The Humanism of George Orwell
THE HUMANISM OF GEORGE ORWELL APPROVED: ets^L Major Professor 3 (\ A svi JLGtCx, Minor(Professor irector of the DeparttffeprfT'oi History- Dean of the Graduate School />/A*' , Hale, Jeffrey Lee , The Humanism of George Orwell* Master of Arts (History), December, 1971, 107 pp., bibliography, 19 titles. This paper argues that George Orwell was a myth maker in the twentieth century, an age of existential perplexities. Orwell recognized that man is innately "patriotic," that the will-to-believe is part of his nature, but that the excesses of scientific analysis have disrupted the absolutes of belief. Through the Organic Metaphor, Orwell attempted to reconstruct man's faith into an aesthetic, and consequently moral, sensi- bility. Proposing to balance, and not replace, the Mechanistic Metaphor of industrial society, Orwell sought human progress along aesthetic lines, "Socialism" was his political expres- sion of the Organic Metaphor: both advocated universal integ- rity in time and space. The sources are all primary. All of Orwell's novels were used, in addition to three essay collections: Collected Essays; The Orwell Reader; and The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus, editors, four volumes„ Orwell's essays and book reviews contain his best social criticisms. There are six chapters. The first chapter is the intro- duction, which includes a biographical sketch of Orwell, defi- nitions of the Organic and Mechanistic Metaphors, and a comment on the bibliography. The second chapter examines the oppression of the common man by monopolistic capitalism in colonial Burma and depression-ridden Europe, and Orwell's socialist advoca- tions.
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