
Psychiatria Danubina, 2016; Vol. 28, Suppl. 2, pp S186–S190 Medicina Academica Mostariensia, 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp 2-6 Editorial © Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia

SCIENCE AND IN : -BASED VS. EVIDENCE-BIASED MEDICINE Miro Jakovljević1 & Ljerka Ostojić2 1University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry, Zagreb, Croatia 2School of Medicine, of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

SUMMARY The of evidence-based medicine (EBM), as the highest standard of care, came into in 1990s to promote a systematic approach to helping clinicians in their practice to be guided by the best available . However, there has been an increasing of warning reports “that in modern , misrepresented, false and unuseful findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims In spite of the huge scientific , pseudoscience and associated evidence biased medicine represent a serious threat to the concept of the EBM. Effective in medicine, proper research , sound systems and creative thinking and of scientific dialogue may significantly contribute to better and evidence-based medicine. The seven key words of good science, research and publishing are: integrity, motivation, capacity, understanding, , experience, and .

Key words: science in medicine - evidence-based medicine – pseudoscience - evidence-biased medicine

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Introduction Biomedical science has significantly empowered con- temporary evidence-based medicine (EBM), prolonged “ is a fruit which should not be plucked until it is ripe” longevity in general population and improved quality of . Modern clinical has claimed itself as Pseudoscience and evidence biased medicine repre- scientific, rational and very much evidence-based. Evi- sent a serious threat to clinical practice and health dence has become dominant driver and mantra for health service users. Differing science from pseudoscience in makers, service planners, all kind of therapists, medicine is an old and always hot topic. The oldest and clinical and academic researchers. At recent , article about science and pseudoscience in medicine biomedical science has become a vast and powerful dates from 1897 when Sternberg published the article industry and producing a real jungle of infor- with this title in Science which is one of the oldest and mation in ever increasing number of medical journals most prominent general science journals today. From and other publications. However, in spite of the huge to time big scandals attracted public attention sho- scientific progress, pseudoscience and associated evi- wing how easy can be for some to publish dence biased medicine represent a serious threat to the fabricated even in the most prestigious journals. In concept of the EBM. the last there has been an increasing number of warning reports “that in modern research, misrepre- Evidence-based vs. evidence-biased medicine sented, false and unuseful findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims” Science has usually been considered an objective, (see Ioannidis 2005a,b, Fanelli 2009, Boutron 2010, self-correcting, truthful and reliable endeavor. Bowen & Casadevall 2015, Ioannidis 2016). Demarca- The concept of EBM, as the highest standard of health tions of science from pseudoscience are very important care, came into existence in 1990s to promote a syste- from both theoretical and practical . The first matic approach to helping clinicians in their practice to is theoretical and it goes to the and be guided by the best available scientific evidence. The to the core of the of truth, evidence and antithesis of EBM is practice based on pseudoscience, (“How do we really know what we think that we know). tradition, vogue, and authority (see Jakovljevic The reason is political and economic because a 2007). Isaacs and Fitzgerald (1999) reported seven alter- huge amount of money has been spent on biomedical natives to EBM: eminence-based medicine, vehemence- research. The false and misrepresented pseudoscientific based medicine, eloquence-based medicine, providence- data may all contribute to evidence-biased medicine and based medicine, diffidence-based medicine, nervous- treatment inefficiencies as well as to the wasting of ness-based medicine, and confidence-based medicine. limited funding and investigators’ . The third The concept of EBM has strongly influenced health- reason is ethical because pseudoscience can be harmful care and treatment decision making, health-care pro- for patients, sometimes fatally so, and undermine public grams, and the structure of medical and confidence in the scientific medicine. systems. The of EBM encompasses five

