Material Science Engineering and Steel Making/Metallurgy

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Material Science Engineering and Steel Making/Metallurgy Material Science Engineering and Steel Making/Metallurgy Stark County High Schools 2016 Agenda What is Material Science Engineering Basics of Steel Making Steel Processing and Properties 2 What is Material Science Engineering (MSE) Wikipedia Definition of Material Science: • The discovery and design of new materials, incorporates elements of physics, chemistry, and engineering • Material scientists emphasize understanding how the history of a material (its processing) influences its structure, and thus the material's properties and performance. • Origins of materials science stem from the Enlightenment, when researchers began to use analytical thinking from chemistry, physics, and engineering to understand observations in metallurgy and mineralogy What is was like studying Material Science: • Study 3 material types: metals, polymers and ceramics • Majority of your study is focused on metals, as metals is the building block for all other materials. • Understanding structure, properties and processing of materials • Classes: chemistry, math, physics, labs, material science 3 Careers in Material Science Engineering Unlimited opportunities • Aerospace (Boeing, Nasa, Rolls-Royce) – design and material selection for aircrafts and aerospace applications • Medical Fields – design and material selection of prosthetics, joint replacements, surgical equipment • Automotive (GM, Honda) – design and material selection for all components of a vehicle • Consumer Goods (Food manufacturing) – product development, packaging material selection, processing equipment material selection • Steel Metallurgy – design of new steels, improvement of current steels, failure analysis, material processing & properties optimization 4 Metallurgy Summary Processing Structure Properties Performance 5 TimkenSteel - Overview In 1917, the steel business was established within Timken Bearing Company to address supply and quality needs TimkenSteel Corporation became an independent company in 2014 Focus in manufacturing quality steel bars and billets for critical applications Developed precise metallurgical practices and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes We are one of North America’s leading producers of large diameter and immediate-size special bar quality (SBQ) steel 6 TimkenSteel – Where Are We? TimkenSteel Headquarters Harrison Steel Plant 7 Faircrest Steel Plant Gambrinus Steel Plant Agenda What is Material Science Engineering Basics of Steel Making Steel Processing and Properties 8 Steel Making Production 1. Melting 2. Refining 3. Casting Bottom Pour = Ingots Strand Cast = Blooms 4. Forge Press Bottom Pour 5. Rolling 6. Piercing (optional) 9 Melting – Electric Arc Furnace Steel scrap is loaded into the Electric Arc Furnace In 60 minutes the scrap is melted into 175 tons of molten steel 10 Refining – Vacuum Arc Degasser (VAD) Once the molten steel reached 3000˚F the steel is poured into a ladle and transported to the refiner Alloy Addition System Vacuum Degassing System (Precise Chemistry Control) (Hydrogen Removal) Ladle Refining System Reheat System (Precise Temperature Control) Refining / Teeming Ladle 11 Casting Bottom Poured Ingots OR Continuous Casting Once refining is complete the ladle is taken to bottom pour which produces steel ingots or to the continuous caster which produces steel blooms. 12 Forge Press Some ingots and blooms go through an in-line forge press to improve centerline soundness. 13 Rolling Mill The rolling mill controls the shape and size of the steel bar 14 Piercing Reheat Pierce ElongateReduce Size Gage Mill Anneal Hot Bed Cool 15 Faircrest Steel Plant Opened in 1985 Capabilities: Located in Canton, OH, USA State-of-art large bar facility EAF - LRS - BP 28” Sq. (711mm) Ingot Finish sizes 5.5” - 16” (140mm – 406mm) rds/rcs; 11 x14-3/4 bloom cast 1,000,000+ TPY capacity 16 Harrison Steel Plant Opened in 1916 Capabilities: Located in Canton, OH, USA $100 million in upgrades EAF - LRS - bloom cast Finish sizes 1” – 7.5” (25mm – 191mm) rds/rcs; round corner squares 3.188” – 6” (81mm to 152 mm) 750,000+ TPY capacity 17 17 Gambrinus Steel Plant Opened in 1928 Capabilities: Located in Canton, OH, USA Tube making, thermal treatment, finishing, inspecting