth, as if a plas- Eveready case ...... $1 2 for gall bladder operations. The Teco 3-Viewer ...... $87 ter cast of the living heart were on two tiny cameras at the end of a the table for study. probe feed color 3-D images to a Add $3 shipping per order. field sequential monitor which the Calif. residents add 73/4% sales tax. surgical team can watch using LCD MFD. BY: shuttering glasses, providing a TECHNICAL ENTERPRISES more lifelike view of the small sur- 1401 Bonnie Doone gical field than currently used 2-D Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Tel. 714-644-9500 Storkman, NewWews Ed~tor,P 0 Box 2368, scopes and monitors. m Culver C~ty,CA 9023 1.

STEREO WRLD MarchIApril 1993 IN A Stereoscopic Chronology of New York City

Academy of Music, n.e. corner Irving P1. and 14th St., architect Alexander Saeltzer or Thomas R. Jackson, completed 1854; destroyed by fire May 21, 1866, rebuilt and reopened 1868, SA member Jeff Richman has A sample from demolished 1926. assembled a chronology of page one of the Academy oi nusic (Brooklyn) erected on Montague st., 18.50. New York City concentrating chronology is Aitkin, Son c Co. (~oytBuilding), n.w. corner Broadway and 18th N St., built 1868. on buildings appearing in stereo- Shown here. Over Albermarle Hotel, 24th St. and Broadway, architects Renwick and graphs during the period from the three hundred Auchmaty, opens 1860. entries are includ- ~11soula unitarian Church (alao referred to Dr. ~eiiow~~ mid-1850s to about 1910. Intended Church or the "Church of the Holy Zebra* because of its as both a source of information ed on the 21 striped architecture, 4th AV~. k 20th st., by Jacob wrey of Mould. construction begins 1854, opens 1855, demolished 1929. and a means for dating stere- Altnan's (6.1, designed by D.kJ. Jardine, 6th Avc. k 19th St., oviews, he believes it will prove about 20 illustra- opens 1876. helpful in increasing the knowl- tions. A Stereoscop- American Hotel, Broadway and Barclay St., deatroyed by fire 1866. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 77th edge and enjoyment of any collec- ic Chronology of St., designed by Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mould, begun tor of 19th century New York New York City is 1872, completed 1877. views. available for $12. Anthony. E. (dward), moves to 501 Broadway 1860, bccomes e. L H. (enryl T. Anthony 1862. moves to 591 Broadway 1869; issue The Chronology is based on including postage "Gelatine-Bromide" series 1880. Appleton (D. and Company) begins marketing foreign steroviews in research done using guides of the from Jeff Rich- NYC in 1853 from their new building on Broadway between period as well as many histories of man, 52 Harriet Catherine and Leonard Sts. Arsenal (Central Park at 5th Ave. and 64th st., architect Martin New York, backlists, and the Lane, Hunting- E. Thompson, completed 1848, extant. author's own knowledge of subjects ton, NY 11743. m A.S.P.C.A. founded by Henry Bergh 1866. which have appeared in New York Assay Office (U.S.1 occupies former U.S. Bank Building at 30-32 Wall St. 1855, demolished 1915; facade now in American Wing of City stereoviews. Most of the the netropolitan Museum. entries are of buildings in Manhat- Astor Library, south wing designed by Alexander Saeltzsr opens 1853; center section by Griffith Thomas 1856-59; norih wing tan, and include the location (spec- by Thomas Stent 1879-81. ifying corner), architect, years of Astor House, n.w. corner Broadway and Vesey St., designed by Isaih construction and opening, and Rogers, opens 1836, closes 1913, demolished 1926. year of demolition or a note that 1 the building still stands. Further, topics such as Brooklyn, ships, photographers and distributors of E. & H.1 Anthony & Co. No. 4 1 10, "REV. DR. BELLOW'S CHURCH, FOURTH AVENUE." Located at 4th Ave. & 20th Street, the All Souls Unitarian Church was also known stereoviews, and Central Park are as Dr. Bellow's Church and the "Church of the Holy Zebra" due to its striped archi- also featured. tecture. Designed by lacob Wrey, it opened in 7855 and was demolished in 1929. otty and I like to explore dif- accumulated data for the Daguer- Del Phillips -James Hurst listing with ferent areas in California reian Society. This organization is document and information on the Dwhen the opportunity arises, dedicated to the history, art, and Hurst Museum at Albany, NY and so our latest visit took us north science of the world's first form of R. Joki - newspaper 3-D article of San Francisco to EurekaIArcata photography. Bill Walton - 5 contemporary stereo- territory (with earthquake after- A recent publication is Catharine graphs shocks). Weed Barnes Ward: Pioneer Advocate Jack Cavender -Around the World Through the Telebinocular - guide A highlight was a morning with for Women in Photography. Peter book to 600 set, copyright 1930 Peter Palmquist - NSA member, provides a sampling of her writings Tom Haynes - contemporary stereo- and photographs, a chronology of photographer, collector, editor, graph publisher, researcher - and whatev- her life, and a bibliography of her er duties go with those varied extensive essays and books. Cath- Latest Acquisitions through undertakings. arine (1851-1913) was an avid the Purchase Fund Peter, a native of nearby Fern- writer and lecturer even before she The Stereoscopic Photograph - 5 issues, dale, is a writer, a photographer for took up photography at age 35. 1901 & 1902, published by Under- more than 40 years, and historian She carried her writing skills into wood & Underwood of photography. His first book was the photographic field, including 3-0 Hollywood, Photographs by Harold published in 1975. It was obvious stints as editor of The American Lloyd, Simon & Schuster 1992 he spends countless hours research- Amateur Photographer and co-editor Photograph of a developing machine ing (he began in 1971) and pub- and co-publisher of The Photogram for stereo prints at the H.C. White lishing his prolific output in the and Photograms of the Year which CO.- 1894 photographic field. was published here and abroad. Remember the Holmes Library Our library at Eastern College She was a strong advocate that with your stereo-related donations. has benefited from his generous women should take up photogra- We can only be a good research contribution of many of the 30- phy, and she used presentations of source if we have good research plus books and catalogs he has her own works to encourage other material! m written, edited, compiled, reprint- women to become involved in the ed, or published. A few of the titles profession. which received Peter's caring and Peter's library of books, directo- professional touch are: Carleton E. ries, pamphlets, papers, stereo- Watkins, Photographer of the Ameri- graphs, photographs, etc. is exten- Pittsburgh can West; Photographers of the Hum- sive and provides a fertile source boldt Bay Region (a series of five vol- for whatever subject matter he may & Allegheny City, PA umes covering 1850-1885);Camera decide to delve into. Not all of the Fiends and Kodak Girls; Return to El material is photographic - I found WANTED Dorado, A Century of California references to my Gold Rush ances- Stereographs; J.J. Reilly, A Stereoscopic tors! City & Industrial Views Odyssey 1838-1894; and Lawrence & It was a fascinating morning. We Houseworth/Thomas Houseworth & had a chance to talk photography, N. & M. Graver Company, A Unique View of the West NSA related matters, research and 1860-1886. resources, and his publishing 281 2 Center Street For three years Peter has edited endeavors which will come off the Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (and distributed) The Daguerreian press in the near future. 