Dama (genus)
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- Prevalence of Leptospiral Antibodies in the Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Population of Croatia
- Some Traits of Fallow Deer and Wild Boar Meat As Affected by Hunting Withdrawal: First Results
- Abomasal Parasites in Wild Sympatric Cervids, Red Deer, Cervus Elaphus
- DAMA GAZELLE RADIO COLLAR STUDY Mungall, P. 1 Home Range Size Proposal, March 2012
- Sarcoptic Mange of Fox Origin in Multiple Farm Animals
- Feeding Habits and Trophic Niche Overlap Between Sympatric Golden Jackal (Canis Aureus) and Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) in the Pannonian Ecoregion (Hungary)
- Genetic Variability, Allelic Loss and Hybridization Signals
- British Fallow Deer
- Species Profile for Fallow Deer
- Feral Fallow Deer Dama Dama
- Zeitschrift Für Säugetierkunde)
- Quality of Main Types of Hunted Red Deer Meat Obtained in Spain
- Fallow Deer (Dama Dama Dama) Management in Roman South‐East Britain
- A Lethal Interaction Between Two Female Roe Deer
- Zeitschrift Für Säugetierkunde
- DEER FACTS – FALLOW DEER the Deer Industry Association of Australia
- Rupicapra Pyrenaica Ornata
- Reproduction of Wild Boar in a Cropland and Coastal Wetland Area: Implications for Management