Esso Production Research Company, Houston, Texas

The University of Kansas Paleontological Institute



THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Article 57 (Protozoa 8), 67 Pages, 25 Figures, 36 Plates, 2 Tables


JAMES L. LAMB AND JOHN H. BEARD Esso Production Research Company, Houston, Texas



ABSTRACT 7 Sphaeroidinello psis sphaeroides Subzone 45 Pliocene 45 INTRODUCTION 7 margaritae Zone 45 Acknowledgments 8 Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone 45 PLANKTONIC SUCCESSION WITHIN STANDARD Pulleniatina primalis Subzone 45 REFERENCE SECTIONS 8 Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone 46 Italy 8 46 General 8 Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone 46 (late Miocene) 8 Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone 46 Messinian Stage (late Miocene) 11 Globo quadrina dutertrei Subzone 46 Tabianian, Plaisancian, and Astian Stages Pulleniatina finalis Subzone 46 (early, middle, and late Pliocene) 13 46 Stage () 17 Globorotalia tumida Zone 46 Le CasteIla section 20 Summary of Italian late Neogene planktonic SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 47 succession 25 Candeina D ' ORBIGNY 47 Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico 26 C. nitida D ' ORBIGNY 47 General 26 Globigerina D ' ORBIGNY 47 No. 1 Cubagua, Venezuela 28 G. bulloides D ' ORBIGNY 47 Coastal Group, Jamaica, West Indies 31 G. nepenthes TODD 47 Sigsbee Knolls core, central Gulf of Mexico 32 G. sp. aff. G. pachyderma (EHRENBERG) 47 Gulf Coast slope cores, northern Gulf of Mexico .. 35 Globigerinita BR6NNIMANN 47 Slope core hole A 35 G. glutinata (EGGER) 48 37 Slope core hole B Globigerinoides CUSHMAN 48 Slope core hole C 39 G. conglobatus (BRADY) 48 39 Slope core hole D G. extremus BOLLI & BERMLJDEZ 48 Planktonic zones 39 G. fistu/osus (ScHusERT) 48 Basis for zonation 39 G quadrilobatus (D'ORBIGNY) 48 Description of planktonic zones 44 G. ruber (D'ORBIGNY) 49 Late middle Miocene 44 G. sacculifer (BRADY) 49 Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone 44 Globo quadrina FINLAY 49 Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone 44 G. altispira (CusHmAN & JARvis) 49 Globorotalia siakensis Zone 45 G. dehiscens (CHAPMAN, PARR, & COLLINS) 49 Globorotalia menardii Zone 45 G. dutertrei (D'ORBIGNY) 50 Late Miocene 45 G. hexagona (NATLAND) 50 Globorotalia acostaensis Zone 45 G. humerosa (TAKAYANAGI & SAITO) 50 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Subzone 45 G. venezuelana (HEDBERG) 51 PAGE PAGE Globorotalia CUSHMAN 51 G. siakensis LERoY 56 G. acostaensis BLOW 51 G. tosaensis TAKAYANAGI & SAITO 56 G. aemiliana COLALONGO & SARTONI 51 G. truncatulinoides (D'ORBIGNY) 56 G. crassaformis (GALLOWAY & WISSLER) 52 G. tumida (BRADY) 57 G. crassacrotonensis CONATO & FOLLADOR 52 G. ungulata BERm6DEz 57 G. fiexuosa (Komi) 52 Pulleniatina CUSHMAN 57 G. infiata (D'ORBicNy) 52 P. finalis BANNER & BLOW 57 G. infiata (variant) 53 P. obliquiloculata (PARKER & JONES) 58 G. leguaensis Bow 53 P. primalis BANNER & BLOW 58 G. fohsi lobata BERMÛDEZ 53 Sphaeroidinella CUSHMAN 58 G. margaritae Bow & BERMÛDEZ 53 S. dehiscens (PARKER & JONES) 59 G. menardii (D'ORBIGNY) 54 Sphaeroidinello psis BANNER & BLOW 59 G. miocenica PALMER 54 S. seminulina (ScHwAGER) 59 G. multicamerata CUSHMAN & JARVIS 54 S. sphaeroides LAMB 60 G. pertenuis BEARD 55 S. subdehiscens (BLow) 60 G. praehirsuta BLOW 55 REFERENCES 61 G. praemiocenica LAMB & BEARD, n. sp. 55 G. fohsi robusta Bocci 56 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 64


FIGURE PAGE FIGURE PAGE 1. Distribution of marine Pleistocene in Italy 9 13. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foramini- 2. Zonal scheme for the Miocene and Pliocene of the fers from Cubagua Island and the Araya Penin- Mediterranean area based on planktonic forami- sula, Venezuela 29 fers 10 14. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foramini- 3. Zonal scheme for the Pliocene of the Mediterra- fers from Jamaica, West Indies 30 nean area based on planktonic foraminifers 11 15. Stratigraphical evaluation of some type late Neo- 4. Stratigraphic distribution of some planktonic fora- gene sections in Jamaica, West Indies 32 minifers in the sub-Apennine region of northern 16. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foramini- Italy 14 fers in the Coastal Group of Jamaica, West Indies 33 5. Zonation of late Neogene sediments at Romagna 17. Stratgraphic distribution of planktonic foramini- Apennines, near Bologna, Italy 15 fers in Sigsbee knolls core (64-A-9-5E), Gulf of 6. Zonation of late Neogene sediments at Ostra Ve- Mexico 34 tere in the Marche region, central Italy 16 18. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foramini- 7. Zonation of late Neogene sediments in central fers in slope core hole A, Gulf of Mexico 36 and southern Italy 17 19. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foramini- 8. Correlation of stratigraphie sections measured be- fers in slope core hole B, Gulf of Mexico 37 tween Torro Brasolo and Telegrafo Point, near Le 20. Stratigraphie distribution of planktonic foramini- Castella in southern Italy 21 fers in slope core hole C, Gulf of Mexico 38 21. Stratigraphie distribution of planktonic foramini- 9. Occurrence of planktonic foraminifers and the fers in slope core hole D, Gulf of Mexico 40 benthonic foraminifer Hyalinea baltica at Le Cas- 22. Stratigraphie occurrence of late Pliocene and tella, Italy, with percentages of warm- and cold- Pleistocene planktonic foraminifers and Discoaster water species 22 brouweri in the Gulf of Mexico 42 10. Stratigraphic succession of samples at Le CasteIla, 23. Stratigraphie ranges of selected planktonic species Italy, showing age, measured polarity, percentage from Italy and from the Caribbean and Gulf of of warm-water species of planktonic foraminifers, Mexico 42 and isotopic values 24 24. Correlation of Pliocene-Pleistocene stages of the 11. Correlation of eastern Falc6n, Venezuela, with Gulf of Mexico and Italy based on planktonic fora- southern Trinidad 26 minifers and climatic implications 43 12. Location of Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico strati- 25. Miocene to Holocene planktonic zonation in the graphic sections included in present study 28 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean 44 PLATE FOLLOWING PAGE 67 PLATE FOLLOWING PAGE 67 I. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens bisoseries 4-36. Middle Miocene to Holocene planktonic 2. Globorotalia crassaformis bioseries foraminifers 3. Globoquadrina dutertrei bioseries


TABLE PAGE TABLE PAGE I. Late Tertiary and stratigraphy 27 2. Zonation of late middle Miocene to Holocene ma- rine sediments of the Gulf of Mexico and Carib- bean region based on planktonic foraminifers 41

Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 7


The late Miocene to early Pleistocene planktonic succession within standard European stages and reference sections in Italy is compared with that of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to clarify stage and boundaries in the latter regions. In ascending order, the stages comprise the Tortonian and Messinian (late Miocene), Tabianian and Plaisancian (early to late Pliocene), and Calabrian (early Pleistocene). Climatic criteria obtained by analysis of the planktonic fauna provide a basis for recognition of the Emilian and Sicilian stages in southern Italy. Correlation of epoch boundaries and other paleontological datums from the Italian to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico regions utilizes restricted occurrences of planktonic foraminiferal species common to both regions and also horizons of reference within species of the Globorotalia crassaformis evolutionary lineage. Species important for this intercontinental correlation and dating include Globorotalia acostaensis and Sphaeroidinello psis sphaeroides in late Miocene, Globorotalia margaritae in early Pliocene, species of the Globorotalia crassaformis lineage in middle and late Pliocene, and appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides and faunal evidence for onset of climatic deterioration in early Pleistocene. On the basis of these data and information obtained from many localities in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, a sequence of regional planktonic zones and subzones is defined for the late Miocene to Holocene interval. These zones seemingly have broad application in warm and temperate regions from about 45 0 S. latitude to about 45 0 N. latitude. Zonation of the late Neogene was accomplished by recording in detail the stratigraphic occurrence of approximately 40 species of planktonic foraminifers in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Photo- graphs of these species, obtained using the Cambridge electron scanning microscope, clearly show the distinguishing features of the individual species. A brief synonymy and discussion are given for each species.


During the past decade planktonic foraminifers have in environments unfavorable for planktonic foraminifers, played an increasingly important role in both industry much confusion exists concerning correlation of the plank- and the academic world for dating and correlating tonic succession with the standard . marine Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata. Virtually all Recent activities of the Committee on Mediterranean Tertiary biostratigraphers now use these important Neogene Stratigraphy (CMNS) have promoted research marker fossils whenever possible as a basis for detailed on and documentation of planktonic foraminifers from time-stratigraphic zonation within local basins or for deposits within the stratotypes of the Miocene, Pliocene, interregional correlations. Planktonic foraminifers are and Pleistocene stages in Italy. Hence, the reliability of especially useful because their drifting mode of life leads extra-Mediterranean dating and correlation has improved to wide geographic distribution; on death they sink to the to the point that the Neogene planktonic sequence in sea floor, and their presence in the sediments is little the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico is related to European affected by varying facies that tend to cause marked stage standards with a reasonable measure of confidence. lateral changes in benthonic microfaunas. Significantly, The availability of deep-sea core data has led now to a their rapid evolution makes these forms particularly use- notably clearer concept of evolutionary taxonomic entities ful to biostratigraphers. from which judicious selection of index guide species can Unfortunately, the voluminous literature, sometimes be made. Moreover, recognition of more precise strati- accompanied by inadequate illustrations, appearing in graphic ranges of key species has emerged from this work widely scattered journals both in Europe and in America because these sediments are significantly freer from over the has led to diverse taxonomic concepts that effects of local environmental conditions. have been particularly confusing to the nonspecialist. In the present study the late Neogene planktonic Nomenclatural problems have been compounded also be- biostratigraphy of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico is cause stratigraphic ranges of many species are poorly compared with that of the Mediterranean region to documented, particularly those described from only a facilitate correlation of planktonic foraminiferal datums few outcrop or well samples. Moreover, because many and epoch boundaries. Temperature fluctuations within Tertiary type stages are represented by sections deposited the Pleistocene, and their concomitant glacioeustatic 8 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions events, are suggested by marked recurring changes in the ing localities in Jamaica and also for permission to publish planktonic fauna. These data provide a basis for formulat- his compilation of stratigraphie occurrences of late Neo- ing a continuous succession of planktonic foraminiferal gene planktonic species; D. B. ERICSON and G. WoLLIN, zones from late Miocene to Holocene having regional Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, for material biostratigraphic significance for dating and correlation. from deep-sea Ocean cores; TSUNEMASA SAITO, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, for comparative ACKNOWLEDGMENTS material; R. M. STAINFORTH, consultant, for critical review of planktonic biostratigraphy; W. V. SLITER and L. A. We gratefully acknowledge the following persons SMITH, Esso Production Research Company, for assistance and organizations for assistance in preparing this report: in preparing the paleomagnetic data and discussions of L. C. MENCONI, STUART GROSSMAN, G. R. STUDE, and nannofossil stratigraphy; N. D. WATKINS, University of D. O. LERoy, all of Humble Oil & Refining Company, Rhode Island, for generating the Le Castella paleomag- for information concerning Gulf Coast stratigraphy; W. netic data; HANSPETER LUTABACHER and JORGE FERRER, H. AKERS of the Chevron Oil Company for loan of Esso Production Research Company Europe, and GIULIO comparative material; W. H. BLOW, British Petroleum CARLONI, University of Bologna, for collecting samples Company Ltd., and D. D. BAYLISS, British Museum, for and measuring sections near Le Castella; F. M. GRADSTEIN, information regarding the Santa Maria di Catanzaro sec- Utrecht University, for type Sicilian material; RICHARD tion; T. E. PYLE and W. R. BRYANT, Texas A. & M. CIFELLI, Smithsonian Institution, for advice on the paleo- University, for deep-sea cores from the Sigsbee knolls; temperature implications of the planktonic species from M. L. COLALONGO, and SAMULE SARTONI, University Of Le CasteIla; the Humble Oil and Refining Company, Bologna, for their identifications of selected Caribbean Gulf Oil Corporation, Mobil Oil Company, and the planktonic species and comparative material; F. L. Chevron Oil Company for permission to publish data PARKER, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, for corn- from the Gulf Coast slope cores; R. M. JEFFORDS, Esso parative material; P. J. BERMÛDEZ, Ministerio de Minas e Production Research Company, for reading the manu- Hidrocarburos, for comparative material; EDWARD ROBIN- script and helpful consultation; and the Esso Production SON, University of the West Indies, for guidance to collect- Research Company for permission to publish this paper.


ITALY special interest is the proposal by BERTOLINO & OTHERS (1968) for a subdivision of the Italian Neogene based on GENERAL planktonic foraminifers (Fig. 2). A brief account of some standard European marine A postsession discussion of the several Neogene plank- stages (Fig. 1) is essential to understand the measure of tonic zonal schemes proposed by different authors was accuracy that is implied with reference to stage and epoch organized by HANS BOLLI and others at Bologna Univer- boundaries in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Litera- sity on May 15-17, 1968. A review of this meeting is ture relating to the Italian late Neogene sedimentary suc- given by CATI & OTHERS (1968); the stratigraphie position cession is indeed voluminous and is treated in many and correspondence of the late Miocene and Pliocene languages. Because of its somewhat provincial character, planktonic zones are shown on Figure 3. Type localities the numerous discussions cannot be fully appreciated, of Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene stages cited in the however, by only casual acquaintance with some of the following discussion are shown on Figure 1. major works. To remedy this, the Committee on Mediter- ranean Neogene Stratigraphy (CMNS) at its fourth TORTONIAN STAGE (LATE MIOCENE) session in Bologna (1967) published, under the editorial The Tortonian Stage was erected by MAYER-EYMAR in guidance of RAIMONDO SELL! in collaboration with many 1858. The section exposed along the Castellania and recognized authorities, a multilanguage rendition in the Mazzapiedi Rivers, chosen as the stratotype by GIANOTTI excursion guidebooks (Nos. 1 and 2) of some historically (1953), is about 260 meters thick and extends from the important contributions to the understanding of type Serravalian ("Helvetian" of authors) at the bottom to localities of the Italian Neogene succession. The full the Messinian at the top. Planktonic foraminifers are texts of the papers presented at the Bologna session are abundant and display a characteristic distribution. CITA, contained in volume 35 of the Giornale di Geologia. Of PREMOLI-SILVA, & Rossi (1965) recognized in the type Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 9

Fin. 1. Distribution of marine Pleistocene in Italy, outcropping (black) and covered with more recent continental terrains (dotted). White triangles show localities of important sections for the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. Black triangles show important Miocene and Pliocene localities: 1-Santa Maria di Catanzaro ("type" Calabrian); 2-Le CasteIla ("type" Calabrian); 3-Monte Mario; 4-Caste11 'Arquato-Vcrnasca (type Plaisancian); 5-Santerno; 6-Musone; 7-Villafranca d'Asti (type Villafranchian); 8-Pasquasia-Capodarso (type Messinian); 9-Rio Massapiedi-Castellania (type Tortonian); and 10-Tabiano (type Tabianian).

Tortonian the "Globorotalia mayeri"1G. lenguaensis Zone DERYCK D. BAYLISS and studied by CITA & BLOW (1969). (corresponding to the lower part of the section for about They maintained that the Globarotalia siakensis Zone 30 meters), the "Globorotalia mayeri" I Globigerina ne- (=Globorotalia mayeri Zone of CITA, PREMOLI-SILVA, & penthes Zone (lower-middle part), and the Globorotalia ROSSI, 1965) is not represented in the section studied and menardii1Globigerina nepenthes Zone which they extend that the lower 35 meters (approximately) of the stratotype up to the base of an interval they consider as Messinian. Tortonian are referable to the Globorotalia (T.) con- This planktonic zonation seemingly follows closely that tinuosa Zone (=Zone N. 15) of BLOW (1969) and to which BLOW (1959) applied in zoning the planktonic the Globorotalia menardii Zone sensu Bow (1957), sequence within the upper part of the Poz6n Formation emend. Bow (1966) . They continue by saying that the of Falcon, Venezuela, and which compares in part with, Globorotalia acostaensis datum (earliest appearance of and extends upward, the Trinidad zonation of Bow the species) is about 35 meters above the base of the (1957). section. Accordingly, they say that the base of the section Additional samples were collected from the same falls within the upper limits of the Globorotalia menardii section along the Castellania and Mazzapiedi Rivers by Zone and the upper part within the Globorotalia acos- 10 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions


O 25


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i 3191 3100149 A11,193 0191 31aam A1893 O 3N39019131d 3N30011d 3N3001111 Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 11 taensis, Globigerina dutertrei, and Globorotalia margari MESSINIAN STAGE (LATE MIOCENE) tae zones of (1966), which equate with BLOW'S Bow The Messinian Stage was proposed by MAYER-EYMAR zones N. 16 and N. 17 (in part). (1868) to include a succession of strata near Messina in If the base of the Pliocene is to be designated by the northern Sicily. Because of poor exposures and strati- for Tabianian Stage, CITA & BLOW (1969) saw no need graphical difficulties within this sequence, SELLI (1960) a concept of a Messinian Stage which, according to them, designated the Pasquasia-Capodarso section in central is partly coeval with the Tortonian Stage. The following Sicily as a neostratotype for this stage. These exposures discussion of the Messinian Stage should convincingly occur between the towns of Caltanisetta and Enna. Al- show that Messinian deposits are mostly younger than though evaporite deposits commonly enhance recognition those of the Tortonian and that it is highly unlikely that of the Messinian throughout Italy, the foraminiferal Tortonian and/or Messinian strata fall within the limits faunas described by D' ONOFRIO (1964) do not lend them- of the Tabianian Stage (Globorotalia margaritae Zone). selves directly to extra-Mediterranean correlation. Sul- The base of the Tortonian Stage is, then, no older than phur, gypsum, and salt are common constituents of late Globorotalia menardii Zone (late Zone N. 15), while Messinian strata in Italy and are often the sole criteria the upper limit falls within the range-zone of Globorotalia used to recognize the stage. The planktonic fauna of acostaensis. It seems acceptable to follow the decision of the early Messinian becomes impoverished upward as CITA & BLOW (1969) to place the Tortonian in the ter- the evaporites are approached. minal Miocene (with the Messinian) rather than in the Approximately 170 meters of mostly poorly fossil- middle Miocene as has been the customary practice, but iferous strata occur at the type section. An uppermost it should not be construed that it is the time equivalent 10 meters of shale, however, are moderately rich in of the Messinian. planktonic species and represent a deep-water environ- For purposes of regional and intercontinental faunal ment. Samples from this interval, collected by geologists correlation it would be desirable to designate arbitrarily of the Esso Production Research Company, contain the base of the range-zone of Globorotalia acostaensis as Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides (=S. seminulina of au- the base of the Tortonian Stage and the onset of the late thors) and Globorotalia acostaensis. In the area to the Miocene. The first appearance of G. acostaensis is prov- east of the type locality, between the town of Rossano ing to be an excellent datum for worldwide correlation. and the Trionto River, widely exposed Messinian strata



Zone Subzone Zone Zone Zone Zone G toboquadrina altisptra altispira ku Globorotalia Globorotalia inflate Globorotalia Globorotalia tosaensis inflars truncatulonoides 2

Globorotalia Globorotalia cressaform is ou inflate s.l. Globorotalia Globoqued vine crassaformis s.l. altispira altispira Globorotalie Cern/han. Li ( G. crotoriensis) With nine subzones based on the change 0 — in coiling of Globorotalia Globigerina bononiensis Pachyderms.) - Globorotalia Globorotalia puncticuleta ouncbculate Globorotalia -; Globorotalia merger/tae puncticuleta Globorotaha

1 merger/tan Globorotalia Sphaerordinellopsis I margaritee I Globorotalia mrozeie I Globorotalia sphericomiorea I margaritae Sphaeroidinellopsis - I u.i t 2 Globorotalia Undefined zone . dutertrei 'g Globorotalra Undefined zone Globorotalia mmturnida mioturnida Globorotalia menardii acostaensis

no. 3. Zonal scheme for the Pliocene of the Mediterranean area based on planktonic foraminifers (after CATI & OTHERS, 968). 12 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

are overlain unconformably by Calabrian beds. From of the Carmona region which contains the stratotype of the upper portion of these Messinian strata (i.e., within the Andalusian Stage. He strongly objected to the pro- the Gessi Formation) OCNIBEN (1962) identified a plank- posal to substitute the Andalusian for the Messinian and tonic foraminiferal facies containing Globigerinoides stated "The existence of a correlation of the strata below con globatus, Hastigerina aequilateralis, and Orbulina the Andalusian stratotype to the Tortonian stratotype and universa. These species are useful in correlating with the of those over the Andalusian stratotype to the 'Lower Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, where they also occur. Pliocene'—thereby placing the Andalusian Stage in the Italian authors define the upper limit of the Messinian supposed or real interval between the Tortonian and as corresponding closely with the base of the Globorotalia 'Lower Pliocene'—cannot be proved." He concluded that margaritae (=G. hirsuta of authors) Zone (early Plio- the Andalusian Stage is homotaxial with the Tabianian cene) in both southern and northern Italy. and Plaisancian Stages of Italy. A surprising recent find of the Deep Sea Drilling Similar conclusions were reached by MEULENKAMP Project's (JOIDES) first Mediterranean expedition, based (1969) in his study of evolutionary lineages of the on 2,200 feet of sedimentary cores taken by the drilling Uvigerina melitensis and U. cretensis groups from the ship Glomar Challenger, was that the Mediterranean Sea Isle of Crete and various other localities around the has filled and dried many times between 7 million and 5 Mediterranean. His data suggest tentatively that the million years ago or during the late Miocene (Messinian Tortonian stratotype is in part coeval with the Messinian, Stage). In other words, the evaporites that represent most and that the Andalusian stratotype contains uvigerinid of the land-based late Miocene sections around the Medi- species having close affinities with the Tabianian and terranean also compose equivalent sections in deep Medi- Plaisancian stratotypes. He believes also that correlation terranean basins. WILLIAM B. F. RYAN, a supervising of the marine formations of the Rethymnon region with scientist for the expedition, speculated that the Straits of the Tortonian, Tabianian, and Plaisancian stratotypes Gibraltar could have acted as a valve. "Over a period of makes it likely that marine sedimentation started in the 2 million years the straits might have become alternately early-middle Tortonian and persisted without interrup- shallow and deep-shallow by means of large tectonic tion into the Pliocene. This conveys the implication that upthrustings of the earth's crust there, and deep through the eastern Mediterranean had a somewhat different water erosion of the newly raised rock. When the straits depositional history during the late Miocene than did the were shallow, the high evaporation from the Mediter- western Mediterranean. ranean might have exceeded the inflow from the Atlantic FELIX GRADSTEIN (personal letter) concurs that the and the sea would have dried. Even today, if water were "crise de salinité" caused a complete revolution in the not pouring in from river and sea, the level of the marine Mediterranean fauna in that typical late Miocene Mediterranean would drop by 1 yard a ." and Pliocene faunas can be distinguished. In his opinion, An alternative to this thesis is a worldwide lowering based on experience in Crete, the crise reflects a tectonic of sea level during the Messinian caused by mid-oceanic phase with shifting basin configurations and "locally" ridge depression or other unknown factors. Eustatics of evaporite facies which corresponds to the time-span of such magnitude seemingly would influence sedimentation the Uvigerina lucasii range zone. on a wide scale as is indicated in the Caribbean and Gulf The study by DIAZ (1970) in the region of Murica, of Mexico by interruption of late Miocene sedimentation which lies to the east of the Guadalquivir basin, adds except in deep basinal positions. more controversy to the subject because he finds some Thus, a major disruption of marine sedimentation merit in the proposals of PERCONIG (1968). In this region within the Messinian in the Mediterranean has caused he found evidence for continuous deposition from the considerable controversy in arriving at a faunal definition Tortonian to the very late Miocene and recorded a seem- for the late Miocene. VERDENIUS (1970), for example, ingly unbroken planktonic succession from the first ap- goes so far as to say that this event ought to be expressed pearance of Globorotalia acostaensis to the first appearance in Mediterranean biostratigraphy as a hiatus. of G. margaritae; estimated thickness for this interval is In searching for an alternate type locality exhibiting on the order of 1,100 meters. About 800 meters of this continuous deposition through the late Miocene PERCONIG interval he considered Tortonian and 300 meters An- (1968) proposed the Andulusian Stage from the Carmona dalusian. The youngest horizons with G. margaritae he region in southern Spain within the Guadalquivir basin. considered as Andalusian or late Miocene because the As he records planktonic species from this section that faunas have more affinity with the Miocene than with are Pliocene zonal markers in Italy, doubt has been ex- the lower Pliocene. He arbitrarily placed the Tortonian- pressed as to the Miocene age of the type Andulusian on Andalusian boundary below the first appearance of Glo- the basis of the listed planktonic foraminifers. bigerinoides obliquus extremus and Orthomorphina VERDENIUS (1970) discussed the stratigraphy of the tenuicostata but admitted that the upper limit of the central portion of the Guadalquivir basin including that Tortonian is difficult to establish on faunal grounds. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 13

Most would place the occurrence of Globorotalia mar- type Pliocene according to MAYER-EYMAR (1857, 1868). garitae exclusively in lower Pliocene, but this does not The Pliocene sequence in the vicinity of Vernasca and alter the fact that DIAZ described some 300 meters of Castell'Arquato is about 950 meters thick (BARBIERI, section that seemingly qualify as post-Tortonian and pre- 1967) and is represented by three stratigraphie units, lower Pliocene or Globorotalia margaritae Zone. which from bottom to top are as follows: More recently in a preliminary account of the eastern 1) Vernasca Sandstone Guadalquivir basin, TJALSMA (1970) related that the Sandstone and marl, light gray, with basal con- eastern part of the basin rather abruptly emerged at the glomerate. end of the Miocene and that in the western part of the Thickness, about 85 meters. basin (Carmona region) sedimentation lingered on but Tabianian (early Pliocene). was of a more shallow character. In his section the Transgressive on a tectonically chaotic complex of sediments range in age from to upper Tor- Cretaceous to early Tertiary age. tonian and possibly Messinian. Seemingly, the larger part 2) Lugagnano Claystone of the section of Carmona does not have equivalents in Lower part: Marl and claystone, gray-blue. time to the eastern part of the basin. Correlation of his Thickness, 450 meters. section with that of DIAZ (1970) presently cannot be determined. Tabianian (early Pliocene). (Plaisancian stratotype): Marl and COLALONCO (1970) defends the status of the Messinian Upper part Stage in Italy by a restudy of planktonic foraminifers claystone, sandy, with some levels very rich in within the type section. She recognizes a sequence rang- glauconite, gray-blue, very fossiliferous (pelecy- ing from Tortonian to Pliocene and defines a Globorotalia pods preponderant among mollusks). tumida plesiotumida Zone, which is subdivided into two Thickness, 280 meters. subzones, to encompass the Messinian. She does not offer Plaisancian (middle to late Pliocene). a solution to the problem of correlating the Tortonian 3) Castell'Arquato Sandstone (Astian of authors) the Messinian, nor does she speculate on precisely with Sandstone, yellow ,with calcarenite and claystone the nature of the depositional breaks within the Mes- locally; rare levels with scanty pebbles. sinian. These issues are of current concern to stratig- Thickness, about 140 meters. raphers attempting the problem of Messinian definition. (middle to late This brief summary describes some of the problems Plaisancian (formerly Astian) facing the Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stra- Pliocene). tigraphy in defining a type section for a late Miocene Apparently in conformable stratigraphie contact stage in the western Mediterranean region. These are, with the sandy-clayey Pleistocene (Cala- basically: brian). 1) Does the western Mediterranean region offer an BARBIER! (1967) proposed to eliminate the term uninterrupted depositional marine sequence from "Astian" as a stage name, because of its lateral equivalent undisputed Tortonian to early Pliocene and, if to parts of the Plaisancian and to subdivide the Pliocene not, where can a stratotype for the late Miocene be into two stages, the Tabianian (early Pliocene) and designated ? Plaisancian (middle to late Pliocene). 2) Should only evaporite deposits be included in a To the east, near the town of Tabiano, the Vernasca Messinian Stage? Sandstone lies conformably on the Messinian. The maxi- have been 3) Is the Messinian of sufficient time duration to be mum water depth of the seas is interpreted to dignified as a stage, or should it be incorporated that of outer shelf toward the slope during Tabianian Plio- within an expanded Tortonian Stage as constitut- time, and the minimum water depth at the end of ing the late Miocene? cene was within the limits of the sublittoral or littoral zone. 4) Considering the above, what planktonic forami- Tabianian stratotype niferal species, or zones, are best suited for defining Planktonic foraminifers of the the limits of the late Miocene? (early Pliocene), as described by IACCARINO (1967), in- clude (1) warm-water species such as Sphaerodinellopsis sphaeroides (=S. seminulina of authors) and Globo- TABIANIAN, PLAISANCIAN, AND ASTIAN quadrina altispira which make their last appearance in STAGES (EARLY, MIDDLE, AND LATE northern Italy during the Tabianian, (2) Globorotalia PLIOCENE) margaritae (=G. hirsuta of authors) which is restricted The Pliocene terrains exposed along the southern to the Tabianian, and (3) G. erassaformis gens which border of the Apennines, that is, around the towns of appear first in the Tabianian. Assemblages contain com- Tabiano, Vernasca, and Castell'Arquato, constitute the mon Globigerina spp. and Globigerinoides spp. Globoro- 14 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions



Globigerina nepenthes

Globigerina eggeri (s.1. ) I Sphaeroidinellopsis sp. cn Globorotaha crassaformis (s.1. ) 'I( 0 Globorotalia margaritae 0 (--- G. hirsuta of authors) U § < 0 Globo quadrina altispira cc -1 cn < Globigerinoides congloba tus I 0 1 i t 11- V) Globorotalia inflata 0 — u.i Globigerina pachyderma Z 0 N Hyalinea baltica *Locally transgressive

