VOX PATRUM 38 (2018) t. 69 Oleksandr KASHCHUK* THE PROMOTION OF MIAENERGISM AS A CHALLENGE TO IDENTITY OF NON-CHALCEDONIAN CHRISTIANITY The late Roman Empire of the sixth and seventh centuries had become thoroughly Christian. However, in course of time disagreement concerning Christian belief became the force on the basis of which the Empire was inter- nally divided into different branches. By the sixth century the most significant religious groups were known as Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians – pre- dominantly Miaphysites and Nestorians1. Each group developed its own sense of self-consciousness depending on Christological doctrine: on the one hand, the Chalcedonians confessed the two natures of Christ united in one person of God the Logos, on the other hand the Miaphysites believed in one nature of Christ and Nestorians proclaimed the two natures in Christ to be separated. It led to different senses of identity. Such situation did not favor the political unification of the inhabitants of the Empire, which was in an ardent need of harmony, especially in the seventh century, while in the face of external danger of invasions from the Avars, Slavs, Persians and the Arabs2. * Oleksandr Kashchuk Ph.D. – Assistant Professor in the Department of History of the Middle Ages and Byzantium at the Faculty of History of Lviv Ivan Franko National University and As- sistant Professor in the Department of Theology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology of Lviv Ukrainian Catholic University; e-mail:
[email protected]. 1 The process of development of divisions in the Byzantine Church was well described by Sławomir Bralewski.