Ancient Greek, and Roman-Rhetoricians: A.Biographical Dictionary

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Ancient Greek, and Roman-Rhetoricians: A.Biographical Dictionary 42. DOCUMENT RESUM2 ED* CS 501 177 AUTHOR Bryant, Donald C., Ed.;. And 'Others TITLE Ancient Greek, and Roman-Rhetoricians: A.BiograPhical Dictionary. INSTITUTION Sp.eech Ass'ociatfon of.-America, New Yor,k, PUB DATE. 68 NOTE \ 113P. AVAILABL-32',FROM Speech Communication Association, 5205 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22041 ($2.50 meiber, $2.85 onmember)- EDRS PRICE MF- Y.0.76 HC-$5.70 Plus" Postage DESCP:IPT6RS Anci Higtory; Authors; *Biographic-al Inventories: *Clas cal Literature;'*Reference ffooks;NR4ference -Matsria s; *Rhetoric;,Speech;,Speech Education IDENTIFIERS Greece; ome 1 , ABSTRACT This hiograp ical dictionary contains over 200 entries on Greek and Roman rh toricians. The compilation omits persons who were exclusively peiformers or composersunless they were also theorists, critics, authors\of treatises or textbooks, or teachers of speech. Bibliographical notes are attached to particular -biograph;les rarely and only for Sp ial purpose's. Generally, the standard biographical compendia and he particular sources,relevant to each rhetorician havebesn drawn upon for the entries. Includedin this dictionary are such people as Acyas, Adrian, Antipater, Ariston, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Blandds, CelSus, Chrysippus, -Cicero, Cleanthes, Corvus, Crates, Dion, Epicurus, Favorinus, Glycon, Hyperidss, Isocrates, Lycon, Lysias, Menecles, Philo,' Plato, Sedatus, -Theophzastus, and Verginiug Flavus. (TS)._ b `lk *******************1*************************************** ********** DocumentsaCijiirecyby ERIC include many informal unpub4shed * materials nol available from other sources; ERIC makes every`ffort * * to obtain the beSt copy available. Nevertheless, items of margnal * * reproducibility are often encountered and,thisaffects the qual"ty * * of the. microfiche and hardcopyreproductions EPIC makes availabl\ * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is riot * * responsiblO for the quality of the original document. Reproduction .4t * stupplied by ,EDRS are the best that_ can be made from- the original. .* **4******************************************************************* US OEARTMENT OF ME AL TM EOUCATiON L*ELFA-RE C3- T[ONAL NSTITuTE OF EOUtAT,OPL co _YE E' E.- F E. "'",r '-'t Ed-w, 1-4 a, CD ANCIENT GREEK. AND ROMAN RHETORICIANS A Bibgraphical Dictionary ,efe COMPTLED FOR The Speech Association of America. B1' ROBERT W. SMITH PETER D. ARNorr ERLING B. HOLTSMARK GALEN 0. RalIVE AND EDITED BY DONALD G. BRYANT "a, THE ARTCRAFT PRESS , COLUMBIA, MISSOURI 1968 ./ 'Preface PREPARATION 01 THE ENTRIES WHICH MAKE" t P -nits'Boa; WAS undertaken initially for a comprehensie Biographical Dic- tionary of Speech Education projected by The Speech Asso- ciation of America in 1957. Under the- urging of Giles W. Gra)iof Louisiana State UniNersity, the SAA authorized the undertaking, which was to be carried through by a commit- tee consisting of Gray, Douglas Ehninger, and Ruth Renshaw. Gray as general editor appointed associate editors to enlist writers of biographical entries for the various chronological and 'topical categories. The editor of the present publication, an interested bystander in things Classical, accepted auas- sociate editoi-shiftwith responsibility for securing proper bi- ographies perAns who had contributed to the theory or pedagogy ofof public address or had taught rhetoric in the cient G,reek and Roman world. Gray and his committee established the general coverage' of the dictionary, laid down guide lines for the content of the entries. and set a maximum length for major entries (e.g. Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian) at 600 words. The committee decided further that' the compilation should omit persons who were exclusively performers or composers--orators, ac- tots, playwrightsbut should include all who were theorists, critics. authors of treatises or textbooks, or teachers of speech. Hence the work would include no account of Demosthenes or Pericles, for example. but would include such orator- theorists as Isocrates and Cicero. Gray compiled. an initial list of persons prolvbly to be included, but he inited dele- tions and additions from the sectional editors and the con- tributors. Res'ponsibility for inclusions and exclusions and for decisions on the relative length of entries, therefore, rests 'with the editor and his associates. After eight years of guiding the project. Giles Gray re- signed ,the general editorship to Douglas Ehninger on Jan- uary 1,1965. Under Ehninger's advice and prodding the venture moved ahead, and the preparation of materials cov- ering the ancient world was completed. Then for various reasons. Ehningcr and the,Council of the SAX thought it wise to permit and ady ise independent, publication