71 61244-4818 Annual, a 264-page publication of Thank you, Peter! Latest Gifts to the Library Alan Young -John Wayne Hondo ana- glyphic movie poster Me1 Lawson - book, Atlantis Park (color anaglyphic photos) 11 Sun & Stereo at 11 I Richard Pitman - contemporary stereo slides Ron Lowden - stereoscope Jim Hollis - U&U Switzerland Guide Book Me1 Lawson - stereo-related material Freeman Hepburn - 2 photography books

STEREO WRLD MarchIApril 1993 )m reop ~ghtpasslng through a ,the edge of a le&, a plnnole, or an ChromaDepth Lembossed "holographic" filter is bent. The longer the , by David Burder the more it bends. Longer wavelength colors like red are bent more hromaDepth is the trade name than- . .- . . -zhorter . . - wavelength colors like blue. When a flat image com- for a most interesting and very posed 01 : several colors is seen through any light-bending delvice, recent development utilizing some of the colors are shifted more than others. (Technically,, this is C that old stereoscopic chestnut describes d as chromatic .) If such devices are placecj in front rlirnr- "." "I-f anrhCUCII 4ye,\ but arranged to shift colors laterally in opposite This is the peculiar effect that we tions, a :3-D effect will be see. Even without help, some 3-D f can som etimes be produced when strong red and blue lette~ may sometimes experience when seen off-axis through the lenses of the unaided eyes. While it looking, with both eyes, into a L- utt llttdll:y impossible to arrange all the colors in a photograp11 LU large, curved magnifying lens at a form a Ic ~gical3-D placement for this kind of viewing, create(j images multicolored planar image. Red like computer grap~hics, post€ !rs or laser shows can be designed to areas seem to float right off the take full advantage8 of chromc,stereoscopic viewing systems. image plane while complementary colors recede into the distance. Indeed, I have a favorite (2-D) slide of colored pebbles that I sometimes A N weather map appears to surround this forecaster when the screen is photographed show to students, using a large-lens with ChromaDepth glasses over the lenses of a Realist. Commercials with strong colors or slide viewer, in order to illustrate blue backdrops and cartoon shows produce striking (if random) results. The effect is not how colors can falsify true depth altered by head position or even by completely inverting the glasses. Also, the 3-0 effect information. exactly doubles if you add a second pair of glasses over the first! Until now, the inconvenience of providing such large prismatic lenses has limited any application of this phenomena. However, the ChromaDepth system redresses the situation by using binary in place of actual . The result is a paper thin, optically transparent plastic material, embossed with a holographic pattern, for use in any type of 3-D glasses frames. The material may be used for viewing colored images on the printed page, and the effect can be impressive, especially if the page is Ads printed in strong colors can float into a variety of planes through ChromaDepth glasses. held at a distance. I certainly was In ideal circumstances (pure colors with a dark background, as at a laser show) colors near impressed by the fact that it actual- the red end of the visible spectrum will appear closest and those near the blue end will ly did work, albeit with a strange recede the most. (The filters can, however, be designed to reverse this.) feeling and some loss of sharpness when viewing non-primary colors. However, the perfect application for ChromaDepth is at laser shows, where the multiple color, single wave-length laser beams may be programmed to give dramatic, sharp and maximum 3-D effects. The system clearly gives each color its own position in space, and its 1992 debut at the Hayden Planetar- ium in New York was most favor- into 3-D Planes ig Different Approaches to Produce Similar 3-D

The 3-DVG by John Dennis far simpler method of display- ing chromostereopsis avoids Athe expense of both prisms and holographic filters. Kenneth J. Dunkley of Holospace Laboratories has achieved similar results with a pair of pinholes on movable frames. His "Three-Dimensional Viewing Glasses" (3-DVG), patented in 1989, allow one eye to view a flat color image through one edge ( of a pinhole while the other eye sees the same image through the opposite edge of the corresponding pinhole when the device is proper- -.-- . - .-A ly positioned. ChromaDepth glasses made for use at laser light shows. The first look through them The edges of the pinholes have reminds you of the diffraction grating "rainbow"g1asses sold at science museum gift the Same effect On different wave- shops, but the patterns embossed on these filters shift colon se/edively according to lengths of light as do prisms or the their wave length. The left and right are "aimed" in opposite directions to produce a embossed holographic patterns on 3-0 effect from the shift. the ChromaDepth filters. Colors

ably received. Popular Science maga- zine reported the show as "spectac- Before ChromaDepth, these "superchromatic" prisms could be used for chromostere- ular, with images zooming towards opsis. Two prisms are placed in front of each eye. One is of a high coefficient of chro- the audience from every direction." matic dispersion while the one facing it is of a low dispersion glass, and acts to pre- The future prospects are depen- serve a normal line of sight so the observer's eyes aren't strained to maintain fusion of dent on what other applications a single image, as would be the case with single prisms. Diagram from "The Chro- can be found for this novel prod- mostereoscopic Process" by Richard Steenblik. uct. Greeting cards are certainly one area in which the company, - OBJECT DlSTANCE - Chromatek Inc., sees potential. [Chromatek co-founders Dr. Freder- LEFT IIYE I SUPERCHROMATIC ick Lauter and inventor Richard PRISM Steenblik have had inquiries regarding such diverse potential applications as advertising, air traf- fic control systems, and text books. Computer graphics are an obvious area of use, as well as video games, SUPERCHROMATIC animated cartoons, and comic books.] More information on Chro- RIGHT maDepth viewing is available from IMAGE DEPTH Chromatek Inc., 151 W. 86th St., New York, NY 10024. More on the laser show use of these glasses is available from Audio Visual Imagi- neering, Inc., 7953 Twist Lane, Springfield, VA 22153.

