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- Introduction to Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy in Recycling
- The Neolithic Revolution : Domestication of Plants Explained
- 2019) the Context and Nature of the Evidence for Metalworking from Mid 4Th Millennium Yali (Nissyros
- Metallurgy and the Development of Etruscan Civilisation
- A Study of Urartian Metallurgy Techniques Case Study: Urartian Bronze Weaponry in the Reza Abbasi Museum
- School of Mines & Metallurgy
- MME101 Introduction to Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
- Precious Metalsmetals
- (PM) for Beginners Petitive and Special Exclusive Today and the a People Lurgy Tant This Good Many Key Designs
- The Neolithic Copper Melting Crucibles from Switzerland
- Chalcolithic Cyprus
- Provenance of Tin in the Late Bronze Age Balkans: Preparation of Cassiterite for Sn Isotope Analysis and the Probabilistic and Spatial Analysis of Sn Isotopes
- The Basics of Metallurgy
- The Metallurgy of Some Carat Gold Jewellery Alloys
- Material Science Engineering and Steel Making/Metallurgy
- Analysis of Two Bronze Mirrors with Tin-Rich Surface Zhihui Yao1 Jiatian
- ASM Sep 2015 Beryllium Mirrors for Space Telescopes
- To Explain How the Smelting Process Was Used to Make Bronze