Socialist democracy
Top View
- Christian Socialism As a Political Ideology
- The PT and the Crisis of Real Socialism
- New Ideas of Socialism
- Socialist Values and the Development of Democratic Support in the Former East Germany
- Authoritarianism, Democracy and the Transition to Socialism
- Ecosoci Alism
- Economic Planning During the Guided Democracy
- Liberal and Socialist Democracies Verdus ID.Pdf
- Reformism on a Global Scale? a Critical Examination of David Held’S Advocacy of Cosmopolitan Social Democracy
- A Post-Modern Socialism? : the Promise of a Revived Left Communism
- Chapter 5 the Socialist Compass Final Draft July 2009
- Bourgeois and Socialist Democracies Compared” (March 1990)
- Eco-Socialism and Democratic Planning
- Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde
- Social Democracy in Europe: a Future in Questions
- Unit 7 Socialism and the Working of the Socialist State
- The Radical Left in Europe
- Compass Points