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Late : New perspectives in high-resolution stratigraphy

W. A. Berggren Department of and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 F. J. Hilgen Institute of Earth , Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, The C. G. Langereis } D. V. Kent Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964 J. D. Obradovich Geology Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 80225 Isabella Raffi Facolta di Scienze MM.FF.NN, Universita ‘‘G. D’Annunzio’’, ‘‘Chieti’’, M. E. Raymo Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 N. J. Shackleton Godwin Laboratory of Research, Free School Lane, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 3RS, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT (, Italy), is located near the top of working group with the task of investigat- the Olduvai (C2n) Magnetic Polarity Sub- ing and resolving the disagreements in We an integrated with an estimated age of 1.81 the then-nascent late Neogene chronologic for late Neogene (, Pleisto- Ma. The 13 calcareous nannoplankton schemes being developed by means of as- cene, and Epochs) based on an and 48 planktonic foraminiferal datum tronomical/climatic proxies (Hilgen, 1987; analysis of data from stable , mag- events for the Pliocene, and 12 calcareous Hilgen and Langereis, 1988, 1989; Shackle- netostratigraphy, radiochronology, and cal- nannoplankton and 10 planktonic foram- ton et al., 1990) and the classical radiometric careous plankton . Dis- iniferal datum events for the , age calibration of the GPTS (Mankinen and crepancies between recently formulated are calibrated to the newly revised late Dalrymple, 1979). Accordingly, a working astronomical and magneto- Neogene astronomical/geomagnetic polar- group was established (refer to authorship chronologies for the 6 m.y. have been ity time scale. of this paper), assignments made, and the resolved on the basis of new, high-precision work initiated. The extended period re- Ar/Ar ages in the younger part of this in- INTRODUCTION quired to complete this work reflects the terval, the so-called Brunhes, Matuyama, intense activity in the field of Neogene and Gauss Epochs ( Chrons C1n–C2An; The past has witnessed a signifi- geochronology during the past 5 yr and, in ؍ 0–3.58 Ma), and revised analysis of sea cant improvement in the precision and ac- particular, resolution of the apparent dis- floor anomalies in the Pacific Ocean in the curacy of late Neogene geochronology. This crepancies between the astronomical time older part, the so-called Gilbert has been achieved through the merging of scale and GPTS in 1993. This resolution -Chron C2Ar–C3r; 3.58–5.89 Ma). The improved radiochronologic dating tech ؍) was achieved primarily by means of new, magneto- and astrochronologies are now niques and astronomical tuning methods high-precision Ar/Ar ages on the younger concordant back to the Chron C3r/C3An with the already familiar and classical boundary at 5.89 Ma. K-Ar method and geomagnetic polarity part of the stratigraphic interval treated The Neogene (, Pliocene, Pleisto- time scale (GPTS). The application of new here and by means of revised interpreta- cene, and Holocene) and are techniques to old problems in geochronol- tions of sea floor anomaly patterns in the treated here as period/ subdivisions ogy, however, has resulted in a paradox; Pacific Ocean in the older part of the Plio- of the /, replacements namely, discrepancies between radiomet- cene–Pleistocene record. for the antiquated terms and Qua- rically based and astronomically based In this paper we review the historical ternary. The boundary between the Miocene time scales for the later part of the Neo- framework and recent evolution of studies and Pliocene (/ gene. It is a consideration of these prob- in , isotopic radiochro- Stages), whose global section and lems (and their resolution) that forms the nology, and astrochronology on late Neo- point (GSSP) is currently proposed to be in focus of this paper. gene geochronology. We then discuss the , is located within the reversed interval This study resulted from a request in 1991 chronostratigraphic framework of the late just below the Thvera (C3n.4n) Magnetic by M. B. Cita (University of Milan and chair Neogene and conclude with a tabulation of Polarity Subchronozone with an estimated of the International Union of Geological regional and global biostratigraphic datum age of 5.32 Ma. The Pliocene/Pleistocene Sciences Subcommission on Neogene Stra- events that have been calibrated to the newly boundary, whose GSSP is located at Vrica tigraphy) to one of us (Berggren) to chair a proposed astro-magneto-radiochronology.

GSA Bulletin; November 1995; v. 107; no. 11; p. 1272–1287; 5 figures; 6 tables.



When the first deep-sea sediment ␦18O records were presented by Emiliani (1955), he proposed that the quasi-cyclic variations in ␦18O were due to astronomical forcing at the 41 000 yr tilt frequency. Although this has proven to be the case for the interval prior to 1 m.y. B.P. (Pisias and Moore, 1981; Ruddiman et al., 1986), better time control (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973; Hays et al., 1976) demonstrated that climate records since then have been dominated by a 100 000 yr cycle, although the shorter orbital cycles of tilt and precession are also pre- served. The first step toward astrochronol- ogy was taken by Hays et al. (1976), who proposed that a modest adjustment to their initial time scale, well within geological con- straints, would bring the peak variance of the obliquity cycles to exactly the same fre- quency calculated for obliquity by astro- physicists (i.e., 41 000 yr). Moreover, after making this adjustment they found im- proved agreement between the shorter cy- cles and the orbital precessional frequencies at 19 000 and 23 000 yr. Thus, the method of ‘‘tuning’’ time scales was established. By the middle 1980s, the large number of isotope records that had been gen- erated were being used to further refine the ‘‘orbital’’ time scale (Prell et al., 1986; Pisias et al., 1984; Imbrie et al. 1984; Martinson et al., 1987), which, for the past 300 000 yr, was proposed to be accurate to within 5000 yr (Martinson et al., 1987). The astronomically calibrated time scale was extended to ca. 800 000 yr B.P., still without generating any conflict with published geological con- straints (Imbrie et al., 1984). These time scales proved extremely popular because they proposed ages for many characteristic features of the ␦18O record that are easily recognizable in deep-sea Figure 1. Oxygen isotope records from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 552A and 607, and records (e.g., isotopic stages; Fig. 1). Ocean Drilling Program Site 677, for the interval spanning isotope stages 24–35. Shaded Initial attempts at extending the orbital intervals indicate depth range within which the Jaramillo magnetic reversals (top and chronology back to the Pliocene (Pisias and bottom) fall in Sites 552 and 607 (after Shackleton et al., 1990). Moore, 1981; Williams et al., 1988) were hampered by the relatively poor quality of the available core material. The develop- lated the ages of magnetic reversals back to reversals (Shackleton et al., 1990; hereafter ment of the hydraulic piston corer by the the top of the Gauss Chron. Once again, the SBP90). In favor of the SBP90 time scale Deep Sea Drilling Project, which allowed study posed no serious conflicts with prior was the significant improvement in the co- the recovery of continuous, high-sedimenta- radioisotopic estimates other than a signif- herency of the planktonic isotopic records tion-rate sections, led to the generation of icantly shorter Olduvai (170 000 yr as with the highly modulated record of orbital continuous, high-resolution isotopic records compared with the published of precession. Hilgen (1991a), simultaneously back to the middle Pliocene (and by now 220 000 yr). examining Pliocene sedimentary sections in back to the Miocene). Using a continuous Shortly after this, a ‘‘radical’’ orbital time southern Italy, also proposed an astronom- and orbitally tuned ␦18O record from Deep scale was proposed, which required a signif- ical chronology with the age of the Matu- Sea Drilling Project Site 607, Ruddiman et icant (Ϸ6%) adjustment to the published yama/Gauss boundary 6% older than the ac- al. (1989) and Raymo et al. (1989) recalcu- ages of the Pliocene–Pleistocene magnetic cepted value.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1273 BERGGREN ET AL.