and shipping operations One of the most advanced continuous thermal treatment facilities in the world Three tube piercing mills producing products from 1.9” to 13” (48.5mm – 330mm) in diameter New intermediate finishing line advances testing quality and reduces processing times 18 Agenda What is Material Science Engineering Basics of Steel Making Steel Processing and Properties 19 Heat Treating 20 Microstructures in Steel Different heat treat recipes result in Microstructure Characteristics different structures in steel •Softest structure Spherodite (microstructures) •Good for machining •Most stable structure Pearlite • Moderately soft Different microstructures have •Good ductility different properties •Intermediate hardness and strength Bainite •Maintains ductility We can use microscopy to identify and •Very high hardness and strength Martensite •Very brittle and no ductility study the microstructure of different •Requires tempering to be useful products Martensite Pearlite Spherodite 21 Steel Properties Customers will specify property requirements based off the application Samples are cut from the steel product after heat treat and prepared for various tests Steel properties are measured by a variety of tests • Tensile Test Strength Ductility • Charpy Impact Toughness • Hardness • Jominy Test Hardenability 22 The Tensile Test Measures: • Strength How much stress a material can withstand without deforming Plastic vs elastic deformation • Ductility Materials ability to deform when under stresses Material ability to stretch Opposite of brittle Results in a stress strain curve and values for the strength and ductility 23 The Stress vs. Strain Curve Measurement of strength: Yield Strength & Ultimate Tensile Strength Measurements of ductility: Elongation & Reduction of Area Elastic Region Plastic Region Once stress is Permanently removed returns to deformed by the original shape and stress size 24 The Stress vs. Strain Curve 25 The Charpy V Notch Impact Test Measures: • Fracture toughness Measure of the amount of energy required to fracture a material that contains a crack The amount of energy required to make a crack grow Usually a reverse relationship between ductility and toughness Testing occurs at various temperatures and results in a plot that shows the toughness at different temperature, as well as the brittle to ductile transition zone 26 Charpy “V” Notch Impact Toughness Temperature ( oC) -100 -50 0 50 100 150 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 CharpyImpact Energy (Ft-lbs) 0 0 -200-150-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature (F) 27 Hardness Measures the resistance of a material to deformation due to a D constant compression load from an object Measures the dimensions of an indentation left by a specifically dimensioned and loaded indenter Types: • Brinell (1) • Rockwell B (2/3) • Rockwell C (4/5) 28 ALLOY Jominy Test - Hardenability STEEL CARBON STEEL • A measure of the ability for HARDNESS steel to harden in depth SURFACE CENTER SURFACE CROSS SECTION • Prepare a sample, heat it to hardening temperatures, cool from one end at a controlled rate Cooling Rate Hardness DECREASES DECREASES • Measure the hardness variation along the sample Cooling Rate Hardness HIGHEST HIGHEST 29 Steel Making Jominy End Quench Curve - 1045 Steel OIL Q UE NC H 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" OIL QUE NC H .4-.5 H v .4-.5 Hv 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" MILD WATE R 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" MIL D WATE R AIR Q UE NCH QUE NC H 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" QUENC H C OOL ING F F F F F F C OOLING / S / S / S /S /M /M F F F F F F R ATE 5 5° 2 5° 12° 7° 290° 2 00° R ATE 55° /S 25° /S 12° /S 7° /S 290° /M 200° /M . G 614 60 614 60 G. SS L E 484 L 50 484 50 E W WELL K 372 40 K – 3000 ARDN 372 40 SS – 3000– SS K H OC E " 283 R 30 ROCK ESS ESS 283 30 "C "C" HARDNESS "C" N RDN 230 20 230 20 A H ARD L 185 90 185 90 L L H L L E E LL IN 150 80 150 80 E IN R B W WELL 128 70 BR ARDNESS 128 70 "H 107 ROCK 60 B 107 ROCK 60 " "B" HARDNESS "B" 510 15 20 2 7 48 510 15 2 0 27 48 SIXTEENTHS FROM QUENCHED END OF JOMINY BAR SIXTEENTHS FROM QUENCHED END OF JOMINY BAR ALLOY STEEL CARBON STEEL 30 Metallurgy Summary Processing Structure Properties Performance 31 Discussion 32.
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