Rotala indica
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- Eastern Mountains and Piedmont 2016 Regional Wetland Plant List
- Diss Title Pagecorrect
- Distribution Pattern and Multifarious Use of Weeds in Rice Agro-Ecosystems of Bhadrak District, Odisha, India
- Ranunculales Dumortier (1829) Menispermaceae A
- Rotala Rotundifolia)
- Rotala Ramosior (L.) Koehne Toothcup
- Diversity of Wetland Plants Used Traditionally in China: a Literature Review Zhang Et Al
- 1 Rahangdale S S, Rahangdale S R. Wetlands and Diversity Of
- Lythraceae.Pdf
- Nodal Anatomy in Some Species of Rotala L. (Lythraceae)
- A Molecular Phylogeny of the Lythraceae and Inference of the Evolution of Heterostyly
- Aquatic Plants, Their Uses and Risks
- Flora of China 13: 283–286. 2007. 8. ROTALA Linnaeus, Mant. Pl. 2: 143
- Index of Keywords
- Available Online at Foliar Epidermal Features and Their Taxonomic Significance in Rotala L. (Lyt
- Weed Risk Assessment for Rotala Wallichii (Hook. F.) Koehne (Lythraceae)
- Flora Malesiana Series I – Seed Plants