The orbitally tuned time scale of SBP90 duced variations in climate (e.g., Ryan, was based on the premise that one can cor- 1972; Cita et al., 1978; Vergnaud-Grazzini et relate specific cycles in ␦18O records to spe- al., 1977; Calvert, 1983; Rossignol-Strick, cific well-dated orbital variations. The great- 1983; Thunell et al., 1984; Rohling and est potential for error in such an exercise Gieskes, 1989). arises from the possibility that one might not In southern Italy, sapropel-bearing se- recognize all the orbitally forced ‘‘cycles’’ in quences are found in the upper Pliocene– the sedimentary record, either because of lower Pleistocene Narbone Formation natural sedimentation rate perturbations (Fig. 2). As in upper Pleistocene piston or because of a hiatus due to natural causes cores, sapropels in the Narbone Formation or the coring process. The possibility of are not distributed evenly in the stratigraph- overlooking a cycle increases in the older ic record but occur in clusters on various sections where fewer high-resolution records scales: large-scale clusters commonly com- exist for intercomparison. By concentrating prise several (two to three) small-scale clus- on two records which had been double- ters that in turn contain one to four individ- cored, SBP90 were able to avoid problems ual sapropels. The Narbone Formation is due to drilling. Detailed comparisons be- underlain by the rhythmically bedded marls tween the two isotope records, one from the of the lower Pliocene Trubi Formation. The Pacific and one from the , suggested conspicuous rhythmic bedding in the Trubi that neither of the cores had any obvious consists mainly of quadripartite depositional hiatuses above 2.6 Ma. sequences displaying a distinct gray-white- To correlate the isotopic climatic cycles to beige-white color layering, with the gray and orbital cycles, SBP90 first established that beige beds being less indurated and CaCO3- the 0.9 m cycle and the 1.6 m cycles apparent poor. In addition to these small-scale color in the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site cycles, larger-scale cycles are easily distin- 677 isotopic record reflected variations in guished by the regular recurrence of rela- climate at the precessional and obliquity fre- scale results in a downward (older) revision tively thick, indurated and CaCO -rich quencies. The 0.9 m cycles were most obvi- of ages (by Ϸ5%–7%) for the magnetic re- 3 intervals. ous in the planktonic ␦18O record (Fig. 1D), versals, biostratigraphic datums, and oxygen Although it had been suggested that these presumably because they reflect sea-surface isotopic stages contained within the strati- bedding cycles were connected with the temperature or precipitation variations at graphic record of the past 3.5 m.y. In par- Earth’s orbital cycles (Meulenkamp et al., the equator, a region where precession dom- ticular, one can use oxygen isotope stratig- 1979), the inferred astronomical forcing and inates incoming solar radiation. As the pre- raphy to identify the stratigraphic level of its potential geochronological application cessional signal is strongly modulated by ec- magnetic reversals in cores without mag- had never been studied systematically. Two centricity, SBP90 focused on extracting and netic data (e.g. the Jaramillo Subchron in correlating this component of the plank- Fig. 1; Table 1). Clearly, the assignment of main factors contributed to this disregard: tonic isotopic record to the inferred orbital accurate ages to the characteristic features the lack of a sufficiently long and continuous forcing. The correlation was made by match- of the global ␦18O record provides an alter- rhythmically bedded sequence, and the lack ing the modulation of the isotopic record at native, extremely high-resolution correla- of an accurate (first-order) time-stratigraph- this frequency, determined by statistically tion and dating tool for researchers working ic framework. The first of these problems filtering the data, to that observed in the with Pliocene–Pleistocene marine sediments. was solved by field-stratigraphic surveys in precessional signal (see SBP90 for detailed the Capo Rossello area and in Calabria, discussion of the methodology). This strat- CYCLOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE which identified a continuous composite se- egy clearly was better than working with the MEDITERRANEAN quence of the Trubi and the lowermost part benthic isotope records (Figs. 1A–1C), of the Narbone Formation (Hilgen, 1987, which are dominated by the poorly modu- In the Mediterranean region similar work 1990). lated obliquity signal. While it is fairly was being carried out by Hilgen (1991a). In The problem was resolved by a straightforward to identify obliquity cycles, that basin, sedimentary cycles occur fre- magnetostratigraphic study of the new Ros- it is difficult, without the benefit of a strongly quently and are widespread in the marine sello composite section, which showed that modulated signal, to be certain of the exact sequences of the Neogene Period. They in- the Trubi and lower part of the Narbone match into the orbital obliquity record. clude a wide variety of rock types such as Formation range in age from the oldest re- By using the coherency of the preces- marl-limestone alternations, sapropels, di- versed subchron of the Gilbert Chron to the sional signal as their guide, SBP90 were able atomites, and even turbidites and evaporites oldest reversed subchron of the Matuyama to show that the previous orbital chronology (e.g. Ryan, 1972; Vai and Ricci Lucchi, Chron (Langereis and Hilgen, 1991). The of Ruddiman et al. (1989) missed identifying 1977; McKenzie et al., 1979; Meulenkamp et upper part of the Narbone Formation as two obliquity cycles in the early Brunhes and al., 1979; Hilgen, 1987; Rio et al., 1989; exposed in the Singa and Vrica sections sections of the record, in Postma et al., 1993; Weltje and de Boer, (Calabria) ranges in age from the youngest part because they accepted the literature 1993). These sedimentary cycles, in partic- normal subchron of the Gauss Chron to age for the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary as ular the sapropel record of the upper Pleis- younger than the Olduvai Subchron (Tauxe being essentially correct. The SBP90 time tocene, are also linked to astronomically in- et al., 1983; Zijderveld et al., 1991).

1274 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 LATE NEOGENE CHRONOLOGY

The continuous and magnetostratigraph- ically controlled composite sequence of cyclically bedded marine sediments of the Trubi and Narbone Formations served as a starting point for constructing an astronom- ically tuned time scale. The observation that

periodicities of CaCO3 cycles in the Trubi differ consistently from periodicities of the astronomical cycles (Berger and Loutre, 1991) if the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Berggren et al. (1985a, 1985b) was used (Hilgen and Langereis, 1989) gave further impetus to this attempt. The astronomically calibrated time scale was constructed in two steps. First, the up- per Pliocene–lower Pleistocene sapropel se- quences were correlated to the orbital time series. Phase relations between sapropel and astronomical cycles were established by tying the youngest sapropels of late Pleisto- cene age to the astronomical record. This procedure revealed that individual sapro- pels correlate with minima of the precession index and that small-scale and large-scale sapropel clusters correspond to eccentricity maxima at 100 and 400 ka, respectively. These phase relations were used to calibrate the older sapropels in our land sections to the astronomical record (Hilgen, 1991a; Hil- gen et al., 1993; see also Fig. 2). Because these sapropels remain restricted to the up-

per Pliocene–lower Pleistocene, the CaCO3 cycles of the Trubi (lower Pliocene) were employed to extend the time scale back to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary (see Hil- gen, 1991b, for discussion of methodology). Accepting the accuracy of the astronomical solution of Berger and Loutre (1991), this calibration of sedimentary cycles dates all

sapropels and CaCO3 cycles with an accu- racy of Ϸ1–2 k.y., assuming a time lag of 3 k.y. between orbital forcing and maximum climate response (e.g., sapropel formation). The presence of high-resolution mag- netostratigraphic and biostratigraphic records in all sections meant that all bioevents and polarity reversals, from the top of the Oldu- vai Submagnetozone down to the bottom of the Thvera Submagnetozone, could be dated with a similar accuracy (of 5–10 k.y.; see Table 2). Astronomical ages were fur- ther obtained for the Pliocene/Pleistocene and Miocene/Pliocene boundaries. All ages were significantly older than ages given by Figure 2. Astronomical calibration of sapropels in the Narbone Formation (modified earlier time scales based on radiometric dat- after Hilgen, 1991a). Sapropel codifications after Selli et al. (1977) and Verhallen (1987) ing; however, they were in essential agree- for the Vrica and Singa sections, respectively. Astronomical time series after solution ment with the astronomically derived ages BER90 (Berger and Loutre, 1991). Note that a detailed study of the Gauss/Matuyama of SBP90. (Note that high-resolution studies boundary has led to a slight revision of the initial astronomical age for this reversal of the polarity transitions in these sediments (Langereis et al., 1994), which is adopted here. revealed a in establishing the

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1275 BERGGREN ET AL.