STEREO WRLD MarchIApril 1993 lm yet, but the 3-DVG was exhibited at the 1990 Invention Convention at the Franklin Institute in Philadel- phia. Inventor Kenneth Dunkley is a pioneer holographer who's 1973 transmission hologram Thoughts is widely regarded as an early and "pivotal" example of as an art form. A sample of the 3-DVG was included in a circuit of the Speedy Bravo Print Folio for Stereoscopic Society members to evaluate. Most of them reported a noticeable 3-D effect and several tried a variety of color images and patterns, while a few were very critical of one claim made in the viewer's instruction sheet that color magazine pictures The adjustable interocular 3-DVG (Three Dimension Viewing Glasses) Model 1. Step 4 would be made "stereoscopic." of the instructions (printed on the glasses) illustrates how the pinholes should partly (The effect on a photo is of course merge in order to get a 3-0 effect from color illustrations like comics pages. completely random, depending on the colors of objects in the scene. Typical blue skies in scenic photos are selectively shifted in opposite The hooded "3-DVG Professional directions so that a 3-D effect is Model 1" prototype combines all of will recede behind the foreground generated when the brain fuses the these effects through the use of objects in most scenes, however.) now slightly different images. adjustable diameter pinholes with Some of the best effects were found While the 3-DVG pinholes produce an adjustable interocular, and with strong colors in comic and none of the distortion of the other adjustable illocal frame spacing. advertising sections of news- devices (in fact they can improve Neither version is on the market papers. = sharpness), they do reduce the to a tiny spot, requiring one to stand back to see an entire magazine cover, for instance. The PRECISION FOLDING STEREO VIEWER depth effect is less pronounced For all standard than that provided by Chro- Reallst 3D stereo slides. maDepth, but planes can be Glass or cardboard instantly reversed by moving the mounted. Folds flat, halves of the viewer to use the we~ghsonly 1 oz. inner or outer edges of the 1.5mm Prepaid minimum order holes. Besides, holes are far easier $10.00. Add $1 .OO for to obtain for experimentation than shipp~ngand handling. superchromatic prisms or FREE CATALOG AVAILABLE. embossed holographic filters. m ORDER CALL TOLL FREE Mr. Dunkley's efforts in 3-D 800-223-6694 i imaging, however, go beyond basic MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED chromostereopsis. An advanced MINIMUM ORDER $20 00 viewer patent combines three dif- TAYLOR MERCHANT CORP. 212 West 35th Street New York, NY 10001 ferent techniques for generating an impression of 3-D from a 2-D image or pattern: 1) by altering the viewing axes of the eyes (producing the selective color ARCHIVAL SLEEVES: clear 2.5-mil Polv~ro~vlene CDV (3 318' X 4 318') per 100: $7 case of 1000: $62 shifts) CDV POLYESTER (2-mil) per 100:SlO caseof1000: $90 2) through the pinhole effect which is POSTCARD 13 314' X 5 W4.1 ~er100: 58 case of 1000: $70 POSTCARD PAGE 4-pocket'top bad per caseof 500: said to give a 3-D impression of its 4'xs per case of 1000: own when a flat image is viewed STEREO 1 #6 34 COVER (3 34. x 7)per case of 1m: STEREO POLYESTER per $12 or 3-mil through a tiny CABINET 1 CONTINENTAL (4 38. X 7)per case of 1000: 3) by "illocal framing" which focuses a xlo COVER (4 wtr x 9 YB-) per caseof 500: 5- x 7- per caseof m: frame between the image and the BOUDOIR (5 IF x 8 lm ~er case of 500: observer, adding what some call a 8'xlV per 25: $8 caseof 200: 340 11' x 14' per 10:s caseof 100: $45 depth sensation and enhancing the 16x (unsealedflap) per 10: $22 caseof 100: $99 size impression of objects in a pic- Russell Norton, PO Bx 1070, New Haven, CT 06504-1070 ture. US SHIPPING: $4 per order. Institutional billing. (1993) June 19 (FL) July 11 (NJ) July 25 (MD) 19th Tampa Camera Show & Sale, Holiday Inn- Second Sunday Camera Show, Firemans Hall The Capital Photofair & Sale, Armory Place, Ashley Plaza Downtown, Tampa, FL. Contact Parish Drive, Wayne, NJ. Contact SSCS, 25 925 Wayne Ave., Silver Springs, MD. Call Tri- Photorama USA, 20219 Mack Ave., Grosse Leary Ave., Bloomingdale, NJ 07403. Call 201- State Fairs, 201 -533-1991. Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call 313-884-2243. 