Official Washington State Checklist of (updated by Washington Records Committee, Nov 2020) __Fulvous Whistling- (1905) __White-throated Swift __Long-tailed Jaeger __Nazca Booby __Tropical Kingbird __Dusky Thrush (s) __Tricolored Blackbird __Emperor __Ruby-throated Hummingbird __Common Murre __Blue-footed Booby __Western Kingbird __Redwing __Brown-headed Cowbird __Snow Goose __Black-chinned Hummingbird __Thick-billed Murre __Brown Booby __Eastern Kingbird __American Robin __Rusty Blackbird __Ross’s Goose __Anna’s Hummingbird __Pigeon Guillemot __Red-footed Booby __Scissor-tailed Flycatcher __Varied Thrush __Brewer’s Blackbird __Gr. White-fronted Goose __Costa’s Hummingbird __Long-billed Murrelet __Brandt’s Cormorant __Fork-tailed Flycatcher __Gray Catbird __Common Grackle __Taiga Bean-Goose __Calliope Hummingbird __Marbled Murrelet __Pelagic Cormorant __Olive-sided Flycatcher __Brown Thrasher __Great-tailed Grackle __Brant __Rufous Hummingbird __Kittlitz’s Murrelet __Double-crested Cormorant __Greater Pewee (s) __Sage Thrasher __Ovenbird __Cackling Goose __Allen’s Hummingbird (1894) __Scripps’s Murrelet __American White Pelican __Western Wood-Pewee __Northern Mockingbird __Northern Waterthrush __Canada Goose __Broad-tailed Hummingbird __Guadalupe Murrelet __Brown Pelican __Eastern Wood-Pewee __European Starling (I) __Golden-winged Warbler __Trumpeter Swan __Broad-billed Hummingbird __Ancient Murrelet __American Bittern __Yellow-bellied Flycatcher __Bohemian Waxwing __Blue-winged Warbler __Tundra Swan __Virginia Rail __Cassin’s Auklet __Great Blue Heron __Alder Flycatcher __Cedar Waxwing __Black-and-white Warbler __Whooper Swan __Sora __Parakeet Auklet __Great Egret __Willow Flycatcher __Phainopepla __Prothonotary Warbler __Wood Duck __American Coot __Least Auklet __Snowy Egret __Least Flycatcher __Siberian Accentor __Tennessee Warbler __Baikal Teal __Purple Gallinule __Crested Auklet __Little Blue Heron __Hammond’s Flycatcher __House Sparrow (I) __Orange-crowned Warbler __Garganey __Yellow Rail __Rhinoceros Auklet __Cattle Egret __Gray Flycatcher __Eastern Yellow Wagtail __Lucy’s Warbler __Blue-winged Teal __Sandhill Crane __Horned Puffin __Green Heron __Dusky Flycatcher __Gray Wagtail __Nashville Warbler __Cinnamon Teal __Black-necked Stilt __Tufted Puffin __Black-crowned Night-Heron __Pacific-slope Flycatcher __White Wagtail __MacGillivray’s Warbler __Northern Shoveler __American Avocet __Swallow-tailed __Yellow-crowned Night-Heron __Black Phoebe __Red-throated Pipit (s) __Mourning Warbler (s) __Gadwall __Black Oystercatcher __Black-legged Kittiwake __White Ibis __Eastern Phoebe __American Pipit __Kentucky Warbler (s) __Falcated Duck __Black-bellied Plover __Red-legged Kittiwake __Glossy Ibis __Say’s Phoebe __Brambling __Common Yellowthroat __Eurasian __American Golden-Plover __Ivory Gull __White-faced Ibis __Vermilion Flycatcher __Evening Grosbeak __Hooded Warbler __American Wigeon __Pacific Golden-Plover __Sabine’s Gull __California Condor (s) (1897) __Loggerhead Shrike __Pine Grosbeak __American Redstart __Mallard __Eurasian Dotterel __Bonaparte’s Gull __Turkey __Northern Shrike __Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch __Cape May Warbler __Northern Pintail __Killdeer __Black-headed Gull __Osprey __White-eyed Vireo (s) __House Finch __Northern Parula __Green-winged Teal __Common Ringed Plover (s) __Little Gull __White-tailed Kite __Bell’s Vireo __Purple Finch __Magnolia Warbler __Canvasback __Semipalmated