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- A Few of Our Favorite Places; an Environmental and Geological Excursion in Chautauqua County
- Character Type C: Escarpment
- Arizona Revised Statutes
- Glacial Geology of Lake County, Ohio
- Map of Ohio Karst Areas
- Florida's Geological History1
- Geochemical Signatures of Stream Capture in the Retreating Blue Ridge Escarpment, Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Taylor Joyal, Ron Griffiths, and Colin Ferguson* the Area's Stream
- The Geologic Interpretation of Scenic Features in Ohio1
- A Helderberg Escarpment Tour at John Boyd Thatcher State Park, New York
- Qae7258 Mt Bonnell
- Waco, Texas 1991 a Television Production of the Baylor University Institute for Oral History
- Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia Lower and Has Less Relief and Contains Different Rocks and Soils Than 45D
- The Coteau Du Missouri : a Regional Study
- How Did Rocks and Rivers Shape the Great Lakes?
- Blue Ridge Ecoregion Terrestrial Habitats
- Geology and Evolution of the Blue Ridge Escarpment Along the Toxaway River in Northwestern South Carolina and Adjacent North Carolina Egan G
- Investigation of the Geology and Hydrology of the Mogollon Highlands of Central Arizona: a Project of the Arizona Rural Watershed Initiative