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- Formal Ratification of the GSSP for the Base of the Calabrian Stage (Second Stage of the Pleistocene Series, Quaternary System)
- (GSSP) of the Tortonian Stage (Upper Miocene) at Monte Dei Corvi
- State of the Art
- Fungal Remains from Late Neogene Deposits at the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA
- Cenozoic Chronostratigraphic Terminology: in Defense of Formal Subseries
- Pliocene Mollusk Communities and the Neogene Atlas Instructor Guide by Andrielle Swaby
- The Correlation of the Neogene of Central and Eastern Paratethys Segments of Ukraine with the International Stratigraphic Chart Based on Planktonic Microfossils
- The Eocene-Oligocene Transition: a Review of Marine and Terrestrial Proxy Data, Models and Model-Data Comparisons David K
- Evolution of the Neogene-Pleistocene Basins of Macedonia
- The Standard Geologic Time Scale
- A Stable Cenozoic Geologic Time Scale Is Indispensable Amos Salvador
- Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene Chronostratigraphy: a Re-Evaluation of Mediterranean Type Sections
- Emergence of the Southeast Asian Islands As a Driver for Neogene
- The Cenozoic Era: Lyellian (Chrono)Stratigraphy and 9 Nomenclatural Reform at the Millennium
- Appendix 3. Age Table Data Dictionary
- Neogene Marine Mollusks of the Pacific Coast of North America: an Annotated Bibliography, 1797-1969
- Michilogic Time Line