2 Miro Jakovljević & Ljerka Ostojić: SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE IN MEDICINE: EVIDENCE-BASED VS. EVIDENCE-BIASED MEDICINE Medicina Academica Mostariensia, 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp 2-6

essential principles (Drake 2005). First, it is grounded Science vs. pseudoscience on basic health-care values (values-based medicine). Se- in biomedical research cond, it requires that scientific evidence should be a base “ can be defined as the working , in making health-care decisions. Third, it recognizes that best suited to open the way to the next better one” the scientific evidence is complicated, hierarchical, often uncertain and ambiguous, and usually limited. As science is the most important reliable source of Fourth, it assumes that other factors like patients’ knowledge and progress in medicine, it is very impor- human rights, values, preferences and choices, are also tant to distinguish scientific knowledge from its pseudo- important factors in medical decisions. Fifth, it argues scientific look-alikes. Pseudoscience is non-science, that clinical expertise is an important component in invalid or fake science posing as real science involving medical decisions. varied fads and in the of science. In medi- Here, a thorny question arises as to what is evi- cine pseudoscience represents any or method that dence and how we know what is it proper evidence. claims falsely or mistakenly to be scientific or that is According to the Encarta Concise Dictionary, Student falsely or doubtfully regarded as scientific although they Edition (2001) evidence means “something that gives lack supporting evidence and plausibility. pseudo- or of the existence or truth of something, or science also refers to a field, practice, or body of know- that helps somebody to come to a particular con- ledge claimed to be consistent with the norms of scien- clusion”. The last meaning “something that helps tific processing and research, but in somebody to come to a particular conclusion” means fails to meet these norms. In other words pseudoscience also , testimony and proof in support of a - is characterized by producing irreproducible, incorrect ment, claim or . But collected facts and data do or falsified and non-useful research data. Pseudo- not speak for themselves alone; they are subjects to scientific article seems to be scientific but actually vio- varying thinking strategies and information processing late the criteria of science and contain misrepresented, depending on who is doing the information processing. incorrect, untrue or falsified results and claims. Evidence as well as treatment effectiveness is always Pseudoscience can be product of misunderstanding context dependent. The limitations of the science base and lack of education, fraud, and spin. Pseudoscience, including double-blind randomized controlled trials fabrication, falsification, spin, and are se- (RCTs) on which EBM stands should be acknow- rious forms of scientific misbehavior that jeopardize the ledged. The majority of the large RCTs undertaken in image of scientific journals and . clinical pharmacology are sponsored by the pharma- While fabrication (making up data, results or cases) is ceutical industry with aim to demonstrate to regulatory evidently fraudulent scientific malpractice, pseudo- agencies the efficacy of investigated drug over pla- science somewhere between scientific fraud, , cebo. However, there are significantly less natural, prag- misunderstanding and simple careless, and it is not easy matic or observational studies (see Jakovljevic 2009) to define it. With regards to scientific fraud and spin, the demonstrating the effectiveness of drug in the real intention to deceive is a key element. Falsification is clinical context on the real patients’ population which defined as willful or deliberate modifications of study is more heterogenous and with severe disorders than results, while spinning is related to the some kind of those in registration RCTs. Furthermore, negative wishful thinking and subjective differences in research studies are very rarely published, so that what we call designing or interpreting. Researchers have great lati- EBM in the form of guidelines and algorithms may be tude in how they process data and report their results in biased and become evidence-biased medicine (see the medical . Three common types of spin can Jakovljevic 2007). The individual patient needs the be identified (Marshall 2002): 1.spinning by selective idiographic patient-based evidence which refers to reporting (e.g. not reporting a disappointingly negative known data about diagnostic markers and the specific findings), 2.spinning using rating scales (e.g. evaluating and differential effectiveness of various drugs or outcome using multiple rating scales, or unpublished treatment methods to that particular individual. Non- scales), 3.meta-spinning (reviewer's pessimistic or adherence to drug treatment and non-cooperation of optimistic looking on inconsistent results of clinical patients may be related to nomothetic impersonal and trials). The distinction between real and artifact, true technical rationality (see Jakovljevic 2013). Some and false results and their interpretations is not an easy studies have also stressed a decreasing quality of task. It is related to the applied mechanistic, formistic, published literature due to an increasing competition contextual or systemic thinking or information-pro- for grants and jobs, the current mania for publishing cessing strategies. Wishful mechanistic (single-cause or papers and a disproportionate emphasis on quantity single-effect thinking) and formistic binary categorical over quality in scientific outputs, huge administration, (either-or thinking) strategies of information have and overreliance on (Bowen & Casa- produced a lot of oversimplifications, false beliefs or devall 2015). myths in some fields of medicine (Jakovljevic 2007).

