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- Strategic Plan Sustainable Tourism and Green Jobs for Indonesia
- The Songket Motifs – the Design and Memory of the Malay People
- The Role of Unesco in Conserving Borobudur As World Cultural Heritage Site in 2011-2017
- Boosting Indonesia's Tourism Sector to Be Competitive
- The Case of Borobudur Temple
- An Axiological Study of Tumpal Batik Motif and Its Relevance to the Character Education
- The Material of Wawasan Nusantara As Indonesian Geopolitic Note and the Implementation in Islamic State University
- The Place of Nusantara in the Sanskritic Buddhist Cosmopolis
- Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan
- Improving Health of the Left-Behinds: the Case of Indonesia's Nusantara
- Download E-Brochure
- Penguatan Olahraga Pencak Silat Sebagai Warisan
- Diversity of Indonesian Soto Bara Yudhistira1* and Ani Fatmawati2
- The Sama Sama Dining Experience
- The History of Hinduism and Islam in Indonesia: a Review on Western Perspective
- 1 Bab I Pendahuluan
- Traces of Batik Rifa'iyah and the Women
- Prospektus Wisata Candi Penataran