2000 Stainless Steels: an Introduction to Their Metallurgy and Corrosion
Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, Vol. 20, No. 7, Pages 506-517 Copyright© International Association for Food Protection, 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W, Des Moines, IA 50322 Stainless Steels: An Introduction to Their Metallurgy and Corrosion Resistance Roger A. Covert and Arthur H. Tuthill* and why they sometimes do not. In most cases, selection of the proper stainless steel leads to satisfactory performance. COMPOSITION, NOMEN- CLATURE AND GENERAL PROPERTIES Most metals are mixtures of a primary metallic element and one or more intentionally added other ele- This article has been peer-reviewed by two professionals. ments. These mixtures of elements are called alloys. Stainless steels are alloys, as are brasses (copper + zinc), bronzes (copper + tin), the many alu- INTRODUCTION better understanding of stainless minum alloys, and many other me- Worldwide, in industry, in busi- steels, especially to the non-metal- tallic materials. In general, solid ness and in the home, metals called lurgist. metals and alloys consist of randomly stainless steels are used daily. It is Industries are concerned with oriented grains that have a well-de- important to understand what these integrity of equipment and product fined crystalline structure, or lattice, materials are and why they behave purity. To achieve these, stainless within the grains. In stainless steels, the way they do. This is especially steels are often the economical and the crystalline structures within the true because the word “stainless” is practical materials of choice for pro- grains have been given names such as itself somewhat of a misnomer; these cess equipment. However, before ferrite, austenite, martensite, or a materials can stain and can corrode intelligent decisions can be made mixture of two or more of these.
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