3 Miro Jakovljević & Ljerka Ostojić: SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE IN MEDICINE: EVIDENCE-BASED VS. EVIDENCE-BIASED MEDICINE Medicina Academica Mostariensia, 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp 2-6

The boundaries and indicators separating science How to make more published research from pseudoscience and evidence-biased medicine are more scientific, true and useful? very fuzzy. Pseudoscience is like pornography: it is very “Our wretched species is so made that those who walk hard to be defined, but one knows it when he sees it. on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those According to the relevant literature (Ross 1995, Coker who are showing a new road” 2001, McNally 2003, Lilienfeld et al. 2015) pseudo- Voltaire science can be characterized by the next features: Term pseudoscience refers to a field, practice, or 1. over-use of hypotheses to account for nega- body of knowledge claimed to be consistent with the tive research findings and to plug holes in the theory norms of scientific information processing and research, in question (after-the- escape hatches or loop- but in reality fails to meet these norms. Pseudoscientific holes); however, it may be a legitimate strategy); article seems to be scientific but they actually violate 2. avoidance of that is the best, although the criteria of science. According to the majority of not ideal, for self-correction in science we need guidance how to distinguish between identifying errors in the reasoning, , science and pseudoscience in medicine, but some like analyses, and ; Burke (2016) are against using the term pseudoscience. What is labeled pseudoscience in both popular media 3. emphasis on evidence that supports an hypothesis and scholarly studies has as much to do with culture and and failing to take into account evidence that refutes as it does with and fact. The term pseudo- it ( – weighing hits more than science inherently creates framing issues as “us versus misses); them” and “kto-kavo” (“who will eliminate whom”), 4. lack of connectivity with basic or applied research, pitting those who believe in “real” science against those and other scientific disciplines; who believe in “false” science (Burke 2016). It leads to 5. over-reliance on which can be unnecessary polarization, mistrust, disrespectfulness, very useful in the early stage of scientific research, and confusion around science issues. Scientists and but usually not enough for satisfactory and fruitful health workers would better serve science by avoiding research; it. If people trust alleged pseudoscience over science, it 6. thinking in false dichotomies; simplistic, - should be discussed why, rather than dismiss their nistic and reductionistic thinking; illusory correla- values and beliefs. Instead of the term pseudoscience it tion and causation, and other errors of logic; is politically more correct to say what kind of scientific 7. tendency to place burden of proof on opponents so evidence is available and what is scientifically in that proponents of pseudoscience neglect the conclusive, or scientifically debated or lacking scientific principle that the burden of proof in science is evidence. If scientific evidence is missing or contra- primarily on the making a claim, not on the dicting it is useful to discuss why that might be. Plenty opponent; of stuff that sounded crazy at one point, but turned out 8. use of vague, exaggerated or untestable terms, or im- to be legitimate, was to be pseudoscience, pressive sounding jargon and nonscientific including many areas of . that gives an illusion of the science and false Science- or evidence-based medicine addresses very scientific legitimacy; important issues like how best to search the literature, how best to rate the quality of the relevant studies, and 9. absence of borderline conditions because the well- how best to synthesize the available data. Effective supported scientific possess well-articulated boundary conditions, while pseudoscientific pheno- education in biomedicine, proper research motivation, mena are suggested to operate across wide range of sound systems and creative thinking and culture of conditions; scientific dialogue may significantly contribute to better science and evidence-based medicine. There are posi- 10. mantra of because proponents of pseudo- tive controlled trials of teaching critical appraisal to scientific claims in medicine and mental health often medical students and medical doctors. The seven key resort to this mantra to explain away negative words of good science, research and publishing are: findings. integrity, motivation, capacity, understanding, know- The greater the number of such features, the more ledge, experience, and creativity. Without integrity likely is pseudoscience in action, but these indicators motivation is dangerous, without motivation capacity are only probabilistically related to pseudoscientific is impotent, without capacity understanding is limited, studies. It is important to have in that the frontier without understanding knowledge is meaningless, with- lines between science and pseudoscience are disputed out knowledge experience is blind, without experience and difficult to determine strictly. Scientific journals creativity is impossible, without creativity there is no have an important role in ensuring the integrity of progress According to Ioannidis (2014) possible inter- scientific research and promoting evidence-based ventions that can improve the and effi- medicine. ciency of scientific research are represented at 1.

