British Malaya
Top View
- The British Legacy
- The Early Days of Public Relations in British Malaya Winning the Hearts
- Colonial Construction of Malayness: the Influence of Population Size and Composition
- The Case for British Colonialism in Malaya by S.G. Cheah Academics
- Imperialism and Identity in British Colonial Naval Culture, 1930S to Decolonialisation
- Tropical Polities Competing on the World Market 1830-1938
- The Structure of Government in the Colonial Federation of Malaya
- The Contested Development of Nationalism in Colonial Malaya (1930 – 1955)
- The Battle of Malaya: the Japanese Invasion of Malaya As a Case Study for the Re-Evaluation of Imperial Japanese Army Intelligence Effectiveness During World War II
- Download File
- Aftermath of the Pacific War
- BRITAIN's COLONIES in the WAR Search Committee Under Lord Hailey
- The Old and New Malaya of Colonial Days and Its Continuity Into Modern Day Malaysia
- Malaysia-Blurb-Cpp 21/9/04 9:00 AM Page 1
- Representing the British Colonial Experience in Malaysia 1895-1940
- The Colonial City and Naval Base of Singapore in Anglo-American Travel and World Affairs Writing, 1900-1942
- 3. from Malay Nationalism to a Malaysian Nation?