838-4301. July 25 (NY) June 19-20 flx) July 11-August 7 (NY) Buffalo Super Camera Show & Sale, Dadisson Dallas Camera Show, Convention Center, Dal- "PERSPECTIVES, PROXIMITIES, : Hotel-Airport, 2040 Walden Ave., Cheektowa- las, TX. Contact Donald Puckett, 1106 Graham Expressions in 3-Dimensional Electronic & ga, NY. Contact Photorama USA, 20219 Mack Ave. #206, Dallas, TX 75223. Call 214-824- Graphic Media" is the 3-D imaging component Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call 1581. of the huge MONTAGE '93 International Festi- 313-884-2243. val of the Image in Rochester, NY this sum- June 20 (m) July 31 (CA) 8th Orlando Camera Show & Sale, Ramada Inn mer. See the SW article (Vo1.19 No.6, page 24) San Diego Camera Show & Sale, Al Bahr (Central) 3200 West Colonial Dr., Orlando, FL. or contact Lance Speer, 60 Shepard St., Shrine Temple, 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd., San Rochester, NY 14620. Contact Photorama USA, 20219 Mack Ave., Diego, CA. Contact Anton at Bargain Camera Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call 313- July 17 (AR) Shows, PO Box 5352, Santa Monica, CA 884-2242. Little Rock Camera Show & Sale, Best West- 90409. Call 310-396-9463. June 26-27 (OH) ern-Inn Town, 600 lnterstate 30, Little Rock, July 31-Aug. 1 (MA) Ohio Camera Swap, Shadybrook Armory, 1-75 AR. Contact Photorama USA, 20219 Mack Boston Photorarna USA, Ramada Inn Woburn, Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call Exit 10B West, Cincinnati, OH. Contact Bill Woburn, MA. Contact Photorama USA, 20219 313-884-2243. Bond, 8910 Cherry St., Blue Ash, OH 45242. Mack Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call 51 3-891 -5266. Tulv 17 tN' Call 313-884-2243 June 27 (CT) " 16th Annual McJon Photo Flea Market, ~t.' Wayne, IN. Contact Steve Renninger, McJon August 1 (CA) Meriden, CT Photofair & Sale, Ramada Inn. Pasadena Camera Show & Sale, Pasadena Elks Photo, 3420 N. Wells St., Ft. Wayne, IN 46808. Call Tri-State, 203-233-9922. Lodge, 400 W. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA. Call 219-482-4405. June 27 (GA) Contact Photorama USA, 20219 Mack Atlanta Camera Show & Sale, Atlanta Mariott- July 17 FA) Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call Northwest, 200 lnterstate Parkway, Atlanta, Virainia Beach Camera Show & Sale. Sheraton 313-884-2243 GA. Contact Photorama USA, 20219 Mack lnk~ilitar~Circle, 870 Military ~wy[Norfolk, August 1 (NY) Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call VA. Contact Photorama USA, 20219 Mack The Rockland County, NY Photofair & Sale, 31 3-884-2243. Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Call Holiday Inn, Suffern, NY. Call Tri-State Fairs, 313-884-2243. June 27 (IL) 201 -533-1991. Chicago Fantastic Camera Show, Chicago Mar- July 18 (CA) Buena Park Camera Expo, Sequoia Club, 7530 August 6-8 (CAI riott-Schaumburg, 50 N. Martingale Rd., 1993 NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION Schaumburg. Contact Fantastic Photo Flea Orangethorpe Ave., Buena Park, CA. Call 714- CONVENTION, Town & Country Hotel, San Market, 20219 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe 786-6644 or 786-8183. Diego, CA. Convention registration informa- Woods, MI 48236. Call 313-884-2242. July 18 (IL) tion: Ellen Burke, PO Box 363, Imperial, CA June 27 (vA) Chicaaoland's Camera & Photo Show. Holi- 92251-0363. Hotel information: Town & Coun- Barone Camera Swap Meet, Holiday Inn (Crys- daylnn, 860 Irving Park Rd., Itaska, 11: Contact try Hotel, 619-291-7131. mn tal City), 1489 Jeff Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA. Chicagoland, PO Box 761, Grayslake, IL Contact Camera Swap Meet c/o Barone & Co., 60030. Call 708-639-7078. PO Box 18043, Oxon Hill, MD 20745. Call 703- July 18 (NJ) 768-2231. The Cherry Hill Photofair & Sale, Sheraton July 3-4 wffl Poste Inn, Cherry Hill, NJ. Call Tri-State, 201- 3rd Santa Fe Camera Show and Swap Meet, 533-1 991. High Mesa Inn, 3347 Cerrillos Rd. Call Lynn July 18 (TN) Cobb, 505-982-61 55 or 505-989-1 101. Memphis Camera Show & Sale, Memphis Air- nal July 4 (IL) port Hilton, Memphis, TN. Contact Photorama Chicago Fantastic Camera Show (see June USA, 20219 Mack Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, &A Convennons 27). MI 48236. Call 313-884-2243. July 10-11 (MI) July 18 (Tx) 20th Detroit Summer Photorama USA, South- Central Texas Camera Show & Sale, Austin North hilton, Austin, TX. Contact James Oak- field Civic Center, 26000 Evergreen Rd., Sl Southfield, MI. Contact Photorama USA, ley, 117068 Argonne Forest, Austin, TX 78759. 20219 Mack Ave.,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI Call 512-335-8731. 48236. Call 313-884-2243. July 24 (OH) July 11 (CA) The photographic Historical Society of the Milwauke June 17-19 1 New Burbank Camera Show & Sale, Aeronauti- Western Reserve 21st Annual Photographic cal District Lodge, 2600 W. Victory Blvd., Bur- Flea Market, Holiday Inn, Strongsville, OH. Call bank, CA. Contact Anton at Bargain Camera 21 6-382-6727 or 21 6-232-1 827. Shows, PO Box 5352, Santa Monica, CA July 25 (CA) e 27 - Tuly 3 90409. Call 310-396-9463. Culver City Camera Show & Sale, Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 4117 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA. Contact Anton at Bargain Cam- era Shows, PO Box 5352, Santa Monica, CA , NY August 1-5 / 90409. Call 310-396-9463.

