Felix Auerbach
Top View
- The Bauhaus Wall Painting Workshop: Mural Painting to Wallpapering, Art to Product
- Mural Painting to Wallpapering, Art to Product Morgan Ridler Graduate Center, City University of New York
- Die Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung – Eingerichtet Von Ernst Abbe
- The Interrelation Between Mathematics and Physics at the Universities Jena, Halle-Wittenberg and Leipzig – a Comparison
- Angela Breidbach: Dokumentation Zum "Haus Der Erinnerung"
- Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- 481221 1 En Bookbackmatter 379..403
- Ernst Abbe's Scientific Management: Theoretical Insights from a 19Th Century Dynamic Capabilities Approach