Polarity chron and subchron* Isotopic Geomagnetic Astronomical Isotopic Spline fit Isotopic Astroisomagnetic BKV (3) C&K (10) O&I (11) SHCK (12) M&D (1)† McD (2) S (4) H (5) B (6) W (7) McD (8) T (9) Brunhes 0.73 0.72 0.73 0.78 0.783 Ͼ0.75 0.780 0.75 0.780 0.78 0.78 Jaramillo (N) T 0.90 0.89 0.91 0.99 Ͼ0.99 0.915 0.992 0.984 Ͼ0.955 0.99 B 0.97 0.94 0.98 1.07 1.010 1.049 Ͼ1.00 1.07 Cobb Mtn (N) T 1.10 (mid) 1.201 1.21 1.21 B 1.19 1.212 1.24 1.24 Olduvai (N) T 1.67 1.76 1.66 1.77 1.79 1.78 1.757 1.77 B 1.87 1.91 1.88 1.95 1.95 1.98–2.01 1.96 1.983 Ͼ1.96 1.95

Matuyama Reunion II (N) T 2.01 2.07 2.14 2.11–2.13 2.11 2.11 2.14 B 2.04 2.15 2.11–2.15 2.15 2.15 Reunion I (N) T 2.12 2.19 2.197 B 2.14 2.27 2.229 Ͼ2.18 2.48 2.47 2.47 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.600 2.58 Kaena (R) T 2.92 2.91 2.92 3.04 3.04 3.02 3.054 3.04 B 3.01 3.00 2.99 3.11 3.10 3.09 3.127 3.11 (R) T 3.05 3.07 3.08 3.22 3.21 3.21 3.221 3.22 Gauss B 3.15 3.17 3.18 3.33 3.30 3.29 3.325 3.33 3.40 3.41 3.40 3.58 3.57 3.553 3.58 Cochiti (N) T 3.80 3.82 3.88 4.18 4.033 4.18 B 3.90 3.92 3.97 4.29 4.124 4.29 Nunivak (N) T 4.05 4.07 4.10 4.48 4.265 4.48 B 4.20 4.25 4.24 4.62 4.432 4.62 Sidufjall (N) T 4.32 4.44 4.40 4.80 4.611 4.80 Gilbert B 4.47 4.57 4.47 4.89 4.694 4.89 Thvera (N) T 4.85 4.72 4.57 4.98 4.812 4.98 B 5.00 4.94 4.77 5.23 5.046 5.23 5.44 5.35 5.89 C3An

Note: Comparison of age estimates for chron and subchron boundaries based on isotopic data, astronomical calibration, and cubic spline fit to sea-floor spreading magnetic anomalies. The specific (post-1979) studies cited are listed. Note that the number of Reunion events remains uncertain. The younger event, termed Reunion II, is now well dated and, in deep-sea records, is con- sistently found in oxygen isotope 81. It probably corresponds to the W-event in seafloor anomaly profiles. Cande and Kent (1992) obtained an age of 2.197–2.229 Ma for W, labeled Reunion I in the present table because of its discrepant age as compared with Reunion II; however, recalculation using linear interpolation and the astronomical ages for base Olduvai and G/M boundary yields an age of 2.169–2.202 Ma, making it virtually indistinguishable from the Reunion II. At present no consistent data set exists for an older Reunion event. *N ϭ normal, R ϭ reversed, T ϭ top, B ϭ bottom. †References: M&D (1), Mankinen and Dalrymple (1979) and Mankinen and Gromme (1982); McD (2), McDougall (1979); BKV (3), Berggren et al. (1985a); S (4), Shackleton et al. (1990); H (5), Hilgen (1991a, 1991b); B (6), Baksi et al. (1992, 1993); W (7), Walter et al. (1991, 1992) and Renne et al. (1992); McD (8), Spell and McDougall (1992) and McDougall et al. (1992); T (9), Tauxe et al. (1992); C&K (10), Cande and Kent (1992), O&I (11), Izett and Obradovich (1991, 1992), Obradovich and Izett (1992), Obradovich et al. (in press); SHCK (12), this work.

exact position, and thus age, of reversal of isotopic data related to rocks having spe- Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (0.78 versus boundaries [Linssen, 1988; Van Hoof and cific polarity signatures. Subsequent geo- 0.73 Ma) but, in combination with the study Langereis, 1991, 1992; Van Hoof et al., magnetic polarity time scales (Berggren et of Hilgen and Langeris (1989), questioned 1993; Langereis et al., 1994]. It appears that al., 1985a, 1985b; Harland et al., 1982, 1990) the correctness of all ages for chron and sub- the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field have used the Mankinen and Dalrymple chron boundaries during the past 5.0 m.y. [e.g., following a reversal] still can be im- GPTS as an integral part of their late Ce- At the time, it was difficult for the geo- printed at a considerable depth, 1–1.5 m be- nozoic studies. Johnson (1982) was the first chronological community to perceive of any low the sediment-water interface. This arti- to suggest that the radiometrically deter- mechanism that could consistently bias the fact, presumably related to recurrent and mined age of the Brunhes-Matuyama bound- isotopically derived ages by 5%–7% over a cyclic redox conditions [early diagenesis], ary was incorrect. By correlating major gla- period of Ͼ5 m.y. (Shackleton et al., 1990; implies that astronomical ages for polarity cial extremes (␦18O minima) to major Hilgen, 1991a and 1991b). Explanations for reversals in the Trubi may be too old by 5–10 insolation minima, he arrived at an esti- the consistent age discrepancies ranged k.y. This would slightly reduce but still not mated age of 0.79 Ma, in contrast to the age from imprecision of individual age determi- explain the age discrepancies between as- of 0.73 Ma reported for this boundary (Man- nations, to diffusive loss of radiogenic argon, tronomically calibrated and conventional kinen and Dalrymple, 1979). This article was to inadequately known decay constants. The [K/Ar] datings of the polarity reversals.) largely ignored by the geochronological last was readily dismissed, because the cur- community; however, Shackleton et al. rent estimate of the error for the decay con- Isotopic Radiochronology (1990) again raised the issue when they pro- stant of 40KisϽ0.5% (Gale, 1982). As posed a new astronomical calibration of the Ͼ90% of the data utilized by Mankinen and The GPTS of Mankinen and Dalrymple early Pleistocene time scale. Not only did Dalrymple are from whole-rock basalts and (1979) represents the latest major synthesis this time scale challenge the age of the andesites, a more likely possibility was sys-

