Sunan Ampel
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- Sejarah Perkembangan Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia Pada Masa Pra Kolonialisme Dan Masa Kolonialisme (Belanda, Jepang, Sekutu)
- The Role of Walisongo in Developing Islam Nusantara Civilization
- The Folklore of “Wali 9” (Islam Spreaders) in East Java As Cultural Identity of Multicultural Community
- SEJARAH AWAL MASUKNYA ISLAM KE INDONESIA 01 Pada Abad 13 Masehi Ada Fenoma Yang Disebut Dengan Wali Songo Yaitu Ulama- Ulama Yang Menyebarkan Dakwah Di Indonesia
- Rereading the Indonesian Interpretation of the Qur'an on Awliyā': the Cases of Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab
- Ir. Budi Faisal, MAUD, MLA, Ph.D Chairman of Center of Tourism Planning and Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia GEOGRAPHY and ADMINISTRATION
- Mixing of Traditional and Modern Forms in Architecture of Sunan Ampel Mosque, East Java, Indonesia
- THE ROLE of ULAMA and MUSLIMS in STRENGTHENING NATIONAL UNION of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA (The Government of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Behind the Gun of Densus 88
- Conversion to Islam on Java and the Book of One Thousand Questions
- Rediscovering the Walisongo, Indonesia: a Potential New Destination for International Pilgrimage
- Searching for Wayang Golek: Islamic Rod Puppets and Chinese Woodwork in Java
- Structuring and Revitalization Planning for Ampel Mosque Area, Surabaya-East Java-Indonesia
- Gandhi and Knowledge for Change at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
- Islam, Indonesia & Tiongkok
- Radikalisme Di Indonesia Sejarah Rekontruksi Dan Dekonstruksi
- Surau Dan Pesantren Sebagai Lembaga Pengembang Masyarakat Islam Di Indonesia (Kajian Perspektif Historis)