Regmi Research (Private) Ltd Kathmandu: March 1, 1980. REGHI Rl�SEARCH SERIES Year 12, No. 3 Edited by Mc.cl1.esh C. Regmi Contents Page 1 • Trade and Commereial Taxation in Jumla ••• 33 2. Prithvi Narayan Shah's 4- Victory • • • 2 3. Pritam Shah.of Garhwal • • • 48 Regmi Research (Privat e) Ltd Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal Telephoneo � 1 6927 (For private study and research only; not meant for public sale, distribution, and display). Trade and Commercial 'i'axatiQ.!l.j.. n Jumla Trade Regu1 atJon§l__ _f_Q.t.Jiur;u Extracts from Thek-Thiti Settlement Order for Mugu Village, Shrawan fJadi 4, 1903 (July 18L1-6). Regmi Research CoJ.lectiot4 Vol 80, pp 253-254. ;'The ryots of the fifteen dar".s of Jumla customarily do not visit Patan (for trade). They shall observe this custom in the future also, and continue to trade in Mugu. ,ilf anybody clandestinely visits (:Fatan) from Mugu and Chhapakhola, yayments (dastur) shall-be collected from him at. the same rates as in the case of' Chhapa. i;People who visit the market (
[email protected])at f'lugu from Chhapa shall not be prevent,.;d fru.i1 doin:; so by the inhabitants of Mugu, Darma and Humla•. ·., . 11 Tm inhabitants of 1'i.'ugu shall allow those from Jumla to conduct t rade in the traditional manner and collect duties {phuru) at the c ustomary rates. They shall not make any collections in excess. .iThe inhabitants of i>�ugu shal?-- visit Tuduk for purposes of trade only Qnce (a year?) with the permission of the ..Jimmawal.