Top View
- Hunting Range and Strategies in a Tundra Breeding Peregrine and Gyrfalcon Observed from a Helicopter
- North American Bird Bander Vol
- 215 Johansen Layout 1
- ABOUT the COVER: GYRFALCON the Largest and Most Majestic Falcon in the World, the Gyrfalcon (Falco Rusticolus) Has for Centuries
- European Red List of Birds
- Gyrfalcon Diet: Spatial and Temporal Variation
- Distribution and Color Variation of Gyrfalcons in Russia
- A Leucistic Rough-Legged Hawk in Ohio
- Gyrfalcon Falco Rusticolus Action Plan
- Lake Andes NWR Complex Bird List
- Status of the Northern Goshawk in the Midwest
- Northern Goshawk (Accipiter Gentilis)
- The Ecology of Gyrfalcons Falco Rusticolus on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Herring Gull
- Raptor Annual Survey and Inventory: the Status of Peregrine Falcons
- Largest of All Falcons, and the Most Northern Diurnal Raptor, The
- The Genus Falco (Part 2)1 by CHARLES VAURIE
- What Makes a Bird a Raptor?