The IUCN Red List of Threatened ™ ISSN 2307-8235 (online) IUCN 2008: T17351A22127490

Falsistrellus mordax, Pungent Pipistrelle

Assessment by: Görföl, T., Kingston, T., Suyanto, A. & Hutson, A.M.

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Citation: Görföl, T., Kingston, T., Suyanto, A. & Hutson, A.M. 2016. Falsistrellus mordax. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T17351A22127490.

Copyright: © 2016 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species Programme, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership. The IUCN Red List Partners are: Arizona State University; BirdLife International; Botanic Gardens Conservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.

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Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family

Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera

Taxon Name: Falsistrellus mordax (Peters, 1866)

Synonym(s): • mordax (Peters, 1866)

Common Name(s): • English: Pungent Pipistrelle Taxonomic Notes: The Chinese record is likely based on a specimen in the American Museum of Natural History (44565), which is actually F. affinis. Otherwise, the species is known only from Java, Indonesia. However, its taxonomic affinity to affinis and petersi needs a review. Assessment Information

Red List Category & Criteria: Data Deficient ver 3.1

Year Published: 2016

Date Assessed: December 24, 2015

Justification: This species is assessed as Data Deficient as there is little known of the species' range, population abundance, ecology and threats.

Previously Published Red List Assessments 2008 – Data Deficient (DD) –

1996 – Lower Risk/near threatened (LR/nt)

Geographic Range

Range Description: This species is known only from Java, Indonesia, but was incorrectly included in the fauna of China based on Wang (2003), who listed it from Yingjiang, Yunnan.

Country Occurrence: Native: Indonesia (Jawa)

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Falsistrellus mordax – published in 2016. 1 Distribution Map Falsistrellus mordax

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Falsistrellus mordax – published in 2016. 2 Population The abundance and population size of this species are not known. Current Population Trend: Unknown

Habitat and Ecology (see Appendix for additional information) Nothing is known about the natural history of this species.

Systems: Terrestrial

Threats The threats to this species are not known, but if it is dependent on primary forest then deforestation will be a major threat.

Conservation Actions (see Appendix for additional information) It is not known if the species is present in any protected areas. Further studies are needed into the distribution, abundance, ecology, and threats to this species, as it may well be declining, especially if reliant on primary habitat. Credits

Assessor(s): Görföl, T., Kingston, T., Suyanto, A. & Hutson, A.M.

Reviewer(s): Piraccini, R.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Falsistrellus mordax – published in 2016. 3 Bibliography Corbet, G.B. and Hill, J.E. 1992. of the Indo-Malayan Region: a Systematic Review. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

IUCN. 2016. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-2. Available at: (Accessed: 04 September 2016).

Pacifici, M., Santini, L., Di Marco, M., Baisero, D., Francucci, L., Grottolo Marasini, G., Visconti, P. and Rondinini, C. 2013. Generation length for mammals. Nature Conservation 5: 87–94.

Smith, A.T., Yan Xie, Hoffman, R., Lunde, D., MacKinnon, J., Wilson, D.E. and Wozencraft, W.C. 2008. A Guide to the Mammals of China. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Wang, Y.X. 2003. A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies in China (A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference). China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, China.

Citation Görföl, T., Kingston, T., Suyanto, A. & Hutson, A.M. 2016. Falsistrellus mordax. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T17351A22127490. 2.RLTS.T17351A22127490.en

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External Resources For Images and External Links to Additional Information, please see the Red List website.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Falsistrellus mordax – published in 2016. 4 Appendix

Habitats (

Major Season Suitability Habitat Importance? 0. Root -> 18. Unknown - Suitable -

Conservation Actions in Place (

Conservation Actions in Place In-Place Land/Water Protection and Management

Occur in at least one PA: Unknown

Research Needed (

Research Needed 1. Research -> 1.1. Taxonomy

1. Research -> 1.2. Population size, distribution & trends

1. Research -> 1.3. Life history & ecology

1. Research -> 1.5. Threats

Additional Data Fields

Distribution Estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) (km²): 1841331

Population Population severely fragmented: No

Habitats and Ecology Generation Length (years): 5.6

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Falsistrellus mordax – published in 2016. 5 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ ISSN 2307-8235 (online) IUCN 2008: T17351A22127490

The IUCN Red List Partnership

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species Programme, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership.

The IUCN Red List Partners are: Arizona State University; BirdLife International; Botanic Gardens Conservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.


© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Falsistrellus mordax – published in 2016. 6