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- Imagining the Other. Orientalism and Occidentalism in Tamil-European Rela- Tions in South India
- Occidentalism: the West in the Eyes of Its Enemies by Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit, Atlantic Books, 2005, 176 Pp
- FARZIN VAHDAT God and Juggernaut: Iran's Intellectual
- Mobilizing Insurgent Pasts Toward Decolonial Futures
- Hassan Hanafi's Epistemology on Occidentalism
- Zionism, Demography and Democracy in Mandate Palestine
- Pariahs , Tricksters, and the Subversion of Modernity: the Decolonial Borderland Na
- Occidentalism at War: Al-Qaida's Resistance Rhetoric
- Nagai Kafu's Occidentalism
- 13 Decolonial Praxis and Epistemic Injustice
- Flourishing of Occidentalism in Iran After Cultural Revolution* İran Kültür Devrimi’Nden Sonra İran Oksidentalizm Canlanması
- Reading List
- THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of HUMANITIES Volume 27, Issue 3 (2020), Pages 1-99
- Occidentalism, Orientalism and National Identity an Epistemological Survey
- Occidentalism in Late Nineteenth Century Egypt Alaa Bayoumi
- Orientalism Revisited and Occidentalism Redefined in Post 9/11 Era
- A Brief History of Decolonial Studies
- Cultural Othering, Banal Occidentalism and the Discursive Construction of the ‘Greek Crisis’ in Global Media: a Case Study