STEREO WRLD MarchIApril 1993 IN 300W EG PROJECTOR BULB $10, 100 Reallst KING INN 2'14 x 2'14 vlewers and match~ng MUSIC RELATED, and 1500 other selected stereo sl~deglasses: $25. 50 Realist stereo masks $9. mounts. In leather-trimmed carrying case, vlews in stock. Will trade only for Mame flat 50 slide protectors: $3.50. 50 EMDE silver $165. postpaid. Boxed: $125. postpaid. Mounts mount views - any subject or condition. Write paper masks $3. Art Faner, 1961 Center #101, $551100 pp. Q-VU, 817 East 8th, Holtville, CA or call for details: Blaine E. Bryant, 864 Bridgton Salem, OR 97301. 92250. Road, Westbrook, ME 04092, (207) 854-4470. ANTIQUE PHOTOGRAPHY MAIL AUCTION. Hun- LIFE LIKE VIEWER, exc. $25, ST-63A Viewer, exc. WILL TRADE View-Master 3-D Movie Preview dreds of early vintage images,. Daguerreotypes, in box, $30;3 Tru-Vue brown leatherette storage Reels - "House of Wax", "Inferno", "Hondo", ambrotypes, tintypes, stereo views, ephemera, boxes (2 with eagle embossed on lid) contain- "Nebraskin", "Miss Sadie Thompson", plus 15 and paper photographs of many formats. $3 for ing 73 rolls in redlsilver boxes and a black view- additional titles - for Tru-Vue filmstrip needs or next illustrated catalog, or next 4 catalogs for er; views very good, viewer works, storage box rare items. Robert Lang, 7028 Quartermile, Dal- $10. Subscription includes Prices Realized corners need repairs. $1 25; View-Master Model las. TX 75248. mailed out afier sale. Don Ulrich, 1625 South E viewer w/light attachment, both new in boxes 23rd, Lincoln, NE 68502. wlinstruction sheets, $35; sixteen years (1977 thru June 1992) of Stereo World, all exc. $200. ANTIQUE STEREOSCOPES completely renewed Ken Bates, 26 Cherokee PI., Eureka Springs, AR ALASKA, KLONDIKE stereos espec~allyMuy- to useable condition. Handmade parts used 72632, (501) 253-8763. br~dge,Maynard, Brodeck, Haynes, Mclnt~re L. where necessary, very limited supply. $75. t $5. Hensel, Masterson of Pennsylvania, New York. S&H. Al Meyers, (815) 725-3813. NEW KEYSTONE STEREOVIEWER Model 3101: Also buylng any old Alaska photographs, books, the best viewers for people who must wear post cards, ephemera, souvenirs, etc. Wood, ARTHUR GIRLING'S "Stereo Drawing - A Theory glasses! This is the real thing; superb optics, of 3-D Vision and Its Application to Stereo Box 22165, Juneau, AK 99802, phlfax (907) beats antique and reproductions for viewing 789-8450. Drawing". 100 pages hardbound 81/2 x 12. stereos. $75 plus $3 shipping (in US). Russell Stereo photographers are finding that the book Norton, PO Box 1070, New Haven, CT 06504, ANTIQUE IMAGES of photographers, equipment, applies equally to stereo photography and is a (203) 562-7800. studios andlor related materials. Daguerreo- mine of information on methods of making 3-0 types, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, CDV, Cabinet, pictures and viewing them. Written in non-tech- SAWYER'S VIEW-MASTER library storage box, Stereo views. Send for approval or XeroxIPrice nical language and profusely illustrated with Mint, still sealed in original carton, $45; Person- to Brad Townsend, 10609 IH 10 West #106, San B&W drawings as well as 11 pages of superb al stereo camera wlflash and original instruction Antonio, TX. 78230-1672, (210) 690-3455. anaglyphs, this book is a must for the serious book, Exc. in poor case, $125; Model "C" view- stereoscopist. Now available from NSA Book er, dark brown, Mint- in original box, $45; TOC BRIDGEPORT, CT & VICINITY. Any views of Service, 4201 Nagle Rd., Bryan, TX 77801. Colorist II stereo camera, MintlMint-, $195. Bridgeport, CT, especially by "Wilson" or any Price (including postage) $19.00 USA, Canada. Mark Willke, 200 SW 89th Ave., Portland, OR other Bridgeport photographer. Send photo- Overseas add $2.00 surface, $4.00 air. 97225. (503) 297-7653. Please add postage. copies, front & back & price to: Mike Zohn, 390 Bleeker St., New York, NY 10014. BACK TO BASICS. Infantry Basic Training at Fort SEQUENTIAL FIELD VIDEO recording and view- Benning, Georgia. 75 BW stereographs with ing system. Shoot 3-D video with two gen- BRITISH village and scenic stereo views by Bed- viewer. Single copy $13. plus $1.50 shipping locked cameras, record and view with ordinary ford, Wilson, Ogle & Edge, et al. Paula Fleming, and Georgia sales tax if applicable. MUSCOGEE VCR and TV. Uses liquid crystal glasses. $500. 7809 Heritage Drive, Annandale, VA 22003. 3-D, 3739 Meadowlark Drive, Columbus, GA Call for more information. Optical Delusions, 31906. lnc. (407) 659-8356. COLLECT, TRADE, BUY & SELL: 19th Century images (Cased, stereo, Cdv, Cabinet & large I BROKE MY REVERE 33 and will strip for parts STEREO VIEWER LENSES- Two wedge-shaped paper). Bill Lee, 8658 S. Gladiator Way, Sandy, as you request. Also have VM S1 Projector, VG. lenses, each molded and embodied in 11/2" UT 84094. Specialties: Western, Locomotives, Call Al Meyers, (815) 725-3813. square frame. Precision optical quality; build, photographers, Indians, Mining, J. Carbutt, experiment. $7.95 postpaid (USA), Taylor-Mer- Expeditions, Ships, Utah & Occupational. JOHN WALDSMITH'S "Stereo Views, An Illustrat- chant Corporation, 212 West 35th St., New ed History and Price Guide" available signed York. NY 10001. COLLECTOR SEEKS VIEWS of Los Angeles, CA; from the author, $22.95 softbound, add $2.95 Detroit, MI; Westward migration; Personalities postage and handling. Please note: the hard- STEREOSCOPE - New wooden 'scope with flat of stage, opera, circus, military, politics. Also, bound edition is sold out. Mastercard and VISA top hood and sides, brass screws, good quality Quebec, Montreal, Paris France. Also buying old accepted. John Waldsmith, PO Box 191, plastic lens, folding handle, mahogany stain, sheet music, theater programs, related sou- Svcamore. OH 44882. $25. plus $3 postage and handling. Jerry Mor- venirs. Edward Couture, 1233 South Curson row, 3752 Norman Rd., Clarkston, GA. 30021, Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019-6612, (213) 935- (404) 296-4300. 