Scientific community
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- Science and Pseudoscience in Medicine: Evidence-Based Vs. Evidence-Biased Medicine
- Science Wars 1St Edition Kindle
- Making Quantitative Research Work: from Positivist Dogma to Actual Social Scientific Inquiry
- Religious Communities, Science, Scientists, and Perceptions: a Comprehensive Survey
- U.S. Government Funding for Science and Technology Cooperation with Russia
- Blancke 2019 Pseudoscience and the End of Dialogue
- Chapter 3. Science and Its Critics
- Constructive Empiricism: Observability and the Epistemic Community
- Formal Models of the Scientific Community and the Value-Ladenness of Science
- The Role and Activities of Scientific Societies in Promoting Research Integrity
- Human Nature and Research Paradigms: Theory Meets Physical Therapy Practice
- The Progress of Science—Past, Present and Future
- The Social Responsibility of a Scientist: Philosophical Aspect of Contemporary Discussions
- How Far Does Scientific Community Look Back?
- The Rise of British Marxism and the Interdependencies of Society, Nature and Technology Gerardo Ienna
- Positivism, Science and the Politics of Knowledge 13 1 Scientism Or the Unity of the Scientific Method
- An Effort to Advance Scientific Communication and Open Access Publishing
- Empiricism and Rationalism in the Advancement of Astronomy