• Locally regressive I

FIG. 4. Stratigraphic distribution of some planktonic foraminifers in the sub-Apennine region of northern Italy (after PEZZANI, 1963; BARBIERI, 1967; IACCARINO, 1967; and BARBIERI & PETRUCCI, 1967).

talia inflata first appears in the upper Plaisancian slightly G. margaritae because present knowledge suggests that below Glob: germa pachyderma. keeled forms are derived mostly from nonkeeled forms The stratigraphic distribution of important late Neo- and not vice versa. Globorotalia margaritae likely belongs gene planktonic species in northern Italy is given on to another evolutionary lineage, namely, G. margaritae—> Figure 4. On the planktonic scale the Tabianian is mostly G. hirsuta sensu stricto, as suggested by PARKER (1967; equivalent to the Globorotalia margaritae Zone (early see also discussion of G. praehirsuta by BLOW, 1969). Pliocene) and the Plaisancian to the G. crassaformis and Hence, the proper lineage designation becomes G. ae- G. inflata Zones (middle and late Pliocene). miliana—>G. crassacrotonensis—>G. crassaformis. Although zonal nomenclature differs for the plank- Although WEZEL (1968) and FOLLADOR (1967) record tonic zonation of the Pliocene and Pleistocene in central Globorotalia truncatulinoides as appearing first in the opinion, and southern Italy, agreement is close for the stratigraphie very late Pliocene, current supported by study of occurrences in the type of the Calabrian Stage, succession of the planktonic species (for example, see Fig. region regards as Calabrian and 5-7). Of particular interest are the studies of globorotaliid this species restricted to younger intervals and as first occurring commonly in the lineages and their application to zonation of the Pliocene. Sicilian Stage (GRADSTEIN, 1970). There is possibly some con- Two parallel lineages of globorotaliids described by COLALONGO SARTONI (1967) for Pliocene time are fusion among authors with G. tosaensis, a closely related in the 1) Globorotalia margaritae—>G. aemiliana—>G. crassa- species, which is reported to occur rarely late Pliocene of Italy. Although the complete bioseries leading formis, and 2) G. puncticulata—>G. bononiensis—>G. to Sphaeroidinella dehiscens has not been documented in inflata. Italy, S. dehiscens is reported from the late Pliocene by CONATO & FOLLADOR (1967) propose a similar lineage, FOLLADOR (1967) and Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides Globorotalia crotonensis—*G. crassacrotonensis (=in part (=S. seminulina of authors) from the early and early of authors)—>G. crassaformis, for the G. crassaformis middle Pliocene by many authors. On the basis of avail- middle to late Pliocene (Fig. 4). Globorotalia crotonensis able evidence, no occurrence for S. dehiscens is older than is a junior subjective synonym of G. aemiliana (fide late Pliocene. MARIA LUISA COLALONGO), and G. crassacrotonensis is Setting aside minor nomenclatorial differences in- morphologically transitional between G. aemiliana and dicated on Figures 2-7, the Pliocene planktonic zones, G. crassaformis. It seems quite unlikely that a nonkeeled which begin with the first appearance of the nominate G. aemiliana is an evolutionary descendant of a keeled species are as follows: Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 15

Upper Pliocene Globorotalia inflate: Zone Zanclian Stage and maintain that this stratigraphic horizon is characterized by the first, or evolutionary, oc- Zone Globorotalia crassaformis currence of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens, which they say crassacrotonensis (includes G. represents a worldwide datum of considerable importance Zone in part) Range and the base of their Zone N. 19. BLow (1969) maintains Globorotalia aemiliana Zone Middle Pliocene a similar position, but CITA & BLOW (1969) qualify this the (corresponds closely with by saying that the eventual choice of stages to define lower part of the G. crassacro- either the later Miocene and earlier Pliocene should be tonensis Zone of FOLLADOR, left to competent international bodies following the ex- 1967) pression of preferences and views from as many in- Lower Pliocene Globorotalia margaritae Zone terested workers as possible. i The 1967 meeting of the CMNS in Bologna, Italy, BANNER & BLOW (1965b) place the lower limit of the did not consider the Zanclian Stage as stratigraphically Pliocene in Sicily near the base of the Trubi beds of the important to defining the Pliocene and set it aside in favor


Globoouedrina &Inspire globose — — — — Globorotelia involute Globigenne nepenthes Globrgerine druryi new Spheerddinellopsis grimsdalel Common Spheerordinthopsis serninulina — — — — Abundant Globorotalia manordi, pseudomiocenicar- Globeportna boll, Globigerina all nepenthes Globorotalia hirsute — --- Globtgeroce bulbosa Glob,gerne aperture Globegenna decoreperte Globigenne ',occasion's Globigerina brechin Globorotaha sonde As. —. Globigenna falconer's., As.

Globigenne ereectore , I. Globigerine diplostorne Glob, gerrnotdes obloquos extremus Globigenne perabulloodes Globrgerine proebullooles Glotugerinoodes ouadolobetus Globigermoodet oblochrus Globigenne foliate Globogerina juyendis Globigerinoides tuber Globigenne dotertrei s I. Globigenne quadrilobate Globorotalie pseudobese -.•-• . Globorotahe incompta s I. W Globegennoides elongatus Globogennoides bisphericus ..— Globrgerinoides trolobos Globegerinoides gonntolus Globegenne bolloodes Globogennoto &tine, Hostigerino sophoniphero

Globigerrno gu , n,Idakka Globegenno troloo.doros Globorotahe punt ficuleta Groborotaha punctoculate pads. Globorotalie puncticuleta bononiensis Globorotelia hirsute sernilisna Globorotahe crusaformis Globigennordes rube, pyramidalos Globorotehe all scetule Globorotalre inflate 5 5, Globigerine pachyderme As. Globorotalia inflate s I. Globorotalie oscitans Globigerine dutertre• s.s. Globigerirota uvula Globigennotdes conglobatus -. Globorotehe Inflate trIgonola Globorotalie all. cressaformis G,on,rfroo n des cyclostorna

FIG. 5. Zonation of late Neogene sediments at Romagna Apennines, near Bologna, Italy (after CoLALotico, 1968).

16 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

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Uyigerina Bulimina rutila marghate Globorotalia Globorota lia Hya lines ZONE AND SUBZONE puncticulata aemillana baltica Sphaeroid- Globorotalia Globorotalia Globorotalia Inellopses margaritae cressaformis inflate

Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina .... n m...... m. .... ,n,

Globorotalia margar,tae m......

Globorotalia puncticulata ,...... m. Globorotalia bononiensis

Globorotalia aemiliana

Globorotalie crassacrotonensis Globorotalia crassaformis nn• n Globorotalia inflate m Globorotalia truncatulinoides ...n nn .n n•n.

Globigerina pachyderma Sphaeroidinella dehiscent ..1 n .n n .0

Hyalinea baltica

Fie. 7. Zonation of late Neogene sediments in central and southern Italy (after FOLLADOR, 1967). Dashed line in licates rare occurrence.

of the Tabianian Stage for defining earliest Pliocene and Italy was to be correlated with the terrestrial Villafran- the Plaisancian Stage for defining middle and late Plio- chian of northern Italy was not decided. cene. In the foregoing discussion the first occurrence of The work of Gicisroux (1913) in the type area where Globorotalia margaritae is seen to fall at, or slightly he described the Calabrian Stage emphasized onset of above, the base of the Tabianian, and the first occurrence climatic deterioration as recognized by the sudden ap- of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens to fall within late Plaisancian. pearance in the Mediterranean region of "northern guest" If the first occurrence of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens is species, such as Arctica islandica. considered as earliest Pliocene, then evidently all of the Current difficulties in selecting the boundary are re- Tabianian and most of the Plaisancian must be considered lated more to what criteria should be considered rather Miocene. Such a concept, however,is contrary to defini- than to the method employed. FLINT (1965) maintains tion of the classical Pliocene terrains in northern Italy. that if we emphasize climate rather than glaciation, which In tropical regions HAYS & OTHERS (1969) showed the is a secondary effect, we are approaching the problem range of Globorotalia margaritae to fall within the Gilbert more realistically. In support of pronounced climatic Event (greater than 4.5 m.y. to about 3.3 m.y.) and that oscillations of very early Pleistocene age, FLINT (1965) of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens to begin at about the top of cites climatic evidence in the Leffe Basin in the province the Mammouth Event (at 3.0 m.y.). In a land-based of Bergamo in the Italian Alps. Pollen studies show a section of the Bowden Formation on the Island of Jamaica number of climatic fluctuations through and above the in the Caribbean Sea, ROBINSON & LAMB (1970) also part of the stratigraphie section in which Villafranchian demonstrate that S. dehiscens first occurs near the Mam- mammals are found. These lines of evidence suggest that mouth Event. climatic change at the base of the Quaternary was a harbinger of the "Ice Age." CALABRIAN STAGE (EARLY PLEISTOCENE) The beginning of glaciation per se can be demon- Following recommendations of the 18th International strated most effectively by physical evidence, such as Geological Congress (1950), the base of the Quaternary, glacial till, in continental sequences and evidence for low- or Pleistocene, is widely accepted as being at the horizon ering of sea level within marine sequences in reasonably of the first indication of climatic deterioration in the tectonically stable regions. The stratigraphic succession Italian Neogene succession. The Commission recom- in northern Italy seemingly is ideal to demonstrate a rela- mended further that the lower Pleistocene should include tionship between the faunal (climatic) and eustatic as its basal member in the type area the Calabrian Forma- events; namely, marine regressive upper Pliocene (Astian) tion (marine) together with its terrestrial equivalent, the strata grade upward into continental beds (Villafran- Villafranchian. How the marine Calabrian of southern chian) which precede or are laterally equivalent in part 18 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions of marine Calabrian strata. Although Villafranchian and Catanzaro in southern Italy. He maintained that the Calabrian deposits are not contiguous, it is feasible, be- species first appeared at different horizons. If the first cause of their stratigraphie position above the Astian occurrence of H. baltica is taken as the horizon to begin sandstones, to equate the Villafranchian with possibly the Pleistocene, then the Plio-Pleistocene boundary would upper Pliocene and also lower Pleistocene marine strata be below the lowest bed exposed in the Santa Maria di containing the cold-water immigrant species Hyalinea Catanzaro section. In this case, he argued, the boundary baltica and Arctica islandica. cannot coincide with GIGNOUX ' S which was determined The Calabrian issue would seem to be largely settled with A. islandica. except that RUGGIERI (1965) states emphatically that It should be clearly understood that the decisions Arctica islandica precedes Hyalinea baltica in the Caste11- rendered by the 18th International Geological Congress 'Arquato section and elsewhere and that some evidence (1950) and the fourth session of the CMNS (1967) ef- indicates that cold climatic conditions had already been fectively nullify GIGNoux's boundary, which is a cal- initiated before the onset of the Calabrian as defined by carenite lens or bed containing the mollusk Arctic-a is- the first occurrence of H. baltica. A. islandica and H. landica situated about 62 meters above the base of the baltica may not have reached Italy at the same time, and post-Pliocene or "sandy Calabrian" section exposed at if not, which is the more reliable species for determining Santa Maria di Catanzaro. the base of the Calabrian? SELLI (1967) discussed this BAYLISS ' study in part supports the Committee's issue in some detail with respect to an inferred paleo- recommendations for recognizing certain faunal criteria temperature gradient for the Calabrian. He concluded in defining the upper limits of the Pliocene, which be- that the species probably arrived together but that they come ipso facto the limiting criteria for defining the are normally found separately in different facies; that is, lower limit of the Calabrian Stage. Some eight authors A. islandica is found in shallow-water environments and express the opinion that the upper boundary of the Plio- H. baltica in deep-water environments. A pre-Calabrian cene corresponds with 1) the increase in frequency and cold period within the Astian of Castell'Arquato was change in coiling (i.e., entry of sparse left-coiling forms) determined palynologically by LONA (1962); this work of Globigerina pachyderma, 2) the first appearance of supports the argument of RUGGIERI (1965). This so- Globorotalia truncatulinoides (only in some regions), called pre-Calabrian cooling may be represented in the and 3) the appearance of "northern guests" or planktonic foraminiferal facies by the appearance of species such as Hyalinea baltica and Arctica islandica. right-coiling forms of Globigerina pachyderma in the Because BAYLISS did not discuss the occurrence of the late Pliocene. species Globigerina pachyderma in his material, we ex- If the concept of climatic change is carried a step amined samples from his sections along the road from further, it is clear from the works cited here for the late Santa Maria di Catanzaro to Caraffa di Catanzaro and Tertiary of northern and central Italy that climatic cool- Cortale. Hyalinea altica occurs in the lower samples of ing in these latitudes began during the late Miocene. the Calabrian (i.e., the lower sandstones at this locality), This is seen by the progressive withdrawal of warm- whereas Globorotalia truncatulinoides occurs first some water species such as the Globorotalia menardii group in 30 meters higher in the section, which is some 22 meters late Miocene, Globo quadrina altispira in early Pliocene, below the horizon at which it was reported by BAYLISS. and the appearance of the boreal species Globigerina Both left- and right-coiled individuals of Globigerina pachyderma in late Pliocene. The issues here are mainly pachyderma occur in the lower 30 meters; the latter concerned with defining climatic deterioration at the end form is distinctly dominant. of the Pliocene and onset of a cool Pleistocene (Calabrian) Although the base of the "sandy" Calabrian is not climate. exposed, additional samples of some 10 meters of lower The Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal zonation "sandy" Calabrian above a 30-meter covered interval schemes offered by the CMNS (Fig. 2-3) reflect mostly from the churchyard of Santa Maria di Catanzaro provide faunal subdivisions that can be recognized in the type data on the lower interval. Below the covered interval locality of the Pliocene stages in northern Italy (e.g., is more than 30 meters of highly fossiliferous siltstone Tabianian and Plaisancian Stages), and it seems prudent considered to be Pliocene. Within the upper 10 meters to test the CMNS recommendations for defining the lower of this siltstone right-coiled Globigerina pachyderma oc- limit of the Pleistocene within the type area of the curs very sparsely, Globorotalia crassaformis and G. Calabrian Stage. inflata occur commonly about 30 meters below the top, BAYLISS (1969) studied the stratigraphie distribution and G. pachyderma occurs not at all. No specimens of of the foraminifers Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Hyalinea baltica were found in this siltstone. The age Hyalinea baltica, together with the mollusk Arctica is- of the siltstone below the "sandy" Calabrian is un- landica, in the area of the Calabrian at Santa Maria di doubtedly late Pliocene (Globorotalia inflata Zone). Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 19

Thus, on the basis of foraminiferal evidence, the base 600 to 1,000 meters (or perhaps slightly more) on foram- of the Calabrian Stage is not completely exposed at Santa iniferal evidence and that the Santa Maria di Catanzaro Maria di Catazaro because it falls within the 30 meters section was deposited in water depths of about 200 to of covered section below the lower sandstones. This 500 meters. They base correlation of the two sections covered interval has Pliocene strata below and Pleistocene on nannofossil zones described by HAY & OTHERS (1967), strata above. which disagrees strongly with SMITH (1969) and with The coarse, angular, dirty sandstones at the base of BAYLISS (1969). Work presently in progress by SMITH the exposed section have been interpreted as being of will clarify usage of late Neogene nannofossil zones and turbidite origin (EMILIANI, MAYEDA, & SELL!, 1961; will consider the conclusions made by BANDY & WILCOXON. BAYLISS, 1969). The dominant benthonic foraminiferal Because the present study has found Hyalinea baltica be- species below, within, and above the sandstones suggest low the occurrences cited by BANDY & WILCOXON (1970) a bathyal depositional water depth. Displaced shallow- in both the Santa Maria di Catanzaro and Le Caste lla water species of foraminifers occur also within the sand- sections, their lower limit for the Calabrian must be stones. A reasonable explanation for genesis of these refuted. turbidites is that they were implanted in this deep basinal No specific or generally accepted type section exists position during a period of low sea level following onset for the Calabrian, although the region of Calabria is the of climatic deterioration and concomitant continental type locality. At the 19th International Geological Con- glaciation. Such eustatism would cause severe degrada- gress in Algiers in 1952, four type sections were proposed; tion of the exposed continental shelf, with much of the Monte Mario (Roma), Castell'Arquato (Emilia), San- sediment being carried down the slope to rest in deep terno (Romagna), and Musone (Marche). None of these water. A strong marine regression at this time is seen has received popular support, except perhaps the Caste 11- in terminating the Astian Stage in northern Italy and 'Arquato by RUGGIERI (1965). In the region of Calabria, also on the coastal plain of Israel, where the first Pleisto- EMILIANI, MAYEDA, SELLI (1961) selected the Le Caste lla cene regression is correlated with the Calabrian and the section for detailed isotopic analysis, maintaining that it presence of Hyalinea baltica (ISSAR, 1968). was more completely exposed than the Santa Maria di From a study of nannofossils found in the Le Castella Catanzaro section of GIGNOUX (1913). They demon- section, SMITH (1969) determined that the interval strated climatic fluctuations above a proposed Pliocene- studied by EMILIANI, MAYEDA, & SELLI (1961) is mostly Pleistocene boundary determined by the first appearance younger than the Santa Maria di Catanzaro section. That of Hyalinea baltica. No detailed study was made of the is to say, the Le Caste lla section contains a well-developed foraminifers, although they were reported to be abundant Emilian Stage (or warm upper Calabrian) and early in the samples collected for the study. SELL! (1967) later Sicilian Stage above the "marker bed" (SMITH'S sample stated a preference for the section at Santa Maria di IT-761) which are not developed in the Catanzaro section. Catanzaro which he provisionally dedicated as the strato- EMILIANI (1971) completed additional isotopic studies type. Although he discussed the incursion of boreal of the Le CasteIla section, which he accepts as the strato- species as fundamental in defining the Calabrian, the type Calabrian, and reaffirmed his earlier contention that planktonic biostratigraphy was not described. the "marker bed" horizon constitutes the Plio-Pleistocene BANNER & BLOW (1965a) said that Globorotalia trun- boundary on evidence of the first appearance of Hyalinea catulinoides occurs in the lower part of the "stratotype" baltica. In this he contradicts &min{ (1969), who says Calabrian at Santa Maria di Catanzaro, which is one of that H. baltica occurs below the "marker bed," and he the Calabrian localities of GIGNOUX (1913). BLOW & indicates six temperature maxima within the section BANNER (1966) enlarged on this by saying that G. based on isotopic and tnicropaleontological grounds (i.e., truncatulinoides first appears in the Calabrian Stage of peak occurrences of Globigerinoides ruber). He still the lowest Pleistocene in Europe, immediately overlying maintains that there are no major temperature changes youngest Pliocene beds with G. tosaensis, which they re- across his boundary. gard as the evolutionary ancestor to G. truncatulinoides. BANDY & WILCOXON (1970) correlated Calabrian strata These authors attempt to relate the evolutionary ap- of southern Italy with that of the Wheelerian Stage of pearance of G. truncatulinoides to the beginning of the Balcom Canyon, California, utilizing mostly nannofossils Quaternary, but opinions differ slightly on this matter. and climatic implications based on coiling changes in the The foregoing discussion emphasizes the need for foratninifer Globigerina pachyderma. Much of their dis- designating a stratotype for the Calabrian Stage within cussion is a recount of worldwide paleomagnetic, paleo- the type area of Calabria, thereby fixing the Plio-Pleisto- climatic, and paleoeustatic events as related to changes cene boundary at its base. SELL! (1967) gives an excellent in the direction of coiling of G. pachyderma. They say summary of different concepts applied to defining the the Le Caste Ila section was deposited in water depths of boundary in Italy. He says the boundary, according to 20 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

STEFANI, 1876, based upon the appearance in the Mediter- proximately 74 samples were collected for paleomagnetic ranean of immigrants from the North Atlantic, has been analysis and 55 for paleontological study. accepted in Italy for 40 years. He realizes that, following SMITH (1969) described the nannofossil sequence the principles of stratigraphy, the Plio-Pleistocene bound- within the Pleistocene interval of the Le Castella section ary must be established at the beginning of the Calabrian and suggested a correlation with the Calabrian section at in the continuous Italian deep open-marine sections. His Santa Maria di Catanzaro. He gave cogent reasons for choice for a type section at Santa Maria di Catanzaro saying that Le CasteIla has a more extensive early Pleisto- (SELL!, 1967a) has not been sanctioned by the CMNS. cene history than does Catanzaro in that the Emilian HEDBERG (1970) wrote "Perhaps in no phase of strati- Stage is not well exposed at Catanzaro and the Sicilian graphic classification is there greater need for close inter- Stage not at all. Studies of the foraminifers at Catanzaro, national collaboration than in setting up standards of not included here, tend to substantiate his prediction, but definition for stratigraphie units of international extent paleomagnetic samples were not taken there because of so that they will be internationally acceptable and so that the occurrence of sandstones throughout much of the the geologists of all countries will use these units in the section. Le CasteIla, therefore, probably is the most ad- same sense." And, "The concept of a stratigraphie unit vantageous place to study the planktonic biostratigraphy is usually based on features of the rock strata—age or and paleomagnetic polarity patterns of the late Pliocene time-scope, lithology, fossil content, etc.—which are and early Pleistocene strata within the type area of the observable and verifiable in the rock strata. The strato- Calabrian Stage. type of a unit, therefore, constitutes the ultimate standard Benthonic foraminifers were not studied in detail, but of reference to which the concept of that unit is uniquely horizons within the late Pliocene contain Melonis pompili- related." oides, which indicates abyssal water depths. Pleistocene A definitive stratotype for the Calabrian is necessary sedimentation suggests water depths of 600 to 1,000 mainly on the grounds that international stratigraphie meters, or lower to middle bathyal, as reported by BANDY usage lacks provisions for defining geologic time units, & WILCOXON (1970). Stratigraphie occurrences of Hyatt- such as epochs and stages, solely in terms of climatic nea baltica were recorded for defining the base of the change. Application of lithologic, biostratigraphic, cli- Calabrian Stage. matic, paleomagnetic, and glacio-eustatic stratigraphies Planktonic foraminifers are abundant in nearly all may all serve well in recognizing the lower limits of the samples and many horizons qualify as globigerine ooze. Calabrian, but they should be related to specific horizons The percentage occurrence of planktonic species in each of reference in a type section. Further, the Calabrian sample is shown on Figure 9; mostly more than 300 must have an upper as well as lower limit, and this should specimens were counted. Occurrences of less than one be given consideration in selecting a type section. With percent are derived partly from counts of more than these concepts we sampled the Le Castella section which 300 specimens. seemed to offer a more complete late Pliocene and early To understand the effect of inferred climatic fluctua- Pleistocene sequence than did Santa Maria di Catanzaro; tions on the planktonic fauna, the species were divided these sediments, also, have a fine-grained character more into those having warm-water affinities and those having suitable for paleomagnetic determinations. cold-water affinities, considering the present latitude. Species of uncertain temperature affinities were not con- LE CASTELLA SECTION sidered as critical and, fortunately, do not occur in large Exposures of middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene numbers. More warm-water than cold-water species strata were measured and sampled along the coast of the occur, but most of the specimens are on the cold side. Ionian Sea near the town of Le Castella in southern Italy. Criteria for temperature segregation of the species follows Two sets of samples were taken, one for paleontological that of TODD (1958, pl. 20) and PARKER (1958) in their study and another for paleomagnetic determinations. Be- studies of Pleistocene cores from the western and eastern sides the classic section discussed by EMILIANI, MAYEDA, Mediterranean Sea. No good evidence suggests that their & SELL! (1961), four other sections were included to gain cores reached below the to horizons con- a more complete knowledge of the Pliocene strata (Fig. sidered in the present study, but they show that similar 8). The sampled interval is underlain by Mio-Pliocene climatic fluctuations persisted up to the Holocene. strata and overlain unconformably by Pleistocene terraces Tonn (1958) considered her western Mediterranean of Milazzian and younger ages. The lithology is domi- fauna to be basically cold or cool, with fluctuations toward nantly clay and shale, and exact measurements of strike a warmer fauna that presumably are correlatable with and dip were not always possible for each station. The interglacial stages. She offered two possible explanations paleomagnetic samples therefore were oriented in part by for this increase in warm-water species. "Warm-water observing the regional strike and dip of the beds. Ap- species from the Atlantic may have been brought in by Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 21 the Mediterranean circulation system under conditions circulation systems, an alternative interpretation of the similar to those of the present. Return of glacial condi- warm fluctuations is that the warm-water species, always tions would presumably limit the northern extension of present in the Mediterranean in at least minor amounts, circulation of warmer water in the central Atlantic so flourished more abundantly there under warmer con- that the Mediterranean circulation system under its ditions." lowered level failed to bring in the warm-water plank- We believe our present data indicate that some warm- tonics from the Atlantic waters outside the Strait of Gi- and cold-water species were introduced into the Mediter- bralter. Without taking into account the possible changes ranean in response to changes in the Atlantic circulation in the relationship between Mediterranean and Atlantic brought about by climatic change. This is evidenced in

20 -

10 -




902A 14 M-

897A o TORRE 8RASOLO &stall 790 -61 M


779—• OM


Ftu. 8. Correlation of stratigraphie sections measured between Torre Brasolo and Telegrafo Point, near Le Castella in southern taly. (Longitude is in reference to the meridian of Rome, corresponding approximately to 17°01'E of Greenwich.) 2 2 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

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21 69 901A 1148111101 PP -17 1 P 9 0 3 1 0 29 63 900A 231 3 P 2 18 P P 7 2 4 0 2 23 w o 27 63 899A 325 2 0 416 P P12 3 1 1 0 620 0 N, 3 40 2 1 1 9 1 P 22 1 10870 Z 2 18 77 898A w 4? ).- < .... 15 79 897A 542 5 0 2 2 P P21 3 1 0 0 8 8 0 w < .E -J - ., 42 51 896A 10 35 24 4 2 2 0 P 12 2 P P 0 1 3 0 Z c) P 493 PPO 1 8 P w T.9 16 69 895A 119 7 3 14 Z e 0 c) 1 2 67 790 625 0 0 O 3 7 P4010 p P 0 P 2 3 < .r 0 u) -9. 19 69 789 14 14 0 0 1 2 153 1 2 0 P 2 _ CD - 918 P 0 1 5 PP528 P 4 P 1 _1 15 75 788 ‹C a_ 28 59 787 12 25 P 0 1 15 P P 32 OPIP 1 a_ 16 74 786 616 1 P 1 7 1 137 5 P 1 5 P16 23 73 785 P 815 P 0 2 3 1 P19 3 1 9 1 P38 12 73 784 25281 P 050 P379 PI 5 P - e 24 49 783 3 4 19 8 3 P 9 0 P 30 7 P 3 T. o "... N 11 56 782 24 1 21 3 P 1 3 0 1 35 3 0 3 Li,_J a -2 0 ô 5 2 62 781 31 141 1 P 0 P 0 021 1 P 0 .r) Zs -9 -,...3 22 48 780 24 P 24 9 P 1 12 P 24 1 0 •"MARKER BED" OF , 17 47 779 32 3 30 5 2 4 2 1 1 17 2 1 EMI LIANI ET AL.,1961. û

FIG. 9. Occurrence of planktodc foraminifers and the benthonic for-unini .er Hyarnea bal ica at LeCastella, Italy, with percentages of warm- and cold-water species. "Marker Bed" of EMILIANI, MAYEDA, SELLI (1961 indicated by arrow. (P=<1%, W=warm, C=cold.) Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 23 the foraminifers and mollusks by the appearance of antly left-coiling forms of Globigerina pachyderma. northern guests" at the beginning of the Calabrian, the Globorotalia tosaensis and G. truncatulinoides occur sudden appearance of the tropical species Sphaeroidinella sparsely for the first time in the Calabrian. dehiscens during the late Pliocene and Emilian, and the The described subdivisions of the Pleistocene follow appearance of dominant left-coiling forms of Globigerina closely those of SMITH (1969), which are based partly on pachyderma in the Sicilian. climatic implications of nannofossil assemblages. Material TODD (1958) made a point that planktonic species may described by GRADSTEIN (1970) from the type Sicilian provide bases for interpretation either by their abundance Stage at Ficarazzi, Sicily, was examined and found to or by their fluctuation in abundance. This approach has contain abundant specimens of Globorotalia truncatuli- been used by many workers over the past two decades noides but no discoasters. This locality is probably to define Quaternary climatic fluctuations in different slightly younger than the Sicilian identified at Le Caste Ila, parts of the world. Following this line of reasoning, an but the concept of climatic alternations within the Pleisto- inferred climatic curve showing the stratigraphic fluctua- cene is seemingly appropriate for recognition of the tions in the percentages of warm-water planktonic species stage at Le CasteIla. is shown on Figure 10. The "marker bed" or Plio-Pleistocene boundary of Unfortunately, modern distribution of planktonic spe- EMILIANI, MAYEDA, Sc SELL! (1961) and EMILIANI (1971) cies in the Mediterranean, has not been studied so that we is positioned here within the very late Calabrian. It is do not know for sure the current species associations. seemingly evident from the warm-water planktonic curve Determinations of absolute temperature values for water- presented here that no marked climatic cooling should masses characterizing the different stratigraphie horizons, be expected above this horizon because warm-water therefore, were not attempted. It seems probable, how- planktonic faunas of the Emilian Stage predominate. The ever, that the highest water temperatures are indicated isotopic values given by EMILIANI (1971) agree closely by the occurrence of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens in the late with the Emilian curve of this study, probably because Pliocene and in the Emilian and the lowest by dominant they both concur with peak occurrences of the warm- left-coiling forms of Globigerina pachyderma in the water planktonic species Globigerinoides ruber. The cool Sicilian. These occurrences lend strong support to the inflection of the planktonic curve for the Calabrian also validity of the curve based on fluctuating percentages of agrees in part with the isotopic values except for a few the warm-water planktonic species. stations. Contrary to the findings of EMILIANI (1971), Middle Pliocene is identified on the joint occurrence Hyalinea baltica occurs in four stations below the "marker of Globorotalia bononiensis and G. crassaformis; late bed." It must be concluded, therefore, that the "marker Pliocene by the evolutionary development of G. inflata bed" is a dubious candidate for determining the base of from G. bononiensis; early Pleistocene, or Calabrian, by the Pleistocene. the presence of Hyalinea baltica, sparse left-coiling forms Paleomagnetic samples were demagnetized routinely of Globigerina pachyderma, and sharp reduction in per- at 150 oersteds to remove unstable components. Direction centage of warm-water planktonic species; Emilian by and intensity of magnetization were measured using a increase in percentage of warm-water planktonic species; slow-spin magnetometer, and the results were processed and Sicilian by the second reduction in percentage of by computer. Measured polarities of the samples are warm-water planktonic species and increasing dominance shown on Figure 10. of left-coiling forms of G. pachyderma (beginning in Covered intervals and surface weathering hamper a sample 775). clear understanding of the paleomagnetic data. The Identification of the Pliocene zones follows the recom- entire sampled section is characterized by normal polarities mendations of the CMNS (CATI & OTHERS, 1968). The with no distinct reversals. Pliocene strata, however, seem terminal Pliocene or beginning of the Calabrian follows to fall within the Gauss Epoch because of the duration the definition in the above citation, especially the evidence of the normal event. The normal polarities within the for climatic cooling based on a decrease of warm-water Calabrian and lower Emilian seemingly offer two possi- planktonic species following a warm late Pliocene climate bilities for interpretation; 1) the interval falls within and the appearance of Hyalinea baltica. The Emilian, the Gauss, which would mean that the Gauss-Matuyama interpreted following the concept of RUGGIERI & SELL! boundary is above the base of the Emilian, or 2) the (1950) and SELL! (1967), is evidenced by a warm upper interval is within the Olduvai event, which would mean Calabrian (Calabrian II or Emilian) separating a lower that a reversed polarity interval should be expected in cold Calabrian from an overlying cold Sicilian. The be- the covered interval between the Pliocene and Calabrian ginning of the Sicilian is interpreted here as the horizon normal polarities. of reduced percentage of warm-water planktonic species This nomenclature follows that of the standard geo- following a warm Emilian and strong influx of domin- magnetic polarity scale of Cox (1969). It is worth men- 24 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

PERCENT WARM- SAMPLE MEASURED ISOTOPIC VALUES AGE SECTION METERS WATER PLANKTONIC NO. POLARITY IEMILIANI, 19711 SPECIES COLD ...----... WARM n RE. NORMAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 •\./vVVV‘_ 777 VERSED- 150 - 0 DATA - 776 DATA cL'c - 775 0 u.. .1. SF. > -774 cr 0 Lu WARM L./ - 773 i COLD -I- z a ).- UJ U.1 J 772 4 - 140 - .., -771 Z < '-< < lj 17 -770 .1.n - z z - 769 ..., , < u a. -- 768 - ;, 0 L_75] — . 0 , 766 Lu 5-6 765 u/ - 764 - Lo - 763 Lu Lu - 762 r------... Z MARKER - 761 --' Z a BED" / N -760 4. < - 120 - 7 - - 759 I-- 758 ------I A 0 - 757 A z _ 908A 907A < -HR. J. in-. —I \ ... 0 \ .1 41 \ L, CC \ LA.1 1 1 1 > \ .1 1 0 0 4 2.0 . -2.0 --- u \ \ h018 \ - 906A -T - 100 -. lr 34 1 UJ . LL, I > I 0 U l

9058 ---T

- 504A -9038 T -9028 -901A - 80 -•

C -9008 o 3 N - 899A

..". - 698A

E 23a 7 T - 695A z „ 60 - — 790 L— — u, < o - o Z 0 o - -789 .1, o Z - O L., I.D LJ < cc -788 0 u, _ En > _ 0 - < ... r 787 a. -I J < o. cc -786 - 40 - ô

- 785 - 784

I .-- 783

T • TRANSITIONAL POLARITY. - 20 - 782 - H.B. • FIRST APPEARANCE Hya I,,, es bath.. - G.T. • FIRST APPEARANCE Glu- = borotaha truncatutim - °odes 781 = T S.P. • FIRST APPEARANCE DOMINANT LEFT-COILED Globogerma pachyderma.