4665. s part of thelr membership, NSA members are offered free use of closs~fredadvertn- STEREOSCOPE PARTS - Missing stage (picture COLORADO TRAIN stereo views, cabinet, and A holder) on your antique viewer? Walnut $8.50, rng Members may use 100 words per year, other large views. Specialties: Locomotives, drwded Into three ads wlth a maxrmum of Poplar $5.50, Postpd. You stain to match your trains, also stage coaches, freight wagons, 35 words per ad Addrtronal words and addr- viewer. Standard cut-out 1 114" wide, 114" deep street scenes, towns, occupational and expedi- tronal ads may be Inserted at the rate of 20e or give your specs. Jerry Morrow, 3752 Norman tions. Top prices paid for glass negatives. David per word Please rnclude payments wrth ads. Rd., Clarkston, GA 30021, (404) 296-4300. S. Digerness, 4953 Perry St., Denver, CO 8021 2-2630. We cannot provlde brllmgs Deodllne 1s the VIEW-MASTER REELS. Super Star Barbie - 1978, frrst day of the month precedrng publ~cat~on Ringling Bros. Circus - 1952, Disney, Fantasy- CONTURA STEREO CAMERA, all-wood cameras date Send ads to the Natlonol Stereoscop~c land - early 1950s, Alice in Wonderland - 1952, and Milwaukee images, maps or historical doc- Assocrot~on,PO Box 14801, Columbus, OH Bugs Bunny - 1951, and more. Best offer. D. uments. Dave Gorski, 244 Cutler St.,Waukesha, 432 14, or coll(2 16) 239-22 12 A rate sheet Spivey, 2027 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, W153186, eves. (414) 542-3069. for drsploy ads 15; available ul ?on request. NC 28401. (Please send SA! iE.) I I 1 f CORTE-SCOPE SETS ~ncornpletesets, s~ngle HARDHAT DIVER PHOTOGRAPHS wanted! MR. POSTER sold out at Fort Worth - now vlews, I~terature,no vlewers unless w~thvlews Stereo vlews, COVs, Cablnet Cards, Albumen restocking! Buying: Fl3.5 St. Realist, Kodak, but w~llpurchase vlews w~thoutvlewer. Would Prrnts, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, T~ntypes, Revere, etc., clean wlcase - $75. Fl2.8 Realist llke to correspond wlth other collectors wtth Post cards, posters, books, catalogs, docu- exc wlcase - $240. Fl2.7 Wollensack, mint Corte-Scope sets so I may know what was ments, etc. Gary Prleckl, 617 Guaymas Court, wlcase - $300. Contura, mint wlcase - $550. made. St111 researching thls company. John San Ramon. CA 94583. (51 0) 866-0848 Buying: Macro Realist outfit - $1650. Custom Waldsmlth, PO Box 191, Sycamore, OH 44882. Realist mint wlcase - $375. Stereomatic 500 HURST STEREOSCOPIC STUDIES of Natural His- wlcase - $240. Buying VM cutters - $150. VM DELAWARE photos, all formats, esp. stereo tory #54, Belted King-fisher. Also want view or 36"124" closeups - $150/$175. Movie Pre-View views, CDVs, real photo post cards. Marvin Bal- photo of Jumbo, the elephant. John David Laird, reels - $50 each! Buying Realist red-button ick, 5900 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, OE 19807, 6808 Lakecrest Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46815- viewers, Revere, TOC, Iloca, etc. - $50. (302) 655-3055. 7978. Kodaslide II and Realist ACtDC viewers - $75. DUE TO NOT RECEIVING a questionnaire will I BUY ARIZONA PHOTOGRAPHS! Stereo views, Buying TDC 116 wlcase - $175. TOC 716 members please note that Steve Thornley, 34 cabinet cards, mounted photographs, RP post wlcase - $275. Realist 81/82 projectors - Dale Street, Milnrow, nr. Rockdale, Lancashire, cards, albums and photographs taken before $4501$650. No collection too large! I also buy OL16 4HS, England, collects all types of View- 1920. Also interested in xeroxes of Arizona vintage TVs (1920-1950) and transistor radios Master items and look-alikes and would be stereographs and photos for research. Will pay (1954-1960) and will trade 3-D items for these pleased to receive correspondence. View-Mas- postage and copy costs. Jeremy Rowe, 2331 E. non-stereo collectibles! Call days: (201) 794- ter trade list available. Please make a note of Del Rio Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282. 9606, FAX days: (201) 794-9553, call 24 hours: this in your directow. (201) 410-7525, or write: Harry Poster, PO Box I COLLECT VIEWS OF SAN DIEGO, California in 1883, So. Hack., NJ 07606 (or ship UPS: c/o FLORIDA STEREOS of historical value, especially Realist or View-Master format! Contact: Dave TACK Mtrs., 375 Route 46). / Tallahassee, Tampa and Gainesville. price and 1 Wiener, PO Box 12193, La Jolla, CA 92039. 