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- Respiratory Physiology
- Dead Space: the Physiology of Wasted Ventilation
- NMNEC Concept: Perfusion
- The Technique of Hypothermic Perfusion
- Effects of Body Position on Ventilation/Perfusion Matching
- Determinants of Blood Flow and Organ Perfusion
- Gas Exchange and Ventilation–Perfusion Relationships in the Lung
- Alterations in Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships in the Lung After
- Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury: from Barotrauma to Biotrauma
- KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury
- Regulation of Ventilation, Ventilation/ Perfusion Ratio, and Transport of Gases
- Summary Detecting Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Emergency
- Teaching Model for Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatching
- The Effects of Maldistribution on the Uptake and Distribution of Inert Gases in the Human Lung Ferruh Erturk Iowa State University
- Intertumoral Differences in Hypoxia Selectivity of the PET Imaging Agent 64Cu(II)-Diacetyl- Bis(N4-Methylthiosemicarbazone)
- A Brush with Near Drowning
- Pulmonary Physiology
- Akca O: Optimizing the Intraoperative