V _ 780 T ?

779 -0-

FIG. 10. Stratigraphic succession of samples at Le CasteIla, Italy, showing age, measured polarity, percentage of warm-water species of planktonic foraminifers, and isotopic values. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 25 tioning, however, that GRommi & HAY (1971) present A preliminary account of nannofossils in the Santa new data from Olduvai Gorge showing the Olduvai as Maria di Catanzaro and Le CasteIla sections is given by no older than 2 million years. They maintain that all SMITH (1969), and a more complete study is in progress. or some of the seven normally magnetized lavas having His data show that discoasters do not reach their horizon ages between 1.95 and 2.09 m.y. listed by COX, DOEL, & of extinction until the onset of the Sicilian Stage, and DALRYMPLE (1968) and assigned to the Olduvai event evidence is presented here that they do not occur at the probably were erupted prior to Olduvai time. These type locality of the Sicilian in Sicily. There is no basis, they name the Reunion event. They also claim that the therefore, to equate the beginning of the Calabrian or lava from which the GilsA event was defined may have Pleistocene with extinction of the Discoasteridae, as pre- erupted during the Olduvai event and, if so, the term viously inferred by ERICSON, EWING, & WOLLIN (1963). GiIsS should now be abandoned. The Reunion event is Seemingly cooler climes of the Sicilian were a factor in simply a new name for the lower split-Olduvai of Cox causing extinction of this phytoplankton. (1969) and does not alter his original data of having a The preceding discussion gives evidence for a broad normal event between 2.11 and 2.13 m.y. A clear under- subdivision of the Italian Late Neogene planktonic suc- standing of the normal events within the basal part of cession along the following lines: the Matuyama Epoch is particularly important for in- 1) The Tortonian (late Miocene) includes a short terpreting the Le CasteIla section. interval of the Globorotalia menardii Zone followed up- It is indeed unfortunate that lack of exposures and ward by an interval characterized by the first occurrence surface weathering restricts a more precise interpretation of Globorotalia acostaensis (late Zone N. 15 and Zone N. of the biostratigraphy and paleomagnetic stratigraphy at 16). For the practical purpose of faunal correlation it is Le CasteIla. We believe, however, that the section is desirable to begin the Tortonian Stage with the first ap- worthy of being considered as the stratotype for the pearance of G. acostaensis. of Calabrian Stage because of the favorable continuity 2) For reasons given, the Messinian (late Miocene) deep marine Pliocene and Pleistocene strata, which have does not lend itself to extra-Mediterranean comparison been shown to yield rich planktonic foraminiferal faunas on the basis of planktonic foraminifers. The lower would and dependable measured polarities. The CMNS boundary is arbitrary, as is the upper limit of the Tor- do well to establish a subcommittee for the purpose of tonian. Globigerinoides con globatus, Sphaeroidinellopsis devising a program for continuously coring about 200 sphaeroides, and Globorotalia acostaensts are among in meters or more of the section at the Telegrafo locality those species that occur in the late Messinian. Much of order to define clearly the paleomagnetic data and bio- the Messinian is characterized by evaporites, and current stratigraphy and, thereby, establish a definitive lower opinion tends to include the Messinian within the Tor- boundary for the Calabrian Stage. tonian as constituting the late Miocene of the Mediter- ranean region. SUMMARY OF ITALIAN LATE NEOGENE PLANKTONIC SUCCESSION 3) The lower limit of the Tabianian (early Pliocene) corresponds closely with the earliest occurrence of The CMNS recommendation to recognize Hyalinea Globorotalia margaritae followed upward by the appear- baltica in conjunction with the earliest occurrence of left- ance of G. puncticulata and G. bononiensis. Globo quad coiled forms of Globigerina pachyderma for defining and Globigerinoides con globatus continue-rinaaltispira earliest Calabrian in Italy is corroborated by biostrati- upward from the underlying Messinian. graphic evidence at the type locality of the Calabrian, as 4) The Plaisancian (middle-late Pliocene) begins with well as other regions in Italy. Further, Globorotalia the earliest occurrence of Globorotalia aemiliana and G. truncatulinoides appears for the first time some 40 meters crassacrotonensis followed upward by G. crassaformis above the base of the exposed Calabrian strata at Santa sensu stricto, G. inflata, Glob: germa pachyderma, Maria di Catanzaro and above the base at Le CasteIla, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens, and Globorotalia tosaensis (re- apparently after lowering of sea level in early Pleistocene. ported as rare). At Le CasteIla a warm Emilian interval overlies the 5) The upper limit of the Pliocene or beginning of Calabrian and is followed upward by a cold Sicilian. These stages are identified by alternations in the per- the Calabrian Stage corresponds with the earliest occur- centages of warm- and cold-water planktonic species rence of northern guest species such as Arctica islandica, within the section. Evidence suggests that perhaps Hyalinea baltica, left-coiling forms of Globigerina pachy- Sicilian climes were as cold, or colder, than those of the derma, and decrease in the percentage of warm-water Calabrian. The first dominance of left-coiling forms of planktonic species. The first occurrence of Globorotalia G. pachyderma is seen in the Sicilian as is the first truncatulinoides sensu stricto is above the base of the abundant occurrence of G. truncatulinoides. Calabrian.

26 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

CARIBBEAN AND GULF OF MEXICO tically worldwide, more recently described Cretaceous and post-middle Miocene planktonic zones have not re- GENERAL ceived widespread acceptance. Bow's Cretaceous zones The historical development of the zonation of Creta- are criticized because they are not related to the standard ceous-to-Pliocene warm-water marine sediments based on ammonite sequence; his post-middle Miocene zones are planktonic foraminifers is given by Bow (1966). He based on preliminary data and are not demonstrably stated that the subdivision of formations into zones based sequential in all respects. on the stratigraphic ranges of planktonic foraminifers was The planktonic succession in Trinidad is not devel- done specifically for the practical requirements of the oped above the late middle Miocene Globorotalia menardii oil industry in Trinidad and concluded that "these zones Zone because planktonic foraminifers are mostly excluded have found widespread acceptance and application not by unfavorable facies conditions above the Lengua Forma- only in the neighboring Caribbean and Gulf Coast regions tion. BLOW (1959) demonstrated that the upper portion but also in many other, more distant areas. This appears of the Poz6n Formation in eastern Falcon, Venezuela, to be proof that most of the zones originally proposed in correlates with the Globorotalia siakensis Zone and in Trinidad are also recognizable on a world-wide scale and part with the G. menardii Zone of the Lengua Formation can be used for intercontinental stratigraphic correlation." of Trinidad and that higher stratigraphical levels of the Although the planktonic zones defined in Trinidad by Poz6n Formation are younger than the G. menardii Zone Bow (1957) and others certainly have been used prac- of Trinidad (Fig. 11).


PLIOCENE MORNE L ENFER Sands and silts 0 u. °JO DE AGUA FM Globigenna Mainly rather poor z 0 a o. Huso clay bulloides Zone Robulus calcareous benthonic 0 0 Sector _ faunas <1- member Alternating silts Zone FOREST 0 ur and sands FORMATION Z : (including 3 Fr ,,, Zonules) I- > '' Spheeroidinella Lower Forest clay c 2 2 seminulina 2 mAriv.v.v.wIleme 4. _ Zone contact < Arenaceous ? ... Husito 2 — fades faunas Noncalcareous t; t7( ? many-clay Se silts, sands,and CO F C member CRUSE corne clays Z Z 0 Merginulinopsis FORMATION 0 IL' p., L. Cruse Globorotalia besispinasus menardii menardii/ Z noncalcensous Zone clays ; Globigerina 't ill U, 2 CC < nepenthes L. Cruse 0 cc , ZOne Globorotalie L•noue 0 transition u w O menardii Zone Calcareous ‘ Leneua calcareous Z Gr. mope,/ clays end marls clays and marls _. LENGUA ' 4-- al Gg. nepenthes FORMATION Globorotelie ?missing or Subzone represented by moyeni Zone P 0 Z 0 N Karemat ' '7.n Gr. mayen/ Valyulineria and/or Rio Clem - Gr. lenguaensis FORMATION • • rider bed E Subzone herricki 5 . Zone E Karam. .4 , ' Gr.tohs • Gr. lohsi Calcareous clays, marls, robusta ca robusta Zone t_ * end Herrera Zone ncii7ones o Gr. fohsi N Gr. loha OttsanN' lobate ."-' lobate Zone c^issing V, Gr. fohsi Zone 4 Zone (of Renz) LI T T. Gr. fahsi CI Gr. fohsi lohsi alcareous clays. .- CC '"'' lohsi '... Zone merls,and HIrrera sendsives Zone Gr. lohsi Gr. fohsi CIPERO Z....1 barisenensis berisenensis Siphogenerine i FORMATION Zone __.\y;)e Zone ?rys.nn.w.n...----n ---r transyersa G. insuet Pollcarolo Gnd." Mern. .5 ; a/ Zone l'' E, G. bisphence Mainly calcareous Menicito clay clays and marls Subzone Globigerinetelle member Z insueta Zone PI, G. insueta/ G. trilobe 4:2-4 .n Robulus Subzone < rlainly calcareouf (..., ..E wallacei clays with Catopsydrau SAN LORENZO Catepsydrax Ste.Crgix Ls. Zone stainforthi Mainly calcareous occasional non- stain to rthi FORMATION and bands Zone ------..c s merls calcareous Zone Nerlve non- Cetapsydrax ` — — . 7* — --‘ Catepsydrex "Uyigerinella- <1111C•reOui dissimilis clays and il Salto dissimilis spersicostete Zone slits sand member Zone Zone

FIG. 11. Correlation of eastern Falcon, Venezuela, with southern Trinidad (after BLOW, 1959). Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 27

TABLE 1. Late Tertiary and Quaternary stratigraphy.

PLANKTONIC PLANKTONIC SERIES, STAGE, AND ZONE USAGE FORAMINIFERAL f ORAMINIFERAL This Paper ZONES AGE ZONES Bar.ner and Blow (millions 11965a 19671, of years) NORTH Boll, (1957, 1966). Blow and Banner (1966). EPOCH AMERICAN EUROPEAN STAGES ZONE SUBZONE STAGES Boll, and Berrn6clet (1965) Blow HOLOCENE 0.007 10 0.011 HOLOCENE Potglc,I Globorotaba tanrcla

Wisconsinan N. 23 0.08 - Pulleniarna lambs Sangamonian i 2 ,, 4 Z - Ia tr.'s, illinoian ii,, Z.' `i' ta'-: .1 03-_ Lz g st CS tr Globorotalta la 2 (A • 7,..J Yarmouthian uncatulinordes Globppoadrina 0 0 Z _ _ow , <1 41 dutertrei 2.' N. 22 'L'' 13 Y Kansan Sicilian ur z I- o. ...1 yx _ is. e,,,,,, Aftonian . Emilian sc Lis Lsi 4i 2.0- Globorotalia so su A. si Nebraskan Yiiiatranchian tosaensa (continental/ Calabrian 8- sti .7tnR 2.8 ...t 7, 4 Aston N. 19,20.21 (regressive) Z.... ° G .7t' Pulleniarina .1° Not subdivided N oblipurloculata 3.0- Plaisancian Globopuadrina altispira

3.3 - PLIOCENE l. N. 18 Pulleniarina Z 4 1.) Globorotalia 136,7,04 Globorotalia 2 Tabianian nwrgaritae marg.-wade Globorotatia . N. 17 multicamerata V 6 t ul Giobigerina z SphaerrdinelloPsls dutertrei Messirhan - Globorotalia sphaeroides LATE Tortonian acostaensis N. 16 i 5 G/obororaiia Ls, us 0 Sphaeroidinellopsos acostaensis La 4 cc Cl -1 0 semmultna 7- boundary attoitrary 0 0 I- Glorotaloa Globorotalia La bo NotN suividdbd e N. 15 enardn I, m menarich 8 0 MIOCENE 0 0 Globorotalia N. 1 4 ',layer, Globorotalia Z ' Helvetian' siakensis Not subdivided Globigerinoides rube, 41 MIDDLE ,, N.13 12-. .1 Globorotalia Globorotalia fobs, Z > Not subdivided u, lobs, robusta w 4 robusta 0 cc cc Z N.12 cc Globorotalia Globorotaba lobsi w Not subdivided tohsi lobata lobara 3 (3 N. 17

in essence, the Globorotalia menardii1Globorotalia Lion for the younger Neogene, but this presently is only nepenthes Zone of BLOW (1959) extends the Globorotalia partially documented (Table 1). We regard the bio- menardii Zone of Trinidad upward to include the earliest stratigraphic framework of these authors as broadly ap- occurrence of Globorotalia acostaensis. Although BLOW plicable to zonation within the Caribbean and Gulf of (1959) defined a provisional Sphaeroidinella seminulina Mexico but have found the application of their zones to Zone and a Globigerina bulloides Zone higher in the detailed correlation presents many uncertainties. The Poz6n Formation, Bow & BERNILMEZ (1965) and others present approach utilizes more of the commonly occurring recognized that these stratigraphic intervals are unfavor- and widely distributed planktonic species whose strati- able for optimum development of a planktonic foraminif- graphic ranges now are precisely determined. eral facies and, therefore, are unsuitable for regional Although the major part of the present study focuses zonal application. on the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico regions (Fig. 12), Bow & BERM(TDEZ (1965) extended the Trinidad planktonic successions within the late Neogene were zonation of Bow (1957) upward from the Globorotalia studied for numerous other localities along the Pacific menardii Zone to what they considered late Miocene at border of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Panama. the time, but which Bow now considers to be Pliocene Deep-sea cores from the Atlantic Ocean also were ob- (see Fig. 3, right column). BANNER & BLOW (1965a, tained and studied. The biostratigraphy of these regions 1967) and BLOW (1967) also described a planktonic zona- in no way controverts the data presented here. 28 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions


FIG. 12. Location of Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico stratigraphie sections included in present study.

NO. 1 CUBAGUA, VENEZUELA Lower and middle Basal conglomerate Miocene The southern Caribbean region offers little in the way of continuous sequences of middle to late Miocene — unconformity — Trini- sediments containing planktonic foraminifers. In Pre-Miocene Metamorphic rocks dad, Venezuela, and much of Central America, marine strata of late middle Miocene age characteristically are BERM6DEZ (1966) and BERMLIDEZ & Bow (1969) dis- terminated upward by shallowing of facies that are un- cussed the regional biostratigraphic relationships of the for planktonics, and by erosional truncation or favorable Miocene and younger sediments of coastal Venezuela and Late Miocene and younger sediments are rather both. included a review of the planktonic and benthonic fora- widespread, however, and mostly lie unconformable on minifers from the Socony-Vacuum Nos. 1 and 2 Cubagua older rocks. drilled on Cubagua Island to the north of the Araya In the western end of the Araya Peninsula and on Peninsula. They equated the Barrig6n Formation of the islands of Cubagua and Margarita in eastern Vene- CALASSO (1965) with the Cuman6. Formation and main- zuela, sediments of late Miocene to Pleistocene age un- tained that it rests unconformably on the Cubagua Forma- conformably overlie older, tectonically deformed strata. tion on both the Araya Peninsula and Cubagua Island. stratigraphic column on the Araya Peninsula, as The They dated the Cerro Verde Member of the Cubagua described by CALASSO (1965), is as follows: Formation as middle Miocene, the Cerro Negro Member Sequence of Stratigraphie Units on Araya Peninsula as mostly late Miocene, and the CumanA Formation as Pliocene and Pleistocene Marine terraces Pliocene. BOLLI (in CATI & BORSETTI, 1968), however, considered the Cerro Verde Member as late Miocene and — unconformity — the Cerro Negro Member as Pliocene with respect to Lower Pliocene Barrig6n Formation Italian biostratigraphy. STAIN FORTH (1969) evaluated the Cerro Negro Member ages of Neogene formations in Venezuela with respect Upper Miocene Cubagua Formation { Cerro Verde Member to the studies and recommendations of the CMNS. He

Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 29

REMARKS à 2 E Œ z , o.0 o o . A C u., N (.0 co .1.- LIFX Œ u ul ri it si - ° cn 2 z - ct F.-2 0 8 4' 2 .g LOCALITY ca ..t• •-• ô . r.,i o N° AND. it 2 0 -b ..b = 17;È FORMATION el.' RI E E c D _o — in 73 CL 2 1 - . `gt g 2,:c3 ?; o 11 1 A i z ,.., o': -5 -9 43 - .7•-;, ..12. .' '1•3 07 ._`8, Li < c -O ,!.c' ,.. E 7:-., . m t.D E 0 -I a 0. - E 2 i r, 6 . . • ..o .5 .2 r(li (O (3 to (0 cg co LO G to 0 ,D kg N

lil Z .:. o BAR RIGON FORMATION, L' t ARAYA n-• ....2 o: cn .S, PENINSULA LI d 'S (after Berm9det, 1966) o.


DEPTH (Feet)

N. 18 , . ..'...' I •S. . Fi. ni I -‘6 z II or 2.' l' I I I 0 Q. 35 tt Lil 0 , 500 — Z ur 2 I i 8 g, DI , ,- g. _ I • P D °I Q. .E _ .-, 1000— I o • o g a — ô 2 -g I IS 17 cc c.) -2. E 6 E I I I (.0 E 6 ZI ' 4 . - I I I 7 % 1500— I 0 ''? I

> - I MI t •m Li) C .ci 2000— I z t _ O -'.? 8. 77 G o I w 21 -,-,-, I- < Ô - I (..D •c8 2500— I N. 16 - I Coiling direction:

S - Sinistral I .1, D - Dextral -ox '4' Dashed line indicates - I rare occurrence -3000— ô 8 -, --1 lik• tO 8 7 e'rt)Z' lb %% <0 • co U Ilk illg

Flo. 13. Stratigraphie distribution of planktonic foraminifers from Cubagua Island and the Araya Peninsula, Venezuela. 30 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions recommended that the ages applied to late Neogene for three of the "upper Miocene" planktonic zones de- formations of coastal Venezuela be revised accordingly. scribed by Bow & BERM&IEZ (1965) and is significant The No. 1 Cubagua penetrates approximately 3,000 as a reference section for the late Neogene succession in feet of the Cubagua Formation, which thins to less than the southern Caribbean region. 300 feet on the peninsula. The Cubagua Formation was A nearly continuous suite of cores from this well was cored continuously, and most of the section is rich in studied, and ranges of stratigraphically important plank- planktonic foraminifers. This well is the type locality tonics were charted (Fig. 12). On the right-hand column

`3 it, 7E c; xn O c t 2 'C' i 2.' - C .r, ,., y.,-4, o .... 2 l''. 2 ,,, i 1,` F; 2 E Z re .2 -- a 5, x 9,, -'-;. 5.„ ia-,, . - .- 2 `,1 ,:, .bi .si 8 SAMPLE -§:,o -?„ .0, 'd '-z, 2 .::„.. t' .;.,, -7, 'i, '7-, '-':.! -'E E ,3 .t . i- i, o. LOCALITY ' a ? . . -,i; > -. , . " ',,, ? ,t .?:. - .,3 , . 'g ? 4.?„ ..9 c r, t 2 2 s 2 % a :;2,. <,,, -:-.- z g .0, 2 z ..., ..T. .2 :t. 1.. In 'Ps '",, .z: -,:-. 1 - z. . ,2 z 1 .z., Z ...S, 1 7os? •:: ,,0 .T. n3- ÎA Z I . ;- . -. - .,_ 1 '''''',, ' .' li .??.. , ? r! It • S. . '3 li . F. 11. 2 -=°. E? 2 k e, ,.'i 2. C;E & •Z E 22, % %, 2- i g .7T,, 9n. g 2 .c) --ci 1:3 ,t. :r3 la :6- .0 .c) .ci 45 -6 ..e) 2 2 Z % 2 :6 2 . 2 2;2 ,oc-a 000000 0000 0.-....c000--,2 ut..7 Ci rn(Dt.Duuuu (.3(.10t0C., Li ,.,9- 66Griu

Navy Island Member at Z Z San San Bay. About 40 4 4 y y feet above EPR-730D. EPR-730E

Manchioneal Formation at Z Manchioneal Bay. S D 0 D u.1 4 RMS-119611 Z i w 0 8 . Base of Navy Island S Member at San San Bay. v/ About 30 feet above EPR-730C. EPR-7300 -a _ Q.

4Z Regional hiatus. Y VI 4 CC al . Type Bowden Formation at Zu'l Bowden. Shell-bed locality. EPR-730H; RMS-119612 D

S Drivers River Formation 1.2 miles southwest of Manchioneal. EPR-730K

Bowden Formation east of Buff Bay. EPR-730G D H

Buff Bay Formation just D S RI east of Buff Bay. RMS-119608

w Z Bowden Formation Y. mile S u.i west of Bowden below D s X type section. EPR-730J ..7i ..... xi. Q. Top of San San Clay at I San San Bay. About 120 s I R feet above EPT-730B. I EPR-730C

at San San I San San Clay Il 1 Bay. About 280 feet above EPR-730A. I I Coi rig direction EPR-730B 1 I R = Random

Base of San San Clay S = Sinis-tral above Pelleu Island IS IS I I S Chalk at San San Bay. D = Dextral EPR.730A I I I

FIG. 14. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foraminifers from Jamaica, West Indies. Dashed lines indicate rare occurrences. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 31 of Figure 13 several stratigraphic interpretations are ex- of selected planktonic species of the Coastal Group were plained. Nomenclatural differences are as follows: given by ROBINSON ( 1969a); he also prepared a geological guide to Neogene sections (1969b) for a field excursion Divergent Nomenclature of Planktonic Foraminiferal to the island by 19th Annual Convention of the Gulf Sequences Coast Association of Geological Societies and the Society This paper BOLL! (in BERMI)DEZ, 1966) of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Excerpts Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides Sphaeroidinella seminulina from the stratigraphical nomenclature of this publication Globoquadrina humerosa Globorotalia dutertrei (in part) are shown on Figure 15. Globigerinoides conglobatus Globigerinoides canimarensis Globorotalia crassacrotonensis Globorotcdia puncticrdata A preliminary account of the planktonic biostratig- Prdleniatina prim alit Pulleniatina semiinvoluta raphy of the Coastal Group was supplied by ROBINSON for inclusion here (Fig. 16). The middle to late Miocene BANNER & BLOW (1965b) described Globorotalia passage is seen in the type Buff Bay Formation with the merotumida and G. plesiotumida from the nearby earliest occurrence of Globorotalia acostaensis and G. No. 2 Cubaga well, and attached significant importance plesiotumida. Within the lower part of the San San in their Neogene zonation to the ranges of these species. Clay G. acostaensis continues upward and Sphaeroidinel- Although these species could not be recognized in the lopsis sphaeroides, Globo quadrina humerosa, and Glo- No. 1 Cubagua well, the stratigraphic position of their bigerinoides con globatus first appear. Early Pliocene be- type levels is projected into the section using the first ap- gins in the upper part with Globorotalia margaritae, G. pearance of Pulleniatina prima/is (which occurs in both crassaformis gens, and G. multicamerata. wells) as a reference horizon. Within the Upper Buff The late Neogene section on the island of Cubagua Bay Formation the early-late Pliocene passage is indicated by demonstrates 1) a late Miocene to early Pliocene passage the last occurrence of G. margaritae; Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides with influx of the typical early Pliocene species Globoro- continues upward and Pulleniatina prima/is tlaia margaritae, G. crassacrotonensis, and Pulleniatina makes its first appear- ance. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens prima/is, 2) a shallowing of facies upward in the middle appears in late Pliocene and is followed upward by Pliocene which is followed by erosional truncation, and Globorotalia miocenica. 3) an overstep by a seemingly warm-water Pleistocene Within the Drivers River Formation latest Pliocene (Aftonian?) sequence around the island margin. Because and earliest Pleistocene are characterized by extinction of the well was drilled on a structural high, young Pliocene warm-water species, such as Globo quadrina altispira and sediments around the periphery of the island were not G. venezuelana, and withdrawal of Globorotalia menardii penetrated at the well location. The hiatus between the from these latitudes. Globorotalia multicamerata con- Pliocene and Pleistocene probably represents lowering of tinues upward into earliest Pleistocene whereas G. mio- sea level during early Pleistocene glaciation. cenica and G. tosaensis range throughout the formation. A detailed account of the biostratigraphy and paleomag- COASTAL GROUP, JAMAICA, WEST INDIES netic stratigraphy of the Drivers River Formation is given by ROBINSON & LAMB (1970). They show all of the The most continuous and fossiliferous exposures of Drivers River Formation to be within the Gauss Epoch late Neogene sediments in the Caribbean region are in and extinction of G. altispira is above the Kaena event. the Coastal Group on the island of Jamaica. These were Thus, we see the first evidence for onset of late Neogene brought to the attention of foraminifer workers by pub- climatic deterioration in Jamaica within the Drivers lications of CUSHMAN & JARVIS (1930), CUSHMAN & TODD River Formation (in the upper Gauss Epoch) at about (1945), PALMER (1945), and others. Presently, however, 2.8 m.y. age. no comprehensive stratigraphie treatment of the several The formations and their microfaunas has been published. upper part of the Bowden Formation, including the Random surface collections were made by the Creole "shell-bed locality" above the extinction horizon of Globo quadrina altispira, Petroleum Corporation and Esso Production Research was assigned previously to the Miocene by WOODRING (1925, 1928). Although recorded Company under the field guidance of Dr. EDWARD ROBIN- by PALMER (1945) from the SON of the University of the West Indies; studies on these Bowden Formation, Globoro- samples gives a preliminary interpretation of the plank- talia truncatulinoides was not found in the present study tonic succession within the late Neogene series (Fig. 14). below the Manchioneal Formation or Navy Island Mem- Concurrent stratigraphical research by ROBINSON also ber. ROBINSON (1967) discussed the extinction level of has clarified much of the formational nomenclature of G. altispira in Jamaica and the widespread unconformable the coastal sequences and the distribution of the plank- contact between the Bowden and Manchioneal Forma- tonic foraminifers. tions. Although ROBINSON (personal communication) The stratigraphie distribution and coiling directions maintains that shallowing of facies very definitely com-

32 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions



,'1] Globoquadrina dutertrei Manchioneal Fm. ....,rti 1:3 - _ _ _ _ _ - ? I 1 and Navy Island Mem. 7,6 ,c.? ..•. . • ... • .. • ...... ô ''... c c Regional Hiatus :-:•.• PLEISTOCENE rii 0 • - • ô -St. TA 1E •.•..•.•••••••••.•.-.•.-.•. .o , 0 Globorotalia tosaensis CALABRIAN Shell Bed of > '' I CD 2 Woodring et al. > `"' '1/4 2 2 Bowden Fm. Pulleniatina obliqulloculata PLAISANCIAN I t t PLIOCENE Globorotalia margaritae r ,,_ TABIAN IAN co August Town C 0•13 ci MESSINIAN - 12' Buff Bay Fm. Fm. c Globorotalia acostaensis TORTONIAN 1` 3 CU D 0. C..) Globorotalia menarchi > MIOCENE 1-- 0

