Severus of Antioch
Top View
- The Syriac Orthodox in the Principality of Antioch During the Crusader Period
- Severus of Antioch in Egypt Author(S): E
- Cover JCSSS 6
- Martyrs, Saints & Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church
- Theodora the “Believing Queen:” a Study in Syriac Historiographical Tradition
- Severus of Antioch Or Severus of Ashmunein?
- Florilegia Syriaca. Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice In
- Severus of Antioch and His Search for the Unity of the Church
- Severus of Antioch and His Search for the Unity of the Church
- Severus of Antioch: Eastern and Oriental Perspectives
- Diversity, Communion, and Catholicity in the Early Church
- Introduction
- Martyrs, Saints & Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox
- Discipleship in Oriental Orthodox and Evangelical Communities
- Coptic and Copto-Arabic Liturgical Texts Relating to Michael the New Martyr
- The Fraction Prayer Attributed to Severus of Antioch
- West Syrian Commentaries on the Eucharist a Study of the Methodology
- SEVERUS of ANTIOCH Pauline Allen and C.T.R.Hayward