1276 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 LATE NEOGENE CHRONOLOGY tematic loss of argon from the glassy matrix umn 12 in Table 2). What is evident from estimates for the reversal boundaries be- (the site of the bulk of the potassium) or a this compilation is that all reversal bound- tween the Brunhes/Matuyama (0.73 Ma), loss due to unrecognizable alteration. In this aries for the past 5 m.y. given in Mankinen Matuyama/Gauss (2.47 Ma), and Gauss/Gil- case, all of the data would have to be ques- and Dalrymple (1979) and McDougall bert (3.40 Ma) Chrons. These estimates tioned despite great efforts made to provide (1979) are too young and that the new 40Ar- have been used widely for Pliocene–Pleisto- criteria by which suitable whole-rock sam- 39Ar ages are in general agreement with the cene , and the age of the ples could be selected (Dalrymple and Lan- astronomically calibrated scale. Gauss/Gilbert boundary has been, until very phere, 1969; McDougall, 1971). Likewise, This brings into question the overall ac- recently, a critical calibration point for vir- diffusive loss of argon from sanidine as well curacy of conventional K-Ar ages on whole- tually all geomagnetic polarity time scales as biotite and plagioclase minerals also rock basalt and andesite samples. Despite based on marine magnetic anomalies since seemed an untenable explanation as diffu- earlier statements by one of us (Obrado- the classic study of Heirtzler et al. (1968). 40 sion studies on sanidine yielded high activa- vich), loss of radiogenic Ar has taken place In contrast to on land, continuous tion energies (Fetchig and Kalbitzer, 1966; in these whole-rock samples either as a re- high-resolution records of geomagnetic - 40 Musset, 1969). It was McDowell (1983) who sult of diffusion or alteration. Until Ar- larity can be obtained from the magne- 39 first suggested, but did not prove conclu- Ar incremental heating studies are carried tostratigraphy of deep-sea sediments and sively, that it was difficult to totally degas out on most of the whole-rock samples mak- from sea-floor spreading magnetic anoma- sanidine, leading to an underestimated age. ing up the database of Mankinen and Dal- lies. Magnetostratigraphy allows direct cor- Deino et al. (1989) later demonstrated that rymple, however, it will be difficult to decide relation of biostratigraphy with the reversal this resulted in young ages for nine sanidine the intrinsic value of any one data point, par- sequence necessary for the construction of samples employed by Mankinen and Dal- ticularly in those intervals having a large integrated geologic time scales. The validity 40 39 rymple (1979). When Ar- Ar ages were number of reversal events. Finally, some dif- of the marine magnetic anomaly record is compared to conventional K-Ar ages on ferences between the new isotopically and 40 39 established by the high redundancy of data sanidine, the Ar- Ar ages were invariably astronomically calibrated time scales cannot available from the various ridge systems in older, some by as much as 20%, al- be explained by a bias resulting from cali- the global ocean. Indeed, the geomagnetic though 5%–10% would be more in keeping bration errors in the isotopic data. For in- polarity sequence inferred from sea-floor with the experience of one of us (Obrado- stance, the ages for the Cobb Mountain Sub- spreading magnetic anomalies has effec- vich). Further, as the constraining ages on chron and the base of the Olduvai deviate tively become the standard reference for the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and the far more than would be expected given the geomagnetic reversals extending back to the Jaramillo Subchron were based on sanidine, resolution attributed to the astronomical ap- Period. However, the high-resolu- this implied that the time scale of Mankinen proach (Ϸ5 k.y.). tion sequence ob- and Dalrymple was indeed biased toward tained by these methods must be calibrated young ages. A New Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale in time using some independent source of The first 40Ar-39Ar studies (Izett and Ob- age information. radovich, 1991) on sanidine from the nor- Age estimates of geomagnetic polarity re- In comparison with the frequency of geo- mally magnetized Bishop Tuff (middle Pleis- versals during Pliocene and Pleistocene time tocene) increased the age determination have been based traditionally on paired magnetic reversals, there have been rela- from 0.74 Ma (Izett et al., 1988) to 0.77–0.78 K-Ar age and magnetization polarity deter- tively few reliable, analytically precise, and Ma (the age determination depends on the minations on lavas distributed more or less stratigraphically well-controlled radiometric choice of age for the irradiation monitor). at random in time and . The initial im- dates available to establish a chronology. At the same time, Baksi et al. (1992) dem- petus for this approach was to test the hy- Oceanic basalts, the source of the magnetic onstrated an 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of 0.78 pothesis of self-reversal as an explanation anomalies, are notoriously difficult to Ma in whole-rock basalt samples with tran- for reversed magnetizations in rocks, a lo- radiometrically, and datable horizons in sitional polarity from Maui, Hawaii. These calized phenomenon that would not be ex- magnetostratigraphic sections have been re- 40Ar-39Ar age estimates for the Brunhes/ pected to produce a globally consistent tem- ported infrequently—hence the need for in- Matuyama boundary were in much closer poral distribution of magnetic polarities terpolation between selected calibration da- agreement with those proposed by Johnson (e.g., Cox et al., 1963, 1964). This method- tums that have been correlated to the (1982) and Shackleton et al. (1990). ology for the construction of a GPTS is lim- characteristic reversal pattern. For example, These initial results spurred a flurry of ac- ited by the nonuniform age distribution of Cande and Kent (1992) used nine calibra- tivity in which the Jaramillo, Cobb Moun- the K-Ar and polarity data as well as by the tion tie points plus the origin for fitting a tain, Olduvai, Reunion, Kaena, and Mam- accuracy and precision of the K-Ar radio- cubic spline to a revised magnetic anomaly moth Subchrons and the Matuyama-Gauss metric ages themselves. To minimize these sequence in the South Atlantic, to derive a and Gauss-Gilbert Chron boundaries were problems, Cox and Dalrymple (1967) intro- GPTS (CK92) consisting of 181 reversals investigated. For sake of brevity these recent duced the chronogram method in which the during the past 83 m.y.. The calibration studies are summarized in Table 2 along most likely age of a reversal is that which points that served to constrain the Pliocene– with the pertinent citations. Also included minimizes the apparent inconsistency in a Pleistocene portion of CK92 are the zero- for comparison are the GPTS of Berggren et population of dated lavas of known polarity. age ridge axis, 0.78 Ma for the older end of al. (1985a, 1985b), the relevant portion of In the most recent comprehensive analy- the central anomaly (Chron C1n; Brunhes/ the magnetic anomaly time scale of Cande sis of the K-Ar/polarity data set for the past Matuyama boundary), 2.60 Ma for the and Kent (1992), and the astronomically 5 m.y., Mankinen and Dalrymple (1979) younger end of anomaly 2A (Chron C2An; based chronology adopted in this paper (col- used the chronogram method to provide age Matuyama/Gauss boundary), and 14.8 Ma

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1277 BERGGREN ET AL.

Matuyama/Gauss (2.60 Ma) boundaries in CK92 were based on these astrochronologic estimates. A significant difference, however, occurs in the Gilbert Chron, where astro- chronology suggests ages for the subdivi- sions of Chron C3n (Cochiti, Nunivak, Sidufjall, and Thvera Subchrons) that are systematically 150–180 k.y. older than the ages inferred from cubic spline interpolation in CK92 (Fig. 3). The problem evidently lies in the interval between the base of the Gauss (Chron C2An), for which there is good agreement (within 30 k.y.) between the chronologies, and the top of the Cochiti (C3n.1n) Subchron, where the discrepancy suddenly becomes 147 k.y. It is now appar- ent that the magnetic anomaly sequence for this interval used by Cande and Kent (1992) is the likely source of the problem. This was demonstrated by Wilson (1993), who showed that the astrochronology gives a more con- sistent spreading when applied to a set of revised spacings of anomalies on the Cocos-Nazca and other Pacific spreading ridges. The success of the continuous chronology provided by the astronomical time scale means that it is not necessary to interpolate between a few discrete dated levels to con- struct a geomagnetic polarity time scale for this interval. Instead, the ages of reversals in Figure 3. Ages of geomagnetic reversals determined from astrochronology (Shackleton the interval where astrochronology has been et al., 1990; Hilgen, 1991b) compared to magnetochronology (Cande and Kent, 1992). developed and confirmed simply become Doubled circles are calibration points from astrochronology that were used in the mag- equivalent to the astrochronological values, netochronology of CK92. Chron boundaries indicated; subchron boundaries are J, Jara- thereby avoiding the promulgation of sepa- millo; O, Olduvai; R, Reunion; M, Mammoth; K, Kaena; C, Cochiti; N, Nunivak; S, Siduf- rate time scales. Astrochronological esti- jall; and T, Thvera. mates for geomagnetic reversals back to the base of the Thvera Subchron are presented in Table 2 (Shackleton et al.; 1990 Hilgen, for the younger end of anomaly 5B (Chron through the Thvera (C3n.4n) Subchron in 1991b). Older than the Thvera Subchron, in- C5Bn). the early part of the Gilbert Epoch (Gilbert terpolation using marine magnetic anoma- As described earlier, a new approach to Chron herein). Over the interval of overlap, lies is still necessary (Cande and Kent, geochronology has been to date high-reso- there is excellent agreement in the ages de- 1995). This procedure gives a predicted age lution climate records by assuming that their rived from these independent sets of data, of 5.894 Ma for the base of the Gilbert characteristic variability is related to well- ages which have recently been confirmed by (Chron C3r/C3An boundary). This interpo- known variations in Earth’s orbital param- high-precision 40Ar-39Ar dating (e.g., Baksi lated age compares favorably with a tenta- eters. Unlike discrete radiometric dates, et al., 1992; Tauxe et al., 1992; Walter et al., tive astronomical estimate of 5.882 Ma for which require interpolation using sedimen- 1991; Renne et al., 1993); however, 40Ar- this level based on results from ODP Leg tation or spreading rates, the astrochrono- 39Ar dates generally provide younger age es- 138 Site 852 (Shackleton et al., in press). logic method can effectively provide a con- timates than conventional K-Ar dates for tinuum of independent age control; the the earlier Cenozoic (e.g., Berggren et al., A NEW GLOBAL HIGH-RESOLUTION precision is effectively a function of the 1992; Cande and Kent, 1992), opposite of BIOSTRATIGRAPHY shortest Milankovitch orbital variation (Ϸ20 the trend in the Pliocene and Pleistocene. k.y. precession cycle), and the accuracy de- A comparison of the astrochronology of In this section we delineate the main bio- pends on how reliably one can calculate or- Shackleton et al. (1990) and Hilgen (1991b) stratigraphic datum events of the late Neo- bital parameters back in time. As described with the GPTS of Cande and Kent (1992) gene in a series of tables. All da- above, Shackleton et al. (1990) developed shows good agreement back to the base of tum events have been recalibrated to the an astrochronologic time scale to the level the Gauss (Fig. 3). This is, of course, not new GPTS of Cande and Kent (1995), which of the Gauss/Matuyama boundary. Hilgen unexpected because the calibration points is identical to the astronomical time scale of (1991b) extended the astrochronology at the Brunhes/Matuyama (0.78 Ma) and Shackleton et al. (1990) and Hilgen (1991a,

