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- Pathways of Serine and Glycine Metabolism in Primary Culture of Ovine Fetal Hepatocytes
- Abstract AMINO ACID CONTENT of BEEF, CHICKEN and TURKEY BONE BROTH M.H. Shaw* and N.E. Flynn† Department of Chemistry and Phys
- The Alanine World Model for the Development of the Amino Acid Repertoire in Protein Biosynthesis
- A Novel Proline, Glycine: K+ Symporter in Midgut Brush-Border Membrane Vesicles from Larval Manduca Sexta
- Action of Sodium Hypochlorite on A-Amino Acids
- Exogenous Nitric Oxide (NO) Application Reprograms Soybean (Glycine Max L.) to Improved Growth and Flooding Stress Tolerance
- Chapter 100: Ethanol Abuse, Dependence, and Withdrawal 1427
- ALCOHOL and GLUTAMATE Biological Psychiatry 36(6):395Ð421, 1994B
- A Possible Role for Sarcosine in the Management of Schizophrenia
- Neuroprotective Offerings by Agmatine
- Effects of Sarcosine and N, N-Dimethylglycine on NMDA
- Impact of Nitrogen Compounds on Fungal and Bacterial Contributions to Codenitrifcation in a Pasture Soil Received: 2 November 2018 David Rex 1,2, Timothy J
- Appendix a - Product Name Index
- Production of Similar Fragments from the Glycine, Alanine, and Methionine Amino Acid Molecules Under Low-Energy Electron Impact L.G
- Safety of Vaginal Estrogens: a Systematic Review Supplemental
- Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Open Label Sarcosine Added on to Anti-Psychotic Treatment in Schizophrenia – Preliminary Study
- Detoxification of Benzoic Acid in Workers Exposed to Toluene Using Food Rich in Glycine