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- L. Chandra Chandi Mendut and Pawon: a New Interpretation
- The Borobudur: a Psychology of Loving-Kindness Carved in Stone
- Vairocana 1 Vairocana
- The Zenith Passage of the Sun at Candi Borobudur Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
- Borobudur in People's Experiences
- Traditional Theatre in Southeast Asia
- Analyzing the Impact of Indian Architecture on the Architecture of Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia Sriranjani Srinivasan
- CHAPTER 6 Temple Orientation
- Dharma Journeys Retreat to Sera Je Monastery in India Where He Graduated As a Eight Verses of Thought Transformation: Geshe in 1999
- The Landscape of Borobudur Temple Compounds and Its Environment
- Candi Space and Landscape
- Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia
- Candi Space and Landscape
- Review Article
- Dharma Journeys Retreat Eight Verses of Thought Transformation: Retreat at the Great Stupa Complex at Borobudur, Indonesia with Venerable Robina Courtin
- 3D2N Jogjakarta, UNESCO Prambanan, Candi Pawon, Candi Mendut, World Wonders Borobudur Temple*
- Considerations on the Dating of the Barabu∂Ur Stūpa
- WHV– Borobudur Temple Compounds