4 Miro Jakovljević & Ljerka Ostojić: SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE IN MEDICINE: EVIDENCE-BASED VS. EVIDENCE-BIASED MEDICINE Medicina Academica Mostariensia, 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp 2-6

Table 1. Some research practices that may help increase evidence in systematic reviews, meta-analyses, decision the proportion of true research findings (Ioannidis 2014) analyses, and guidelines.“ Studies that satisfy all utility ƒ Large-scale collaborative research criteria or majority of them (see table 2) are extremely rare, even in the most highly selective journals ƒ Adoption of culture (Ioannidis 2016). ƒ Registration (of studies, protocols, codes, At the end of the , when all is said and done, datasets, raw data, and results EBM is here to stay integrating evidence-based practice ƒ Sharing (of data, protocols, materials, software, and practice-based evidence. It is important to have in and other tools) mind that EBM should be the integration of 1. best ƒ practices research evidence (clinically relevant patient centered ƒ Containment of conflicted sponsors and authors research), with 2. clinical expertise ( to identify unique health states and diagnosis, individual risks and ƒ More appropriate statistical methods benefits, as well as personal values and expectations, ƒ Standardization of definitions and analyses and with 3. patients values (unique preferences, ƒ More stringent threshold for claiming discoveries concerns and expectations) which should be integrated or “successes” into effective clinical decision. ƒ Improvement of study standards ƒ Improvements in peer review, reporting, and Instead of conclusion dissemination of research All clinicians have a professional ethical obligation ƒ Better training of scientific workforce in methods to follow, understand and share the scientific evidence. and statistical literacy Considering the scientific evidence includes the ability of clinicians to access the information and scientific Table 2. Features to consider in appraising whether literature, understand its content and limitations, ex- is useful (Ioannidis 2016) plain the information in an understandable way to ƒ Problem base: Is there a health problem that is big patients, collaborate appropriately with patients and or important enough to be fixed? their families, and apply the evidence properly to particular and specific situations. However, many ƒ Context placement: Has prior evidence been syste- clinicians are confronted with the fact that the evi- matically assessed to inform (the need for) new dence that they learned in the school or official studies? training programs has changed, often fundamentally. ƒ Information gain: Is the proposed study large The problems with pseudoscience and evidence-biased enough to be sufficiently informative? medicine are manifold and not easy to be resolved. To ƒ : Does the research reflect real life? get beyond pseudoscientific and spins, If it deviates, does this ? medical students and doctors need to be familiar with ƒ Patient centeredness: Does the research reflect top different strategies of thinking and information pro- patient priorities? cessing and able to read between the lines. Biomedical ƒ for money: Is the research worth the money? science is getting more and more complicated, and should be understood as more as possible in an ƒ Feasibility: Can this research be done? integrative, holistic and transdisciplinary way. Each ƒ : Are methods, data, and analyses study should be evaluated in the context of what we verifiable and unbiased? really know and what we don’t know about the object doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002049.t001 of study, existing data and what make sense from different perspectives (biological , person- It sounds very optimistic that “interventions to make centered perspective, narrative perspective, value- science less wasteful and more effective could be based perspective, systems perspective, etc.). In spite hugely beneficial to our health, our comfort, and our of all difficulties, evidence-based medicine is here to grasp of truth and could help scientific research more stay to provide better quality and efficiency of health successfully pursue its noble goals” (Ioannidis 2014). care and education in medicine. In addition to improving the credibility and effi- ciency of scientific research in medicine, producing mo- re clinical research that is useful, is of great importance Acknowledgements: None. from the EBM perspective. According to Ioannidis (2016) “useful clinical research lead to a favorable Conflict of interest: None to declare. change in decision making (when changes in benefits, harms, cost, and any other impact are considered) either by itself or when integrated with other studies and

5 Miro Jakovljević & Ljerka Ostojić: SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE IN MEDICINE: EVIDENCE-BASED VS. EVIDENCE-BIASED MEDICINE Medicina Academica Mostariensia, 2016; Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp 2-6

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Correspondence: Miro Jakovljevic, MD, PhD University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry Kišpatićeva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected]