George Orwell
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- Who's and Whose Orwell?
- Orwell-1949 Nineteen Eighty Four
- George Orwell and the Classics
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- A Biography of George Orwell
- Revisiting Spanish Memory: George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia
- George Orwell and the Incoherence of Democratic Socialism
- Animal Farm Unit Packet
- George Orwell As a Public Choice Economist
- The Unsung Artistry of George Orwell: the Novels from Burmese Days to Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Kelley Eyre, a Recent Graduate of Eastern Illinois University with Teacher Certification in Social Science, Wrote This Paper for Dr
- George Orwell
- Englishness and Patriotism in the Writings of George Orwell
- George Orwell's Critical Reception
- How Orwellian Anti-Fascism Expectations in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Peter Carey's the Fat Man in History Relate in This Day and Age?
- George Orwell Collection Date Range: 1929 - 1991
- A Study of George Orwell's Purpose in Writing Ruth Anne Kurani Nuwayser
- The Influence of the Spanish Civil War on George Orwell and His Novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four (Bakalářská Práce)