Plover __Ross’s Gull __Golden Eagle __Hutton’s Vireo __Cassin’s Finch __Bay-breasted Warbler __Redhead __Piping Plover __Laughing Gull __Northern Harrier __Yellow-throated Vireo __Common __Blackburnian Warbler __Ring-necked Duck __Lesser Sand-Plover __Franklin’s Gull __Sharp-shinned Hawk __Cassin’s Vireo __Hoary Redpoll __Yellow Warbler __Tufted Duck __Wilson’s Plover __Black-tailed Gull __Cooper’s Hawk __Blue-headed Vireo __Red Crossbill __Chestnut-sided Warbler __Greater Scaup __Mountain Plover __Heermann's Gull __Northern Goshawk __Philadelphia Vireo (s) __White-winged Crossbill __Blackpoll Warbler __Lesser Scaup __Snowy Plover __Mew Gull __Bald Eagle __Warbling Vireo __Pine Siskin __Black-throated Blue Warbler __Steller’s Eider __Upland Sandpiper __Ring-billed Gull __Red-shouldered Hawk __Red-eyed Vireo __Lesser Goldfinch __Palm Warbler __King Eider __Bristle-thighed Curlew __Western Gull __Broad-winged Hawk __Canada Jay __Lawrence’s Goldfinch __Yellow-rumped Warbler __Common Eider __Whimbrel __California Gull __Swainson’s Hawk __Pinyon Jay (1967) __American Goldfinch __Yellow-throated Warbler __Harlequin Duck __Long-billed Curlew __Herring Gull __Zone-tailed Hawk __Steller’s Jay __Lapland Longspur __Prairie Warbler __Surf Scoter __Bar-tailed Godwit __Iceland Gull __Red-tailed Hawk __Blue Jay __Chestnut-collared Longspur __Black-throated Gray Warbler __White-winged Scoter __Hudsonian Godwit __Lesser Black-backed Gull __Rough-legged Hawk __California Scrub-Jay __Smith’s Longspur __Townsend’s Warbler __Black Scoter __Marbled Godwit __Slaty-backed Gull __Ferruginous Hawk __Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay __McCown’s Longspur (s) __Hermit Warbler __Long-tailed Duck __Ruddy Turnstone __Glaucous-winged Gull __Barn Owl __Clark’s Nutcracker __Snow Bunting __Black-throated Green Warbler __Bufflehead __Black Turnstone __Glaucous Gull __Flammulated Owl __Black-billed Magpie __McKay’s Bunting __Canada Warbler __Common __Red Knot __Great Black-backed Gull __Western Screech-Owl __American Crow __Little Bunting __Wilson’s Warbler __Barrow’s Goldeneye __Surfbird __Least Tern __Great Horned Owl __Common Raven __Rustic Bunting __Painted Redstart __Smew __Ruff __Caspian Tern __Snowy Owl __Eurasian Skylark (I) __Grasshopper Sparrow __Summer Tanager __Hooded Merganser __Sharp-tailed Sandpiper __Black Tern __Northern Hawk Owl __Horned Lark __Black-throated Sparrow __Scarlet Tanager __Common Merganser __Stilt Sandpiper __Common Tern __Northern Pygmy-Owl __Bank Swallow __Lark Sparrow __Western Tanager __Red-breasted Merganser __Curlew Sandpiper __Arctic Tern __Burrowing Owl __Tree Swallow __Lark Bunting __Rose-breasted Grosbeak __Ruddy Duck __Temminck's Stint __Forster’s Tern __Spotted Owl __Violet-green Swallow __Chipping Sparrow __Black-headed Grosbeak __Mountain Quail __Red-necked Stint __Elegant Tern __Barred Owl __N. Rough-winged Swallow __Clay-colored Sparrow __Blue Grosbeak __Northern Bobwhite (I) __Sanderling __Red-billed Tropicbird (1941) __Great Gray Owl __Purple Martin __Field Sparrow __Lazuli Bunting __California Quail (I) __Dunlin __Red-throated __Long-eared Owl __Barn Swallow __Brewer’s Sparrow __Indigo Bunting __Wild Turkey (I) __Rock Sandpiper __Arctic Loon __Short-eared Owl __Cliff Swallow __Fox Sparrow __Painted Bunting __Ruffed Grouse __Baird’s Sandpiper __Pacific Loon __Boreal Owl __Black-capped Chickadee __American Tree Sparrow __Dickcissel __Spruce Grouse __Little Stint __Common Loon __Northern Saw-whet Owl __Mountain Chickadee __Dark-eyed Junco __White-tailed Ptarmigan __Least Sandpiper __Yellow-billed Loon __Belted Kingfisher __Chestnut-backed Chickadee __White-crowned Sparrow __Greater Sage-Grouse __White-rumped Sandpiper __White-capped Albatross __Lewis’s __Boreal Chickadee __Golden-crowned Sparrow KEY __Dusky Grouse __Buff-breasted Sandpiper __Laysan Albatross __Acorn Woodpecker __Bushtit __Harris’s Sparrow (I) — Introduced species __Sooty Grouse __Pectoral Sandpiper __Black-footed Albatross __Williamson’s Sapsucker __Red-breasted Nuthatch __White-throated Sparrow (s) — Sight record __Sharp-tailed Grouse __Semipalmated Sandpiper __Short-tailed Albatross __Yellow-bellied Sapsucker __White-breasted Nuthatch __Sagebrush Sparrow Italicized species are review species. __Gray Partridge (I) __Western Sandpiper __Wilson’s Storm-Petrel __Red-naped Sapsucker __Pygmy Nuthatch __Vesper Sparrow Dates in parentheses indicate date of __Ring-necked Pheasant (I) __Short-billed Dowitcher __Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel __Red-breasted Sapsucker __Brown Creeper __LeConte’s Sparrow last record. __Chukar (I) __Long-billed Dowitcher __Leach’s Storm-Petrel __Am. Three-toed Woodpecker __Rock Wren __Nelson’s Sparrow (s) __Pied-billed Grebe __Jack Snipe (s) __Ashy Storm-Petrel __Black-backed Woodpecker __Canyon Wren __Savannah Sparrow __Horned Grebe __Wilson's Snipe __Northern Giant-Petrel __Downy Woodpecker __House Wren __Song Sparrow __Red-necked Grebe __Spotted Sandpiper __Northern Fulmar __Hairy Woodpecker __Pacific Wren __Lincoln’s Sparrow __Eared Grebe __Solitary Sandpiper __Providence Petrel __White-headed Woodpecker __Marsh Wren __Swamp Sparrow __Western Grebe __Gray-tailed Tattler __Murphy’s Petrel __Northern Flicker __Bewick’s Wren __Green-tailed Towhee __Clark’s Grebe __Wandering Tattler __Mottled Petrel __Pileated Woodpecker __Blue-gray Gnatcatcher __Spotted Towhee __Rock Pigeon (I) __Lesser Yellowlegs __Hawaiian Petrel __Crested Caracara __American Dipper __Yellow-breasted Chat Washington State Checklist: __Band-tailed Pigeon __Willet __Cook’s Petrel __Eurasian Kestrel __Golden-crowned Kinglet __Yellow-headed Blackbird 520 species total, including __Eurasian Collared-Dove (I) __Spotted Redshank (s) __Wedge-tailed Shearwater __American Kestrel __Ruby-crowned Kinglet __Bobolink 507 species fully accredited (supported by __White-winged Dove __Greater Yellowlegs __Buller’s Shearwater __Merlin __Red-flanked Bluetail __Eastern Meadowlark specimen, photograph, or recording) and 13 species which are sight-only records __Mourning Dove __Wood Sandpiper __Short-tailed Shearwater __Eurasian Hobby __Northern Wheatear __Western Meadowlark (supported only by written documentation). __Yellow-billed Cuckoo __Wilson’s Phalarope __Sooty Shearwater __Gyrfalcon __Western Bluebird __Orchard Oriole __Black-billed Cuckoo __Red-necked Phalarope __Great Shearwater __Peregrine __Mountain Bluebird __Hooded Oriole For more information on the __Common Nighthawk __Red Phalarope __Pink-footed Shearwater __Prairie Falcon __Townsend’s Solitaire __Bullock’s Oriole Washington Bird Records Committee, __Common Poorwill __South Polar Skua __Flesh-footed Shearwater __Dusky-capped Flycatcher __Veery __Baltimore Oriole see: __Black Swift __Pomarine Jaeger __Manx Shearwater __Ash-throated Flycatcher __Swainson’s Thrush __Scott’s Oriole __Vaux’s Swift __Parasitic Jaeger __Magnificent Frigatebird __Variegated Flycatcher __Hermit Thrush __Red-winged Blackbird