Panchayat (Nepal)
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- The Gurkha Conquests.Pdf
- The History of Ancient and Medieval Nepal
- Nepali Politics and the Rise of Jang Bahudur Rana, 1830
- The Royal Palace Massacre, Conspiracy Theories and Nepali Street Literature Michael Hutt
- Revisiting History in Language Policy: the Case of Medium of Instruction in Nepal
- Introduction
- Caste, Ethnic and Regional Identity in Nepal [FA58]
- Foreign Policy of Nepal
- Rural Development in Nepal : a Historical Perspective
- Regenerating Forests and Livelihoods in Nepal
- Nineteen Days in April: Urban Protest and Democracy in Nepal
- The Local Impact of Under-Realisation of the Lumbini 189
- Development Issues Raised During the “People's Movement” of 1990
- 1 the Destabilization and Abolition of the Shah Monarchy
- A Grammar of Yakkha
- Nepali Women in Politics: Success and Challenges
- 6. Book Reviews.Pmd
- The Missing Middle: Examining the Armed Group