Globorotalia siakensis N, ‘, • ....'....• ." ‘• HELVETIAN tc, a° Newport Fm. 1->"3Globorotalia fohsi robusta 4- '5"-- Spring Garden co an Member

FIG. 15. Stratigraphic evaluation of some type late Neogene sections in Jamaica, West Indies.

mences some distance above the "shell-bed locality," he SIGSBEE KNOLLS CORE, CENTRAL is not entirely convinced that a sea-level change is the GULF OF MEXICO sole contributing cause; regional tectonism also could be According to BRYANT & PYLE (1965), "The first a factor. known occurrence of considerable thickness of non- The inference here is that the extinction level of turbidite sediment in the Sigsbee Deep of the Gulf of Globo quadrina altispira, as well as the disappearance of Mexico was sampled recently on a cruise of Texas A. & other warm-water species at this stratigraphie level, is M. University's research vessel Alaminos. A 550-cm symptomatic of severe climatic deterioration in the Carib- core (no. 64-A-9-5E) was collected June 5, 1964, from bean region. In a climatic sense, this is interpreted to be a depth of 3,536 m at 23°50'N., 92°24.5'W. The core the onset of the Nebraskan Stage and of continental was taken near the crest of one of the Sigsbee Knolls at glaciation. an elevation of 152 m above the abyssal plain." Shallowing above the Bowden shell bed seems to be The sediment core has been the subject of several glacioeustatically influenced, and the regional uncon- public discussions by earth scientists of the Texas A. & M. formity between the Bowden and Manchioneal Forma- University (BRYANT & PYLE, 1965; PYLE, 1966, 1968), tions (including the Navy Island Member) reflects max- and of the Esso Production Research Company (GARTNER, imum lowering of sea level during the Nebraskan Stage. 1967; BEARD & LAMB, 1968). Continuing attention has Globorotalia menardii reappears a few feet above the focused on this core because of its penetration of Pleisto- base of the Navy Island Member of the Manchioneal cene, Pliocene, and late Miocene sediment which record Formation at San San Bay and is followed upward by the late Neogene history of deposition in the central the extinction of G. tosaensis and the first local occurrence Gulf of Mexico during the past 10 million years. From of G. truncatulinoides. We concur with ROBINSON (1968) faunal and physical evidence PYLE (1968) concluded that that the lower part of this member correlates with the the deposition in deep water, the remarkably low rate of transgressive Aftonian interglacial Stage which is fol- sedimentation, the presence of authigenic minerals, and lowed upward by a regression corresponding to the Kan- the lack of faunal and lithologic indications of turbidites san glacial Stage. may be explained reasonably by the conclusion that the

Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 33

site of the deposition was on a "Sigsbee knoll" which The lower portion of the core which contains existed in the late Miocene. Globigerinoides con globatus and Globorotalia acostaensis The stratigraphie distribution of species in this core is dated as late Miocene. The appearance of Globorotalia (Fig. 17) is modified slightly from PYLE (1968) and margaritae begins the early Pliocene, and the appearance BEARD & LAMB (1968) to account for new data. Interpre- of the G. crassaformis lineage (i.e., the species G. aemili- tation of the early Pleistocene was reevaluated after dis- ana and G. crassacrotonensis) begins the middle Pliocene. covery that the cored interval from depths of 150 to 160 An impressive number of species having modern affinities cm is slightly mixed. Below 150 cm the core is regarded begin in the middle Pliocene, imparting a modern ap- confidently as intact, and possible sources of contamina- pearance to the assemblages. tion were carefully evaluated by visual inspection of the The beginning of late Pliocene is chosen arbitrarily at core, reprocessing for foraminifers at different times, and the horizon of withdrawal from the region of thermophile examination of nannofossil assemblages for mixing. species of the Pulleniatina tribe, which indicates cooling Above 150 cm the core was disturbed in the coring process of the water mass. This horizon may correspond with a and was not studied. minor faunal-temperature change suggested near the end

U . L., 3 COILING 2 o i ;' ‘1' .g vi 4 2 -l'a:; DIRECTION 2 .3 4,1 .2 -8 -, ,,,., .:2 - t, :6; t '„ '' ' :2 2

.='--9 `2 'E; -1- ',''.. 2 ? ft . Z •=. g e" 'c4L' 'Z' . 2ft '2 t i ? 2 F3 .. GLACIAL STAGE ZONE SUBZONE :: l', l'. .3 .‘n: .9, É o o °.z?.F202Zqt...?,11i.'.." s ,,,,,,,,„ z \ 2 .ft 2 .2 '' -2 1, 1 - , 9, ..-: ..: 2 .2. .2 2 6 2 c.- . e' cn, 2 ' .“..-216A-1i-- l'-22.2:-2:-2“1“Ell°, D . Datair 2 .62222e .4, z`?, o .9. T oe 1. 2222122%1 - ..s 2 . 2. 4 000000(;' (D° c''' D a i'A i .;1 a t D t. s i".3 (.3 i 3 (.3 6 ü 6 (.- 5 es g ,..51 Q-s.. (..ED' 9 1 II POST- G/oboquadrina . 6 k AFTONIAN dutertrei 2 :5 2 n I i.0 _ ..,, - - - 23 AFTONIAN Globorotalia 7, 1- truncatuhnoides -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 - - t Eustatic D.tu newonalmcoMo'mity Globorotalia . lowed n 9 - 1 tosaensrs ta.n 193 2 Early 194 i', - 761 e 195 -I- tt 1-11-1 Hit F Pulleniatina obbquiloculata -,-, 44 ij - Ô d 3 11 1 11 Ô 4 11 1 . PLIOCENE Cj. I - 0 Pt./Hen/vino -1-i-1- LI prima/is .., Globorotalia Maly,/ tae Globorotalia > 21 _. 21 n MUltiCamerata w,i 19 I I ,3 18 III i Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides a , 6 Globorotaha I LATE acostaensis Probably some strata not accounted for

40 I 1 7 Sphaeroidinellopsis EEO seminulina IFNI ___I

Globorotaha co'-- merlon:lb et 1 - Iii Globorotalia slake nais LATE MIDDLE II - Globorotalia lohsi MI robusta 2 El ]

Globoro ta /ia lohsi' 21 lobate 20 I

FIG. 16. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foraminifers in the Coastal Group of Jamaica, West Indies (after ROBINSON, personal communication).

3 4 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

..- 'B 1?:, • - ,,,a z 7,3 z 2 ,,, - `6' , 6 'B -c..? .2-..., s--14, ,,,,' 4>t 0 2 ' E. - . F. % . . .''' "z.2 i L2 . , , ''', , 2 k,, .5 2 , Z <1., `, 4-, Q. ',..., ii Ei- •22 co ,, ,..) ,2 ,..> ... .i.--. :2 ....,, ,S..., . co 'E , ro 0.) 1::, 2 E '-' 'Zi z n.ô .. '2, ô .--, m ro 2 `,11 a -e•. -,-,, S r< .:.-2 .1" 'C' "2 Z ' 12 2 - ô .È -ô 76 Z . ..,°', '."2 t i ,..,' ,..,°. DEPTH u ns m ,t) ,t: E o ..2' E ' .c: :Li k3 E , n EPOCH ZONE SUBZONE ,t) z z z -. - -,,r, .ro ",.., ‘.., Ls' 4.-, O. r, 41 47 . z k - -, -6 -6, ,-, 1, •,•'' Zr ( c m ) R3 • S- • - ' - - . co 11 q. - m ,o m A:. ,t3 ro oo Q- C' :1:2 m m I.) . Z.: Z m ro '' m :'-.:3 :'-'2 oo "3 ''• 4,-:, 4:-3 -•;:i -11:3 -z-- c z 6- 1 -- • - '- • - ' - ' - • - m 13 co -7-1 -. -zz.1 0 -E' !_o '-z-- 1--z m tf. O co '-----.. o, •'• co oo oo to 110, '75 -E3 . Z ',3 't '13 't r 0 m ' 0 • ,., - Z -S. 2 2 . ,S.. ,.. . ,.. ..F. . -... 2 c..i ,,, t , ggggeo kl 222 2 2 2e.. .t.,2 .t 2 2 ,b tee . . t . 2 4-, .c 1....; aaocioo,to.(.3.'2a000000 Co.Si- 0 00..?2it.Siooa .c.2, -SP.S.,., .!?o.a,- .ci -o -ca -ci -0 -0 4-o1 -o -o 4::i -ci -o -o -o 4, o, -o -o -o -c: "o -ci .o .o -c: .0 ..c) x:1 -o .-:. a a00000 -2. 6 0000c, 0 0.-s -s o 2:?. _2,2%ooaci0000;, .9. ,:.; (D c.D (D LI u cp (,)(D(D(D(D(D(D(D(D Q.(3.(.3(3(3 (3 U(.3 (3 (3 LD(3 (.3 (3 020 6 , / w to 1 / >. . Globoquadrina n ,/ -1 Z -- E 150-160 / : / / w m 2 ,.., du tertre' 0 LIJ ..., "J / 7 / •a-' 0 .CI It '1, • • / • V> :-F. S. 163-167 I II I I i w ,,t.. T.S, . w 175-179 I DI — • O.. ..,:, 'a . 180-185 e, • t >- Globorotalia '' (3-9 z 2 tosaensis 185-189 21— . ID - i cc 1 , a Z 190-192 Ili I -Ilimill 0 II 1 -4- 192-194 I ' I I 194-197 d ,,o.,:.,..2 197-199 I I II I NM .. a 200-203 ._4,-. . Iii 1 c •5 —I- - r t--- .9.. 0. 207-209 II Ili 111 I 1 11 I 1 I --r (1..-S :LS- 218-220 1 1 1 1 1 c> 231-234 I 1 4 II_ '- .- - 243-247 II II I • 252-255 1 Ili 1 1 I Z 4.n 256-259 I w V. Pulleniatina prima/is 0 i 266-269 111 1 1 1 , 0 W III Mill MINI NI n 282-284 -1 '0 I II II II 1• 111111111111V II ' I 291-294 i .„2 um 300-302 I -,-t:13 • 303-306 III i Ill i I I -(:) /G oborotalia 314-317 I 1 I I -9 multicamerata 0 326-328 I I 1 I 1111 ...... , 338-341 I I I I w 351-354 - I S I I I w 361-363 I Iii I 'I I I Z 372.375 S I II • I w T ,„ • II 0 -76 ' ,';', 381-383 III I II II 0 ti,' Z Sphaeroidinell- - 391-394 c> Zi opsis sphaer- I i III u I I II I -0 .I r I IL oides 398-400 4 h:- a a I I II (3 m • -1.1 407 410 il I I 470-474g- Ir ' Flo. 17. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foraminifers in Sigsbee knol s core (64 A-9-5E), Gulf of Mexico, collected by Texas A. & M. University. Coiling direction: R—random, S—sinistral, D.—dextral. Dashed line . ndicates very rare or discontinuous occurrence. Hachures denote contamination or mixed assemblage noted in text. (Modified after BEAR & LAMB, 1968.)

of the middle Pliocene in the Italian region (see The onset of severe climatic deterioration, or be- COLALONCO, 1968, Table 1). In late Pliocene the distinc- ginning of the Pleistocene, is clearly marked in this core tive species include Globo quadrina altispira, G. vene- by the nearly abrupt extinction of Globoquadrina altispira zuelana, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (with flangelike lips), and G. venezuelana and withdrawal from the region of Globorotalia tosaensis (not common), G. miocenica, and Globorotalia menardii (right coiled) and increase in the G. multicamerata. Continued cooling towards the very abundance of G. inflata. In terms of Gulf Coast Pleisto- late Pliocene is shown by the entry of the northern cool- cene nomenclature, this is the beginning of the Nebraskan water immigrant species G. inflata. A reduction in fre- glacial Stage. quency of G. menardii also is apparent. Globorotalia truncatulinoides appears for the first time Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 35 somewhat above the base of the Pleistocene. The rare paleobathymetric (glacioeustatic) changes reported by specimens of this species found in the Pliocene interval these authors could not be identified in the deep-slope of this core are considered contaminants because of their environment of the present study, their concept of warm seemingly advanced evolutionary development. We are and cold alternations of Pleistocene stages is recognized unable to support an earlier contention (BEARD & LAMB, and applied to the planktonic assemblages. 1968) that the life ranges of Globoquadrina altispira and SLOPE CORE HOLE A G. truncatulinoides overlap. Their joint occurrence in rare instances seems to be best explained by mixing or This site on the west side of the Gulf of Mexico about contamination. 100 nautical miles east of Brownsville, Texas (latitude Globorotalia multicamerata and Globigerinoides ex- 26° 03.5'N; longitude 95 ° 44.7'W), was drilled and cored tremus die out within the Nebraskan of this core and alternately. The core hole is on the flank of a basin in Globorotalia miocenica near the end of the Nebraskan. 3,765 feet of water. Total penetration was 928 feet. A The end of the Nebraskan glacial and the beginning of total of 16 cores were taken, and 4 to 5 samples from each the Aftonian interglacial is marked by the sudden and core (77 in all) were processed routinely for foraminifers. common reappearance of G. menardii (left coiled) and At total depth the core hole had penetrated middle Eocene the introduction of advanced forms of Pulleniatina ob- strata unconformably below late middle Miocene sedi- liquiloculata. Some contaminants were identified in the ments. Late Eocene and early Miocene are not represented upper part of this core by their coloration (i.e., pink except possibly in the uncored interval below core 14 Globigerinoides ruber), preservational aspect, and un- (Fig. 18). common stratigraphie occurrence. Discoaster broutveri The interval between core 12 and core 14 is late occurs in all samples. middle Miocene, being characterized by Sphaeroidinellop- sis seminulina and Globorotalia acostaensis (left coiled). GULF COAST SLOPE CORES, NORTHERN Globorotalia lenguaensis was not found above core 13. GULF OF MEXICO The Miocene-Pliocene boundary (BEARD & LAMB, Geological investigations along the continental slope 1968) is between core 10 and core 11 as Globorotalia of the northern Gulf of Mexico were initiated in January margaritae first occurs in core 10. At this level Globo- 1966 as a joint venture of Humble Oil & Refining Com- quadrina humerosa and Globorotalia multicamerata ap- pany, Chevron Oil Company, Gulf Oil Corporation, pear. The coiling change in the G. menardii complex Socony Mobil Oil Company, and Esso Production Re- from dominantly left to dominantly right occurs within search Company. Core holes were drilled in water depths core 10. Pulleniatina prima/is (left-coiled) and Globoro- ranging from 2,676 to 4,384 feet; sediment penetration talia crassacrotonensis (left-coiled) occur in core 9 but was about 1,000 feet. were not found above or below this level. The drilling program was designed to core 15 feet and A pronounced faunal change occurs between cores 8 drill 45 feet alternately, with a possible core recovery of and 9. Globigerina nepenthes, Pulleniatina prima/Is 25 percent for the interval penetrated. About five samples (right-coiled), and Globorotalia margaritae (left-coiled) from each core (297 samples in all) were processed for were not found above core 9 whereas Globorotalia foraminifers and nannofossils. Four of the core holes tosaensis, Globorotalia miocenica s.s., Globorotalia per- contain a nearly complete late middle Miocene to Holo- tenuis, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (with multiple flange- cene sequence of planktonic marl; these were selected like apertures), Globorotalia crassaformis (right-coiled), for detailed paleontological analysis (Fig. 12). Planktonic and G. inflata first appear in core 8. The concurrent foraminifers from the greater-than-0.62 mm fraction were ranges of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens and Globoquadrina identified and their direction of coiling noted. Strati- altispira (core 8) characterize late Pliocene in the Gulf graphic occurrences of Discoaster broutveri were charted of Mexico and Caribbean and provide an important by LEE A. SMITH. reference horizon for worldwide correlation. These richly fossiliferous slope sediments provide The last occurrence of Globo quadrina altispira, Globo- knowledge of the successive planktonic assemblages not quadrina venezuelana, and Globorotalia multicamerata, commonly obtainable in shallow-shelf environments. which marks the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, is be- Their study, therefore, has aided materially in defining tween cores 7 and 8. Globorotalia truncatulinoides and the stratigraphie distribution of planktonic foraminifers G. altispira were not found together in this core hole. in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (right-coiled) occurs in re- The concept of alternations of glacial and interglacial duced numbers in the top of core 7. stages in the marine shelfal environment of the northern Globorotalia miocenica and G. pertenuis, which are Gulf of Mexico was introduced by AKERS & HOLCK the right-coiling members of the G. menardii complex, (1957) and AKERS & DORMAN (1964). Although the are not found above core 7. The concurrent ranges of

36 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

G. truncatulinoides and these right-coiling members of The first "abundant" appearance of Globorotalia trun- the G. menardii complex defines an important planktonic catulinoldes (left-coiling) is in core 5. G. tosaensis and event in the Gulf of Mexico that is a valuable guide for G. inflata variants were not found above core 6. Globo- correlation with other parts of the world. quadrina dutertrei and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata are

-o I —& _ r o 0 . m n > o-(-) PLEISTOCENE m -4 m n n z m m i n, Z Z rn rn

Globorotalia ';.,5- Fr c Cloborotalia acostaensis c --•.-t, Globorotalia truncatulinoides c) rel margaritae 117 -2 Z m

CO C") V) 48 ; P '1' ^ CT' Z) 9 a- c a, --., — C Sphaeroidinellopsis e.: -?, -sz. 0, 0 's . ;.' CV -,Ft', 4)c seminulina Z.,' "Z z 3 %) ô .-94, ?,e, • Ô : 61 7' ,.'''-' '‘',,". F., ,...".7. :9_-'. z ,D c,.. ,w . m i 7d 1'1 1 1 - =.: - 1 1-`°1 H H H CORE NO. Globorotalia lenguaensis I I Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina I 1 Globorotalia acostaensis I I Globigerina nepenthes Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides I I o Globorotalia margaritae I I ,, I Pulleniatina prima/is I I Globoquadrina altispira I I Globoquadrina venezuelana I , I Globorotalia multicamerata i I n Globigerinoides extremus I I nnnnnnnn Globorotalia miocenica Globorotalia pertenuis I I Globoquadrina humerosa I I I Globorotalia tosaensis I I I Globorotalia inflata (variant) — — — I Globoquadrina hexagona i Globorotalia menardii 1 , I Globigerinoides conglobatus I I Glob orotalia crassaformis I I I Sphaeroidinella dehiscens I I j Globorotalia inflata I I I I Pulleniatina obliquiloculata I Globorotalia truncatulinoides I I I Globoquadrina dutertrei I i I n=m==z•No Pulleniatina finalis I , Globigerinoides ruber (pink) I I I ... Globorotalia flexuasa I I m n I I I Globorotalia ungulata I I I Globorotalla tumida is. I Globoquadrma humerosa I I 1 0 I T ra — n 1 m = 1 i 0 r G/oborotada I menardii —2 I 33 0 c) I Z 1 Globorotaha multicamerata & miocenica i i-,'.

Discoaster brou weri

FIG. 18. Stratigraphie distribution of planktonic foraminifers in slope core hole A, Gulf of Mexico.

Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 3'7

is is o

•.:-. 7... '41 _ C <13... .--ei "S. i5, ,,, m o , .C • E ',7. o "0,.. c ---, ç ‘3,- a , COILING DIRECTION w w .. F., od ki P. . t; ,,,t % P. - F, rc, S Z!, •s• .., t) - s 7S). i z CC ‘-' t.. p cii ..Lo ..;,-- .,z x ..Lo 1:3 2..... ,.. 0, E EPOCH 0 SUB ZONE N z C)cj .4 0,1) ' 9— 2 '.....9. 4 2 .r. .9..- --.Z.,'° '''9 -" 2 2- 2 ;,..2._ t'"' % .2 2 11, 1 .T. .T .T. .6 n..- .:72 .!..°. z -T. q, .T. ',":: q, '6 •T .`.2. .1:2 . R, ", r'' ':' m .. ,o P., II' 7,3 12 . - - Z. m ...:., . .9. 2, « 4. ,<3, 2 2 2 2 2 ,'z, a 2 2 ° e . r*-6' e c,.. ,. 2 2 o o o o 0 sP. o o o ct 0 c 0 o z ..:». o 0 rt,p .0 -0 40 .0 .Ct -0 .0 -0 ..0 at -0 .22 .0 -0 Q., 40 -0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.,S2 -s p S2 -s ppp Left Right 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 0. (D 0 cx. 0 0 0 (— --+

HOLOCENE _ _l_ I - I 2 I I I I Pulleniatina 8 finalis I ,., I 7,:% 1 ... 6 .:....'", -- I I ni t o , 0 o .2 ,.., 0 f.93 ' S. 0. , -.S. I ,n3 •..- ... IIIU :a U 1 1 0 ' ". 0 2 J 0 I§ PLEISTOCENE I ..c) •....- 0 2 Globoquadrina I -52 dutertrei .c) 10 I _ I 11 I I 1 2

— I 1 3 c it3 I I 1 4 c Globorotalia I 0., tosaensis 15 ô _ E — I l 0 !? _16 .1 II i I -00 1 7 I -9 (L,

Flu. 19. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foraminifers in slope core hole B, Gulf o Mexico.

commonly present in cores 1 through 5, and Globorotalia acterizes the very late Pleistocene-to-Holocene transition. flexuosa is restricted to this interval. Globoquadrina SLOPE CORE HOLE B hexagona was not recorded above core 4. Globorotalia inflata, G. turnida, and G. ungulata occur This site was drilled and cored alternately on the together in the upper part of core 1; this association char- lower continental slope northwest of De Soto Canyon

38 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

:., -E5' :•.? _ §. .3: 2 :?: a- 2 -.c COILING ES zo. • - DIRECTION - -6 - ii; .5. 2- t a t.- 's

..1-, z . z: .., 's Z,' ,., t s :? a LI,' a -- z '..-± - .?-, z . ' - ''''-`2 ":2-z ,tZ3Q,-ô't,2 ' 0 - -`? ,-'6` S Sinistrai l' EPOCH 0 SUBZONE f Li, -.0-''3 a 8- " '''' .,'6 :,.3 2 E- „. 2 2 . .- ... - . E br,. ..:60 1z..... ',i: : , . N 9.. ' .` ' - ' -m — 5-' 't — -"' .6 D = ID e x t r a I -0 8cr .i!,'` ?,'` —1i . •:=-,.- _. . 7,-i', ,.. '2 — .:: ,,- 2 2 2 r,, 2 2 , 2 -7E5 ""-• m 2 -S. ..S.S. '. '. E ;-.) .§. _':3 gge ,:g2e2g::'2t2;? .°ge.7,;•7ii3, Fl r, a ao.P..00c, coo•Sn00000002, zo ô oo ô c-- Random m ,.. r,, -o a ,c, a -, -0 -0 -0 -o -o -c -0 -0 -0 -0 0 0 .0 ;.,., .-C7 -0 -0 ...4.2 .9...? -0 0 ..- .... .0 _ç:, -C ...o_ --, o 0 0 C 0 0 0000 0 0 0 -.- so. ...o. ,..o. .-s -s S> 0 0 C D C D 0; L., ci: C., C, CD CD CD CD (.D CD (D CD CD CD (.D co CD (i CD Cl. 0. (3 O

— 1

. I , 2 - - Q' Pulleniatina final's — 1 -.5 ',..6 w .,..-. I 0 3 wz — E c.) F.1 0 o I 7'.2 VI 4 0 -I -2- -9 Lt. o Globoquadrina I (D o,.. I -o dutertrei 5 -9 CD I s:, 6 m ô Globorotalia ig' tosaensIs E 7 1 1 1 I -° ! ______— ni '6 _ _ o ,s,.., .. 0., Pulleniatina 8 — 1 1 2 prima/is 1 ,— co c,

PLIOCENE 't — 9 Globorotalia mu/ticamerata o 4::, (..- — I I -cf -9 LATE S. sphaeroides 1 0 '.- — — /I-- — MIOCENE •• japptiallv - - Catapsydrax 11 I I EARLY MIOCENE -- •Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone dissimilis • • Gr. acostaensis Zone

Flo. 20. Stratigraphic distribution of planktonic foraminifers in slope core hole C, Gulf of Mexico.

(latitude 29°06.5'N; longitude 87 °45.3'W). Water depth ance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides is in core 16; no at the drill site is 4,384 feet; depth of penetration was specimen of this species was found in core 17. This level is 1,000 feet. A total of 17 cores were taken and about 5 near the first evolutionary appearance of G. truncatu- samples from each core (90 in all) were processed rou- linoides (keeled) because some specimens are transitional tinely for foraminifers. to Globorotalia tosaensis (last one or two chambers not The cores from this hole seemingly represent a nearly keeled). The relative abundance is low, however, when complete Pleistocene section which is expanded sufficiently compared with later occurrences. G. truncatulinoides to allow recognition of evolutionary changes in the fauna. (left-coiled) is abundant in core 11 and becomes a dom- Thus, it provides an invaluable reference for correlation inant member of the planktonic assemblage in core 9. with shelf deposits and for establishing a model of Pleisto- This species was not found in core 10 and in cores 12 cene chronology. through 15. The sporadic distribution of G. truncatu- At total depth the core hole is in Nebraskan (earliest linoides is well demonstrated in this expanded section. Pleistocene) above the extinction level of Globo quadrina The interval from the top of core 17 to the top of core altispira and G. venezuelana (Fig. 19). The Pliocene- 15 consists of coarse, sandy (10 to 15 percent) clay Pleistocene boundary falls below core 17. The first appear- whereas the lower part of core 17 lacks sand but contains Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 39 about 10 percent planktonic foraminifers. The change and Globorotalia flexuosa is restricted to this interval. from pelagic clay to coarse, sandy clay is significant as The last occurrence of Globo quadrina hexagona is in an indication of the local base of the regressive (glacio- core 3; core 1 apparently is below Holocene (post-glacial) eustatically controlled) early Pleistocene sand. In this sediments. case it is below the first occurrence of G. truncatulinoides SLOPE CORE HOLE D and above the extinction of Globorotalia altispira. Globorotalia miocenica and G. pertenuis (both right- This site was drilled and cored alternately in the coiled) are abundant in cores 14 through 17 but are not northeastern part of the Gulf of Mexico in the De Soto found above. Significantly, the concurrent range of G. submarine canyon (latitude 29 ° 16.4'N; longitude truncatulinoides and the above-mentioned species covers 87°00.3'W) in 2,676 feet of water. Total sediment an interval of about 175 feet. The coiling change in the penetration was 1,000 feet. About midway in this core G. menardii complex, a consistent level in the slope core hole, Pleistocene beds lie unconformably upon late mid- holes, occurs between cores 13 and 14. Globorotalia dle Miocene strata (Fig. 21) containing Globorotalia tosaensis and discoasters do not occur above core 12. fohsi Zone sensu lato markers. The highest occurrence The first "abundant" occurrence of G. truncatulinoides of Globorotalia siakensis is in core 12 and the last G. (left-coiled) is in core 11. Globoquadrina dutertrei lenguaensis is in core 10. The bottom of core 8 contains (highly turbinate forms) occurs abundantly in core 12, planktonic assemblages of different ages. and Globarotalia inflata variant is not found above core An early Pleistocene assemblage with Globorotalia 11. Significantly, Pulleniatina obfiquiloculata (left-coiled) miocenica, G. pertenuis, and G. tosaensis occurs in the occurs commonly in the lower part of core 11. Globo- upper part of core 8 along with the cold-water immigrant quadrina hexagona was not found above the lower part species G. inflata. A coiling change in the G. menardii of core 4 and Globorotalia fiexuosa was not found com- " complex " is seen between cores 7 and 8. The first ap- monly above core 3. The last occurrence of G. inflata is pearance of G. truncatufinoides in abundance occurs in in core 1; the abundance of G. tumida and G. ungulata the top of core 7 although the earliest actual appearance above this indicates that several feet of Holocene (post- of this species probably was not seen because a portion of glacial) sediments are present at the top of the core hole. the Pleistocene is missing in this core hole. Globo quadrina dutertrei, Pulleniafina obliquiloculata SLOPE CORE HOLE C (dextral), and Globorotalia truncatulinoides occur com- This site was drilled and cored alternately off the monly in cores 1 to 7. Globo quadrina hexagana was not west coast of Florida (latitude 28 °45.9'N; longitude seen above core 3, and large forms of Globorotalia tumida 87°20.7'W) to investigate areas where carbonate sedi- were not encountered. Core 1 was taken apparently ments now are being deposited. Depth of water at the below Holocene (post-glacial). drill site is 4,060 feet; total sediment penetration is 1,000 feet. Late Miocene to late Pleistocene strata were logged PLANKTONIC ZONES unconformably above a seemingly continuous sequence of late Eocene to early Miocene strata (Fig. 20). BASIS FOR ZONATION In the lower part of core 10 a late Miocene assemblage The succession of planktonic foraminifers within the includes Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides, Globorotalia late Neogene of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Italy acostaensis, and Globigerinoides extremus. Higher in the is discussed in preceding parts of the present report, and same core the early Pliocene is marked by the occurrence stratigraphic ranges of important guide species are given of Globorotalia margaritae; G. multicamerata appears just in Table 2 within the framework of the standard geologic above in core 9. In core 8 Globigerina nepenthes, Globoro- time scale as developed in Italy. Alternations of warm- talia margaritae, and Pulleniatina prim alis are confined and cold-water planktonic assemblages in Gulf of Mexico to the lower part, and Sphaeroidinella dehiscens and slope cores were determined in a separate study; relation- Globorotalia crassaformis appear in the upper part. The ships to the planktonic zones and to North American Pliocene-Pleistocene passage in this core hole is marked glacial stages are shown on Figure 22. by the extinction of such warm-water species as Globo-- Not all species common to the warm-water Caribbean quadrina altispira and G. venezuelana (between cores 7 and Gulf of Mexico regions are represented in the late and 8) and the entry of the cold-water immigrant species Neogene of Italy because stratigraphic distribution of Globorotalia inflata in core 7. such species at a particular place depends largely on the The first appearance of abundant Globorotalia trun- circulation of ancient oceanic water masses. Although catulinoides is in core 4; the first actual appearance of definitive faunal correlation can be made between the this species apparently was missed in uncored intervals. American areas and Italy by utilizing common species Globo quadrina dutertrei, Globorotalia infiata, and Pul- (Fig. 23-24), criteria for dating and correlating locally leniatina obliquiloculata occur commonly in cores 1 to 5, (i.e., within water masses of the same temperature) ob-

40 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

viously need to be developed using the total planktonic practical. As ocean temperatures are known to influence fauna. The Pliocene planktonic zones proposed by Italian the latitudinal distribution of modern planktonic species, authors, for example, can be applied partly to zonation a worldwide hierarchy of finely defined planktonic zones, in more southerly areas, but a local zonation based on including all known late Neogene species, cannot be com- indigenous warm-water species is more appropriate and piled until the stratigraphic ranges of the species oc-

m MIDDLE LATE -a PLEISTOCENE 0 MIOCENE MIOCENE I0 C) c) c) c) c-5- is, 6- ",i.: . 3 6- N A- 006, a c,- -6 a , a %, g a. , C a-- -, 'b -_ Gr. acostaensts Globorotalia truncatulinoides 0 ''' ' g -'1=.'. 2 a s: Z z..: - ?.?.. m c) , . z 3 c-i- t.n Sphaeroidinellopsts , ,., or , — c °' cu o 2- o' l' co seminulina `"0o o • Fo' °-?.. 2";,. N Z:;• 7.... 0 Z Z il.s 74 C.. rn

A -... ..) CORE NO. c.= Globorotalia fohsi loba ta I am Globorotalia fohsi robusta , I I Globorotatia siakensis Globorotalia lenguaensis Globo quadrina dehiscens Globoquadrina altispira Globoquadrina venezuelana Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Globigerina nepenthes Globigerinoides extremus Globorotatia acostaensis ea I Globorotalia miocenica 1.8 I Globorotalia pertenuis ... Globigerinoides fistulosus oul Globorotaha tosaensis Globo quadrina humerosa — — =OM Globoquadrina hexagona Globorotalia menardii Globorotalia inflata Globorotalia crassaformis Globigerinoides conglobatus , Sphaeroidinella dehiscens as — Candeina nitida Pulteniatina obliquiloculata all .., Globoquadrina dutertrei Globorotalia truncatulinoides Pulteniatina finalis ma — n Globorotalia flexuosa I Globigerinoides rober (pink)

Globorotalia-1°...... 1 tosaensis 0 33 0 0 Globorotalla L 0 --io truncatuhnoides u u I, — n ria r- -iit---Vr, r— la o al zu). m 0 i.n A 1_ _ .....1 ...._, 0 i...s I.. RI CY -/ rn — -.' a ‘7' . 0 r —1 tT, o ,-.; Globerotalia tnenardd no , Globorotalia ES i triocenica o

Discoaster brou wet i

FIG. 21. Stratigraphie distribution of planktonic foraminifers in slope core hole D, Gulf of Mexico. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 41

fia41100.1q IiISPO,V,0 ..n n..• .••n•• ...a ..n m..


