Top View
- Flora and Fauna Assessment of Part of Lot 4 Dp 771597 & Portion 4 Off Leo Drive, Narrawallee December 2006 (Ref: 6266F)
- A Pocket Guide to the Bats of the Burnett Mary
- Tasmanian Bat Ecology: Conservation of Native Fauna
- Bats of Tasmania
- Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Glischropus)
- Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation on Microbats Across an Urban-Rural Landscape
- Survey Guidelines for Australia's Threatened Bats
- Effects of Repeated Low-Intensity Fire on Insectivorous Bat Populations of a Mixed Eucalypt Foothill Forest in South-Eastern Australia
- Bat Conservation 2019
- Identifying Bats Identifying Bats
- Small Mammals of the City of Whittlesea
- Approved Conservation Advice (Incorporating Listing Advice) for the Illawarra and South Coast Lowland Forest and Woodland Ecological Community
- Wilpinjong Coal Project
- The Response of Insectivorous Bat Activity to Disturbance from Logging and Habitat Differences in the Kioloa State Forest
- A Phylogenetic Supertree of the Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
- Roost-Boxes As a Tool in the Conservation of Tree Roosting Microbats
- An Interim Guide to Identification of Insectivorous Bats of South-Eastern Australia
- A Key to the Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of South Asia C