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1991b). The ages of these datums differ slightly, but significantly in some instances, from the chronology in Berggren et al. (1985a and 1985b). In Tables 3 and 4 age calibrations of Plio- cene and Pleistocene calcareous nanno- plankton global datum events are reported with their position versus the GPTS and sta- ble isotope stratigraphy (references from Thierstein et al., 1977; Backman and Shack- leton, 1983; Haq and Takayama, 1984; Berg- gren et al., 1985a; Backman and Pestiaux, 1987; Rio et al., 1990; Raffi et al., in press). These events are evolutionary appearances (first appearance datums, or FADs) and (last appearance datums, or LADs), and events caused by environmental changes such as fluctuations in presence and abundance of taxa (increase, acme, domi- nance, absence) and migrations (first occur- rences, or FOs, and last occurrences, or LOs) in different biogeographic provinces. These events are reliable (reproducible in different sequences and among different au- thors), distinct, and easily recognized (ap- pearance datums of taxa with unambiguous taxonomic definition). Bioevents excluded from this list are those with regional value (recorded and calibrated in restricted ar- eas), events calibrated with no spatial accu- racy (i.e., in a single locality), or events with uncertain biochronologic evaluations. For some of the taxa listed in Tables 3 and 4 a nonisochronous appearance datum (FAD or LAD) has been proved. Examples are: (1) the rugosus FAD, which in oce- anic areas occurs within the Thvera Sub- chron (Haq and Takayama, 1984), while in the Mediterranean is placed at the top of the Nunivak Subchron (Rio et al., 1990); (2) the Helicosphaera sellii LAD, diachronous with latitude in open-ocean sediments (Backman and Shackleton, 1983); (3) reentry of medi- um-size Gepyrocapsa spp., time transgres- sive between the low-latitude sections and the middle- to high-latitude sections (Raffi et al., 1993); and (4) the increase in abun- dance of E. huxleyi (reversal of dominance between G. carribeanica and E. huxleyi), time transgressive between tropical subtrop- ical waters and transitional waters (Thier- stein et al., 1977). The numerous nannofossil datums result from rapid evolutionary turnover during the climatically unstable Pliocene and Pleisto- cene and provide a detailed biostratigraphic framework for this time interval. This set of calibrated bioevents, transformed to bio- chronologic datums, provides a high degree of stratigraphic resolution in the marine

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1279 BERGGREN ET AL. record (Ϸ0.3 m.y. in the Pliocene and 0.2 m.y. in the Pleistocene). Some of the Plio- cene bioevents of Table 3 have been recog- nized in the Mediterranean only (Rio et al., 1990) and are included because the standard Pliocene–Pleistocene chronostratigraphic (stage) units are defined in this region. These datums, together with planktonic fo- raminifera datums, provide an integrated biochronologic framework allowing reeval- uation of the biostratigraphy and age of stra- totype sections in the Pliocene and Pleisto- cene Series (Driever, 1988; Rio et al., 1991, in press). Within this biochronologic framework, calcareous nannofossils represent the basic tool for long-distance correlations. Many of the nannofossil events are reasonably isoch- ronous within widely separated areas, in- cluding the Mediterranean. They occur in the same isotope stage, within the same short magnetozone, or have the same rela- tive spacing with respect to magnetozones. In particular, all but one of the Pleistocene nannofossil events appear isochronous be- tween the Mediterranean and low- and mid- dle-latitude oceanic areas (assuming 50 k.y. as a limit of isochrony; Raffi et al., 1993). The biochronology of planktonic forami- niferal taxa used for biostratigraphic subdi- vision and correlation in the Pliocene and Pleistocene are listed in Tables 5 and 6, re- spectively. We note datum events that are restricted to the Mediterranean. Data tab- ulated in Berggren et al. (1985a) and be- lieved to be still valid are cited from that source. Data developed since then come from various sources such as Dowsett (1988) for global occurrences, Weaver and Clem- ent (1987) and Raymo et al. (1989) for the North Atlantic, Joyce et al. (1990) for the Gulf of Mexico, Srinivasan and Sinha (1993) and Chaproniere et al. (1994) for the Indo- Pacific, and Rio et al. (1990), Langereis and Hilgen (1991), and Zijderveld et al. (1991) for the Mediterranean. Finally, a Pliocene– Pleistocene (sub)tropical planktonic foram- iniferal biostratigraphic zonation and mag- netobiochronology, based on this and a related study (Berggren et al., 1995), is pre- sented (Figs. 4 and 5). The standard calcar- eous nannofossil zonal schemes are cali- brated to this chronology, also.

Pliocene–Pleistocene Chronostratigraphic Framework

Geochronologic history, no matter how plausible and internally self-consistent, is still subject to stratigraphic cross examina-

1280 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 LATE NEOGENE CHRONOLOGY

time scale (e.g., Berggren et al., 1985a, 1985b; see discussion below). In the section below we review the present status of late Neogene (Pliocene and Pleistocene) chro- nostratigraphy, with particular reference to the epoch/series boundaries. The Neogene (Ho¨rnes, 1853, 1864), like its counterpart, Paleogene (Naumann, 1858), was originally used in a biostratigraph- ic, rather than chronostratigraphic sense. These terms were introduced to character- ize the and floras of the Cenozoic Era. The Neogene was originally created to characterize the faunal (particularly mollus- can) and floral changes that denote the mid- dle part of the Cenozoic (beginning, but not clearly delimited, at the /Miocene boundary) and that continue to the present . In the course of preparing a monograph on the molluscan of the Vienna Basin, Ho¨rnes noted that Miocene and Pliocene faunas exhibited a closer relationship to each other than with those of the , sensu Lyell (he did not recognize a separate Oligocene or Pleistocene at the time). In creating the term Neogene,Ho¨rnes (1853, 1864) referred to the biostratigraphic sub- division of the Tertiary and Quaternary made by the Austrian paleontologist Bronn (1838). Bronn’s fifth period (termed the Mo- lasse Gebirge) was subdivided into three tion. Thus the Neogene, as a biochron, is Neogene age, whether in the deep sea or in groups (termed the Molasse Gruppen). The framed in the biostratigraphy of the Medi- land sections, must be conveyed if such in- first was equated with Lyell’s Eocene Epoch. terranean region (Lyell, 1833, 1839, 1857) formation is to have more than provincial The second group, the Molasse Group and it is to this biostratigraphy that infor- significance. The means of conveyance is proper, included the Miocene and Pliocene mation from stratigraphic sequences of geochronology in the form of a Neogene Epochs sensu Lyell. The Miocene and Plio- cene were treated as subunits within the sec- ond group and referred to as the untere Abtheilung and obige Abtheilung, respec- tively. The third Molasse Group contained Alluvial und Quarta¨r-Gebilde zum Theile, the Pleistocene proper (Knochen-Ho¨hlen und der Loss) already having been incorporated into the upper part of his second Molasse Group. The original Neogene concept thus included a priori all post-Eocene molluscan faunas, enclosing rock strata of the Vienna Basin up to and including those in glacial Lo¨ss and Diluvian deposits as well as cor- relative Mediterranean faunas in Sicily, Rhodes, and that would now be in- cluded in the Pleistocene. It will be recalled that Lyell (1833) created the terms Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene, and subsequently (Lyell, 1839, 1857) subdivided the latter into an Older (ϭ Pliocene) and Younger (ϭ Pleistocene) Pliocene. He never rec- ognized the term Oligocene. The Neogene, conceptually, when trans- ferred from a biostratigraphic/biochrono-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1281 BERGGREN ET AL.