1 describe or send on approval highest prices MUYBRIDGE VIEWS. Top prices paid. Also paid for pre-1890 views, N; s~,A~~~~~~~~,IRELAND. Interested in purchasing flat mount Michigan and Mining - the 3 Ms. Many views ~~~d~ik~~~,PO 21 153, ~~~~~d~ space views of Ireland - individual views or collec- available for trade. Leonard Walle, 60 Pinto Center, FL 32815. tions. Joe Henggeler, PO Box 1298, Ft. Stock- Lane, Novato, CA 94947. ton. TX 79735. GERMAN 3-D BOOKS (Raumbild) from WWll NEW YORK CANAL and related views. Erie, New era, Especially need the book MICHIGAN stereographs and interesting early York Barge, Genesee, Champlain, Black River with double-image cards and expandable viewer photographs of Michigan in other formats want- canals, and views of Portage and Letchworth in pockets within boors covers, Call R~~ Mar- ed. Dave Tinder, 6404 Coleman, Dearborn, MI Gorge. Carl Wampole, PO Box 245, Nesconset, tin, (206) 432-3282 or write 24404 249th Ave. 48126-20243 (313) 581-0005. NY 11767, (516) 724-431 1, call eves. SE, Valley, WA 98038. NEW YORK STATE, Eastern-Upstate: Hudson Val- ley, Adirondacks, Catskills, especially small towns, street scenes, houses, buildings wanted. Ralph Gosse, Box 5351, Albany, NY 12205- 5351. OCEAN GROVE, NJ stereo views, photos by Pach, Stauffer or Hill. Also, Ocean Grove sou- venirs and memorabilia; glass, china, spoons, paperweights, novelties, advertising pieces. James Lindemuth, 94 Mt. Carmel Way, Ocean Grove. NJ 07756. (908) 775-0035. I'lease enroll me as a member of the National Stereosco ic Association. I understand that my one-year subscription to Stereo will begin OLD U.S. MINT, U.S. Treasury Stereo Views! drld Highest prices paid for stereo views I need of with- the - MarchIApril issue of the current year. - -- - - U.S. Mint, coining operations, paper money engraving & printing operations, U.S. Mint inte- U.S. membership mailed third class ($22). riors, exteriors from Philadelphia, San Francis- U.S. membership mailed first class for faster delivery ($32). co, New Orleans, Denver, Carson City, NV, - Dahlonega, GA, Charlotte, NC, mints, plus U.S. U Foreign membership mailed surface rate, and first class to Canada ($34). Treasury & Bureau of Engraving & Printing - operations, Washington, DC. Please mail or FAX U Foreign membership mailed international airmail ($48). photocopy, with price and condition noted. I'll Send a sample copy ($5.50). reply within 48 hours. Attn: Dave Sundman, c/o - Littleton Coin Co., 253 Union St., Littleton, N.H. Please make checks payable to the National Stereoscopic Association. Foreign FAX 603-444-2101. (est. 1945). members please remit in U.S. dollars with a Canadian Postal Money order, an OPERATING MANUAL or copy thereof of View- International Money Order, or a foreign bank draft on a U.S. bank - Master Personal Stereo Camera, made for Sawyers, Inc., Portland, OR. Beverly Ales, 4046 Graham Street, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Name PERSONAL STEREOS of World FairslExpos to buy or copy. L. Smart, 1809 Brickhouse LN., Address Fallston. MD 21047. (410) 877-3592. PETOSKEY, MICHIGAN stereo views. Also Harbor City State Zip Springs, Bay Views or any northern Michigan views. Howard Ball, 441 N. Division Rd., 11 Petoskey, MI 49770, (616) 347-2700. Ster (Continued on next page) PO Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214 The Only National Organization Devoted Exclusively To Stereo Photography, Stereoviews, and 3-D Imaging Techniques. I STEREO WORLD MarchIApril 1993 W REALIST 60-SLIDE & vlewer storage case wlth VIEW-MASTER Personal Cutter and Vlew-Master WM. ILLINGWORTH vlews of Custer's 1874 genulne leather or brown fabr~cexterior ~nExc.+ Accessories. Alexander Kruedener, 161 E. 89 St. Black Hills expedition (and other Custer relat-

or better condition (must contain Realist logo.) Aot., 4E., New York. NY 10128. ed). Anvthina bv Wm. Illin~worth.Also. Macki- Realist 6-drawer stereo slide filelchest in Exc.+ nah lsl&~d,MI "iews To: bon Schwarck. 1159 1 VIEW-MASTER REiLS, anything on 3-0. Send vassar.south LVO,,, MI 48178. or better condition (must contain Realist logo.) I .... . --- -,- . Also looking for Baja 8-drawer stereo slide lists, have V-M reels for sale or trade. Send filelchest with drawers marked "Versafile". Mark SASE.. .- -Dennis Vance. 112 Slooo Arthur Dr.. I YOU COULD HAVE told the world of "our stereo 1 Willke, 200 SW 89th Ave., Portland, OR 97225. Concord. NC 28025..~ (704) , 786-2243. ' 1 needs in this ad space! Your membkrship enti- I (503) 297-7653. tles you to 100 words per year. Send ads to the BY STEREOScOP~CCO. Of "The National Stereoscopic Association, P.O. Box REALIST CUSTOM: Zeiss 6cm Slide Viewer. I Great Crumlin Viaduct", Monmouthshire. Tim 14801, columbus, OH 43214, or call (216) 239- have Steinheil wide angles for Realist and about Mclntyre, 21112 Stratford, Ont N5A 7V4 2212. A rate sheet for display ads is available 100 Verascope F40 mounts to trade. Farson, Canada. (51 9) 273-5360. upon request. (Please send SASE.) m Box 88 CMU, Chiang Mai 50002, Thailand; FAX 66-53-21 3945 ATTN 4001. REALIST-FORMAT photographers to share corre- spondence, ideas and anecdotes with a stereo fan in Connecticut. C'mon, let me hear from you! Dean Jacobowitz, 440 Route 163, (Continued ,,) Montville, CT 06353. Fuser Friendly ,,, RESEARCHER seeking interior or exterior views of lowa stereographers' studios. Would like to VistaPro is a good compromise additional options, an image can purchase or copy for possible publication. Other between speed of image construc- take over an hour to generate. information on early lowa photographers also tion and image realism and cost. The IBM version of