LOpnouynaxin..9 somoupow ,i Ô u . 0 C' f , Lu ..2 z '.r. I • Npuonntupo uputuannd E g 2 ' ,,, slleuud eumwound In a o 0 i'5

"°"' .9 V fitimucuadxfswa -D ii, ituoutuse efonaugoo ..OUj^hri

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• 1111.111,..d 1111 n10.1(4019 Mt et. •S - S. upowin eurio.rogoo IS rprUIRJ pfuo...qoo • P!J!. upepuoa 5111•Q015n103 tOp101nyee1Q019

...n..11 P/Ooxpoio m.... grgelatopoio ...av. m. 4no am ar• ..... • urlieyrin, runpenbogoio etillue .y10..04019 fluajJeL9 venu eyuomqoo mpoulturaun4 eunctruqup systerso., vor.u.opoi9 sylumusd ppno,OqUD ININKIOILY tyl,10,I0g0,0 r2us>uudetude.quOd0170,9

11111/11.1/03911., eyw0, 040,9 'nu-mure upuu,Kivolp avelsqu wed ..probogo,D 011f/0177W. VIIIMNI1b0q0,9 .1....9./9*.mullnd ceituopnbegio eu,•uanrid sutuud ruomunind eap.u6.uu.• equo.rogoo IsJuunge eunpentuqolo crusumq ru.ipenboqolo Ps...... 0 •llmo.ugolD tumuodui tu.u0nquo suoasflup put.our0.1Mlid topu.eyo's mdolioupro.ei,ds euoinuuur psdoueurpuJoeyds rusovuop ruJpe000poi9 pruaen6uu gy.u.roqolo squevers gyru,ogoi0 Ijr040.1 Ille, .111,10.10,4,019

.1.7 01 .00.1 rilesonxioo

..! 4 ._ u 1% .t• 3. i o2 ?g; 2 k ô 1 a D P un ù ..? i a a a ,.. ,., .t. - . i ô - a % 6 ô E -E = ! Ba ta 'Il o 8 cl.. a E a k (3

Lu -) 2 2 ‹ Lu L- Lu — 0 lu 2 ._< un 8 .l ,,, YI 0 y z 8 i

8 Lu 0 Z I- 0 u .

4 Ô I I

42 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

41 -7...-. _ 2 71 2 2 s . c ;.? z COILING DIRECTION 8lln .1..., Is o m •-• c F_ , ., ; t u . ..., > o 7i — . 8 -s , , .., OF SELECTED SPECIES n 76° 1 :g i Zs:': 'S., n' it tt ' - — T i m '-.°,,, il. 1 't1 i 2!, GLACIAL PALE0- EPOCH ZO NE SUBZONE STAGES CLIMATE Z.- Z .2 2 1 z: -2 1 .•": •2 '2 •2. ,2 •R. c .to

l' '' 0 0 0 1 0 0 0' Ô' e'> ' 0 '6' : .2 ôôôôôôôôôôô ôôô'.`qô 0 c•- —I. Right , cp' CD' j4 cD'c c'' cc c.'; cr CD' c' ('D' cc c' a ;Ls cs3' c' ci.- g g C9D Left '-' Globorotaba HOLOCENE POSTGLACIAL WARM tu mud,' 1 J l 1111_ _ L COLD WISCONSINAN WARM 'm COLD WARM il E COLD . _ 2 SANGAMONIAN WARM -,..— f inalis _1 1 ir { ts1 L COLD .4:3` 5 •tt ....,; u2 VVARM , u > . 0 I LLINOIAN M COLD ,`.. 1- .- WARM ei I I u, E COLD ô :2 •0 O. G/OhOqUadrina YARMOUTHIAN WARM t.D-'-'-' 2 du tertrei _ _ 2 KANSAN COLD — — AFTONIAN WARM E z-. i Globorotalia tosaensis I Fa n". . I NEBRASKAN COLD ei ' ---' p. 1- ,- +4 PLIOCENE PRELACIALG WARM obiiqur , loculata çp E

FIG. 22. Stratigraphie occurrence of late Pliocene and Ple'stocene pla nktonic foraminifers and Discoaster brouweri in the Gulf of Mexico. Dashed line indicates rare occurrence.


I ' Globigerinoides conglobatus CG

I Globorotalia margaritae CG I Globorotalia aemiliana CG —

1 Globorotalia crassacrotonensis CG I Globorotalia crassaformis CG I Globorotalia tosaensis CG I Globorotalia truncatulinoides CG

Sphaeroidinella dehiscens CG

I = Range of species in Italy CG Range of species in Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico

FIG. 23. Stratigraphie ranges of selected planktonic species from Italy and from the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico (modified after BEARD & LAMB, 1968).

Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 43

SOUTHERN ITALY GULF OF MEXICO EVOLUTIONARY DATUMS AND AGE LE CASTE LLA EXTINCTIONS APPLIED IN THIS CORRELATION • Reported occurrence elsewhere. • n• Smith 119691 A Z A A A Globoquad 0 < I. V) ri na du• 0 Z SICILIAN L..) < tertrei se -e— Common occurrence of Globorotaba Subzone truncatulinoides.

. t c 'a ..— Extinction of discoasters•. N .6 .S. z â', "S 43 b' -13 cc Z c Lu a -6 < 0 .....-. 2 EMILIAN .E Z 2 o :.'- 4., tu ,.., "S (...) < s.' .o 2 S. .t. 0 c I- co C ... CA E ,,, .t .rto ..„,.ti: .1.2 ili p :. LI J —F6 <4,L. n. .2 Z Z 6 15 - 0 •°, 6.,' o m -•— Extinction G. extremus. ..'; m 2 m co - k 4...° .a . c, (6 z 2 •6 . i6- o . 0 CALABRIAN —J V) -9 —2 .0 o ‹ CD L) o O cc en I IC- m L.L, I '-ô -...— Evolutionary appearance of z `3 .til c'i G. truncatulinoides. E ô , 111111111 31 ç E_ ux tl inocftimone xGic..a/raisnpdir aapinpear. COVERED2 i .._ G f (o r, ) ance Hyalinea baltica in o 1111 I 11 1 c ( Mediterranean region. Lu tu 'c. Z Z •k.. Lu I. -e— Evolutionary appearance of U Lu .ci 0 2 ,(5' Pulleniatina (.1 G. tosaensis. = cc - a. < _i obliquiloc- o. PLAISANCIAN Lu Li' ulata Zone I- - < -J ...I- Evolutionary appearance of S. dehiscent and G. inflata.

Flu. 24. Correlation of Pliocene Pleistocene stages of the Gulf of Mexico and Italy based on planktonic foraminifers and climatic implications.

curring in different latitudes are known more completely. sumptuous not to concede the widespread stratigraphic The present study concerns tropical, subtropical, and application of this zone. The same is true for the hori- warm-temperature species, although a few of these also zon of extinction of the species Globo quadrina altispira lived in cool-temperature waters. in the warm-water regions of the Atlantic Ocean, Carib- In the defining of zonal boundaries within the late bean, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean. Neogene planktonic succession, reported stratigraphic oc- Change in fauna at this horizon appears mostly to reflect currences of species in regions beyond the study area the onset of climatic deterioration beginning the Qua- desirably are considered. This provides a check as to ternary. their regional stratigraphic reliability. Important hori- The Sphaeroidinella dehiscens, Globarotalia crassa- zons, such as epoch boundaries, should be based firmly formis, and Globo quadrina dutertrei bioseries illustrated on widely recognized faunal datums whenever possible. on Plates 1-3 undoubtedly will prove essential for re- For example, the Pliocene can be subdivided or zoned in gional, if not worldwide, faunal correlation; thus taxa of different ways by emphasizing the stratigraphic occur- these lineages are given special consideration in propos- rences of different species. It is significant, however, that ing the planktonic zonation of this report. the Globorotalia margaritae Zone of Bow & BERM6DEZ Broad subdivision of the Pleistocene in marine sections (1965) has been recognized in Italy, Caribbean and Gulf is possible using only the restricted stratigraphie occur- of Mexico, South Pacific, and Java; it would be pre- rences of planktonic foraminifers (Fig. 25). A finer 44 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions subdivision, however, is obtained locally by utilizing of biologic variability in planktonic foraminifers needs changes in the planktonic fauna brought about by re- further investigation to broaden its stratigraphie applica- current glacial and interglacial conditions (Fig. 22; tion. BEARD, 1969, 1971). In paralic areas of the Gulf Coast, Pleistocene water-depth changes, as demonstrated by DESCRIPTION OF PLANKTONIC ZONES stratigraphic changes in the benthonic fauna, can be used Descriptions of the Miocene to Recent planktonic to obtain similar results insofar as eustatic events are dif- zones defined in this study are given, together with diag- ferentiated from local tectonic pulses (AKERs & HOLCK, noses of commonly accepted late middle Miocene zones. 1957; SMITH, 1965). Oil-company paleontologists rou- A comparison of the late Neogene zones of different tinely identify glacial and interglacial events using the authors is given on Table 1. paleobathymetric approach. Preferred coiling directions of several planktonic LATE MIDDLE MIOCENE species are summarized on Table 2. Within the study Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone area these trends have stratigraphie significance, but they Author: Bow, 1957, p. 101. should be evaluated always in conjunction with other Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from its first stratigraphie data. Coiling changes of some species are occurrence to first occurrence of Globoro- known to have nearly worldwide stratigraphie signifi- talla fohsi robusta. cance, such as the sinistral-to-dextral change in Pullenia- tina prima/is in the upper part of the Globorotalia mar- Globorotalia foil si robusta Zone garitae Zone and the random-to-dextral change in Globo- Author: Bow, 1957, p. 101-102. rotalia humerosa at about the same horizon. This aspect Definition: Range of zonal marker.







FIG. 25. Miocene to Holocene planktonic zonation in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 45

Remarks: A clear distinction between the Globoro- LATE MIOCENE talia fohsi lobata and Globorotalia fohsi Globorotalia acostaensis Zone robusta Zones is difficult because keeled Author: LAMB & BEARD, new zone. forms of this lineage seemingly appear at Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from its first about the same horizon. Hyphenation, occurrence to first occurrence of Globoro- therefore, is sometimes necessary (e.g., talia margaritae. Globorotalia fohsi lobata-robusta Zones). Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Subzone Globorotalia siakensis Zone Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. Author: BR6NNIMANN, 1951, p. 131 (same usage Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from as Bow, 1957, but not Bow, 1966). the first occurrence of Globo rotalia Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from the last acostaensis to last occurrence of zonal occurrence of Globorotalia fohsi robusta marker. to last occurrence of zonal marker. Remarks: Globorotalia lenguaensis and Globo- zone a Remarks: Bow (1966) subdivided this into quadrina dehiscens have their last lower Globigerinoides ru ber Zone (inter- occurrence in the subzone, and val with zonal marker, from last occur- Glogiberinoides obliquus extremus rence of Globorotalia fohsi robusta to last has its first occurrence in the upper middle Miocene occurrence of zonal part of the subzone. marker) and a more restricted Globoro- talia siakensis Zone (interval with zonal Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides Subzone

marker, from last middle Miocene occur- Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. rence of Globigerinoides ruber to last oc- Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from its currence of zonal marker). The objec- first occurrence to first occurrence of tion to this subdivision is the difficulty in Globorotalia margaritae.

determining the last occurrence of G. Remarks: Globo quadrina humerosa and Glo- ruber in pan samples. The presence of bigerinoides con globatus have their G. ruber in the Pliocene further compli- first occurrence in the upper part of cates the recognition of this zone in ditch this subzone. samples. PLIOCENE Globorotalia menardii Zone Globorotalia margaritae Zone Author: STAINFORTH, 1948, p. 1303. Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from last Author: Bow & BERMÛDEZ, 1965, p. 132. occurrence of Globorotalia siakensis to Definition: Range of zonal marker in the Caribbean first occurrence of Globorotalia acostaen- and Gulf of Mexico regions, which seem- sis. ingly ranges higher here than in Italy. Remarks: Bow (1966) stated "The Zone as de- Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone

fined originally included the whole Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. Lengua Formation of Trinidad. BR6N- Definition: Interval from first occurrence of Glo- NIMANN (1951) subdivided STAINFORTH ' S borotalia margaritae to first occur- zone into a lower, Globorotalia siakensis rence of Pulleniatina primalis. Zone and an upper, Globorotalia me- Remarks: Globorotalia margaritae, G. multi- nardii Zone, with the boundary between camerata, G. aemiliana, and G. eras- the two zones marked by the extinction sacrotonensis have their first occur- of G. siakensis. "Environmental changes rence in this subzone. caused a rapid disappearance of plank- tonic foraminifers at the top of the Pulleniatina prim alis Subzone Lengua Formation, hence the top of the Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. Globorotalia menardii Zone could not be Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from its established there. The above definition first occurrence to the last occurrence of the zone is based on more favorable of Globorotalia margaritae. sections recently investigated in coastal Remarks: Globigerina nepenthes and Globoro- Eastern Venezuela by Bow & BERMÛDEZ talia crassacrotonensis have their last (1965) and in java by Bow (1966)." occurrence in this subzone. 46 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone sidered by some oil-company paleon- Author: LAMB & BEARD, new zone. tologists to mark the upper limit of the Nebraskan glacial stage. This Definition: Interval from last occurrence of Globoro- species may prove reliable for sub- folio margaritae to the extinction horizon dividing the G. tosaensis Subzone. of Globo quadrina altispira. Remarks: Globorotalia crassaformis, G. praehirsuta, Globo quadrina dutertrei Subzone G. inflow variant, G. tosaensis, G. per- Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. tenuis, G. miocenica, Pulleniatina ob- Definition: Interval with zonal marker above last liquiloculata (in tropical regions), and occurrence of Globorotalia tosaensis Sphaeroidinella dehiscens have their first to first occurrence of Pulleniatina occurrence in this zone, whereas Globo- finalis. quadrina altispira, G. venezuelana, and Remarks: The first abundant Globorotalia Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides have truncatulinoides occur at the base of their last occurrence. this subzone with large, turbinate The few records of Globorotalia trun- forms of Globo quadrina dutertrei. catulinoides in the uppermost part of this Globorotalia fiexu osa first occurs zone are best explained as resulting from within this subzone. the action of burrowing organisms or Pulleniatina finalis Subzone contamination. Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. Globorotalia menardii withdrew from Definition: Interval from the first occurrence of the Gulf of Mexico near the climax of Pulleniatina finalis to first occurrence this zone seemingly because of onset of of large forms of Globorotalia tumida severe climatic deterioration beginning sensu stricto. the Pleistocene. Remarks: The development of Pulleniatina PLEISTOCENE finalis from P. obliquiloculata charac- terizes the base of the zone. Globoro- Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone talia flexuosa, G. infiata, and Gio- Author: LAMB & BEARD, new zone. bigerina hexagona have their last oc- Definition: Interval from the extinction horizon of currence in this subzone in the Gulf Globo quadrina altispira to the first oc- of Mexico. currence of large forms of the species Globorotalia tumida in the Gulf of HOLOCENE Mexico region. Globorotalia tumida Zone (=Holocene, post-glacial) Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone Author: LAMB & BEARD, new zone. Author: LAMB & BEARD, new subzone. Definition: Interval with first abundant occurrence Definition: Interval with zonal marker, from of very large forms of the species Glo- the horizon of extinction of Globo- borotalia tumida. quadrina altispira to last occurrence Remarks: Base of zone in Gulf of Mexico is char- of zonal marker. acterized by a faunal boundary between Remarks: In upward fashion, Globigerinoides cold-water species, such as Globorotalia obliquus extrem us, Globorotalia mul- inflata, below and warm-water species, ticamerata, G. miocenica, and G. such as G. tumida (large forms) and pertenuis have their last occurrence in common G. menardii, above. The this subzone. Globorotalia menardii boundary seems to correspond to the end reappears in the upper part of the of the latest glacial interval (about 7,000 subzone in the Gulf of Mexico region to 11,000 years before present) and the during the Aftonian warm inter- beginning of the Holocene Epoch. glacial period. Sparse occurrences of G. inflata are seen The horizon of extinction of G. with G. tumida on occasion; this associa- miocenica within this subzone is con- tion is considered Holocene. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 47

SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal guide species Because its simple morphology commonly is duplicated discussed in this study are illustrated by notably clear through homeomorphy, the species name has become a and definitive photographs obtained using the Cam- wastebasket taxon. In the study area three-chambered bridge scanning electron microscope. The nomenclatural specimens occur frequently and four-chambered speci- and taxonomic discussions are brief and refer mostly to mens less frequently. current literature, as the main emphasis is in helping the ILLusTRA -rioNs.—Plate 5, figures 6 8.—Specimens from the practicing paleontologist derive a clear concept of the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, species as they appear in the Caribbean and Gulf of Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 3, at a Mexico. depth of 0-0.4 foot; X135.

Genus CANDEINA d'Orbigny GLOBIGERINA NEPENTHES Todd Plate 4, figures 1-8 Candeina DORBIGNY, 1839, p. 107, pl. 2, fig. 27-28. Globigerina nepenthes TODD, 1957, p. 301, pl. 78, fig. 7. Test free, trochospiral, relatively high-spired; cham- Considerable confusion exists as to the morphology bers inflated; primary aperture in early stage interio- and stratigraphic range of this species, and comparative marginal, umbilical, later with tiny secondary sutural material was insufficient to prepare a meaningful syn- apertures on each side of primary aperture; no primary onymy. The adult hooded form was found no higher openings in adult tests, small rounded sutural secondary than middle Pliocene in the present study. apertures almost completely surrounding later chambers. ILLusTRATIoNs.—Plate 4, figures 1 8.-1, 4. Typical hooded TYPE-SPECIES. — Candeina nitida D ' ORBIGNY (1839, p. adults, X160 and X175.-2. Side view of typical specimen, 107), by monotypy. From the Holocene of Cuba and X95.-3. Spiral view of typical specimen, X200.-5. Specimen Jamaica. showing elongated and pointed ultimate chamber, X170.-6, 7. Juvenile four-chambered specimens, X170; initial growth of fifth CANDEINA NITIDA d'Orbigny chamber shown on 6.-8. Typical adult with fifth chamber Plate 5, figure 5 broken off, X170.-1, 4, 6 8.—From the sphaerordinellopsis seminulina Subzone, Globorotalia acostaensis Zone, late Miocene in Candeina nitida D'ORBIGNY, 1839, p. 108, pl. 2, fig. 27-28.— Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 12, at a depth of 0-0.6 foot. PARK ER, 1962, p. 253, pl. 8, fig. 27-30. —2 3. From the Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone, Globoro- This species is seen infrequently and sparsely; not talia margaritae Zone, early Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core recorded below the Pliocene in the present study. hole A, core 10, at a depth of 7.6 to 8.0 feet.-5. From same subzone as 1 in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 12, ILLusTRATioN.—Plate 5, figure 5.—Specimen from the Pul- at a depth of 2.7 to 3.1 feet. leniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, Pleisto- cene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 1, at a depth of 13.0 to 13.6 feet; X85. GLOBIGERINA sp. aff. G. PACHYDERMA (Ehrenberg) Plate 6, figures 1-3 Genus GLOBIGERINA d'Orbigny ILLosTRATioNs.—Plate 6, figures 1-3. 1 3. Specimens from Globigerina DORBIGNY, 1826, p. 277, model no. 76. the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Test free, trochospiral, chambers spherical to ovate; Zone, early Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 6, at a depth of 4.4 to wall calcareous, perforate, radial in structure, surface in 4.8 feet; X160. the living form with spines; aperture interiomarginal, umbilical or extraumbilical position, previous apertures Genus GLOBIGERINITA Briinnimann opening into umbilicus. Globigerimta BR8NNIMANN, 1951, p. 18.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Globigerina bulloides D ' ORBIGNY ( 1826, Test free, trochospiral, final chamber modified and p. 277, model no. 76), subsequent designation by PARKER, extending across umbilical region; primary aperture in- JONES, & BRADY (1865, p. 36). From the Holocene of the teriomarginal and umbilical, but in adult covered by Adriatic Sea, close to Rimini, Italy. modified final chamber which extends across umbilical region, one or more GLOBIGERINA BULLOIDES d'Orbigny small arched supplementary apertures present at umbilical margin of final chamber. Plate 5, figures 6-8 TYPE-SPECIES.—Globigerinita naparimaensis BRCINNI- Globigerina bulloides D'ORBIGNY, 1826, p. 277 (unfigured). MANN (1951, p. 16), by original designation. From the BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 3-4, pl. 1, fig. 1-4 (lectotype). Miocene (Globorotalia siakensis Zone), Cruse and Lengua A simple globigerine much confused in the literature. Formations, Trinidad, West Indies. 48 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

GLOBIGERINITA GLUTINATA (Egger) GLOBIGERINOIDES EXTREMUS Plate 5, figures 1-4 BoIli & BermUdez Plate 32, figures 1-6 Globigerina glutinata EGGER, 1893, p. 371, pl. 13, fig. 19-21. Globigerinita glutinata (Egger). PARKER, 1962, p. 246, pl. 9, fig. Globigerinoides obliquus extremus Bow& BERMT.IDEZ, 1965, p. 139, 1-6. PARKER, 1967, p. 146, pl. 17, fig. 3-5. pl. 1, fig. 10 12.-BLow, 1967, p. 324, pl. 21, fig. 2-3. In a given assemblage, small finely perforate speci- Globigerinoides obliquus Bolli. PARKER, 1967, p. 155, pl. 20, fig. 5-6.-P0AG & AKERS, 1967, p. 171, pl. 16, fig. 16-18. mens of this species are found with and without a final chamber or bulla developed. Aperture singular and low- This species is characterized through the late Miocene arched in specimens lacking development of final cham- to earliest Pleistocene by mitered or dorsoventrally com- ber; multiple in those with a final chamber. pressed chambers. Associated with typically developed This species may be a senior synonym of Globigerinita specimens commonly are others having less compression naparimaensis BR6NNIMANN from the early and middle of the chambers so that they are similar to Globigerinoides Miocene; the latter species, however, seemingly develops obliquus. more multiple apertures on average specimens. Differen- ILLusTRATioNs.-Plate 32, figures 1-6.-Typical specimens from the Pulleniatina prim alis Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae tiation of randomly selected specimens, however, is diffi- Zone, Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico core hole C, core 8, at a depth of cult. 12.5 to 12.9 feet; X180. ILLusTRATioNs.-Plate 5, figures 1 4.-Specimens from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, GLOBIGERINOIDES FISTULOSUS (Schubert) Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole B, core 16, at a Plate 31, figures 4, 7-8 depth of 13.7-14.3 feet; X160. Globigerina fistulosa SCHUBERT, 1910, p. 323, fig. 2. Globigerinoides fistulosus (Schubert). PARKER, 1967, p. 154-155, Genus GLOBIGERINOIDES Cushman fig. 4, pl. 21, fig. 3, 5, 6. Globigerinoides CUSHMAN, 1927, p. 87. This species was found only rarely in northern Gulf Test similar to Globigerina but with secondary sutural of Mexico samples but was fairly common at the Sigsbee apertures on spiral side. knolls location and in Jamaica in very late Pliocene and A polyphyletic genus that developed at different times earliest Pleistocene samples. during the Tertiary from simple globigerinid stock by ILLusTRATIoNs.-Plate 31, figures 4, 7 8. 4, 8. Specimens addition of numerous supplementary apertures around from a depth of 300 cm.-7. Specimen from depth of 220 ctn. the margin of the chamber. From Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, Pliocene, in Texas A. & M. Florida Straits core 67-A3-36E; X80. TYPE-SPECIES. - Globigerina ruber D ' ORBIGNY (1839, p. 82), by original designation. From Holocene marine GLOBIGERINOIDES QUADRILOBATUS sands in Cuba, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique. (d'Orbigny) Plate 31, figure 1 GLOBIGERINOIDES CONGLOBATUS (Brady) Plate 33, figures 4, 6-7 Globigerina quadrilobata D'ORBIGNY, 1846, p. 164, pl. 9, ?fig. 7-10. Globigerinoides quadrilobatus (d'Orbigny). BANNER & BLOW, 1960, Globigerina conglobata BRADY, 1879, p. 286.-BRADY, 1884, p. p. 17-19, pl. 4, fig. 3 (lectotype). 603, pl. 80, fig. 1-5; pl. 82, fig. 5.-BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 6, pl. 4, fig. 4 (lectotype).. PARKER (1967) discussed the "Globigerina quadrilo- Globigerinoides conglobatus (Brady). PARKER, 1967, p. 154, pl. 20, batus" problem because acceptance of BANNER & BLOW ' S fig. 3-4. lectotype for defining this species infers close relationship with the taxa Globigerinoides sacculifer (BRADY, 1877; This species is seen in its typical form as early as late Miocene and early Pliocene, but specimens are smaller see also pl. 27, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6) and G. fistulosus. The of related species is discussed in than in the Pleistocene and Holocene. BLOW (1967) re- phylogeny of this group garded this species as having developed from Globiger- EAMES & OTHERS (1962) and in BANNER & BLOW (1960). Globigerinoides quadrilo- inoides con globatus canimarensis BERM11DEZ, which is They logically concluded that easily confused with other species of Globigerinoides and, batus is the main-line ancestral stock from which Neogene therefore, is of doubtful stratigraphic significance. representatives arose. Globigerinoides quadrilobatus and G. sacculifer are ILLUSTRATIONS -Plate 33, figures 4, 6 7. Specimens from the Pulleniatina finafis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatufinoides Zone, nearly always found in association and are seemingly Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 3, at a depth inseparable unless the final saclike (sacculiferous) cham- of 10.0 to 12.5 feet; X90. ber is present to distinguish G. sacculifer. Because the Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 49

two forms have the same stratigraphic range (early Mio- Test free, trochospiral, umbilicate; aperture interio- cene to Holocene), they are referred commonly to one marginal, umbilical, covered above by apertural flap species, usually G. quadrilobatus. which may vary from narrow rim to elongate toothlike ILLUSTRATIONS. —Plate 31, figure 1. 1. Specimen from the projection, and in openly umbilicate forms earlier aper- Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, Pliocene, in Texas A. & M. tures remain open into umbilicus. Florida Straits core 67-A3-36E at a depth of 220 cm; X80. Species commonly have broad, flat chambers; apertural teeth, in the form of thin plates or flaps, project down- GLOBIGERINOIDES RUBER (d'Orbigny) ward into the aperture and conceal it in some specimens. Plate 33, figures 1-3, 5 PARKER (1962, 1967) modified the generic description to Globigerina rubra DORBIGNY, 1839, p. 82, pl. 4, fig. 12 14.— include forms having pitted, nonspinose wall structure BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 19, pl. 3, fig. 8 (lectotype). and some form of tooth or apertural flap. Globigerinoides ruber (d'Orbigny). PARKER, 1962, p. 230, pl. 3, TYPE-SPECIES. — Globorotalia dehiscens CHAPMAN, fig. 11-14; pl. 4, fig. 1-10. PARR, & COLLINS (1934, p. 569), by original designation. This form is characterized by BLOW (1967) as follows: From the Miocene (Balcombian) of Australia. " CORDEY (Palaeontology, vol. 10, pp. 647-59, pl. 103, 1967, and paper read to Planktonic Conference, Geneva, 1967) GLOBOQUADRINA ALTISPIRA has already referred to the separate phylogenetic develop- (Cushman & Jarvis) ment of G. subquadratus and G. ruber both of which Plate 9, figures 1-5 possess an adult morphotype which is extremely closely Globigerina altispira CUSHMAN & JAtivis, 1936, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 13-14. homeomorphic. However, as noted by CORDEY there are Globoquadrina altispira altispira (Cushman & Jarvis). Bow, 1959, differences in the earlier ontogenetic stages of the two p.83, pl. 8, fig. 51. taxa which allow their separate morphological distinction. Globoquadrina altispira (Cushman & Jarvis). PARKER, 1967, p. Further, the writer considers that there are also differ- 165, pl. 25, fig. 8. ences of wall texture and structure between the two The type locality of this species was checked by AKERS forms. There are also minor differences of chamber shape & ROBINSON (in AKERS & DORMAN, 1964, p. 14), and and of arrangement of the chambers in the progression they maintain that CUSHMAN & JARVIS erred in their lo- of the trochospires of the two forms. Thus, the writer cality records. They say that the original specimens prob- agrees with CORDEY that both G. ruber and G. sub- ably came from the "Buff Bay" locality now considered quadratus be, and be, can should taxonomically dif- to be Pliocene by ROBINSON and others. ferentiated notwithstanding the close homeomorphy of The the adult specimens of the two taxa. The two very present study shows that the extinction horizon of this species in the similar morphotypes are separated in time and do not Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico have overlapping ranges. It would seem that G. ruber coincides closely with the onset of climatic deterioration beginning the develops from G. bollii within Zone N. 16 whilst G. sub- Quaternary. quadratus develops from G. quadrilobatus altiaperturus ILLusrRATIoNs.—Plate 9, figures 1 5.-1. Specimen from the within Zone N. 5 and becomes extinct within Zone N. 13. Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 10, at a depth Range of G. ru ber, from the middle to later part of Zone of 12.6 to 13.0 feet; X135.-2, 4-5. Specimens from the N. 16 to Zone N. 23." Pulleniatina primais Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, Plio- ILLusTRATioNs.—Plate 33, figures 1-3, 5. Specimens from cene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 8, at a depth of the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, 12.5 to 12.9 feet; X90. 3. Specimen from the Globorotalia Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 3, at a fohsi robusta Zone, middle Miocene, in Gulf of Mcxico slope core depth of 0 to 0.4 foot; X100. hole E, core 6, at a depth of 3.2 to 3.6 feet; X105.