of autonomous sections. Thy result is the present publication, which some /. day could become part of the larger Dictionarywhich. was originally planned. The. centuries of classical scholarship of which Ice are the heirs make new compilations of Greek and Roman biography primaril) uhdertakings in selection and condensation. So this one is. The contributors ha% e made use of the many established sources, bOth general and particular, bo-th collec- tive and indiNidual, Of ancient biographicalinfOrmatiOn and literary, historical, and rhetorical interpretation. Each entry, however, has been newly written' for this dictionary, and each exhibits the z%liter's judgment of the relevance of the individual to thehistory of the teaching of speech. Bibliographical notes are attached to particular biographies rarely and only for special purposes. Otherwise it may be assumed that the contributors have drawn upon the standard biographical compendia and upon the particular sources relevant to each rhetorician. A reader may refer to such works for more detail and for specific citation of original sources. A list of the most useful accessible sources ofGreek and -Roman biography, both primary and secondiry, follows below. ,. In. securing qualified contributors who were willing, to undotake the necessary labors, the editor was most fortunate. Of those whose names appear on the title-page, Robert W. Smith of the. Department of Speech of Alma College, Michi- gan, provided by far the'greatestnumber of biographies, cov- ering_ the time from the accession of Augustus to the begin- nings of the Middle Ages. Ttien 'it was that rhetoricians proliferated as never before or since. Smith secured a limited number of contributions from other scholars; but most of the entries for the time of 'the Roman Empire are his. Peter D, Arnott of Classics and Drama at the University. of Iowa solicited or prepared the entries onthe Greek and Roman rhetoriCians to 30 B.C. For that period, Erling B. Holtsmark and Galen 0. Rowe of the Department of Classics atthe University of Iowa are major contributors of'entries. In ad- dition they reviewed, verified, and assistedhi editing the whole work. The editor gratefully ackndwledges hisobliga- tion for their generous and expert assistance. Responsibility for particular decisions on form and on incluSion and exclu- sion, however, is his. Authorship of entries is indicated 'by initials at the conclusion of each, and the names and identifi- cations are provided on page ix. In an abolute sense, we know, this little handbook does not add substantiely to the resources available to the specialist ,in ancient Greta and Roman studies. It should, however, greatly facilitate ready refernce. Even the wellw equipped we- cialist may find it incom enient to have, let us say, the Pauly:) ItVissowa always at his elbow. February 1968 . 1 I SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY* OF SOURCES OF 'BIOGRAPHY OF tREEK AND ROMAN RHEI oRICIANS The following bibliograi.thy is limited to those sources of.Greek and Roman biogiaiilm:al information genetall) mailable in standard works, both original and secondary, not including such ob%ious moilerp refcte.nLe winks as indiNidual 13iographies, the Encyc/upaedia Britanntca, the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Binglaphie Universelie, Ad t. Herenniian, De Ratione Dicendt 1Rhelorica ad Hcrenniurro Translated by Harry Caplan ICI; London and Cambridge (Mass). 1951. -:- Atkins, J. W. H. Literary Criticism in Antiquity. 2 vols. Cambridge. 1934. Aulus Genius. The Attic Nights of Aulus Genius. Translated by J. C. Rolfe. 3. sods. LCL. London and New York, 1927-28.. Ausonius, Dul-los Nfalnus. Ausonius [Epistles, Profesfors of Burdeau, Parentalia]. Translated by H. 6. E White. 2 }ols. LCL: London and New York, 1919-21.' Baldwin, Charles StarsAticient Rhetoric and Poetic, New York, i924, reprinted., Gloucester. Mass. 1959. edie-tal Rhetoric and Puetic New York, 1928kreprinted, Gloucester, Mass., 1959. :7?. ' Black Ernst. Lehibitch der Ceschichte der Romischen Littratur. licidabarg, 1937, 1961. Blass. Friedrich. Die Allische Bered%amkeit.fcols2(1 ed. Leipzig, 1887-98. Die Griechische Beredsamkeit in den Zeitraum vonAlexander bis auf Au- gushes. Berlin. 1865. Bonner, S F Roman Declamation In the Late- RePublic and Early Empire. Liver- pool, 1949.;, Bornecnue, HenriLesThclarnationsetlesD«lamatcurs d'aPres,Sene'quele Pere. Lille. 1902. Capes. W. W. UniverAy Life in Ancient Athens. London and New York, 1877. Cassius Dio Cocccianus [Dion Cassius]. Diu's Rorrian'Histor>. Translated by Earnest Cary, on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foster g vols. LCL. Lon- don and.:';ew York, 1914-27. Cicero. Brutus. de Claris Oratoribus. Edited by Otto Jahn. Leipzig. 1849, 2d ed., 1856.111(1 Wilhelm Kroll, Berlin, 1962. Brutus. Text with translation by G. L. Hendrickson. LCL: Cambridge (Mass.) and London,
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