VistaPro sought. Contact Paul C. Juhl, 1427 Dolen Place, The technology exists to produce requires 640K RAM, 3 MB of hard lowa City, IA 52246, phone (319) 354-9356. images with 16.7 million colors disk space, VGA card and monitor SEEKING CIVIL WAR views in CDV and stereo with far greater pixel resolution on and a mouse. A math co-processor, format with imprint of SC photographers Coo- today's desktop computers, but the additional RAM and a 386-based ley, Haas & Peale, Foster, Blauvelt, Moore, oth- length of time required can be 24 machine or greater are recom- ers. Studio as well as outdoor views sought. Robert W. Buff, Jr., 33 Palatine Rd., Columbia, hours or longer. This rendering mended. SC 29209. time will continue to shrink every The VistaPro package does come with a selection of DEM data sets SINGLE VIEWS and/or complete set (believed to year. VistaPro is an interesting tool be at least six views) of Longfellow's Wayside and an admirable first step into vir- for portions of Mt. St. Helens, Inn, in Sudbury, MA done by D.C. Osborn, Ass- tual reality. With faster computers, Yosemite, Crater Lake, Mars and abet, MA. Always looking for special maritime it will soon be possible to maneu- others. Users may also randomly views, as well. Larry Rochette, 169 Woodland ver through these worlds in real generate their own worlds, allow- Dr., Marlborough, MA 01752, (508) 481-3204. time. ing an infinite number of photo- STEREO CARDS (VIEWS) from Wisconsin; cities The IBM PC version of VistaPro graphic opportunities. Additional of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Templeton, Pewackee, was reviewed in this article. Com- DEM data sets of actual locations Oconomowoc, Waterton, Hartland, Sussex. Send Xeroxes to Rick Tyler, 115 W. Newhall puter screen images were rendered on both Earth and Mars may be Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186 or phone (414) 549- at 640 X 480 pixels in 256 colors ordered for $35 each. Current titles 0478. and were recorded on Ektachrome include the Grand Canyon, Aspen, STEREO DAGUERREOTYPES: All kinds, all 100 at f18, V4 second. While the Vail, and Northern California nations & subjects. Any condition. Ken Appollo, majority of the variables are the among others. A large number of PO Box 241, Rhinecliff, NY 12574, (914) 876- same, there will be some differ- refinements are being made to this 5232. ences in the output for the Macin- program. Expected in the next ver- STEREO VIEWS of Lawrence and Eudora, KS; tosh and Amiga versions of sion are road building options, star Also Topeka, Kansas City (KS or MO), any other VistaPro. fields, clouds, and a wider selection Kansas towns in the K.C. - Topeka vicinity. L. The IBM PC version will output of trees. While the current version Hollmann, 723 Church, Eudora, KS 66025. VGA and AVGA (8 bit, 256 color) of VistaPro includes no instruc- TAX STAMPS wanted on stereos, CDVs, etc. Also images, which can be saved as PCX tions for generating or viewing common portraits CDVs, Cabinet cards, tins, files. Image resolutions from 320 X stereo pairs, the next one [now etc. Michael Scharfman, 34 Florgate Rd., Farm- 200 pixels to 1024 X 768 pixels can available] is expected to include ingdale, NY 11735. be generated. Just as with film, the specific references to stereo, as well THOMAS C. ROCHE Anthony Co, photographer c. more pixels used the less grainy an as a possible driver for the 1860-1895. Stereo views, copy of his manual image will appear. The time it takes SEGAIToshiba LCD shuttering glass- on amateur photography, biographical informa- tion. Send details to: T. Munson, Chicago Albu- to generate an image depends es. The current version won't dis- men Works, Box 805, Housatonic, MA 01236. upon the resolution of the image play the final pairs in either side- by-side or anaglyph form, but there VERMONT, famous people, musicians, com- and the number and type of "real- posers, opera singers, fine quality street scenes ism" options selected. In the lowest are a variety of shareware and com- and storefronts any US town. Also buying pho- resolution mode with all the mercial programs that can do this tograph collections, all formats, US and foreign. options turned off, or placed on for all three computer platforms. Stuart Butterfield, 205 W. 95 St., New York, NY minimum, an image can be gener- VistaPro may be ordered directly 10025. ated in a few seconds. At the high- from Virtual Reality Laboratories, est resolution, with trees, water, 2341 Ganador Ct., San Louis Obis- waves, shading, haze, and all the PO, CA 93401, (805) 545-8515. m STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF TEXAS& INDIAN

Photographed and Published By MARTIN & TROUTMAN, PARIS, ILLS.

- - -q.-- "--

Negative nos. 1- 105. Will buy single cards or collections. Also wanted: Photographic views showing Buffalo Hunting, Cowboys, Outlaws, Lawmen, Plains Indians, 19th c. Texas.

LAWRENCE T. JONES P.O. BOX 2084 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78768 5 12-474-2926


distant view of Hafrogilsfoss Falls on Iceland's longest river, the Jokulsd 6 Fjillum. The tree- Aless canyon with its tugged rock formations allows the sound of the falls to be heard quite clear& hmfar away. More of Iceland's surprises, captured in full frame stereo with a pair of point-and-shoot Minqltas,. are seen in Ross b Housholder3 article on page 12.