GLOBIGERINOIDES SACCULIFER (Brady) GLOBOQUADRINA DEHISCENS Plate 31, figures 2-3, 5-6 (Chapman, Parr, & Collins) See discussion for Globigerinoides quad rilobatus Plate 9, figures 6-9

(D'ORBmNy). Globorotalia dehiscens CHAPMAN, PARR, & COLLINS, 1934, p. 569, ILLusm -rioNs.—Plate 31, figures 2-3, 5-6. 2 3, 5. Speci- pl. 11, fig. 36. mens from the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatuli- Globorotalia quadraria CUSHMAN & ELLISOR, 1939, p. 11, pl. 2, noides Zone, Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core fig. 5. 3, at a depth of 0 to 0.4 foot; X85, X85, X100.-6. Specimen Globoquadrina quadraria advena BERM6DEZ, 1949, p. 287, pl. 22, from the Globorotalia tumid° Zone, Holocene, in the same core fig. 36-38. hole, core 1, at a depth of 0 to 0.8 foot; X80. Globoquadrina subdehiscens FINLAY, 1947, p. 291 (type not il- lustrated). Genus GLOBOQUADRINA Finlay Globoquadrina dehiscens (Chapman, Parr, & Collins). Bow, LOEBLICH, & TAPPAN, 1957, p. 31, pl. 5, fig. 5 6.—Bow, Globoquadrma FINLAY, 1947, p. 290. 1957, p. 111, pl. 24, fig. 3-4. 50 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

Specimens of this species from the type Buff Bay achieved by increase in overall size of the test, which has Formation of Jamaica have an encrusting layer or layers 5 or 6 chambers in the last whorl in a very loose spiral of secondary calcareous material covering much of the arrangement, forming a deep and open umbilicus. surface pore area and giving a pustulose appearance. In ILLUSTRATIONS. —Plate 3, figures 1 3.—Same specimens as the present study area this species does not range above Plate 8, figures 7-9, respectively; X43. Plate 8, figures 7-9. Speci- the early late Miocene, but in other areas, such as New mens from the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia trun- A, core Zealand, it is reported from younger sections. catulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico core hole 1, at a depth of 10.0 to 10.5 feet; X85. ILLusTRATioNs.—Plate 9, figures 6 9. 6. Specimen from the Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Subzone, Globorotalia acostaensis Zone, late Miocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 14, GLOBOQUADRINA HEXAGONA (Natland) at a depth of 10.1 to 10.5 feet; X10.-7 9. Specimens from the Plate 10, figures 1-4 Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone, middle Miocene, in Gulf of Mexico Globigerina hexagona NATLAND, 1938, p. 149, pl. 7, fig. 1. slope core hole E, core 6, at a depth of 3.2 to 3.6 feet; X80. Globoquadrina hexagona (Natland). PARKER, 1962, p. 244, pl. 8, fig. 5 13.—PARKER, 1967, p. 169, pl. 25, fig. 9-10. GLOBOQUADRINA DUTERTREI (d'Orbigny) This small species is referred to Globoquadrina be- Plate 3, figures 1-3; Plate 8, figures 7-9 cause of its coarsely pitted surface and nonspinose test. Globigerina dutertrei D'ORsicroz, 1839, p. 84, pl. 4, fig. 19 21.— PARKER (1962) figured specimens furnished with um- BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 11, pl. 2, fig. I (lectotype). bilical teeth, but these are rare in our material. In the Globoquadrina dutertrei (d'Orbigny). PARKER, 1962, p. 242, pl. 7, Gulf of Mexico this species does not occur younger than PARKER. 1967, p. 168, pl. 25, fig. 7. fig. 1-13; pl. 8, fig. 1-4. the Wisconsinan Stage, although it is living in the Pacific The present concept of this species and a synonymy and Indian Oceans. have been presented by PARKER (1962, 1967). PARKER ILLusTRAnoNs.—Plate 10, figures 1 4. Specimens from the (1962) considered this species closely related to Globo- Globoquadrina dutertrei Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides quadrina altispira, but she later reconsidered and now Zone, Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole B, core 8, at regards it as closer to G. humerosa. The evolutionary a depth of 8.0 to 8.4 feet; X160. transition from Globorotalia acostaensis to Globo quadrina humerosa to G. dutertrei is illustrated on Plate 3. Globo- GLOBOQUADRINA HUMEROSA quadrina dutertrei appears for the first time in the upper- (Takayanagi & Saito) most part of the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone where Plate 3, figures 4-9; Plate 8, figures 1-6 large high-spired (turbinate) forms are seen. Globorotalia humerosa TAKAYANAGI & SAITO, 1962, p. 78, pl. 28, Globo quadrina dutertrei differs from G. humerosa, its fig. 1, 2. immediate ancestor, in being generally larger, having Globoquadrina humerosa (Takayanagi & Saito). PARKER, 1967, p. more chambers, and being higher spired with respect to 169, 170, pl. 25, fig. 1-6. coiling. It is known to have better development of Globigerina altispira altispira Cushman & Jarvis. AKERS & DOR- MAN, 1964, p. 14, pl. 12, fig. 3-5. apertural teeth in warm-water than in cool-water regions. Globoquadrina dutertrei Bioseries: This lineage be- Globoquadrina humerosa was described from the gins with the species Globorotalia acostaensis, which seem- Nobori Formation, Shikoku, Japan. A sample collected ingly evolves from the simple globigerine Globigerina from a block of this unit at the base of the quarry was continuosa in late Miocene. G. acostaensis gives rise to given to W. E. FRERICHS of the University of Wyoming Globo quadrina humerosa in late Miocene, which in turn by J. C. INGLE, JR. FRERICHS ' sample studied by US con- gives rise to the modern species G. dutertrei in the early tains specimens of G. humerosa having a nearly flat spiral Pleistocene. side with 4.5 to 6 chambers visible in the last whorl. Fimbriate lips and apertural teeth are lacking. Associated The evolutionary progression of this lineage follows species in the sample include Globorotalia tosaensis, G. a gradual increase in number of chambers and a gradual sp. cf. G. miocenica, and G. truncatulinoides, suggesting increase in size of the test, accompanied by a more loose an early Pleistocene (Nebraskan) age. and higher spired arrangement of the chambers around a developing umbilical area that is sometimes bordered In general, the species is characterized by having a by delicate fimbriate plates or apertural flaps extending nearly flat spiral side, an umbilical-extraumbilical aper- downward into the umbilicus. Globorotalia acostaensis ture, and as many as 7 chambers in the last whorl. Aper- has usually 4.5 chambers in the last whorl arranged in a tural teeth may be visible in well-preserved specimens, tight coil with essentially no umbilicus, and a sutural but no fimbriate lip is developed as in Globorotalia aperture with a thin lip. This develops into the slightly acostaensis. This species descended from G. acostaensis larger Globo quadrina humerosa, which has more cham- and is ancestral to Globoquadrina dutertrei (see Plate 3). bers loosely arranged around a small umbilicus. The A clear distinction between Globo quadrina humerosa development into the modern species G. dutertrei is and G. dutertrei locally is difficult in the Pleistocene (i.e., Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 51

post-Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone). PARKER ' S (1962) PARKER (1967) included in the family Globorotaliidae illustrations of Holocene specimens of G. dutertrei in- trochoid genera having smooth walls, with or without clude specimens with umbilical-extraumbilical apertures coarse secondary spines, that are nonspinose when living, resembling G. humerosa. She says, "some adults and and coarsely or finely pitted, and have angular or ovate most juveniles have such apertures, although the adults chambers. She further considered the genera Globorotalia are usually more umbilicate than are specimens of G. and Turborotalia to be synonymous because turborotalian humerosa. Many adult specimens, however, have an species appear to have been ancestral to several lineages umbilical aperture and may show the typical globoquad- which develop keeled forms (e.g., G. centralis). This rine teeth." usage is adopted here. ILLurraficrioNs.—Plate 8, figures 1-6.-----1 3. Specimens from TYPE-SPECIES.—Pultrinufina men ardu tumid° BRADY the Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae (1877, p. 535), by original designation. From the middle Zone, early Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico core hole A, core 10, at a Pliocene of New Ireland. depth of 10.1 to 10.5 feet; X130 (same specimens shown on Plate 3, figures 7-9; X65).-4-6. Specimens from the Pullenia- tina obliquiloctdata Zone, in same core hole, late Pliocene, core 8, GLOBOROTALIA ACOSTAENSIS Blow at a depth of 14.7 to 15.3 feet; X136 (same specimens shown on Plate 6, figures 4-5; Plate 7, figures 1-11 Plate 3, figures 4-6; X68). Globorotalia acostaensis BLOW, 1959, p. 208, pl. 17, fig. 106.— GLOBOQUADRINA VENEZUELANA (Hedberg) CITA, PREMOLI-SILVA, & ROSSI, 1965, p. 225, 226, fig. 5, pl. 18, fig. 6.—PonG & AKERS, Plate 10, figures 5-7 1967, p. 171, pl. 16, fig. 22-24. Globorotalia (Turborotalia) acostaensis Blow. BANNER & BLOW, Globigerina renezuelana HEDBERG, 1937, p. 681, pl. 92, fig. 7.— 1967, p. 153, pl. 3, fig. 1 (holotype refigured). Bow, 1957, p. 110, pl. 23, fig. 6-8; p. 164, pl. 35, fig. 16-17. Globoquadrina acostaensis (Blow). PARKER, 1967, p. 164, 165, pl. Globigerina altispira Cushman & Jarvis. CUSHMAN & TODD, 1945, 24, fig. 3-9. p. 66, pl. 11, fig. 11-12. Globoquadrina venezuelana (Hedberg). BLOW, 1959, p. 186, pl. 11, Cf. Globoquadrina conttnuosa (Blow). PARKER, 1967, p. 166, pl. fig. 58-59.—P0nG & AKERS, 1967, p. 172, pl. 17, fig. 12-14. 24, fig. 1-2. —PARKER, 1967, p. 171, pl. 26, fig. 4-10. PARKER Cf. Globoquadrina conglomerata (Schwager). PARKER, 1962, p. (1967) figured a number of specimens having 240, 242, pl. 6, fig. 11-18. "apertural teeth," but few of ours have apertural teeth or flaps on the last chamber. This small species is re- Bottom samples from the Indian Ocean, in the per- garded as the ancestor of Globo quadrina humerosa, from sonal collection of W. E. FRERICHS contain abundant which it differs in the small size and narrow fimbriate specimens of forms seemingly conspecific with Globo- lip bordering the aperture (Pl. 3, fig. 10-12; X95, X86, quadrina venezuelana but which are considered G. con- X86). glomerata by some workers. Specimens of G. conglom- erata from the Holocene of the Pacific Ocean, figured by Random specimens that resemble closely Globorotalia acostaensis, except PARKER (1962), are also quite similar to G. venezuelana. in being more tightly coiled about the It is likely, therefore, that G. venezuelana is a junior umbilicus, are found in the Pleistocene. These are re- synonym of G. con glomerata, which apparently lived on ferred here to Globigerina sp. aff. G. pachyderma (EHREN- in the Pacific and Indian Oceans after withdrawing from BERG) on Plate 6, figures 1-3. the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico regions at ILLusTRA -rioNs.—Plate 6, figures 4-5.----4-5. Globorotalia sp. the end of the Pliocene. aff. G. acostaensis from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globoro- talia truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, from core 6, at a depth of In designating a neotype for Globigerina conglom- 4.4 to 4.8 feet; X160. These four-chambered forms arc similar to erata, BANNER & BLOW (1960) remarked: "It seems Globigerina sp. all. G. pachyderma (pl. 6, fig. 1-3) but have the highly likely that Globigerina venezuelana HEDBERG, umbilical flap characteristic of G. sp. aff. G. acostaensis. From 1937, and Globigerina rotundata var. jacksonensis BANDY, Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A.] Plate 7, figures 1-11. 1 3, 1949, should be considered as subspecies of G. con- 7-8. Specimens from core 12 at a depth of 10.3 to 10.7 feet; X170. glomerata SCHWAGER. However, more work on the —4-6. Specimens from core 12 at a depth of 0 to 0.6 foot; X160. morphology of these other forms is required before their —9 11. Specimens from core 14 at a depth of 10.1 to 10.5 feet; relationships can be fully evaluated." X235, X215, X215. [ From the Sphaeroidinellopsis seminttlina Subzone, Globorotalia acostaensis ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 10, figures 5-7.-5 7. Specimens from Zone, late Miocene.] the Pulleniatina primal is Subzonc, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, I'liocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 8, at a depth GLOBOROTALIA AEMILIANA of 12.5 to 12.9 feet; X160, X120, X120. Colalongo & Sartoni Plate 2, figures 13-14; Plate 18, figures 7-8; Plate 20, figures 1-2 Genus GLOBOROTALIA Cushman Globorotalia hirsuta aemiliana COLALONGO & SARTONI, 1967, p. 267- Globorotalia CUSHMAN, 1927, p. 91. 274, pl. 30, fig. I. 52 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

This species is characterized by its nearly flat spiral ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 21, figures 1-8.-1 3. Specimens from side and low arched chambers on the apertural side. The the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides peripheral margin of the test is acute but not keeled. Zone, Pleistocene, in core 7 at a depth of 11.5 to 12.1 feet; X120 (same specimens shown on Plate 2, figures 4-6; X50).-4 5, 7-8. Specimens identified as Globorotalia aemiliana by Specimens from the Globo quadrina dutertrei Subzone, Globorotalia for US were compared with Miss MARIA LUISA COLALONGO truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in core 4 at a depth of 7.6 to rare specimens obtained from this study from the middle 8.0 feet; X110 (specimens 4, 7, and 8 are shown on Plate 2, Pliocene of the Gulf of Mexico. Our specimens are figures 1 3). 6. Specimen from the Globoquadrina dutertrei slightly smaller but otherwise the same as G. aemiliana. Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in core This species seems ancestral to G. crassacrotonensis, 10 at a depth of 15.0 to 15.6 feet; X85. [1-5, 7-8. From Gulf of which gave rise to G. crassaformis (Pl. 2, fig. 13-14). Mexico slope core hole A.-6. From Gulf of Mexico slope core Because of its seemingly short life-range and rare hole B.] occurrence in the section, it is not a particularly useful index species. GLOBOROTALIA CRASSACROTONENSIS ILLusTRATIoNs.—Plate 18, figures 7-8.—Topotypes (sent by C,onato & Follador M. COLALONGO) from sample no. 228, middle Pliocene, from Plate 2, figures 10-12; Plate 20, figures 3-7 Plate 20, figures 1 2.—Specimens from Catanzaro, Italy; X170. Globorotalia crassacrotonensis CONATO & FOLLADOR, 1967, p. 557, Subzone, Globorotalia margaritas the Globorotalia multicamerata 558, fig. 2, 4.3 (holotype). Zone, early Pliocene, in Texas A. & M. Sigsbee knolls core 64-A-9- Globorotalia hirsuta aemiliana COLALONGO & SAR -roxi, 1967, pl. 30, (same specimens shown on 5E at a depth of 326 to 328 cm; X110 fig. 3. Plate 2, figures 13-14; X45). This species is usually very common in the middle GLOBOROTALIA CRASSAFORMIS Pliocene and is commonly confused with Globorotalia (Galloway & Wissler) crassaformis and G. punctulata. It differs from G. crassa- Plate 2, figures 1-9; Plate 21, figures 1-8 formis in having lower arched chambers and from G. punctulata in having a lower arched sutural aperture and GALLOWAY & WISSLER, 1927, p. 41, pl. 7, Globtgerina crassaformis more acute periphery. fig. 12. figures 3 7. 3, 6. Specimens from Globorotalia crassaforrnis (Galloway & Wissler). PARKER, 1962, p. ILLusTRATioNs.—Plate 20, depth of 12.5 to 12.9 feet.-4 5, 7. Specimens from 235, pl. 4, fig. 17-18, 20 21. INGLE, 1967, p. 357, pl. 38, core 8 at a to 13.7 feet (specimens 4, 5, and 7 are fig. 3-5. core 9 at a depth of 13.0 shown on Plate 2, figures 10-12; X50). [From the Pulleniatina Although typological material from the early Pleisto- primalis Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, Pliocene; X120. cene Lomita Marl of southern California failed to yield Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C (3, 6) and core hole A (4-5, 7).] this species, W. E. FRERICHS has assured us that our con- cept of the species is correct and follows closely that of GLOBOROTALIA FLEXUOSA (Koch) GALLOWAY & WISSLER (1927) and INGLE (1967). Plate 12, figures 6-8 Globorotalia crassaformis differs from G. crassacro- Pulvinulina tumida fleruosa Kocx, 1923, p. 357, fig. 9-10. tonensis in being generally larger and in having higher Globorotalia tumida (Brady). PARKER, 1967 (in part), p. 182, arched chambers and a less acute periphery (Pl. 2, fig. pl. 32, fig. 7. 1-9). PARKER (1967) considered this species a flexuose form Globorotalia crassaformis Bioseries: This lineage be- of Globorotalia tumida and gradational to the typical gins in middle Pliocene with a small low-spired species of form. Irrespective of this consideration, the species has unknown origin, Globorotalia aemiliana. Globorotalia stratigraphie utility in characterizing late Pleistocene in- aemdiana gives rise to G. crassacrotonensis, which shortly terglacial periods in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of thereafter gives rise to G. crassaformis. The full develop- Mexico. Similarly, G. multicamerata is observed locally ment of this lineage is seen within the middle Pliocene. to have an occasional flexuose development of the last In this plexus the slightly convex spiral side becomes chamber (see discussion under G. tumida). nearly flattened; the chambers in the last whorl are re- ILLusTRATioNs.—Plate 12, figures 6 8. Specimens from the duced from a usual 4.5 to 4; the test outlines changes Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, from symmetrically lobate to less lobate to broadly quad- Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core I, at a rate; and the umbilical region becomes deepened. Spe- depth of 13.0 to 13.6 feet; X85. cific differences are seen in the increasingly higher vault- ing of the chambers on the umbilical side from middle GLOBOROTALIA INFLATA (d'Orbigny) to late Pliocene. This character can be expressed in terms Plate 27, figures 8-11; Plate 28, figures 1-4, 6 of the acute angle formed by the confluence of the cham- Globigerina in/Iota D'ORBIGNY, 1839, in BARKER-WEBB & BER- ber walls at the peripheral margin, which is smaller in THELOT, 1839, p. 134, pl. 2, fig. 7 9.—AKER5 8c DORMAN, more phylogenetically primitive individuals. 1964, p. 16, pl. 13, fig. 17-19. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 53

Globorotalia sp. I PHLEGM, PARKER, & PEIRSON, 1953, p. 23, pl. 4, Zone, late Miocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 14, fig. 19-21. at a depth of 10.1 to 10.5 feet; X230. Globorotalia inflata (d'Orbigny). PARKER, 1962, p. 236, pl. 5, fig. 6-9.—BANNER & BLOW, 1967, p. 144-146, pl. 4, fig. 1 (lecto- GLOBOROTALIA FOHSI LOBATA Bermudez type), 11.—PARKER, 1967, p. 179, pl. 29, fig. 1 3. INGLE, Plate 19, figures 4-6 1967, p. 357, pl. 39, fig. 4-5; pl. 40, fig. 1.

Globorotalia fohsi Cushman 8c Ellisor. CUSHMAN & STAINI0R -rx, Italian workers derive Globorotalia infiata from the 1945, p. 70, pl. 13, fig. 13. G. punticulata-G. bononiensis lineage known from the Globorotalia lobata BERMUDEZ, 1949, P. 286, pl. 22, fig. 15-17. early and middle Pliocene of Italy. G. inflata makes Globorotalia fohsi lobata Bermildez. Bow, 1950, P. 88, pl. 15, its evolutionary appearance in late Pliocene. Late fig. 7 8.—B0w, 1957, P. 119, pl. 28, fig. 13-14. Pliocene and early Pleistocene forms encountered in BLOW & BANNER (1966) the present study are smaller generally than later forms. regarded Globorotalia fohsi lobata and G. fo/si robusta A variant form restricted to the very late Pliocene and as formae (i.e., different forms) of their emended early Pleistocene (commonly present in the Nebraskan) taxon G. (G.) fohsi (i.e., forms differs from the typical form in being slightly larger possessing imperforate caria over the entire periphery of the last whorl). Bow and having a more thickened cortex. The first ap- (1967) countered this proposal, saying that these taxa are pearance of G. inflata in the Gulf of Mexico coincides morphologically distinct, have different closely with onset of severe climatic cooling and is prob- stratigraphic ranges, and are stratigraphically ably not the earliest evolutionary form. useful when treated as separate species. Because formae have no taxonomic status (i.e., are below subspecies) a ILLUSTRATIONS. — Plate 27, figures 8 11.-8. Typical form from the Pulleniatina finalis Subzonc, Globorotalia truncatulinoides subspecies rank is therefore preferable to maintain nomen- Zone, Pleistocene, in core 3 at a depth of 0 to 0.4 foot; X100. clatorial stability under the International Code of Zoo- 9-11. Early forms having five chambers in final whorl showing logical Nomenclature. angular more compressed chambers, from the Globorotalia tosaensis Although distinct morphologically from Globorotalia Subzone, Globorotalia truncattdinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in core 16 fohsi fohsi, some specimens of G. fo/si lobata and G. at a depth of 13.7 to 14.3 feet; X170. Plate 28, figures 1-4, 6. fohsi robusta are difficult to differentiate, making it de- —Advanced forms having four chambers in final whorl showing sirable sometimes to hyphenate the zones as is donc in more inflated chambers, from the same sample as Pl. 27, fig. 8; the eastern Venezuelan basin. Although the zones are X100. Gulf of [From Mexico slope core hole A (Pl. 27, fig. 8; not always easily separable, the usage of Bow (1967, fig. PI. 28, fig. 1-4, 6) and B (Pl. 27, fig. 9-11).] 3) should be followed. ILLusw:rioNs.—Plate 19, figures 4 6.—Specimens from the GLOBOROTALIA INFLATA (variant) Globorotalia fo/si lobata Zone, middle Miocene, in Gulf of Mexico Plate 27, figures 1-7 slope core hole E, core 7, at a depth of 14.4 to 14.7 feet; X110.

Globorotalia inflow (d'Orbigny), variant PARKER, 1967, p. 179, P1 . 29, fig. 3. GLOBOROTALIA MARGARITAE Bol & BermUdez The proper status of this species must await close Plate 18, figures 1-6 scrutiny of similar forms such as Globorotalia inflata, G. Globorotalia margaritae BOLLI & BERMUDEZ, 1965, p. 139, 140, pl. tosaensis, G. crassaformis, and G. (T.) crassaformis ronda I, fig. 16-18.—PARKER, 1967, p. 179, 180, pl. 32, fig. 1-2. &ow (1967). This species is mostly restricted to the Globorotalia hirsuta (d'Orbigny). AGIP MINERARIA, 1957, pl. 48, early Pleistocene (Nebraskan Stage). fig. 4. ILLusTRATIoNs.—Plate 27, figures 1-7. 1-5, 7. Specimens from Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 7, at a depth of 11.5 This small thin-keeled globorotaliid has a pronounced to 12.1 feet; X90.-6. Specimen from Gulf of Mexico slope core rounded-convex spiral side and a final pie-shaped cham- hole B, core 17, at a depth of 0 to 0.4 foot; X95. [From the ber making up about one-third of the final whorl. It is Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, descended from a nonkeeled ancestor, probably Globoro- Pleistocene.] talia juanai BERM6DEZ (1966), and is ancestral to G. praehirsuta. GLOBOROTALIA LENGUAENSIS Bolli Many references to Globorotalia hirsuta in the early Plate 19, figures 1-3 Pliocene (Tabianian Stage) of Italy are regarded as G. Globorotalia lenguaensis BOLLI, 1957, P. 120, pl. 29, fig. 5.— margaritae (CATI & OTHERS, 1968). Samples from the BLOW, 1959, p. 213-214, pl. 17, fig. 115. type locality of the Tabianian Stage at the "New Church" locality contain this species in quantity. This small globorotaliid does not range above the ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 18, figures 1 6.-1, 3, 5. Specimens early late Miocene in the control sections studied. from core 8 at a depth of 15.0 to 15.8 feet; X100.-2. Specimens ILLtisriwrioNs.—Plate 19, figures I-3.—Specimens from the from core 9 at a depth of 13.0 to 13.7 feet; X90.-4. Specimens Sphaeroidinellopsis semintdina Subzone, Globorotalia acostaensis from core 10 at a depth of 10.1 to 10.5 feet; X90.-6. Specimen 54 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions from core 10 at a depth of 7.6 to 8.0 feet; X85. [Pliocene, Pul- GLOBOROTALIA MIOCENICA Palmer leniatina primais Subzone (1-3, 5) and Globorotalia multicamerata Plate 16, figures 1-4 Subzone (4, 6), Globorotalia margaritae Zone. From Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C (1, 3, 5) and A (2, 4, 6).] Globorotalia menardii miocenica PALMER, 1945, p. 70, pl. 1, fig. 10. AKERS & DORMAN, 1964, p. 18, pl. 14, fig. 1-5, 19-21. GLOBOROTALIA MENARDII (d'Orbigny) This species is characterized by a flat spiral side, high chambers, and circular outline. Plate 11, figures 1-3; Plate 13, figures 1-5; Plate 14, figures 1-3; thin-walled test, Plate 17, figure 4 Most observed specimens coil to the right. This species is first recorded in the present study in the late Pliocene Rotalia menardii D'OREIGNY, 1826, p. 273, No. 26; Modèles No. 10, and ranges upward through the Nebraskan (early Pleisto- Ire livraison (nomen nudum). PARKER, JONES, & BRADY, cene). It should not be confused with Globorotalia per- fig. 81 (no type designated).-BANNER & 1865, p. 20, pl. 3, tenuis, which is biconvex and has a lobulate periphery. BLOW, 1960, p. 31, pl. 6, fig. 2 (lectotype). The type locality of this species is within the upper Globorotalia menardii (d'Orbigny). BRADSHAW, 1959, p. 44, pl. 8, part of the Bowden Formation ("shell-bed" locality), fig. 3 4. B & HAMLIN, 1967, p. 103, fig. 34. Bowden, Jamaica, West Indies, above the extinction Cf. Rotalina (Rotalina) cultrata D'ORBIGNY, 1839, p. 76, pl. 5, fig. horizon of Globo quadrina altispira. The type level is, 7 9. BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 34, pl. 6, fig. 3 (lectotype). therefore, early Pleistocene (Nebraskan), not middle Globorotalia cultrata (d'Orbigny). PARKER, 1962, p. 235, pl. 5, Miocene as stated by WOODRING (1925, 1928). fig. 3-5.----PARK ER, 1967, p. 177, 178, pl. 31, fig. 2-3. ILLusTRATIoNs.-Plate 16, figures 1-4.----la, umbilical view; Current usage favors retaining the older name Glo- lb-d, oblique views.-2, 4. Edge views. 3. View of spiral borotalia menardii rather than the proposed synonym side. [From the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia G. cultrata because the former is better understood and truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in Texas A. & M. Sigsbee knolls widely recognized. This practice, moreover, is in accord core 64-A-9-5E at a depth of 190 to 192 cm in the Gulf of Mexico; with priority provisions of the International Code of X 90.] Zoological Nomenclature. GLOBOROTALIA MULTICAMERATA to consider is that D'ORBIoNy's model of A point Cushman & Jarvis Globorotalia menardii is based on material from the Plate 13, figures 6-8; of the Adriatic Sea near Rimini, Italy, not from Plate 11, figures 4-6; Plate 12, figures 4-5; beach Plate 14, figures 5-8 Recent marine sediments of the West Indies from which G. cultrata was described. Because G. menardii is not Globorotalia menardii multicamerata CUSHMAN & jARVIS, 1930, p. known to be living in the Mediterranean Sea, the ma- 367, pl. 34, fig. 8. Ponc & AKERS, 1967, p. 171, pl. 17, fig. 4-6. terial from Rimini must be fossil-either redeposited Globorotalia menardii fijiensis CUSHMAN, 1934, p. 136, pl. 17, fig. 5. Miocene or Pleistocene interglacial. Because G. menardii Globorotalia multicamerata Cushman & Jarvis. PARKER, 1967, p. is not certainly known from the Italian Pleistocene, it is 180, pl. 31, fig. 5-6. likely that the Rimini material is Miocene. This species differs from Globorotalia menardii in BANNER & BLOW have commented many times on the in the final precise "stratigraphie concept" of a species; thus, a neo- having 6 to 8 (occasionally more) chambers type of Globorotalia menardii (sensu D'ORBioxy, 1826) whorl, a more tumid test, and a thicker peripheral caria. should be selected from fossil material near Rimini. It is mostly right coiling in the study area. PARKER and Globorotalia menardii (Miocene) and G. cultrata (Re- (1967) recorded occasional shifts to left coiling cent) differ somewhat in size and overall development specimens with as many as about 9.5 chambers in the of the test but here are considered synonymous. It is final whorl. On one occasion, a specimen with 12 cham- acknowledged that some paleontologists consider that bers was observed. variations in the development of this species have strati- ILLusraATioNs.-Plate 11, figures 4 6.-Specimens, X65. graphic and paleoecological applications in the Pleistocene. Plate 12, figures 4-5.--4. Specimen, X60.-5. Specimen, X90. Plate 13, figures 6 8.-Specimens identified as Globorotalia sp. ILLusTRATioNs.-Plate 11, figures 1-3. Specimens, X65, x50, cf. G. multicamerata CUSHMAN & JARVIS that are transitional early Plate 13, figures 1-5.---Specimens, X85. Plate 14, figures X40. forms just above the coiling change from left to right in the Plate 17, figure 4. 1-3. Specimens, X65, X50, X40. Globorotalia menardii complex; X85, X85, X 170. Plate 14, in Gulf Specimen, X90. [Globorotalia tumida Zone, Holocene, figures 58. Specimens, X85. [Pliocene, Pulleniatina prima/is of Mexico slope core hole A, core 1, at a depth of 0 to 0.8 foot Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, in Gulf of Mexico slope (Pl. 11, fig. 1-3; PI. 14, fig. 1-3) and Globorotalia multicamerata core hole A, core 8, at a depth of 14.7 to 15.3 feet (Pl. 11, fig. 5-6; Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico Pl. 12, fig. 4); Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone in Texas A. & M. slope core hole A, core 10, at a depth of 12.6 to 13.0 feet (Pl. 13, Sigsbee knolls core 64-A-9-5E at a depth of 194 to 197 cm (Pl. 14, fig. 1-5; Pl. 17, fig. 4).] fig. 5-8) and Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone in Gulf of Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 55

