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- Ancient Greek, and Roman-Rhetoricians: A.Biographical Dictionary
- The Impact of Roman Imperium on the Administrative and Monetary Systems of the Provincia Asia (133 BC - AD 96)
- Early Seleucids, Their Gods and Their Coins
- The Impact of Sulla on Italy and the Mediterranean World
- (Ie, It Is Comprehesive and Panoramic, Dwelling
- Georgi Dobrevo/2000 Reconsidered: Note on a 1St-Century Bc Coin Hoard from Thrace*
- The Sacred Gerusia
- Roman Provincial Coinage Supplement 3
- (1992) 223–272 © Dr. Rudolf Habelt Gmbh, Bonn
- Gallus' Grynium and Virgil's Cumae
- Alexandria Troas
- 105 the Problem of the Genesis of Aristotle's Text FELIX GRAYEFF IE Are Informed by Strabo XIII, I, 54 and by Plutarch
- A New Suggested Site for Troy (Yenibademli Höyük) 2 3 Nearly All Archaeologists Identify the Remains of Troy with Hisarlik
- Scepsis Scientifica, Or the Vanity of Dogmatizing
- The Route of Paul's Second Journey in Asia Minor
- The Roman Harbour of Alexandria Troas, Turkey
- (1993) 267–295 © Dr. Rudolf Habelt Gmbh, Bonn
- Mapping the Route of Paul's 'Second Missionary Journey' from Dorylaeum to Troas