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- Ethnicity, Tribalism and Racism: a Global Challenge for the Christian Church and Its Mission
- No Redress: Somalia's Forgotten Minorities
- Dynamics of Inter-Clan Conflict Between the Degodia...Pdf
- Somalia's Forgotten Minorities
- Ojibwe Clan System Positive Attributes of Self, Fami- Ly, Classmates, School Staff and Community Members
- Factors Influencing Inter-Clan Conflict in Northern Kenya: a Case of Wajir
- Evolution of Kinship Structures Driven by Marriage Tie and Competition
- Iroquois Clan System Clans of the Oneida People
- Action Sheet 4
- Race and Ethnicity
- Policing on American Indian Reservations
- Standards for Race-Based and Indigenous Identity Data Collection
- Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls
- Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge with Modern Day Ecosystem Management and Restoration Practices Leialani O
- The Prairie Fire That Burned Mogadishu: the Logic of Clan Formation in Somalia
- REVIEW Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of Japan’S Racial Equality Proposal: Remaking the International Order After the WWI
- 'Culture'?: Emergence and Transformations of Metacultural
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