Mexico slope core hole A, core 10, at a depth of 12.6 to 13.0 feet side; note small aperture at terminal end; X90. [Globorotalia (Pl. 13, fig. 1-5).] tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, Pleistocene, from Texas A. & M. Sigsbee knolls core 64-A-9-5E at a depth of 190 to GLOBOROTALIA PERTENUIS Beard 192 cm except Plate 17, figure 5, which is from Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 7, at a depth of 10.0 to 10.4 feet.] Plate 14, figure 4; Plate 15, figures 1-6; Plate 16, figures 5-6; Plate 17, figures 5, 7 GLOBOROTALIA PRAEHIRSUTA Blow Globorotalia pertenuis BEARD, 1969, p. 552-553, pl. 1, fig. 1-6; pl. 2, fig. 5-6. Plate 18, figures 9-12 Shape of test a very low trochospire, biconvex; equa- Globorotalia (Globorotalia)hirsuta praehirsuta BLOW, 1967, p. 400- 402, pl. 43, fig. 3-7. torial periphery subcircular, lobate; axial periphery angu- Globorotalia hirsute (d'Orbigny). PARKER, 1967, p. 178-179, pl. lar with a distinct imperforate keel; wall calcareous, per- 32, fig. 3. forate, some specimens almost transparent; chambers strongly compressed, 6 to 10 in final whorl, commonly This large, four-chambered, hirsute species occurs for about 7; aperture a low arch, extraumbilical-umbilical the first time commonly in the late Pliocene. The species with flaring aperture flap extending onto umbilical area is characteristically biconvex with a distinct umbo on and becoming imbricate in final development. In some the spiral side and an imperforate peripheral cari, look- specimens extensions of flap cover the umbilical area ing like an oversized Globorotalia margaritae from which as a plate and extend along sutures with small openings it evolved. Small juvenile specimens may be mistaken at terminal end of bullalike plate; sutures on apertural for G. margaritae. side are sinuous owing to growth of chambers over relict ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 18, figures 9-12.—Specimens from the aperture; on some specimens chamber grows around Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico core relict aperture, leaving flaps exposed and projecting into hole A, core 8, at a depth of 14.7 to 15.3 feet; X110. following chambers. Largest diameter of the holotype and paratypes is about 1.0 mm. GLOBOROTALIA PRAEMIOCENICA Lamb & Beard, n. sp. DISCUSSION. —This species differs from Globorotalia miocenica in its somewhat larger size, more lobate out- Plate 17, figures 1-3, 6 line, and lenslike biconvex shape in edge view. It differs Globorotalia (G.) cultrata limbata (FoRNAsuu, 1902, ex d'Orbigny, from Globorotalia menardii in its more circular outline, 1826). BLOW, 1967 (part; not FORNASIN I ) , p. 359, pl. 42, fig. more numerous chambers, thinner walled test and keel, 2-3; ? pl. 7, fig. 4-6. and relict apertural flaps which extend imbricate fashion Test average size for genus; chambers dorsoventrally onto the umbilical area. Globorotalia pertenuis differs compressed, finely perforate and coiled in low trochospire from Globorotalia multicamerata in the much thinner with 5 to 7 chambers in last whorl of adult; peripheral wall of the test and keel. margin of chambers distinctly lobate and carinate; spiral Globorotalia pertenuis is considered to have descended side commonly strongly convex, giving biconvex appear- to have from G. praemiocenica in the later Pliocene and ance to test in end view; aperture single-sutural, extending reached full development in early Pleistocene time. At from umbilicus to peripheral margin of test, and furnished the time of this writing BLOW (1967) described Globoro- with thin lip; sutures on umbilical side depressed and on talia exilis, which has certain affinities with G. pertenuis spiral side strongly recurved and limbate. but fewer and less lobate chambers. His figured holotype seemingly is intermediate in development between G. DISCUSSION.—This species developed during the early Pliocene and gave rise to G. miocenica praemiocenica and G. pertenuis. G. en/is, therefore, is in the late Pliocene. There is suspicion not morphologically distinct enough to have important that it is also an evolutionary ante- cedent of G. stratigraphie usage. multicamerata. Globorotalia praemiocenica differs from G. multicamerata in This species was described from a core taken on the having higher arched chambers and a thin caria and from Sigsbee knolls, central Gulf of Mexico, by Texas A. & G. mioceruca in having a distinct lobulate M. University. The type level is early Pleistocene (Ne- peripheral chamber margin and typically a strongly convex braskan). spiral side. The type locality for G. limbata is redeposited fossil sediment of ILLus -ravrioNs.—Plate 14, figure 4.—Paratype, USNM No. probable middle Miocene age from near Rimini, Italy, 688331; X81. Plate 15, figures I 6.-1. Holotype, USNM No. 688324; X50.-2 5. Paratype, USNM Nos. 688325-688328; which is also the type locality for G. menardii. Observable X80.-6. Paratypc, USNM No. 688329; 6a, X80, 6b, X160. differences between these two species are negligible. Plate 16, figures 5-6.----5. Oblique side view, USNM No. Similarly, G. pseudomiocenica Bow & BERM6DEZ (1965), 688332; X78.-6. USNM No. 688330; 6a, edge view, X78; described from the early late Miocene of coastal Vene- 6b, umbilical view, X133. Plate 17, figures 5, 7.-5. Specimen, zuela, is more closely akin to G. menardii than to G. X50.-7. Specimen showing extension of bulla onto dorsal praemiocenica, n. sp. 56 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 17, figures 1-3, 6. Specimens from in the stratigraphic distribution of Globorotalia tosaensis the Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico could possibly be explained in this manner. slope core hole A, core 8, at a depth of 14.0 to 15.3 feet; X125. ItLusTRATioNs.—Plate 22, figures 1-7. 1 3. Typical speci- Holotype figure 1; paratypes figures 2, 3, 6. Types to be deposited mens from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia trun- in the USNM collection. catulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 6, at a depth of 0 to 0.6 foot; X120.-4-5. Transitional GLOBOROTALIA FOHSI ROBUSTA BoIli specimens from the Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, late Pliocene, Plate 19, figures 7-9 in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 8, at a depth of 0 to 0.6 foot; X120. Plate 23, figures 1 2.-1. Specimen showing Globorotalia fohsi robusta Bow, 1950, p. 84, pl. 15, fig. 3. rounded peripheral margin; X200.-2. Specimen showing less Bow, 1957, p. 119, pl. 28, fig. 16.-13tow, 1959, p. 213, solution than 1; 2a, b, spiral and umbilical views, X200; 2e, pl. 16, fig. 114. enlarged view showing nonperforate and encrusted margin of See discussion of this species under Globorotalia fohsi earlier chambers, X2,000. [Specimens from the Indian Ocean by lobata. the courtesy of T. &tyro.] ILLusTRATioNs.—Plate 19, figures 7 9.—Specimens from the Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone, middle Miocene, in Gulf of Mexico GLOBOROTALIA TRUNCATULINOIDES slope core hole E, core 6, at a depth of 3.2 to 3.6 feet; X110. (d'Orbigny) Plate 24, figures 1-4; Plate 25, figures 1-7; Plate 26, figures 1-3 GLOBOROTALIA SIAKENSIS LeRoy Rotalina truncatulinoides D'OREIGNY, 1839, p. 132, pl. 2, fig. 25-27. Plate 6, figures 6-9 Globorotalia truncatulinoides (d'Orbigny). PARKER, 1967, p. 181, Globorotafia siakensis LeRoy, 1939, p. 39-40, pl. 3, fig. 30-31 (fide pl. 31, fig. 1.—B0w, LOEBLIC.H, & TAPPAN, 1957, p. 41, BLOW, 1967). BLOW, 1967, p. 356, pl. 10, fig. 7-9 (holo- pl. 10, fig. 3.-13Avus5, 1969, p. 133-134, fig. 5. 34, hypotype). type refigured); pl. fig. 4-5 (ideotype and TAKAYANAGI & SAITO (1962), BANNER & BLOW (1965a), Globorotalia mayeri Cushman & Ellisor. Bow, 1957, p. 118, pl. 28, PARKER (1967), PHILLIPS & OTHERS (1968), and others fig. 4.—BLow, 1959, pl. 18, fig. 116. p.214, have suggested that Globorotalia truncatulinoides evolved Globorotalia siakensis LERov, following the concept from G. tosaensis by developing a keeled chamber of &ow (1967), fits the concept of the species in this (peripheral) margin. Because the species G. tosaensis, as study that has been referred previously to G. mayeri used here, includes possibly two forms (see BLow, CUSHMAN & ELLISOR by Bow (1957), BLOW (1959), and 1967), it needs to be qualified that the ancestral form others. This species is found commonly in the Globoro- developed in late Pliocene. Phylogenetically primitive talia fohsi Zone sensu law of central Sumatra, and speci- specimens of G. truncatulinoides in the early Pleistocene mens are conspecific with Trinidad specimens. (Nebraskan Stage) are mostly tightly coiled with a shal- ILLusTRATIoNs.—Plate 6, figures 6-9.-6. Specimens from the low umbilicus, whereas younger (phylogenetically ad- Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone (sensu Bow, 1957), middle Miocene, vanced) specimens mostly develop a deep umbilicus. in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole E, core 8, at a depth of 15.2 This species has a rather discontinuous stratigraphie oc- to 15.6 feet; X120.-7 9. Specimens from the Globorotalia currence through the Nebraskan-Aftonian Stages within siakensis Zone, middle Miocene, in the same core hole, core 4, at the study area and does not occur commonly until the feet; X130, X170, X170. a depth of 12.5 to 12.9 Kansan glacial Stage.

GLOBOROTALIA TOSAENSIS ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 24, figures 1 4.-1. Specimen, X190. Takayanagi & Saito -2-3a, 4. Typical specimens from core 1 at a depth of 10.0 to Plate 22, figures 1-7; Plate 23, figures 1-2 12.5 feet; X 90.-36. Enlarged view showing encrusted over- growth on early keeled chamber; X450. 3e. Enlarged view Globorotalia tosaensis TAKAYANAGI & SAITO, 1962, p. 81, pl. 28, showing keeled margin of ultimate chamber; X450. Plate 25, fig. 11 12.—PARKER, 1967 (part), p. 181, fig. 4-5, 7 (not figures 1 7. 1. Umbilical view, X166.-2. Edge view, X157. fig. 6). 3. Umbilical view, X170.-4. Early form; 4a, spiral view, Globorotalia (T.) tosaensis tosaensis Takayanagi & Saito. &ow, X160; 4b, enlarged view showing keeled margin of ultimate 1967, p. 393, 394, pl. 4, fig. 10-12; pl. 40, fig. 4-7. chamber, X800. [From core 16 at a depth of 6.8 to 7.4 feet.] Globorotalia (T.) tosaensis tenuitheca BLOW, 1967, p. 394-396, 5 7. Specimens from core 1 at a depth of 10.0 to 12.5 feet; 4, 13-17; 40, 1-3. pl. fig. pl. fig. X90. Plate 26, figures 1 3. 1. Specimen; la, umbilical view, X185.-2. Oblique view, X185.-3. A basic concept of this species is that it lacks a keeled X160; lb, oblique view, Early transitional form having incipient keel; 3a, spiral view, margin. The degree of variability of the two subspecies X170; 3b-d, enlarged views showing nonperforate margin of in the designated by BLow (1967) was not considered ultimate chamber, X408, X807, X1615. [From core 7 at a depth present study. It is likely, however, that at least two dis- of 3.0 to 3.4 feet.] [From Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, tinct forms of this species exist; these can be explained by Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, in Texas A. & M. Sigsbee knolls polyphyletic origins as suggested by &ow (1967). A core 64-A-9-5E at a depth of 150 to 160 an (Pl. 24, fig. 1); Gulf perplexing problem concerning an apparent discontinuity of Mexico slope core hole B (Pl. 25, fig. 1-4); Gulf of Mexico slope Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 57 core hole A (Pl. 26, fig. 1-3). From Pulleniatina Midis Subzone, &ow (1967) records this species from the late Plio- Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in Gulf of Mexico cene of Jamaica. In the present study, however, the spe- slope core hole A (Pl. 24, fig. 2-4). From Globorotalia tumida cies was not found below latest Wisconsinan or earliest Zone, Holocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A (Pl. 25, fig. Holocene. BLOW (1967) did not figure his late Pliocene 5-7).] specimens, and possibly they represent misidentifications. Visual and scanning electron-microscope study of GLOBOROTALIA TUMIDA (Brady) Holocene populations of globorotaliids suggest that Glo- Plate 12, figures 1-3 borotalia ungulata and G. tumida are growth forms of Globorotalia menardd (d'Orbigny) var. tumida (Brady). BANNER the same species. If this is true, then the tumid character & BLOW, 1960, p. 26, pl. 5, fig. 1 (lectotype). of the test may not be highly significant for specific According to BANNER & &ow (1960), BRADY first determinations. described this form from a fragment of soft, white cal- ILLusTRATioNs.-Plate 11, figures 7 9.-7-9. Specimens from the Globorotalia tumida Zone, Holocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope careous rock which had been found by LIVERSIDGE on a core hole A, core 1, at a depth of 0 to 0.8 foot; X85, X100, X100. beach on the east side of New Ireland. According to PARKER (1967) the type sample is described by LIVER- SIDGE (1877) as a fragment from a carved figure composed Genus PULLENIATINA Cushman of foraminiferal "chalk" picked up on the beach on the Pulleniatina CUSHMAN, 1927, p. 90. east side of New Ireland (Bismark Archipelago) by a Test free, globose, trochospiral to streptospiral, early Wesleyan missionary, Dr. G. BROWN. The origin of the portion as in Globigerina, with open umbilicus, later and the sample contains an chalk carving is unknown, chambers completely enveloping entire umbilical side of excellent planktonic fauna identified by Miss PARKER previous trochospiral coil, and thus appearing involute; including Globigerina nepenthes, Globigerinoides ob- aperture interiomarginal, in young a broad umbilical liquus, Globoquadrina altispira, G. dehiscens, G. hu- arch, as in Globigerina, in adult a broad low extraum- merosa, G. venezuelana, Globorotalia tumida, Pullenia- bilical arch at base of final enveloping chamber, bordered tina primalis,"Sphaeroidinella seminulina," and "S. sub- above by thickened lip but because of streptospiral plan the sample to be dehiscens." PARKER (1967) considers of growth, not directly opening into earlier umbilicus (see more likely, however, it represents early late Miocene; emendation by BANNER & BLOW, 1967). Pliocene, probably Pulleniatina primalis Subzone. Until 1964 this genus contained only one described living Globorotalia turnida can Large tumid forms of species and no subspecies, and the concept of the genus, be differentiated from the smaller, less tumid Pliocene therefore, was restricted. The characteristics of the genus visual and scanning electron-microscope form. Our have been discussed exhaustively by BANNER & BLOW G. ungulata is a nontumid growth studies suggest that (1967), who modify the definition of the genus by form of the living large, tumid G. tumida. If true, this broadening it to include phylogenetically more primi- possibility that different species of globoro- suggests the tive streptospiral forms that have a narrow slitlike um- taliids tumid form, or tumid growth stage, pos- have a bilical-extraumbilical septal aperture in the early onto- a mode of living such as a particular sibly related to genetic stages of some specimens but a high and arched The stratigraphic range of depth in the water column. umbilical-extraumbilical septal aperture at a slightly later G. tumida sensu stricto, therefore, may be considerably ontogenetic stage. confused. TYPE-SPECIES.-Pullenia sphaeroides obliquiloculata ILLusTRATiosts.-Plate 12, figures 1-3. Specimens from the PARKER & JONES (1865, p. 365, 368), by original designa- Globorotalia tumida Zone (Holocene) in slope core hole A, core 1, tion. From the Recent of the South Atlantic Ocean. at a depth of 0-0.8 foot; X80, X80, X95. PULLENIATINA FINALIS Banner & Blow GLOBOROTALIA UNGULATA Bermtidez Plate 29, figures 5-7; Plate 30, figure 1 Plate 11, figures 7-9 Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (Parker & Jones). Bow, LoEBLicx, Globorotalia ungulata BERM6DEZ, 1961, p. 1304-1305, pl. 15, fig. & TAPPAN, 1957, p. 33, pl. 4, fig. 3 5.-PARKER, 1967, p. 172, 6. BLOW, 1967, p. 372, pl. 8, fig. 13-15. pl. 28, fig. 1. This species has been found in many samples collected Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (Parker bc Joncs) finalis BANNER bc BLOW, 1967, p. 140-142, pl. 2, fig. 4-10; pl. 3, fig. 5; pl. 4, by the Atlantis Expedition. According to BLOW (1967), fig. 10. it is a very characteristic form. Although the overall test shape is reminiscent of Globorotalia tumida, the very BANNER & BLOW (1967) described this species from distinctive thin, delicate, finely perforate test wall enables Holocene sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean. They this form to be recognized easily. claimed that it evolved from Pulleniatina obliquiloculata 58 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

in the late Pleistocene and differs in having a high arched ference to warrant specific separation of the two forms. aperture, entirely extraumbilical in position, extending Pulleniatina praecursor is not recorded in this study from the ventral surface, at a point just posterior to the from the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico so that the com- posterior intercameral suture of the antepenultimate plete evolutionary transition to Pulleniatina obliquilo- chamber, across the periphery of the test and onto the culata is not seen. The genus seemingly is lacking in dorsal surface as far as the spiral suture of the ante- these regions during the late Pliocene because of climatic penultimate chamber. cooling. P. obliquiloculata sensu stricto is found infre- This species is first encountered in the Illinoisan Stage quently in the Nebraskan but occurs commonly in the in the study area and is an index species for the Pullenia- warm Aftonian. The subspecies P. obliquiloculata finalis tina finalis Subzone of the Globorotalia truncatulinoides is restricted to post-Yarmouthian intervals and is a marker Zone. species for the late Pleistocene and Holocene. ILLusTRATIoNs.-Plate 29, figures 5 7. 5, 7. Specimens from ILLusTRATioNs.-Plate 29, figures 1 4.-Specimens from the Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, core 3, at a depth of 0 to 0.8 Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, foot; X75.-6. Specimen from slope core hole C, core 1, at a in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C. at a depth of 4.3 to 4.7 feet; X85. depth of 13.0 to 13.6 feet; X85. [From the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene.] Plate 30, figure 1. Specimen from the same zone in Gulf of Mexico slope PULLENIATINA PRIMALIS Banner & Blow core hole A, core 1, at a depth of 0 to 0.8 foot; la-a representative Plate 28, figures 5, 7-9

specimen, lb - f, successive enlargements, X150, X425, X75; Pulleniatina semiinvoluta Germeraad. PARKER, 1965, p. 151, figs. X850, X1,700, X4,250 (note how rather large pores are con- 5, 6. siderably reduced in size by the outer layer of shell material; Pulleniatina primais BANNER & BLOW, 1967, p. 142, pl. 1, fig. 3-8; normally preserved specimens appear very finely perforate). pl. 3, fig. 2. PARKER, 1967, p. 173, pl. 27, fig. 6 (not fig. 5).

PULLENIATINA OBLIQUILOCULATA According to BANNER & BLOW (1967), "Pulleniatina (Parker & Jones) prima/is differs from P. obliquiloculata sensu stricto in Plate 29, figures 1-4 its ventrally restricted primary aperture, which typically does not reach the periphery of the preceding whorl; in Pullenia obliquiloculata PARKER & JONES, in CARPENTER (1862), its lack of a broad umbilical depression; and in the inner- p. 183 (nomen nudum). most ventral ends of the adult chambers, which are nar- Pullenia sphaeroides obliquiloculata PARKER & JONES, 1865, p. 365, row and meet without forming a distinct linear 368, pl. 19, fig. 4. BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 25, pl. 7, fig. 4 suture (i.e., (lectotype designated by Bow, LOEBLICH, & TAPPAN, 1957). meeting before reaching the umbilical area to form Globigerina antillensis BERM6DEZ, 1961, p. 1156, p. 1, fig. 1. a single suture which extends into the umbilical area) Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (Parker & Jones). PARKER, 1962, p. between the opposed chambers. All specimens of P. 234, pl. 4, fig. 13-16, 19, 22.-PARKER, 1967, p. 172, pl. 28, prima/is observed remain wholly evolute dorsally (with fig. 1. respect to the extent of the chamber lumina), and the Pulleniatina obliquiloculata trochospira HARTONO, 1964, p. 10, apertural position is such that dorsal involution could fig. a-c. not occur in normally growing specimens." Pulleniatina obliquiloculata obliquiloculata (Parker & Jones). BAN- ILLusrRA -riosfs.-Plate 28, figures 5, 7-9. Specimens from NER & BLOW, 1967, p. 137, pl. 3, fig. 4 (lectotype refigured); the Pulleniatina prim alis Subzone, Globorotctlia margaritae Zone, pl. 4, fig. 9. Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 8, at a depth BANNER & BLOW (1967) gave a detailed discussion of 15.0 to 15.8 feet; X90. and emendation of this species and described its develop- ment from Pulleniafina prima/is. Besides the subspecies Genus SPHAEROIDINELLA Cushman listed above in the synonymy, they described P. obliqui- SphaeTOidi/ICHa CUSHMAN, 1927, p. 90. loculata praecursor, which they placed as transitional be- tween P. prima/is and P. obliquiloculata sensu stricto, Early portion trochospiral, with two or three much- and P. obliquiloculata finalis. PARKER (1967) maintained embracing chambers of final whorl enveloping early that the distinction between P. praecursor and P. prima/is whorl, chambers with marginal flanges extending out is negligible and rather arbitrary. Topotype material of toward those of opposing chambers and partially obscur- P. praecursor (late Pliocene Borbon Formation of Ecua- ing arched apertures; wall calcareous, perforate, pores dor) contains specimens showing variations from P. extremely large and closely arranged in early stage, giv- prima/is to typical P. praecursor, thereby indicating onto ing an almost latticelike appearance, area between pores genetic as well as evolutionary variation. Adult forms of raised and cancellated; in later chambers somewhat ir- P. praecursor are much larger generally than typical regularly fimbriate or scalloped flange of clear shell ma- P. prima/is and show incipient involution of the last terial, relatively poreless, is formed around chamber base, chamber. This is seemingly enough morphological dif- tending to coalesce laterally and become much produced, Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 59

exterior surface of final chambers becoming smooth and velopment of flangelike lips, as extensions of the cortex, glassy due to external secondary deposit; primary aperture enclosing the aperture, and (3) development of multiple in young interiomarginal and umbilical, as in Globigerina, sutural apertures with flangelike lips. Specifically, the but later covered by embracing final chamber, and may reduction in number of chambers and tighter mode of be partially obscured by overhanging chamber flanges coiling distinguish Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides from which parallel sutures, or chambers may be distinctly S. seminulina; the development of flangelike lips enclos- separated, with wide open area between flanges of op- ing the aperture and gradual size increase distinguish posing chambers, with small arched bullae crossing the S. sphaeroides from S. subdehiscens; and, the develop- sutural slit and partially covering apertural regions, walls ment of multiple apertures and gradual size increase dis- of bullae smoothly finished and with finer pores than in tinguish S. dehiscens from S. sphaeroides. chambers, although similarly spaced. ILLUSTRATIONS.-Plate 1, figures 1-2.-Specimens from Texas TYPE-SPECIES.-Sphaeroidina bulloides dehiscens A. & M. Sigsbee knolls core 64-A-9-5E at a depth of 197-199 cm, PARKER & JONES (1865, p. 369), by original designation. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, Pliocene; X32, X34. Plate 34, From the Holocene. figures 1-2. I. Specimen from the Globorotalia tosaensis Sub- zone, Globorotalia truncattdinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in core 12 at a depth of 10.1 to 10.5 feet; X80.-2. Specimen from the SPHAEROIDINELLA DEHISCENS (Parker & Jones) Globorotalia tumida Zone, Holocene, in core 1 at a depth of 0 to Plate 1, figures 1-2; Plate 34, figures 1-2 0.6 foot; X85. [From Gulf of Mexico slope core hole B.1 Spharroidina bulloides dehiscent PARKER & JONES, 1865, p. 369, pl. 19, fig. 5.-BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 35, pl. 7, fig. 3 (sub- Genus SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS sequent description of lectotype designated by BOLLI, LOEBLICH, Banner & Blow & TAPPAN, 1957, p. 33). Sphaeroidina dehiscens immatura CUSHMAN, 1919, p. 40, pl. 14, Sphaeroidinellopsis BANNER & BLOW, 1959, p. 15. fig. 2. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker & Jones). BOLLI, LOEBLICH, & Test trochospiral, similar to Globigerina, with wall TAPPAN, 1957, p. 32, 33, pl. 6, fig. 1-3, 5, ?4 (lectotype desig- structure like that of Sphaeroidinella, primary wall nated but not described). PARKER, 1967 (part), p. 160, pl. covered by secondary layer reducing porosity; primary 23, fig. 9 (not fig. 8). aperture umbilical, with bordering lip, no sutural sec- Cf. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens excavata BANNER & BLOW, 1965a, p. ondary apertures. 1164-1165 (paratype designated fig. 8, pl. 84, in BRADY, 1884). This genus is distinguished from Sphaeroidinella by -BANNER & BLOW, 1967, p. 153, pl. 4, fig. 5 (holotype). the lack of supplementary sutural apertures and generally A lengthy description of this genus has been given by smaller size. BOLL!, LOEBLICH, & TAPPAN (1957), and also by BANNER TYPE-SPECIES.-Sphareoidinella dehiscens subdehiscens & 13Low (1960). The genus likely contains only the type BLOW (1959, p. 195), by original designation. From the species. Living specimens are globigerine and spinose in late middle Miocene of Falc6n, Venezuela. the juvenile (PARKER, 1962) and covered in the adult by a thick secondary layer or layers of calcareous material SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS SEMINULINA (coxtex), which restricts the pore openings and gives a (Schwager) shiny appearance in reflected light. Large aberrant end- Plate 1, figures 7-8; Plate 36, figures 4-9 chambers not commonly present as in Sphaeroidinello psis. Genus develops from Sphaeroidinellopsis in the late Plio- Globigerina semintdina SCHWAGER, 1866, p. 256, pl. 7, fig. 112. BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 24, pl. 7, fig. 2 (neotype). cene by addition of supplementary apertures and gradual Globigerina sp. Koch, 1923, p. 355, fig. 8. increase in size (see Plate 1).