Figure 4. Late Neogene (Pliocene–Pleistocene) (sub)- tropical calcareous plankton biostratigraphy and magneto- biochronology.

logic (Lyellian) to a chronostratigraphic where by the terms Paleogene and Neogene age boundary in a nested hierarchy, with the connotation, includes the stratigraphic (see Bassett, 1985, and Cowie and Bassett, lower boundary of a series being drawn at record of the Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleis- 1989). The Neogene Period was limited to the base of its lowest included stage (see tocene. The terms Tertiary and Quaternary the Miocene and Pliocene Epochs and the Hedberg, ed., 1978; Schoch, 1989). There are regarded here as inappropriate to the Anthropogene or, alternatively, the Pleisto- are problems associated with this approach, chronostratigraphic hagiography; we prefer gene Period was equated with the Pleisto- and the Miocene/Pliocene boundary (Mes- a usage that subdivides the Cenozoic Era cene and Holocene Epochs. We have pro- sinian/Zanclean stage boundary) serves as a into two periods/systems, Paleogene and vided historical evidence above for including case in point. Neogene, with the latter consisting of the Pliocene and Pleistocene (sensu Lyell) in Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene Epoch/ the Neogene. The Pliocene Epoch Series. Harland et al. (1982, 1990) subdi- Current practice in establishing global vided the Cenozoic Era into Tertiary (‘‘use- chronostratigraphic boundaries links the hi- The Pliocene is traditionally considered ful and unambiguous’’) and Quaternary erarchical elements in a lock-step equiva- to have begun with the restoration of normal (‘‘not a satisfactory name’’) Sub-, noting lency. Thus, the series/epoch boundary co- marine conditions in the Mediterranean Ba- that the Tertiary has been replaced else- incides with the limits of its included stage/ sin following the (Messinian)

1282 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 LATE NEOGENE CHRONOLOGY

The currently accepted Miocene/Pliocene boundary definition, as the base of the Trubi Formation at Capo Rosello, is difficult to characterize biostratigraphically in the Med- iterranean. An assessment of available data on magnetobiostratigraphic correlations of calcareous plankton to the Mediterranean region indicates the following: (1) None of the biostratigraphic events commonly used to estimate the lithostratigraphic position of the Miocene/Pliocene boundary in the global ocean are suitable for precise corre- lation within the be- cause of biogeographic or environmental ex- clusion or delayed entry (Rio et al., 1984; 1991). (2) Interpretation of meager biostrat- igraphic data as well as magnetostratigraph- ic data from ODP Sites 652 and 654 (Chan- nell et al., 1990) and ODP Leg 138 (Raffi and Flores, in press) indicate that, globally, the base of the Zanclean Stage is probably bracketed by the highest occurrence of Dis- coaster quinqueramus in the middle part of the lower reversed interval of the Gilbert Chronozone (Chron C3r), and the lowest occurrence of Ceratolithus acutus and high- est occurrence of Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus in the uppermost part of the lowest reversed interval of the Gilbert Magnetozone (Chron C3r). This latter pair of events occur Ϸ6m above the base of the Trubi Formation at Capo Rosello (Cita and Gartner, 1973; Rio et al., 1984) and Capo Spartivento (Raffi, unpubl. data). Note that the D. quinqueramus datum is not ob- served in the Mediterranean because it oc- curred during the salinity crisis. (3) In terms of planktonic , the base of the Zanclean would appear to be brack- eted by the lowest occurrence of Globoro- Figure 5. Late Neogene (Pliocene–Pleistocene) (sub)tropical planktonic formainiferal talia puncticulata in the Nunivak Subchro- datum events used in developing a standard planktonic formainiferal zonation (Berggren nozone, and the lowest occurrence of .last occurrence ؍ first occurrence; LO ؍ et al., 1995). FO Globorotalia tumida in the lower part of the Gilbert Chronozone (this latter event desiccation, when the Mediterranean be- tions (Calabria) lies within the lower (re- is not recognized in the Mediterranean). came essentially a basin of interior drainage versed) part of the Gilbert Magnetozone. While the lower limit of the Pliocene with only sporadic connection with the The estimated age ranges from 4.86 Ma (Zanclean Stage) can be recognized mag- global ocean. Cita (1975) proposed the es- (Hilgen and Langereis, 1988) to 4.93 Ma netostratigraphically, it has been argued tablishment of a boundary stratotype at (Channell et al., 1988) based on downward (Rio et al., 1991) that the peri-Mediterra- Capo Rosello (Sicily) at the base of the extrapolation of sedimentation rates and nean lithologic break between nonmarine Trubi Formation (Zanclean Stage), which precessional cycle counting within the sedi- (below) and marine (above) sediments at lies unconformably upon the terminal mentary sequence between the base of the the ‘‘boundary’’ renders this region in gen- Messinian brackish water Arenazzola For- Thvera Subchron and above the regional un- eral, and the Capo Rosello composite sec- mation. Recent integrated magnetobiostrat- conformity below. Similar results have been tion in particular, unsuitable for definition igraphic studies (Zijderveld et al., 1986; Hil- obtained for western Mediterranean ODP of a chronostratigraphic boundary as well as gen and Langereis, 1988; Hilgen, 1991a, Sites 652 and 654 (Channell et al., 1990). A unamenable to precise biostratigraphic cor- 1991b; Channell et al., 1988) indicate that more recent age estimate of this stratigraph- relation. Indeed, these authors indicate (Rio the base of the Trubi Formation in the Capo ic level, using an astronomically calibrated et al., 1991) that ‘‘in order to properly define Rosello region and Eraclea Minoa sections late Neogene time scale, is ca. 5.32 Ma (Hil- the Miocene/Pliocene boundary in a contin- (Sicily) and Singa and Capo Spartivento sec- gen, 1991b). uous marine sequence, a boundary strato-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1283 BERGGREN ET AL. type should be selected from outside the the base of the Pliocene as the reestablish- sequences and then determine which bio- Mediterranean region.’’ ment of marine conditions in the Mediter- stratigraphic datums are most closely asso- Two approaches to this dilemma have ranean establishes this as the criterion by ciated with this level. The option to define been suggested. One could determine the which the base Pliocene is recognized else- the actual boundary in the Mediterranean position of the base of the Zanclean Stage, where, obviously an impossibility. Rather, (Eraclea Minoa), Moroccan (Bou Regreg), as defined in the Mediterranean (Sicilian) the Miocene/Pliocene boundary must be de- or other location(s) could then be deter- section(s), in a continuous marine extra- fined by a GSSP at a specific horizon, then mined at some date. Mediterranean section and place the Global correlated elsewhere by means of a denota- This debate has essentially come full cir- Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), the tive character (datum event, magnetostrati- cle and we wish to point out that two so-called ‘‘golden spike’’, at that level. This graphic signature, isotope feature, etc.). (4) Miocene/Pliocene boundaries are currently approach has been defended recently by Nineteenth- subdivisions of the Ce- vying for recognition, and ultimately accep- Hilgen and Langereis (1993). A second ap- nozoic by Lyell, d’Orbigny, Mayer-Eymar, tance, by the International Union of Geo- proach would be to identify some recogniz- and others were imprecise and biostrati- logical Sciences (IUGS) commission on able biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, graphic and/or lithostratigraphic (Berggren, stratigraphy (ICS). They are (1) the base of or isotopic event in a continuous marine se- 1971) in concept, and boundaries were lo- the Zanclean Stage in the Capo Rosello quence spanning the interval represented by cated frequently at unconformities. The composite section, which lies within the up- the unconformity separating the base of the boundary, as currently accepted, separates per part of the lower (reversed) interval of Zanclean and top of the Messinian Stages faunas (primarily molluscan) that histori- the Gilbert (Chronozone C3r), and (2) the and place the GSSP ‘‘golden spike’’ there. cally exhibit a ‘‘Miocene’’ and ‘‘Pliocene’’ as- base of the Gilbert (Chronozone C3r/C3An This alternative has been recommended by pect, respectively; however, Pliocene mol- boundary). The latter boundary has not Benson and Hodell (1994) in a response to luscan faunas continue to exhibit a Miocene been formally proposed to the ICS for con- Hilgen and Langereis (1993). aspect well into the Pliocene. Calcareous sideration but is commonly used in pale- Hilgen and Langereis (1993) propose that plankton faunas and floras, characteristic of oceanographic studies. the base of the Pliocene can be recognized the early Pliocene, were already becoming The Pliocene is generally subdivided into in the composite Italian stratotype(s) by established Ͼ1 m.y. earlier in the Atlantic lower (Zanclean) and upper () counting down five precession cycles below and Indo-Pacific Oceans (i.e., outside the stage units, but Rio et al. (1991) have argued the Thvera (C3n.4n) Subchron. Using this Mediterranean). recently for a tripartite subdivision into Zan- approach, they derive an age of 5.32 Ma Accordingly, Benson and Hodell (1994) clean (lower) and Piacenzian (middle) for the oldest sediments of the Trubi have argued for recognizing the Messinian Stages and an unnamed unit for the upper Chalk Formation resting unconformably and Zanclean Stages for what they are, Pliocene (the name has been pro- on the Messinian sediments. namely the local regional expression of par- posed recently by Rio et al. (1994) for this Benson (1994, personal commun. to ticular historical events in the late Neogene stratigraphic interval). They believe that Berggren) and Benson and Hodell (1994) evolution of the Mediterranean, and decou- none of the stage names in current use ad- have discussed the problems of linking the pling them from the question of the Mio- equately represent the upper Pliocene (ca. Messinian/Zanclean boundary with the Mio- cene/Pliocene boundary. They propose link- 2.6–1.8 Ma in the chronology adopted cene/Pliocene boundary and render the fol- ing the Miocene/Pliocene boundary with the here). Both the top of the Zanclean and the lowing observations: (1) The boundary, as Chronozone C3r/C3An boundary in a newly base of the Piacenzian stratotypes are currently accepted, is situated close to (if not proposed boundary stratotype in the Bou marked by unconformities (Rio et al., 1984, virtually contiguous with) an unconformity Regreg section near Rabat, northwestern 1991). The base of the Piacenzian stratotype and is based essentially on a local to regional Morocco, in a continuous marine sequence is now considered (Rio et al., 1991, 1994) to event (i.e., establishment of the neo-Medi- of Atlantic facies. (Note that this is essen- lie slightly above the highest occurrence of terranean Sea following the Messinian Sa- tially the same position of the Miocene/ Globorotalia margaritae, between the high- linity Crisis). Locating the boundary at this Pliocene boundary that was thought to cor- est occurrence of Reticulofenestra pseu- level does not allow the sequence of histor- relate with the base of the Zanclean Stage doumbilica and the highest occurrence of ical events directly prior to the boundary [Cita, 1975; Berggren et al., 1985a, 1985b].) Globorotalia puncticulata (i.e., within the point to be recognized and thus precludes Hilgen and Langereis (1994) responded younger part of the Gilbert [Chron C2r]). precise biostratigraphic recognition and cor- as follows: (1) They have not proposed that The top of the Piacenzian stratotype lies be- relation elsewhere. (2) The boundary in Sic- the Miocene/Pliocene boundary be deter- tween the highest occurrence of ily, as determined by Hilgen and Langereis mined solely on a cyclostratigraphic ap- tamalis and the highest occurrence of D. (1993) by counting down five precession cy- proach but rather within an astronomically pentaradiatus, within the confines of the rel- cles below the base of the Thvera Submag- calibrated cyclostratigraphic framework that atively short D. pentaradiatus (NN17) bio- netozone, is not globally correlatable, and incorporates an integrated bio-magneto-iso- chron, which essentially straddles the Gauss/ the determination of the boundary on the topic stratigraphy. (2) The current bound- Matuyama boundary (Rio et al., 1991; basis of cyclostratigraphy in the absence of a ary is already located very close (within Fig. 4). The base of the proposed Gelasian clearly determined magnetobiostratigraphic Ϸ100 000 yr) to the next younger (Thvera ϭ Stage is situated slightly below the highest and/or isotopic framework renders correla- C3n.4n Subchron) geomagnetic polarity occurrence of Discoaster pentaradiatus and is tion outside the Mediterranean region ten- boundary, which is easily discernible. (3) correlative with the major growth/expansion uous at best. (3) There is a difference be- Magnetostratigraphic data from Bou Reg- of northern hemisphere glaciation near the tween criteria chosen to designate a GSSP reg is inadequate. (4) It would be more ap- Gauss/Matuyama boundary. (a lithic horizon in a continuous section) and propriate to determine the precise position the means by which this horizon may be rec- of the present boundary using an astronom- The Pleistocene Epoch ognized and correlated away from the type ically calibrated cyclostratigraphic frame- section—usually a datum. Defining work in the open ocean and Moroccan Attempts at formulating a coherent and 1284 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 LATE NEOGENE CHRONOLOGY unified chronostratigraphy of the Pleisto- the Santernian, Emilian, and Sicilian as se- major step forward in the development of cene have suffered from the climatic over- quential stages within). Ruggieri et al. a precise and accurate time scale for the print that characterizes the late Neogene (1984) subsequently reduced the Selinun- Neogene. The high resolution provided part of Earth history (see discussions in tian to stage status and the other three terms by astrochronology implies that it is no Hays and Berggren, 1971; Berggren and to chronozone or substage rank. The Seli- longer necessary to interpolate between a Van Couvering, 1982). While the formal ter- nuntian had been defined (Ruggieri and few discrete calibration points to construct minology for the classic glacial/interglacial Sprovieri, 1979) as the interval between the a geological time scale. Likewise, it is now deposits has been based on northern Euro- Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary stratotype possible to unravel the complex phase re- pean sequences, the standard chronostrati- and the boundary between the lower and lationships between various components graphic terminology is based on Mediterra- middle Pleistocene (at the top of the in the ocean-climate system and between nean (Italian) sections. These demonstrably Sicilian). these components and radiation forcing. incomplete stratigraphic sections have been Van Couvering (in press) has argued el- (3) Apparent discrepancies between the correlated to the continuous oxygen isotope egantly and forcefully that this procedure is recently developed late Neogene astronom- stratigraphy of the oceans for the late Pleis- inappropriate and only exacerbates the ical time scale and the GPTS have been re- tocene (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973, 1976), problem of early Pleistocene chronostratig- solved by means of significant improvements which have, in turn, been extended into the raphy. He correctly observes that the bound- to isotopic dating (39Ar/40Ar) of the younger early Pleistocene and Pliocene (Ruddiman aries of lower chronostratigraphic units part of this interval (Chrons C1n–C2An) et al., 1986; Raymo et al., 1989; Joyce et al., (e.g., Selinuntian) cannot be defined ab in- and revised analysis of sea-floor anomaly 1990). itio in terms of the established boundaries of patterns in the older part (Chrons C2Ar– Following a decade of study and discus- higher units (epoch/series) as this is contrary C3r). The two chronologies are now con- sions by the International Union for Qua- to logic and the rules of stratigraphic pro- cordant back to the Chron C3/C3An ternary Research (INQUA) Subcommis- cedure. Thus, the base of the Quaternary, a boundary at ca. 5.89 Ma. The ages of all sion 1a (Pliocene/Pleistocene Boundary) on system of the Cenozoic in common use, is polarity boundaries are provided in Table 2 Stratigraphy and International Geological defined at and by the base of the included together with a historical review of earlier Correlation Programme Project 41 (Neo- Pleistocene Series and the Pleistocene, in chronologies. gene/Quaternary Boundary), a draft pro- turn, by the base of its included stage(s). The (4) Correlation of Pliocene and Pleisto- posal on the choice of a boundary stratotype location of the GSSP in the sec- cene calcareous nannoplankton and plank- for the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary was tion at Vrica has the serendipitous effect of tonic foraminiferal biostratigraphic datum submitted and approved by the INQUA making that level the Calabrian boundary events to the GPTS provides a new high- Commission on Stratigraphy and the Sub- stratotype. resolution magnetobiochronology for re- commission on Quaternary Stratigraphy of In the interest of nomenclatorial stability, gional and global correlations. the ICS at the 1982 Moscow INQUA Con- it is advisable to revise the definition of the (5) Current research on the subdivision of gress. A formal proposal was subsequently Calabrian Stage and preserve a well-known the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Medi- submitted to and accepted by the ICS in and long-used name. This would appear to terranean region is devoted to establishing 1983 (see review by Pasini and Colalongo, be the approach adopted at a recent meet- chronostratigraphic stability in the form of 1982), and published 2 yr later (Aguirre and ing of the Italian Working Group for Qua- stage definitions and stage boundary GSSPs. Pasini, 1985) together with the announce- ternary Stratigraphy (Bari-Taranto, Italy, A formalized threefold subdivision of the ment (Bassett, 1985) that the content of the September 1994). The Santernian would Pliocene Series has been proposed recently proposal had been formally ratified by the then be the appropriate lowermost substage with the recommendation of adding an up- IUGS executive as the GSSP for the base of of the Calabrian Stage. A further step in re- per Pliocene Gelasian Stage to complement the Pleistocene. solving the chronostratigraphic subdivision the well-founded Zanclean and Piacenzian The ‘‘golden spike’’ was placed at the base of the lower Pleistocene is the recent pro- Stages (lower and middle Pliocene, respec- of a claystone unit conformably overlying posal for the erection of a Santernian/Emil- tively). The Calabrian Stage appears to be the sapropelic marker bed e in the Vrica sec- ian boundary stratotype 6 m above marker winning back friends as the appropriate tion of Calabria in southern Italy. This level bed ‘‘o’’ (71.1 m above the Pliocene/Pleis- name for the lower Pleistocene (with the has been shown to lie at or near the top of tocene GSSP) in the Vrica section, approx- Santernian, Emilian, and Sicilian as compo- the Olduvai (C2n) Subchronozone. Current imately coincident with the local lowest oc- nent substages). A GSSP has been proposed attempts to relocate the Pliocene/Pleisto- currence of Hyalinea baltica and the lowest for the Santernian/Emilian boundary in the cene boundary to coincide with the late Plio- occurrence of ‘‘large’’ Gephyrocapsa. Vrica section, 71 m above the Pliocene/ cene climatic change at ca. 2.6 Ma are Pleistocene boundary GSSP. judged here to be inappropriate and to ig- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS nore stratigraphic first principles. POSTSCRIPT With respect to intra-Pleistocene chrono- (1) We recommend a twofold subdivision stratigraphic subdivision, considerable con- of the Cenozoic Era/Erathem into the Pa- At the recently convened 10th Regional troversy surrounds the use of lower Pleisto- leogene (, Eocene, Oligocene) Committee of Mediterranean Neogene cene stage names. As the Calabrian Stage, and Neogene System/Series based on a re- Stratigraphy (RCMNS) in Bucharest, Ro- as stratotypified at Santa Maria di Catan- view of historical data and modern strati- mania, a meeting of the Subcommission on zaro, is probably the approximate strati- graphic usage. The Neogene Period/System Neogene Stratigraphy (SNS) was held on 6 graphic correlative of the supposedly su- encompasses all post-Oligocene chrono- September 1995 concerning the placement prajacent Sicilian Stage (Ruggieri and stratigraphic (epoch/series) units: Miocene, of the Miocene/Pliocene boundary GSSP Sprovieri, 1979), it has been suggested that Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene. (Cita, 1995). An alternative, third proposal the term Calabrian be abandoned and sup- (2) Astrochronology (or astronomical cal- was introduced by J.-P. Suc to define the planted by the Selinuntian Superstage (with ibration of climatic proxy records) offers a GSSP at a stratigraphic level in the Bou Re- Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1285 BERGGREN ET AL. greg section correlative with the reestablish- in Prothero, D. R., and Berggren, W. A., eds., Eocene– Harland, W. B., Cox, A. V., Llewellyn, P. G., Pickton, C. A., Smith, Oligocene climatic and biotic evolution: Princeton, New Jer- A. G., and Wallters, R., 1982, A : Cam- ment of open marine conditions in the Med- sey, Princeton University Press, p. 29–45. bridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, Berggren, W. A., Kent, D. V., Swisher, C. C., III, and Aubry, M.-P., 131 p. iterranean. The SNS agreed toa2yr 1995, A revised Cenozoic geochronology and chronostratig- Harland, W. B., Armstrong, R. L., Cox, A. V., Craig, L. E., Smith, moratorium during which the Capo Rosello raphy, in Berggren, W. A., Kent, D. V., Aubry, M.-P., and A. G., and Smith, D. G., 1990, A geologic time scale 1989: Hardenbol, J., Geochronology, time scales and stratigraphic Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, and Bou Regreg sections will be examined correlation: Framework for an : SEPM 263 p. (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication 54 Hays, J. D., and Berggren, W. A., 1971, Quaternary boundaries in greater detail before a final decision is (in press). and correlations, in Funnell, B. F., and Riedel, W. R., eds., recommended. Bronn, H. G., 1838, Lethaea, Geognostica, oder Abbildungen und Micropaleontology of the oceans: Cambridge, United King- Beschreibungen der fur die Gebirgsformationen bezech- dom, Cambridge University Press, p. 669–691. nendsten Versteinerungen: Stuttgart, v. 2, p. 545–1356, Hays, J. D., Imbrie, J., and Shackleton, N. J., 1976, Variations in 48 pl. the Earth’s orbit: Pacemaker of the ice ages: , v. 194, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Calvert, S. 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P. Cenozoic: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 100, no. B4, p. 2119–2136. p. 6093–6095. Hilgen, F. J., 1987, Sedimentary rhythms and high-resolution Aubry, F. Steininger, and J. A. Van Cou- Channell, J. E. T., Rio, D., and Thunell, R. C., 1988, Miocene/ chronostratigraphic correlations in the Mediterranean Plio- vering. The last three and R. D. Norris have Pliocene boundary magnetostratigraphy at Capo Spar- cene: Newsletters on Stratigraphy, v. 17, p. 109–127. tivento, Calabria, Italy: Geology, v. 16, p. 1096–1099. Hilgen, F. J., 1990, Closing the gap in the Plio-Pleistocene provided helpful and constructive critiques Channell, J. E. T., Rio, D., Sprovieri, R., and Glac¸on, G., 1990, boundary stratotype sequence of Crotone (southern Italy): Biomagnetostratigraphic correlations from Leg 107 in the Newsletters on Stratigraphy, p. 22, p. 43–51. of earlier versions of the manuscript, as have Sea, in Kasten, K. A., Mascle, J., et al., Pro- Hilgen, F. J., 1991a, Astronomical calibration of Gauss to GSA reviewers S. Gartner, J. Barron, and ceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, science results, Leg Matuyama sapropels in the Mediterranean and implication 107: College Station, , Ocean Drilling Program, for the geomagnetic polarity time scale: Earth and Planetary N. D. Opdyke. Stylistic and organizational p. 669–682. Science Letters, v. 104, p. 226–244. Chaproniere, G. C. H., Styzen, M. J., Sager, W. W., Nishi, H., Hilgen, F. J., 1991b, Extension of the astronomically calibrated improvements were suggested by R. H. Quinterno, P., and Abrahamsen, N., 1994, Late Neogene (polarity) time scale to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary: Shaver, associate editor of GSA, for which biostratigraphic and magneto-biostratigraphic synthesis, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 107, p. 349–368. Leg 135, in Hawkins, J., Parson, L., Allan, J., et al.: Pro- Hilgen, F. J., and Langereis, C. G., 1988, The age of the Mio- the authors are also sincerely indebted. Re- ceedings, Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Leg cene-Pliocene boundary in the Capo Rosello area: Earth 135: College Station, Texas Ocean Drilling Program, and Planetary Science Letters, v. 91, p. 214–222. search by Berggren was supported by a con- p. 857–877. Hilgen, F. J., and Langereis, C. G., 1989, Periodicities of CaCO3 sortium of oil companies (Amoco, BP, Cita, M. B., 1975, The Miocene/Pliocene boundary: History and cycles in the Mediterranean Pliocene: Discrepancies with definition, in Saito, T., and Burckle, L. H., Late Neogene the quasi-periods of the Earth’s orbital cycles?: Terra Nova, Chevron, Exxon, Marathon, Unocal). Epoch boundaries: New York, Micropaleontology Press, v. 1, p. 409–415. Special Publication 1, p. 1–30. Hilgen, F. J., and Langereis, C. 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L., and McDougall, I., 1992, Revisions to the age of the REVISED MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED APRIL 5, 1995 Sea Drilling Project Site 607 and Ocean Drilling Program Brunhes-Matuyama boundary and the Pleistocene geomag- MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED APRIL 27, 1995 Site 677: Paleoceanography, v. 8, no. 3, p. 387–408. netic polarity timescale: Geophysical Research Letters, WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION CONTRIBUTION NO. 8852 Raffi, I., Rio, D., d’Atri, A., Fornaciari, E., and Rocchetti, S., in v. 19, p. 1181–1184. LAMONT-DOHERTY EARTH OBSERVATORY CONTRIBUTION #5390.

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Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1995 1287