Sphaeroidinella dehiscens Bioseries: Species of the SCHWAGER ' S original figure of the type specimen genus Sphaeroidinello psis appear first in early Miocene, shows the upper margin of the last chamber furnished Globigerinatella insueta Zone. The main-line species of with a flangelike lip, quite unlike middle Miocene forms the lineage, S. seminulina, gives rise to S. kochi in early usually referred to this species. Because the SCHWAGER middle Miocene and S. subdehiscens in late middle Mio- collections in Munich are lost, BANNER & BLOW (1960) cene. Both S. seminulina and S. kochi become extinct investigated metatype material in the British Museum near the end of early late Miocene, giving rise to S. sent by SCHWAGER to H. B. BRADY. From this they selected sphaeroides. Sphaeroidinello psis sphaeroides continues, and described a neotype (BANNER & BLOW, 1960, p. 24, giving rise to the modern species Sphaeroidinella dehis- pl. 7, fig. 2) which is unlike the original figure in that cens in late Pliocene. it has four chambers visible from the apertural side and The evolutionary progression of this lineage follows apertural flangelike lips restricted to the early chambers, (1) the reduction of number of chambers by appression the aperture of the final chamber(s) being formed by a of the chambers into a tighter mode of coiling, (2) de- thickened arch of clear shell material. 60 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

The neotype was examined by W. V. SLITER, Esso show a break in the cortex, or solution pits, along the Production Research Company, who found the early sutures on the spiral side, but these should not be mis- chambers to have a thin flangelike lip and the final taken for true secondary apertures as seen in Sphaeroidi- chamber(s) only a thickened apertural margin. Thus, nella dehiscens (PARKER & JONES). Forms with one or the neotype agrees with the species placed in synonymy more aberrant chambers may resemble Sphaeroidinellop- by PARKER (1967) except, perhaps, the type specimen sis kochi (CAuDRI, 1934). designated by SCHWAGER. To avoid confusion, the neo- This species was described from a core taken on the type designated by BANNER & BLOW (1960) is accepted Sigsbee knolls, central Gulf of Mexico, by Texas A. & as it stands, irrespective of whether or not it agrees with M. University. The type level is late Pliocene. the type specimen described by SCHWAGER. At the time of this writing the long-delayed publica- ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 1, figures 7-8. 7. Same as Plate 36, tion by BLOW (1967) was distributed in which he figure 9; X34.-8. Same as Plate 36, figure 7; X50. Plate 36, describes the species Sphaeroidinellopsis paenedehiscens. figures 4-9.-4-8. Specimens from the Globorotalia siakensis Zone, According to the authors' concept of this species it is late middle Miocene, in core 4 at a depth of 12.5 to 12.9 feet; probably not synonymous with S. sphaeroides, but neither X100, X100, X100, X125, X112. 9. Specimen from the the types nor topotype material has been examined. Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone, middle Miocene, in core 6 at a ILLusTRATioNs.—Plate 1, figures 3-4.-3. Same as Plate depth of 3.2 to 3.6 feet; X86. [From Gulf of Mexico slope core 34, figure hole E.] 7; X82.-4. Same as Plate 34, figure 3; X40. Plate 34, figures 3-8.---3. Specimen, X93.-4, 5, 7. Specimens, X136, X150, X205.-6. Specimen, X85. 8. Specimen; 8a, dorsal SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS SPHAEROIDES Lamb view, X170; 8b, enlargement showing small pore or apertural Plate I, figures 3-4; Plate 34, figures 3-8; Plate 35, figures 1-7 opening on dorsal side, X1,700. Plate 35, figures 1-7. I. Sphaeroidinella seminulina (Schwager). PARKER, 1967, p. 161-162, Specimen, X130.-2. Specimen, X102.-3 4. Specimens, pl. 23, fig. 1-4. X80.-5 6. Specimens, X115.-7. Specimen, X95. [From Sphaeroidinellopsis setninulina (Schwager). Pono & AKERS, 1967, the Pulleniatina primcdis Subzone, Globorotalia margaritae Zone, p. 172, pl. 17, fig. 18 20.—BERm6nEz, 1961, p. 1279, pl. 9, Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 8, at a depth fig. 7.—INGLE, 1967, p. 357, pl. 43, fig. 7. of 10.5 to 15.8 feet (Pl. 34, fig. 3; PI. 35, fig. 2-4); the Sphaeroidinella subdehiscens Blow. PARKER, 1967, p. 162, pl. 23, Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides Subzone, late Miocene, in Gulf of fig. 6-7. Mexico slope core hole A, core 11, at a depth of 6.4 to 7.0 feet Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker & Jones). PARKER, 1967 (part), (Pl. 34, fig. 4-5, 7); and the Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone, p. 160, pl. 23, fig. 8. early Pliocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole C, core 9, at a Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides Lamb, 1969, p. 571, 578, pl. 1, depth of 12.5 to 12.9 feet (Pl. 34, fig. 6, 8; Pl. 35, fig. 1, 5-7).] fig. 1-5; pl. 2, fig. 1-3. SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS SUBDEHISCENS (Blow) Test a low trochospire, globigerine in form, com- Plate I, figures 5-6; Plate 35, figures 8-9; Plate 36, figures monly with three chambers in final whorl. Primary sur- 1-3 face of chambers reticulate and pitted with deep pores; Sphaeroidinella rutschi CUSHMAN & RENZ, 1941 (part), p. 25, pl. later covered by thick, smooth secondary layer or layers 4, fig. 5c (not holotype, fig. 5a, b).—RENz, 1948 (part), p. of calcareous material (coxtex) which constricts pores 167, pl. 10, fig. lc (refigured paratype), not fig. la, b (refigured holotype). and gives shiny, finely perforate appearance. Test out- Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker & Jones). STAINFORTH, 1948, p. line broadly oval to nearly spherical with chambers and 124, pl. 26, fig. 20.—WEiss, 1955, p. 313, pl. 3, fig. 28-29. sutures obscured by cortex and not clearly visible. Aper- Sphaeroidinella rutschi Cushman & Renz. Bow, 1957, p. 115, ture single, intraumbilical with flangelike lips surround- pl. 26, fig. 6-7. ing the apertural opening; lips developed as extensions Sphaeroidinella dehiscens subdehiscens BLOW, 1959, p. 195, pl. 12, of the cortex, projecting forward slightly, giving a fig. 71-72 (holotype). puckered appearance. Aberrant chambers developed com- Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens (Blow). BANNER & BLOW, 1960, monly, composed of coxtex and usually with no visible p. 15, fig. 5. internal globigerine chamberine chamber. Diameter up The above synonymy, except for the generic emenda- to about 0.7 mm, generally smaller. tion, was given by &ow in his original description of DISCUSSION.—This species differs from Sphaeroidinel- this species. A clear distinction between the three-cham- lopsis seminulina (ScHwAGER) and S. subdehiscens bered Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens and the usually (BLow) in having a more spherical test outline and flange- four-chambered forms referred to S. seminulina is dif- like, protruding lips enclosing the aperture. The species ficult to make because they appear to be phenotypic developed from either S. seminulina or S. subdehiscens variations of the same species, at least in the late middle in late Miocene by growth of flangelike apertural lips Miocene interval studied. Separation of the two forms, about the aperture, which in the former species are re- therefore, was not seriously attempted. stricted to the early chambers. Individual specimens may ILLUSTRATIONS.—Plate 1, figures 5 6.—Same specimens as Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 61

Plate 35, figures 8-9 respectively, X60. Plate 35, figures 8-9.- 3.1 feet.-3. Early, more lobate form from core 14 at a depth Specimens from core 12, at a depth of 12.2 to 12.8 feet. Plate 36, of 10.1 to 10.5 feet. [From the Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina figures 1-3.---1 2. Specimens from core 12 at a depth of 2.7 to Subzone, late Miocene, in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A, X150.]


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Geologia, ser. 2, v. 35, p. 191-218. LAMB, J. L., 1969, Planktonic foraminiferal datums and late Neo- PEZZANI, FRANCA, 1963, Studio micro paleontologico di un cam pione gene epoch boundaries in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and della tarie messiniana di Tabiano Bagni (Parma): Rivista Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs., Trans., v. Italiana Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, v. 69, p. 559-662, 4 19, p. 559-578, 8 fig., 3 pl. fig., 10 pl. LERoY, L. W., 1939, Some small Foraminifera, Ostracoda and PHILLIPS, J. D., & OTHERS, 1968, Paleomagnetic stratigraphy and otoliths from the Neogene ("Miocene") of the Rokan- tnicropaleontology of three deep-sea cores from the central Tapanoeli area, central Sumatra: Natuurk. Tijdschr. North Atlantic Ocean: Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, Neder1.-Indie, v. 99, no. 6, p. 215-296, pl. 1-14. v. 4, p. 118-130,5 fig. , 1944, Miocene Foraminifera from Sumatra and lava, PHLEGER, F. B., PARKER, F. L., & PEARSON, J. F., 1953, North Netherlands East Indies: Colorado School Mines, Quart., Atlantic Foraminifera: Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition Repts., v.39, no. 3, 113 p. v. 7 (Atlantic Ocean), no. I, p. 3-122, pl. 1-12. 64 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

PoAc, C. W., & AKERS, W. H., 1967, Globigerina nepenthes Todd , 1967a, Calabrian: in Internait Union Geol. Sci., Commit- of Pliocene age from the Gulf Coast: Cushman Found. tee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Studies on the Foram. Research Contrib., v. 18, p. 168-175, 2 pl. stratotypes, p. 30-36, 2 fig. PYLE, T. E., 1966, Micropaleontology and mineralogy of a Tertiary Sminr, L. A., 1965, Paleoenvironmental variation curves and paleo- sediment core from the Sigsbee knolls, Gulf of Mexico: eustatics: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs., Trans., v. 15, Texas A. & M. Univ., Tech. Rcpt. 66-13T, 106 p., 4 fig., 8 pl. p. 47-60, 7 fig. 1968, Late Tertiary history of Gulf of Mexico based on a , 1969, Pleistocene discoasters from the stratotype of the core from Sigsbee knolls: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., Calabrian Stage (Santa Maria di Catanzaro) and the section v. 52, p. 2242-2262, 8 fig. at Le Castella, Italy: Same, Trans., v. 19, p. 579-583, 3 fig. RENZ, H. H., 1948, Stratigraphy and fauna of the Agua Salada SPROVIERI, R., 1968 [1969], La serie Plio-Pleistocenica di Agri- group, State of Falcon Venezuela: Geol. Soc. America, Mem. gento: Gior. Geologia, v. 35, pt. 3, p. 295-301, 3 fig. 32, 219 p., 12 pl. STAINFoRTH, R. M., 1948, Description, correlation and paleoecology ROBINSON, EDWARD, 1967, The Globoquadrina altispira/Globorotalia of Tertiary Cipero Marl Formation, Trinidad, B. W. I.: truncatulinoides zone in Jamaica: Bol. Inf., v. 10, p. 97-98. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Bull., v. 32, p. 1292- , 1968, Late Tertiary erosion surfaces and Pleistocene sea- 1330, 2 fig. levels in Jamaica: Caribbean Geol. Conf., 5th, St. Thomas, , 1969, Ages of Upper Tertiary and Quaternary formations Virgin Islands, 1968 (mimeo. preprint). in Venezuela: Bol. Inf., v. 12, p. 75-90, 1 fig. , 1969a, Coiling directions in planktonic Foraminifera from TAKAYANAGI, YOKICHI, & SAITO, TSUNEMASA, 1962, Planktonic the Coastal Group of Jamaica: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs., Foraminifer° from the Nobori Formation, Shikoku, Japan: Trans., v. 19, P. 555-558, 1 fig. Tohoku Univ., Sci. Repts., ser. 2 (Geol.), v. 5, p. 67-106, , 19696, Geological field guide to Neogene sections in 2 fig., pl. 24-28. Jamaica, West Indies: Same, 19th Meeting, SEPM field trip, TJALSMA, R. C., 1970, Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Neo- 24 p. gene of the eastern Guadalquivir basin, southern Spain: , & LAMB, J. L., 1970, Preliminary paleomagnetic data from Univ. Utrecht, Ph.D. dissert. (mimeo. preprint). the Plio-Pleistocene of Jamaica: Nature, v. 227, p. 1236- TODD, Rtyrx, 1957, Smaller Foraminifera: in Geology of Saipan, 1237, 2 fig. Mariana Islands, Pt. 3, Paleontology: U.S. Geol. Survey, RUGGIERI, GIULIANO, 1965, A contribution to the stratigraphy of Prof. Paper 280-H, p. 265-320, pl. 64-93. the marine lower Quaternary sequence in Italy: Geol. Soc. America, Spec. Paper 84, p. 141-152, 2 fig., 1 pl. , 1958, Foraminifera from western Mediterranean deep-sea cores: Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition Repts., v. 8, no. 3, p. , & SELL!, RAIMONDO, 1950, II Pliocene e il Postpliocene dell' Emilia: Internatl. Geol. Cong. 18th, London, 1948, Rept., 169-215,5 fig., 3 pl. Pt. 9, p. 85-93, 1 fig. VERDENIUS, J. G., 1970, Neogene stratigraphy of the western ScHuBERT, R. J., 1910, Ober Foraminiferen und einen Fischotolithen Guadalquivir basin, southern Spain: Utrecht Micropaleont., aus dem fossilen Globigerinenschlamm von Neu-Guinea: Bull., no. 3, 109 p., 12 fig., 9 pl. Geol. Reichsanst. Verh., Vienna, p. 318-328, 2 fig. WEISS, LAWRENCE, 1955, Planktonic index Foraminifera of north- SCHWAGER, CONRAD, 1866, Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar: western Peru: Micropaleontology, v. 1, p. 301-319, 3 pl. Novara Exped. 1857-1859, Wien, v. 2, Geol. Theil, p. 187- WEZEL, F. C., 1968 [1969], Le cenozone del Pliocene superiore-- 268, pl. 4-7. Pleistocene inferiore in Sicilia e Lucania: Gior. Geologia, SELL!, RAIMONDO, 1960, II Messiniano Mayer Eymar 1867; proposta v. 35, pt. 3, p. 437-448. di un neostratotipo: Gior. Geologia, ser. 2, v. 28, p. 1-33, WOODRING, W. P., 1925, Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica; 2 fig. pelecy pods and scaphopods: Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. , 1967, The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Italian marine 366, 222 p., 28 pl. sections and its relationship to continental stratigraphies: in Mary Sears (ed.), Progress in oceanography, v. 4 (The , 1928, Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica; pt. 2, Quaternary history of the ocean basins): Pergamon Press, gastropods and discussion of results: Same, Pub. 385, 564 New York, p. 67-86, 1 fig. p., 3 fig., 40 pl.



[Sphaeroidinella dehiscens bioseries.] [Globoquadrina dutertrei bioseries.]

FIGURE FIGURE 1-3. Globo quadrina dutertrei (D'ORBIGNy). 1-2. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (PARKER & JONES). 4-9. Globoquadrina hurnerosa (TAKAYANAGI & SAITO). 3-4. Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides LAMB. 10-12. Globorotalia acostaensis BLOW. 5-6. Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens (BLOW). 7-8. Sphaeroidinello psis semintdina (ScHwAGER). PLATE 4 PLATE 2 [Globigerina nepenthes TODD from the Miocene and Pliocene in Gulf of Mexico slope core hole A.] [Globorotalia crassaformis bioseries.] FIGURE FIGURE 1,4-8. From Sphaeroidinello psis seminulina Subzone, late Miocene; 1-9. Globorotalia crassaformis (GALLOWAY & WISSLER ) X160, X175, xI70, x170, x170, x170. 10-12. Globorotalia crassacrotonensis CONATO & FOLLADOR. 2-3. From Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone, Pliocene, X95, 13-14. Globorotalia aemiliana COLALONGO & SARTONI. X200. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 65


[Foraminifers from the Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone, [Globoquadrina from the Pliocene and Pleistocene in the Gulf of Pleistocene, in the Gulf of Mexico.] Mexico.] FIGURE FIGURE 1-4. Globigerinita glutinata (EGGER), Globorotaila tosaensis Sub- 1-4. Globoquadrina hexagon° (NAT-LAND), Globoquadrina du- zone; X160. tertrei Subzone, Pleistocene; X 160. 5. Candeina nitida D'ORBIGNY, Pulleniafina finafis Subzone; 5-7. Globoquadrina venezuelana (HEDBERG), Pulleniatina primafis X85. Subzone, Pliocene; X160, X120, X120. 6-8. Globigerina bulloides D'ORBIGNY; Pulleniatina finalis Sub- zone; X135. PLATE 11 PLATE 6 [Globorotalia from the Pliocene and Holocene in the Gulf of Mexico.] [Foraminifers in the Miocene and Pleistocene of the Gulf of Mexico.] FIGURE FIGURE 1-3. Globorotalia menardii (D'OR B Y), Globorotalia tumida 1-3. Globigerina sp. aff. G. pachyderma (EHRENBERG), Globoro- talia tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene; X160. Zone, Holocene; X65, X50, X40. 4-5. Globorotalia sp. aff. G. acostaensis BLOW, Globorotalia 4. Globorotalia multicamerata CUSHMAN & JARVIS, Pulleniatina tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene, X160. primalis Subzone, Pliocene, X65. 6. Globorotafia siahensis LeRoy, Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone 5-6. Globorotafia multicamerata CUSHMAN & JARVIS, Pulleniatina (sensu Bow, 1957), middle Miocene; X120. obfiquiloculata Zone, Pliocene; X 65. 7-9. Globorotafia siAensis LERoY, Globorotalia siahensis Zone, 7-9. Globorotalia ungulata BERMHDEZ, Globorotalia tumida Zone, middle Miocene; X130, X170, X170. Holocene; X85, X100, X100.

PLATE 7 PLATE 12 [Globorotalia acostaensis BLOW from the Sphaeroidinello psis [Globorotafia from the Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene in the sentintdina Subzone, late Miocene; of the Gulf of Mexico.] Gulf of Mexico.]

FIGURE FIGURE 1-3,7-8. Specimens, X170. 1-3. Globorotalia tumida (BRADY), Globorotafia tumida Zone, 4-6. Specimens, X 160. Holocene, X80, X80, X95- 9-11. Specimens, X235, X215, X215. 4. Globorotalia multicamerata CUSHMAN & JARvis, Pulkniafina obliquiloctdata Zone, Pliocene; X60. PLATE 8 5. Globorotalia mulficamerata CusiimAN & JARVIS, Pufieniatina [Globoquadrina from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Gulf of prima/is Subzone, Pliocene; X90. Mexico.] 6-8. Globorotalia flextrosa (KocH), Pulleniatina finalis Subzone,

FIGURE Pleistocene; X85. 1-3. Globoquadrina humerosa (TAKAYANAGI & SAITO), Globoro- talia multicamerata Subzone, Pliocene; X130. PLATE 13 4-6. Globoquadrina hutnerosa (TAKAYANAGI & SAITO), Pullenia- [Globorotalia from the Globorotalia multicamerata Subzone, tina obliqudoculata Zone, Pliocene; X136. Pliocene, in the Gulf of Mexico.] 7-9. Globoquadrina dutertrei (D'ORBictot), Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Pleistocene; X85. FIGURE 1-5. Globorotalia menardfi (D'ORBIGNy), X85. PLATE 9 6-8. Globorotafia sp. cf. G. mtdficamerata CusitmAN & [Aims; [Globoquadrina from the Miocene and Pliocene in the Gulf of X85, X85, X170. Mexico.] PLATE 14 FIGURE I. Globo quadrina altispira (CusitmAN & JAnvis), Globorotalia [Globorotalia from the Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene in the multicamerata Subzone, Pliocene; X135. Gulf of Mexico.] 2,4-5. Globoquadrina altispira (CusumAN & JARvis), Pulleniatina FIGURE prima/Is Subzone, Pliocene; X90. 1 -3. c/- .o h- orot- .a (D'ORBIGNY), 3. Globoquadrina altispira (CusiimAN & JA.Rvis), Globorotalia menardri GlObOrOtalia tumida fohsi robusta Zone, middle Miocene; X105. Zone, Holocene; x65, x50, X40. 6. Globoquadrina dehiscens (CHAPMAN, PARR, & COLLINS), 4. Globorotafia pertenuis BEARD, Globorotalia tosaensis Suhzone, Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Subzone, late Miocene; X110. Pleistocene; X81. 7-9. Globoquadrina dehiscens (CitApmAN, PARR, & COLLINS), 5-8. Globorotalla multicamerata CUSHMAN & Pawls, Pulleniatina Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone, middle Miocene, X80. obliqudoctdata Zone, Pliocene; X85. 66 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions

PLATE 15 3-7. Globorotalia crassacrotonensis CONATO & FOLLADOR, Pullenia- tina primafis Subzone, Pliocene; X 120. [Glohorotalia pertenuis BEARD from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene in the Gulf of Mexico.] 8-10. Globorotalia scitula (BRADY), Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene; X 110. FIGURE 1. Holotype, X50. 2-5. Paratypes, X80. PLATE 21 6. Paratype; X80, X 160. [Globorotalia crassaformis (GALLOWAY & WISSLER ) from the Pleistocene in the Gulf of Mexico.]

PLATE 16 FIGURE [Globorotalia from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene, 1-3. Specimens from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone; X 120. in the Gulf of Mexico.] 4-8. Specimens from the Globoquadrina dutertrei Subzone; X 110 FIGURE except 6 which is X85. 1-4. Globorotalia miocenica PALMER; X 90. 5-6. Globorotalia pertenuis BEARD; X78, X78, X 133. PLATE 22 [Globorotalia tosaensis TAKAYANAGI & SAITO from the late Pliocene PLATE 17 and Pleistocene in the Gulf of Mexico.] [Globorotafia from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Gulf of FIGURE Mexico.] 1-5. Specimens from the Globorotafia tosaensis Subzone, Pleisto- FIGURE cene; X 120. 1-3,6. Globorotalia praemiocenica LAMB & BEARD, Pulleniatina 6-7. Specimens from the Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Zone, late obliqudoculata Zone, Pliocene; X125. Pliocene; X 120. 4. Globorotalia menardfi (D'ORRIGNY), Globorotalia multi- cam erata Subzone, Pliocene; x90. PLATE 23 5,7. Globorotalia pertenuis BEARD, Globorotalia tosaensis Sub- zone, Pleistocene; X50, X90. [Globorotalia tosaensis TAKAYANAGI & SAITO from the Indian Ocean.]

PLATE 18 FIGURE [Globorotafia from the Pliocene of the Gulf of Mexico and Italy.] 1-2a,b. Specimens, X200. 2c,d. Specimens, X2000. FIGURE 1-3,5. Globorotalia margaritae BOLL! & BE.RM6DEZ, Pulleniatina primalis Subzone; X100, x90, X100, x100. PLATE 24 4,6. Globorotafia margaritae BOLL! & BERM{IDEZ, Globorotalia [Globorotalia truncattdinoides (D'ORBIGNY) from the Pleistocene in multicamerata Subzone; x 90, X 85. the Gulf of Mexico.] 7-8. Globorotalia aemiliana COLALONGO & SArtrom, topotypes from Italy; X 170. FIGURE 9-12. Globorotalia praehirsuta BLOW, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata 1. Specimen from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone; X 190. Zone; X110. 2-4. Specimens from the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone; X90, X90, X 450, X 450, X90. PLATE 19 [Globorotalia from the middle and late Miocene in the Gulf of PLATE 25 Mexico.] [Globorotalia truncatulinoides (DV/REIGNS') from the Pleistocene and Holocene of the Gulf of Mexico.] FIGURE 1-3. Globorotalia lenguaensis Bow, Sphaeroidinellopsis seminu- FIGURE lina Subzone; X230. 1-4. Specimens from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Pleisto- 4-6. Globorotalia fohsi lobata BERM6DEZ, Globorotalia fohsi cene; X 166, X 157, X 170, X 160, X800. lobata Zone; X110. 5-7. Specimens from the Globorotafia tumida Zone, Holocene; 7-9. Globorotalia fohsi robusta Bow, Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone; X110. X 90.

PLATE 20 PLATE 26 [GlOborotafia truncatulinoides (o'Oasicrar) from the Globorotalia [Globorotalia from the Pliocene and Pleistocene in the Gulf of tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene, in the Gulf of Mexico.] Mexico.] FIGURE FIGURE 1-2. Globorotalia aemiliana COLALONGO & SARTONI, Globorotalia 1-2. Specimens; X160, X 185, X185. multicamerata Subzone, Pliocene; X 110. 3. Specimen; X170, X408, X807, X 1615. Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers 67


[Globorotalia infiata (D'OBBicmr) from the Pleistocene in the Gulf [Globigerinoides extremus BoLLI BERMI!:DEZ from the Pulleniatina of Mexico.] prima/is Subzone, Pliocene, in the Gulf of Mexico.]

FIGURE FIGURE 1-6. 1-7. Specimens of variant from the Globorotalia tosaensis Sub- Specimens, X180. zone; X80 except 5 which is X95. 8. Specimens from the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone; X100. PLATE 33 9-11. Specimens from the Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone; X170. [Globigerinoides from the Pulleniatina finalis Subzone, Pleistocene, in the Gulf of Mexico.] PLATE 28 FIGURE 1-3,5. Globigcrinoides rube,. (D'ORRIGNY); X100. [Foraminifers from the Pliocene and Pleistocene in the Gulf of 4,6-7. Globigerinoides conglobatus (BRADv); X90. Mexico.]

FIGURE PLATE 34 1-4,6. Globorotalia inflata (D'ORRIGNy), Pulleniatina finalis Sub- [ Foraminifers from the Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holo- zone, Pleistocene; X100. cene in the Gulf of Mexico.] 5,7-9. Pulleniatina prima/is BANNER & BLOW, Pulleniatina prima/is FIGURE Subzone, Pliocene; X90. I. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (PARKER & JONES), Globorotalia tosaensis Subzone, Pleistocene; X80. PLATE 29 2. Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (PARKER & JONES), Globorotalia tumid° Zone, Holocene; X85. [Pulleniatina from the Pleistocene in the Gulf of Mexico.] 3. Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides LAMB, Pulleniatina prima/is Subzone, FIGURE Pliocene; X93. 4-5,7. Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides LAMB, Sphaeroidinellopsis 1-4. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (PARKER & JONES), Globorotalia sphaeroides Subzone, late Miocene; X136, X150, X205. tosaensis Subzone; X85. 6,8. Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides LAMB, Globorotalia multi- 5-7. Pulleniatina finalis BANNER BLOW, & Pulleniatina finalis camerata Subzone, Pliocene; X85, X170, X1700. Subzone; X75, X85, X75. PLATE 35 PLATE 30 [Sphaeroidinellopsis from the Miocene and Pliocene in the Gulf of [Pulleniatina finalis BANNER & BLOW from the Globorotalia Mexico.]

truncatulinoides Zone, Pleistocene, in the Gulf of Mexico.] FIGURE

1,5-7. LAMB, FIGURE Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroidcs Globorotalia multi- camerata Subzone, Pliocene; X130, X115, X115, X95. 1. Specimen, X75, X150, X425, X850, X1700, X4250. 2-4. Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides LAMB, Pulleniatina prima/is Subzone, Pliocene; X102, X80, X80. PLATE 31 8-9. Sphaeroidinellopsis subdchiscens (BLow), Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina Subzone, late Miocene; X150. [Globigerinoides from the Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene in the Gulf of Mexico.] PLATE 36 FIGURE [Sphaeroidinellopsis from the middle and late Miocene in the Gulf I. Globigrrinoides quadrilobatus (D'ORRIGNY), Pulleniatina ob- of Mexico.] liquiloculata Zone, Pliocene; X80. FIGURE 2-3,5. Globigerinoides sacculifer (BRADY), Pulleniatina final's Sub- 1-3. Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens (BLOW), Sphaeroidinellopsis zone, Pleistocene; X85, X85, X100. seminulina Subzone; X150. 6. Globigerinoides sacculifer (BRADY), Globorotalia tttmida 4-8. Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina (ScHwAGER), Globorotalia Zone, Holocene; X80. siakensis Zone; x100, X100, X100, X125, X112. 4,7-8. Globigerinoides fistulosus (ScituBEtur), Pulleniatina ob- 9. Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina (ScitwADER), Globorotalia liquiloculata Zone, Pliocene; X80. fo/si robusta Zone; X 86.

THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 1

v, PULLENIATINA a 1.4, 0 FINALIS td 2 vl 0 2 0.[ u., 0 0 z 1 GLOBOQUADRINA 1— 0 DUTERTREI a LTJ * 1 .... 0 cL. ct Lu t Zee- 1 0 2 oc o. 2 v, ::,.. o GLOBOROTALIA -.. et TOSAENSIS 1 , '


ii CI x'4( 0 ° a. =, tn 0. GLOBOROTALIA v) » v) —1 MARGAR/TAE Cl- ac 9 u., ..... a dr , .. 0 ' z c. _il; SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS L:i. 2 SPHA EROIDES in in 0 t.) -- oi SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS SPHAEROIDES 1 VE ô . SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS 2. SEMINULINA 2 . o

L'Z' a t2 _.- 2 ku il GLOBOROTALIA k..) MENARDII 2 2 i a co 5 SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS SUBDEHISCENS 8 .., V, , a v, o. _ .? Ô • . u.. GLOBOROTAUA Lu ..-:, - 4 SIAKENSIS 0 o a ...- 'x..6 •,-- o v.- - ‘ - oc ..1 L.... P.• 1, • .1 4 .41 4, 7 1,.



, --


1- vi _.< au' , 0 u, z z 0 .-


tn 0 .1 ce ck 0 t..) co 0 < --. GLOBOROTALIA 7:' t 0 ix TOSAENSIS ;5- 0 ;.5 oe 0 "... co 0



, , v,

5 ,,,2 GLOBOROTALIA CRASSAFORMIS --, 2 ,,..1 0 0 8 / cr c, 0 u w co < 8 PULLENIATINA 0 kr) 111 a PRIMALIS -.on w ce u 1..., 0_ a u, ...I ._ a .:( 1... 11 Z 12 ac 0 -1. m 11 *2 0er 0 j GLOBOROTALIA CRASSACROTONENSIS

tn ... PULLENIA TINA a FINALIS 0 .1 2 Z Iii ..... In 5 ii- - o ,,, '' *, a.-- a ,. ZCIC 0 w Z GLOBOQUADRINA o L.-L.' ,7, 8 ci DUTERTREI OZ . ,T., a •- co a - o 2 El.' 1 ml 8 LI( 3 oc0 GLOBOQUADRINA DUTERTREI 0 GLOBOROTALIA co . !..1 0 TOSAENSIS ce ,e 4 t2 - - - - w vn cc 4.7. • • ogiA• FE:u, PULLENIATINA ''' • OBLIQUILOCULATA X , •ct 2' •-2, Z o 0 I • 0 C5 a = •:( o_ a GLOBOROTALIA 0 5 t MARGARITAE 0 GLOBO QUADRINA HUMEROSA ac 1 CS3 6 .i ,...,:e- ::. • . '.,,?.....:-.. •;':',:t . - , .. , ... .7--- , . ,,-. f. .,„. 4e. ...1..'.-

..., SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS ;,7,5 •-•". •-••••;. 2 e Ir.., ," - LLA SPHAEROIDES 0 k.) :I a . o8 a ILI IC Q 4X ;71 0 gk GLOBO QUADRINA HUMEROSA 1.75: 0 Z' 0 co .., oc 0 v 0 _ 0 "1:* SPHAEROIDINELLOPSIS 6 :.•• i r.. SEMINULINA 0 ,... . , ,

ss l• . \ •":"-'''' ,.,-• 'i: 10 12 w 11 8 GLOBOROTALIA 0 GLOBOROTALIA ACOSTAENSIS MENARDII THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 4 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 5

Globigerinita, Candeina, and Globigerina THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 6 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 7

Globorotalia acostaensis (Blow) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 8 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

G/oboquadrina THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 9

Globo quadrina THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 10 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globoquadrina THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 11

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 12 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globorota/ia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 13

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 14 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers ---.

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 15

Globorotalia pertenuis Beard THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 16 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 17

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 18 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 19

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 20 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globorotalia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

. ^ . • •

Globorotalia crassaformis (Galloway and Wissler) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 22 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globorotalia tosaensis Takayanagi and Saito THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 23

Globorotalia tosaensis Takayanagi and Saito THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 24 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globorotalia truncatulinoides (d Orbigny) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 25

Globorotalia truncatulinoides (d'Orbigny) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 26 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globorotalia truncatulinoides (d' Orbigny) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 27

Globorotalia inflata (d'Orbigny) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 28 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers - THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 29

Pulleniatina THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 30 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Pu//en/at/na finalis Banner and Blow THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 31

Globigerinoides THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 32 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Globigerinoides extremus Bolli and Bermudez THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 33

Globigerinoides THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 34 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers

Sphaeroidinella and Sphaeroidinellopsis THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 35

Sphaeroidinellopsis THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Protozoa, Article 57, Plate 36 Lamb & Beard--Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifers
